Chad's Anger Management Training Chapter 24 by Chadlad copyright 2006 by Chadlad, all rights reserved * * * * * This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story. * * * * * Chapter 24: Chad's Evening with Tommy Chad was almost whistling as he started home, but the closer he got to his house, the less cheerful he became. The Joey thing had worked out okay, and Zoey had made him more excited than he'd ever been in his life, but now it was 5:30 and he was going to have to spend the evening under the control of his brother Tommy. And Tommy was enjoying entirely too much his new role as Chad's disciplinarian. It was with a heavy heart that he used his key to open the front door and let himself in. What he wanted most to do was lock himself in the bathroom and masturbate while thinking about Zoey sucking his wiener, but Tommy must have been listening for his arrival, because he burst into the hall, all smiles. "Good, you're here. Mom left me a bunch of instructions for you," Tommy said as soon as Chad entered. "We've got to get right to them if we're going to have time." "Instructions like what?" Chad asked, anxiety filling him at the nasty possibilities that could be in store. "Let me see 'em." Tommy waved a piece of paper in his hand. "Nothing doing, big brother. The first thing is says is that you can't look at the instructions, and if you try to look at them she'll paddle you when she gets home. I'm supposed to tell you what they are one at a time, to keep you wondering what's next. So the first thing is that Mom says you have to take off all your clothes as soon as you enter the hallway, even you socks and your neck chain. So come on, strip." Chad glumly stripped off his clothes, not at all surprised at this order. In moments he was standing beside a pile of clothing, his little genitals again on display for his brother's critical gaze. "I keep forgetting how small you are, big brother," Tommy said, grinning. "How do you find that thing to pee?" Chad looked down. His penis was trying to crawl into his body again. He wished it wouldn't do that every time someone was looking at it! It made him feel like such a little kid. "Now you have to go to the kitchen and do your homework," Tommy said, consulting the sheet of paper. "I don't have much homework," Chad said. "I'm just supposed to study an hour for the big science test." "Let's go, then," Tommy said. He walked into the kitchen with Chad. Chad froze when he entered the kitchen door. He'd forgotten about the stool! There it sat, in position alongside the table, the peg glistening with lotion, all ready for him to slide on. "Do I have to use that?" Chad said, pointing at the stool. "Can't I just stand up?" he pleaded. "Nope," Tommy said, looking righteous. "Here, I'll read it to you. 'As soon as he's undressed, have Chad do his homework in the kitchen. Make him use his stool in the proper fashion. Put lotion on the peg beforehand, but don't tell Chad which lotion you used.'" Tommy closed the note. "Of course, it told me which lotion to use, but you just have to guess. Now sit down on the stool and study." Chad looked at the peg with distaste. What was on it the lotion that had been used that morning? That had almost fried his insides his poo place had burned almost all the way to school! Or was it just a gentle hand lotion that would ease his slide onto the peg but not burn him? Chad straddled the stool, reaching back gingerly to spread his buns apart, while Tommy watched his face closely. It wasn't just that it was uncomfortable and mildly painful to feel the peg going up him it was humiliating to have to spread his buns and gingerly impale himself while his brother watched, smirking. Chad lowered himself toward the peg slowly, until he could feel the peg pressing between his buns, then adjusted himself until it was gently pressing his poo hole. This would be the first time he'd sat on the stool on his own rather than being forced on it. Taking a deep breath, he began lowering himself. The peg pressed uncomfortably against his hole, and resisted going in to start with. He pushed a bit harder, but that just made it hurt more. Suddenly it occurred to him to try to push out like he was trying to poo himself, and his hole relaxed easily and the end of the peg slipped in. Then it was just a matter of gently easing himself onto the gradually widening peg, until his butt contacted the chair and he could settle on it and release his grip on the chair. The peg filled him uncomfortably, feeling again like a big poo that wouldn't come out. He shifted but couldn't find a comfortable position. He was glad only Tommy was there to watch. Tommy watched with fascination from one side as his brother impaled himself. He leaned over to watch as the peg entered Chad, then he straightened up to watch Chad's face as his older brother allowed the peg to slide more deeply into him. When Chad was settled on his bottom and shifting about trying to avoid the stretching discomfort, Tommy obligingly handed Chad his science book. "Now you stay here and study for an hour," he said. I'm supposed to put a frozen pizza in the oven so that it's done when you finish, so I'll turn the oven on in half an hour. Meanwhile, I've got stuff to do. Mom says to paddle you if you leave the stool without permission." Tommy left the room. Chad settled down to studying, uncomfortably aware of the peg up his butt and his complete nudity in a relatively open place. He hoped no one would come to the kitchen door. His little penis had erected itself as soon as the peg filled him, throbbing uncomfortably between his legs. He tried to ignore it and focus on his book. He ached to touch it, but touching himself was a no-no, and an orgasm while on the stool would probably hurt. He realized his mind was wandering. He needed to study! They'd probably extend his punishment if he failed the test! He wondered if the lotion on the peg was the burning variety or not. He'd know in a minute if it was. He focused on his rectum, but could feel nothing but pressure. After several minutes, he finally decided that the peg was coated with ordinary lotion, and breathed a bit easier. The hour passed slowly. He could hear Tommy watching TV, but the volume was too low to make out what he was watching. He studied whenever he could focus his mind. His poo hole was uncomfortably stretched and aching, and the place his butt contacted the hard chair ached from his previous spankings. After half an hour Tommy breezed in to warm up the oven and put the pizza in it. "How's your butt hole feel, big brother?" he asked conversationally. "Stretched," Chad said honestly. "And full." "You should be glad it doesn't burn," Tommy replied. "Mom said I could choose which lotion to use, so you should be grateful." Chad reached between his legs to readjust his still erect member, finding it trapped against a thigh. Tommy noticed his movement. "Remember, Mom also said you're not allowed to play with yourself while you're still in diapers at school. She said you can adjust your wiener or scratch your balls, but you can't play with 'em. I'm supposed to paddle you if you do. And there's no touching yourself in bed, either." He chided. "I know!" Chad said impatiently, immediately returning his hand to the table. "I just had to readjust!" Tommy nodded. "Just make sure that's all you do," he said with a hint of threat in his voice. He left the kitchen to get back to his TV program. Before Chad realized it, half an hour had gone by, and Tommy was back getting hot pizza out of the oven. He'd actually focused on his science for the whole time. He might actually be ready for the test. He realized his poo hole was aching and burning uncomfortably. He also realized that he felt an urgent need arising from fullness above the peg. He realized his bladder was full, too. Tommy put plates and glasses on the table. "Okay, big brother. You can stop studying and eat now. But Mom says you have to stay on the stool until you're done," he said, opening the refrigerator and reaching for the milk. Chad put the book aside. "Uh, Tommy ." He said, trailing off. "Yes, Chad," Tommy said pleasantly, putting the milk carton on the table. "Uh, I have to go you know, to the bathroom," Chad said. "Mom says you can't leave the stool until after you eat," Tommy said firmly. "But I really have to go!" Chad said. Tommy consulted his sheet of paper. "Here it is," he finally said. He quoted from the paper. "If Chad has to pee at some point when he's on the stool, give him the jar on the counter to pee into, and have him empty it and wash it out when his stool time is over. If he has to poo, tell him that the peg will hold the poo in until his stool time is over, and then he can go immediately to the bathroom." He looked at Chad. "So which is it?" he asked. "I have to do both," Chad admitted. Tommy handed him the jar. "It's too bad about the poo," he said, "You'll just have to be full until you're done. "But you're supposed to pee in this." Feeling exposed but really needing to go, Chad held the jar down between his legs with one hand and aimed his penis with the other. He discovered very quickly that it felt really strange to pee with a peg up your butt! Relaxing his urinary sphincter caused his anal sphincter to grip the peg more tightly, increasing the poo urge and the discomfort. Grimacing, he managed to empty his bladder into the jar, but the last few drops landed on his thighs rather than into it. He set the partially filled jar on the table as far from him and Tommy as he could reach. Thereafter, their meal was uneventful. They consumed the entire pizza between them, then Chad had to watch as Tommy consumed cookies that he was not allowed to have, Tommy insisting that Chad watching while he ate them was in the instructions. Finally Tommy told him he could leave the stool, and Chad gingerly eased off of the peg, his anus complaining as he fought to force it shut and avoid pooing on the floor as he got off. Holding his butt shut with both hands, he ran to the hall bathroom, his little hard penis flopping back and forth as he ran. He plunked on the toilet with relief and emptied himself, then wiped and flushed. Standing, he checked his butt out in the mirror, spreading his cheeks wide to look at his aching poo hole. It looked a bit redder than normal, but wasn't nearly as irritated looking as Efram's had been. In fact, it looked surprisingly normal for having been spread wide by a peg for more than an hour. He walked back to the kitchen a little bow-legged and picked up the jar, taking it to the bathroom and dumping it, then washing it out in the sink. Afterward, he helped Tommy clean up the kitchen. "Now what?" he asked. It was now about 7:30. "Now you have to do chores for an hour, because you're being punished," Tommy said, referring to his list. "You get to choose the chore you do. You can clean the leaves and stuff out of the swimming pool and wash off the patio, you can mow the front lawn, or you can sweep the front porch, wash it off, and clean the windows that face the porch." "I get my clothes back when I do chores, right?" Chad asked. "Let me read it to you," Tommy said, with barely suppressed glee. He referred to the paper. "If Chad decides he wants to skim the pool, he must remain naked. If he decides to mow the front lawn, he must wear socks and shoes to protect his feet, and he may wear the athletic supporter that is in the bag on the kitchen counter. If he decides to clean the porch and porch windows, he may wear the athletic supporter, but no shoes or socks." Tommy folded the note with authority and put it back in his pocket. He fished the bag off the counter and reached in it, holding up a standard athletic supporter for Chad's inspection. The supporter consisted of a small pouch, a waistband, and two elastic straps joining the pouch to the waistband. It was obviously sized for a little boy, and would barely cover his genitals in front. Of course, it would not cover his butt at all, and from the back he might as well be naked, Chad realized. "So if I clean the pool and the patio, I have to be in the back yard naked, but if I clean the porch or the front yard, I have to be practically naked," Chad summarized. "Great choices." "Hey, if you mow or clean the porch, people can see your butt, but at least your wiener is covered up," Tommy said optimistically. "But there's less chance of anyone seeing you in the back." Chad looked at the strap distastefully. They were asking him if he wanted to be shot or hanged again, he thought. If he chose to clean the pool and patio, he'd be butt naked with his wiener hanging out where anyone looking over the wall or coming into the back yard would see him. If he chose either of the other two, his wiener and balls would be covered, but he'd be in front where other kids would definitely see him. If he got a boner or the strap slipped, they'd see everything. And he knew word would spread quickly if he was in the front yard, until every kid in the neighborhood would be there looking at his bare butt and his barely covered privates. "What if I don't do any of them?" he finally said. As Tommy started to open his mouth, Chad stopped him. "I know, I know. I get my butt paddled when Mom gets home, and then she makes me do them anyway." "You got it, big brother. Except you left out that she makes you do all of them naked in that case. Now what's it gonna be in the front yard with your little butt hanging out, or in the back with everything hanging out?" "I'll do the pool and patio, I guess," Chad said. "Let's get this over with." Tommy walked out to the back with Chad, carrying a comic book. He plunked down on a lounge chair and proceeded to ignore his big brother. It felt weird being naked outside. Chad was all too aware of the feel of the light breeze on his bottom and genitals. He felt small and vulnerable. Chad went to the pool shed and picked up the pool skimmer and started removing leaves from the pool. Tommy looked up and watched him for awhile, thinking how funny his brother looked bending over to capture leaves, his small sack visible every time his butt spread apart as he leaned over. Too bad no one else was here to see this show, he thought. He'd thought about calling Jesse, or better yet one of the girls from his class, but his Mom's letter was clear on that issue he wasn't to invite anyone over while he and Chad were home alone. That was a standard rule, and had not changed in this case. On the other hand, if someone happened to drop by, that would be a different story. Mom was okay with people dropping in, she just didn't think he ought to be inviting people. It would be cool if someone dropped in, though! Especially if it was a girl! He could just imagine Chad's humiliation then. As if in answer to his thoughts, he heard a female voice in the runway beside the house. "Hello? Anybody home?" Chad and Tommy's heads both swiveled to the gate, Chad showing an expression of dismay, Tommy of anticipation. Serena Cay's head popped over the gate. "Oh, hi Tommy. I wasn't sure if you were home. I knocked, but when no one answered, I came back here ." She paused, having suddenly noticed Chad, who was standing dumbfounded holding the pool skimmer. As he was currently on the far side of the pool, Chad was facing her, his bare genitals on display. Serena looked at Chad in surprise. She was Tommy's age, an only child of a single mother who lived down the street. In appearance, she was an attractive light-skinned African- American girl with a pretty face and medium build. She was in the middle stages of puberty, and thus had the beginnings of breasts, a fact that Tommy found fascinating at times. She often dropped by to borrow things for her mother or to pass the time with Tommy. She clearly liked Tommy's company, and probably had a reasonably strong crush on him. Her hair was naturally dark brown, and her eyes were dark brown and had a tendency to dance when she was excited. They were certainly dancing now. Chad froze, and then realized belatedly that he should have looked for something to hide behind. He lifted the skimmer and tried to hold it over his crotch, but his genitals were still partially visible through the mesh. Tommy turned to Serena. "Don't mind Chad," he said. "He's being punished for hitting a kid in school. He gave the kid a confession." "You mean a concussion," Serena said automatically. "Yeah, that. I always get it wrong," Tommy said. "Anyway, Mom wants him to learn to control his anger, so he has to obey me for the whole week. She makes him be naked because she says it makes him feel smaller and less mature, and that's supposed to remind him that he can't push other people around. He's wearing diapers in school, too, because he got a big spanking in class and peed on the teacher while he was being spanked," he added helpfully. Chad looked for something to hide behind, wishing Tommy would shut up. But his brother continued on merrily telling Chad's story. "He got paddled in school yesterday, too, and then we all paddled him bare butt last night! And if he doesn't obey me, he gets paddled again." He turned to Chad. "Chad, Mom's note says that you can't stop during chore time for anything, not even to pee. If you have to pee, you're supposed to pee on the lawn. So get back to work." Chad had moved and was now hiding behind a lawn chair. "Tommy," he said pleadingly. "Please make her go away. I don't want her to see me naked." "Too late she already has," Tommy said. "Besides," Chad said, still pleading. "Mom doesn't like us having people over when we're alone. "Let me check Mom's note," Tommy said, pulling the paper out of his pocket. He scanned it slowly, finally looking up at Chad again. "It says don't invite anyone over tonight, but it doesn't say anything about not letting people in who come to visit. So she can stay. Now you have to go back to work." "Maybe I'd better go," Serena said tentatively. "I just came over because there was nothing good on TV and I thought you might be free and " "No, don't go," Tommy said. "Chad can get back to work, and we can shoot some hoops." He got up and picked up the basketball, moving to the little court that was beside the swimming pool. Serena shrugged and opened the gate, walking in. Tommy beckoned her over and noticed Chad still cowering. "Get up now, Chad, and get to work, or I'll tell Mom and you'll get paddled," he said firmly. "Bare butt," he added, when Chad still didn't move. Chad was trapped. He had no doubt at all that Tommy would tell and him and his mom would do just that. She had made it clear that no disobedience would be tolerated. He couldn't stand another big paddling. And Tommy wouldn't lie about the note, goody two-shoes that he was when it came to Mom's orders. Slowly, he crept out from behind the chair, turning his front side away from Serena, trying to hide his genitals. When he saw that she was already dribbling the ball and appeared to be ignoring him, he eased his way around the pool and resumed skimming, carefully keeping his back to Serena to protect his genitals from view. There was nothing he could do about her view of his bare butt. As he went back to his skimming, Chad was unaware that Serena was studying him intently whenever he wasn't looking. She was fascinated by the boy's anatomy. Serena was an only child, and had no younger male relatives, and her mother considered her too young for babysitting. She liked looking at the boy's little round butt. There wasn't an ounce of fat on him, but his buttocks swelled out behind him, so smooth and round and soft-looking. She noted with interest the way the shadowed crevice down the center of Chad's butt parted as he bent over to pull out the skimmer, exposing his anus and the little bulge of his scrotum each time. She'd seen a few simple drawings of boys' anatomy in a children's book, but she'd never seen a real live boy naked before, where you could see his butt and everything. For that matter, she hadn't seen many girls in that condition, either, and when she had it had just been a fleeting glimpse while they were both changing into swimsuits or changing out of pajamas. And here was a boy who was older than her, repeatedly exposing his most intimate anatomy from behind. She wished she could see him from the front so she could see the boy's genitals more clearly she'd only gotten a glimpse of them before Chad had hidden behind the net and then the chair, and she wanted to see more. Chad, meanwhile, had finished skimming and needed to wash the patio off. He walked sideways, carefully keeping his back to her, as he retrieved the hose, unaware when he bent down to pick the hose up that he was fully exposing himself from behind. He turned on the water and began hosing the patio off. When he was about half done, Tommy looked up and stopped dribbling the ball a minute. "Hey Chad," he called. "You're going the wrong way. You're supposed to hose it off toward the grass." Chad knew perfectly well he was supposed to hose it off toward the grass, and he'd already done that on the far side. But to wash the other side off onto the grass would involve turning to face Serena and Tommy, and he desperately didn't want to do that and expose his naked genitals to her. He continued to direct the hose away from them. "Chad, I mean it hose it the other way! You'll get in trouble if you do it wrong," Tommy called. Chad tried to ignore him. Tommy, disgusted now, stalked across the lawn and grabbed Chad by the shoulder. Serena followed him more slowly, her eyes glued on the boy's naked butt. As she got closer, she could see that his butt wasn't completely white and smooth it had red marks here and there, and groups of healing blisters down the crack and in the center. Oh, yeah, she thought. Tommy said he'd been paddled! "Turn around and hose it the other way, I said," Tommy repeated, giving his brother a push. Off balance, Chad slipped on the wet pavement and fell, landing hard on his bare butt. He let out a little yelp as he landed and reached back to comfort his butt briefly. Looking up, he noticed Serena standing beside Tommy now, her eyes glued on his crotch. Chad quickly clapped his free hand over his bare genitals, trying to cover them from her gaze. Tommy nudged Chad's hand with his own foot. "Remember, Mom said no touching yourself," Tommy said forcefully. "He's not allowed to touch his wiener except to pee," he said as an aside to Serena. He directed his words back to Chad. "Now this is your last chance. Get up and hose off the patio right, or I'll report all this to Mom so that you get paddled as soon as she gets home." Chad, trapped, grudgingly moved his hand and stood up, letting the younger girl have a full view of his attributes. He glanced down at himself, noting that the cool air and splashes of cold water had caused his genitals to assume their most minimal size. Great, he thought. Still another girl looking at my wiener, and it's all shrunk up again. I wonder which is worse, he thought, having them see it all small like this, or having them see it when I have a boner. He couldn't decide they were both embarrassing. He wished he could be like Joey, who had genitals a boy could be smug about. Man, if he had a wiener and balls like Joey he'd just thrust his hips out and let her get an eyeful! But he didn't, so he moodily washed off the patio, while Serena made no more pretense of politeness but merely stood and watched his every move, appearing to try to memorize the appearance of his genitals. Tommy didn't help the situation any, either. He stood beside Serena watching Chad work, making commentary. "Haven't you ever seen a real naked boy before?" he asked Serena. She shook her head. "Not even a baby?" She shook her head again. Tommy immediately assumed the role of anatomy instructor. "Well, that's his wiener, that little thing poking out of his crotch. He pees out that little slit. And the little bag underneath is where his balls are, you know, where he'll make sperm when he grows up. He doesn't do it yet." "Oh, I thought it would be bigger! It was bigger in the pictures in the book," Serena blurted out suddenly after staring at Chad for several moments. "You know, his boy thing. I thought it would be bigger." Chad's ears burned. He wished people would stop saying that! "His wiener? It gets a little bigger sometimes, when it gets hard. But it's usually pretty small," Tommy said. "He's not growing as fast as I am." "Is yours bigger than that?" Serena got the courage to ask. "Oh yeah," Tommy said quickly. "Mine's much bigger, even though I'm younger." He changed the topic quickly, finding discussion of his genitals with this girl he kind of liked exciting but a bit too intimate. Next she'd be asking to see his! "Did you see his butt? It's still blistered from being paddled yesterday, and from me spanking him this morning. Chad, turn around and show her your butt." "I thought you said I had to hose the patio off this way," Chad said grumpily. "Well, now I'm saying you have to show Serena your butt," Tommy said with an edge to his voice. "Since you're being a dork about it, you can just bend over and grab your ankles so she can get a better look." Remembering too late that total obedience of his brother was the only way to prevent being paddled again, Chad reluctantly shut off the hose nozzle and bent down, grabbing his ankles and looking at the ground in front of him. Tommy led Serena over to his brother and pointed out various spots on his anatomy to her. "See, here's his butt hole, where his poop comes out." Chad felt Tommy's fingertip prod the center of his hole. "And see all these little blisters? That's from getting paddled. I made some of them! And you can see his balls here between his legs see, here's one, and here's the other," he said, stabbing with his fingers as he talked Great thought Chad. All the brothers I could have, and I get a tour guide. He stood there bent over until Tommy told him that Serena had seen enough of his butt, and he could straighten up. But Tommy wasn't done yet. Next, he had Chad sit on the grass and then lie on his back, so Serena could examine his genitals to her satisfaction, even going to far as to let her run her fingers over Chad's scrotum and trace the ridge of the head of his button penis. Then Chad was ordered to join them in their basketball game, and for the next 20 minutes, until it got too dark to see outside, they played a three-way game of horse. Tommy and Serena enjoyed coming up with embarrassing ways for a naked boy to have to shoot each time they had a turn to pick a shot, focusing on shots between widely spaced legs, and shots that involved jumping so they could watch Chad's genitals bounce. It finally got dark enough that they finally gave up and went inside, Tommy taking them in the kitchen and offering Serena a soda. Chad was given a glass of water, Tommy reminding him he was being punished and wasn't allowed sweets. Chad had actually gotten somewhat accustomed to Serena viewing his naked body, and leaned back against the counter as they drank, facing her, rather than trying to hide his genitals by facing inward.