Chad's Anger Management Training Chapter 23 by Chadlad copyright 2006 by Chadlad, all rights reserved * * * * * This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story. * * * * * Chapter 23: Chad's Solo Act Joey was left to keep an eye on Efram and make sure he stayed in the corner and kept his hands off his bottom while Chad went with Zoey and Mrs. Turpin to the guest bedroom. They went upstairs in the house and entered a room that was decorated with sports pictures and various boyish items. "Does it look like a boy's room?" Zoey asked. "That's what I was going for. It's supposed to be your room. Does it look like the kind of room you'd live in?" Chad agreed it looked just like a boy's room. "So now what do you want me to do?" he asked. "This is part of the movie that follows the previous one. The idea is that you've put the bratty kid to bed, you've been taken home by the grateful parents who appreciate your strong hand in disciplining their wayward child, and you've settled into your own bed for the night. With the curtain down like it is now and these soft spots on you as you lie on the bed, and the special filter Mom has on the lens, it looks like night even though it isn't." "Anyway, you're in your bed, returned from spanking the naughty child, and then you relive the experience of spanking him once you're home and ready for sleep. I'll slip in a cut scene using scrolling text to explain all that. And after I film you in action on the bed, I'll mix in soft-border scenes from the spanking itself in with your live action when I edit, so we'll see you in action and the see what you're thinking about while you're in action. It'll be fantastic!' Zoey gushed. Chad was confused. "What do you mean, see me in action? What am I supposed to do if I'm just lying on the bed?" "Oh, right. Let me go through the action with you. At the start of the scene you're in your jammies and lying on your back, legs sprawled little-boy fashion, and looking at the camera kind of satisfied and mellow and dreamy-like. We'll focus on your face, first, and I'll slip in an establishment scene of you taking down Efram's pants and grabbing his dickie. Then we'll pan out, and you'll lift up your hips, pull your jammie bottoms down, and then start slowly rubbing your little dickie with your eyes shut, like you're fantasizing, and you'll get faster and faster until you cum. I'll slip in clips of Efram's spanking in the right places to show the crowd what you're thinking about. At the point where you cum I'll slip in that great series of finishing whacks you gave him with the paddle just before you put your arm down like you were exhausted. See, then your physical exhaustion and sexual exhaustion will be metaphors for each other – it'll be great!" Chad's heart stopped for a moment. They wanted him to jack off in front of them while they filmed it, and then made it look like he was jacking of to memories of spanking Efram? They had to be kidding! He could never in a million years do that! Well, okay, he had to admit that he'd already been jacked off in front of witnesses several times in the last day. He made a mental tally. First he had been forced to do it by his brother, and then he'd been jacked off by Karen in front of his brother and sister yesterday, and he'd cum in front of the whole class while being lotioned by Cynthia today. But he'd been forced to do it those times, and in two of the cases other people did it for him. Zoey wanted him to do it voluntarily, while she and her mom watched! And the people watching her film would think he was turned on by spanking the little kid! He found his voice. "I can't do that. I mean, giving a little kid a bare-butt spanking is okay, I guess, but – but –." "You don't want us seeing you play with your little dickie?" Zoey said. "Come on, all the boys do it. My little brother practically wore his off when he was your size. He started doing it when he was 8! When we were little, he didn't even care if he knew I was watching – he play with it when I'd have him in the bathtub!" Chad wondered what Joey would think if he knew his sister was spreading that kind of information about him around. He tried to picture a younger, immature Joey Turbin "wearing his little dickie out" and giggled. Zoey took his giggle as a positive sign and continued her argument. "And you'll be helping me out. You want to help me, don't you? I may be wrong, but I get the impression you like me. I like you too. Besides, I'll bet your little dickie is really cute. I'd really like to see it, and see you make it hard. You'd show it to me, wouldn't you? And rub it if I wanted you to? Just go ahead and pretend you're just doing it for me. You can just shut your eyes and think about that, and don't pay any attention to the camera," she said breathlessly as usual. "I- I- I- I can't," Chad said, looking at the ground. "I can't. It's too embarrassing. What if someone I know sees your film, and sees me doing it?" "No one you know will see it. The website I film for only has clients in Europe, Asia, and Africa, not the United States. No one you know will ever see you in my film, I promise," Zoey said, trying to sound sincere as possible. Chad considered. Maybe….. He lost his nerve. "I can't," he whispered. "I want to go home now." "Maybe you need to see these pictures, boy," Mrs. Turpin said. Her voice sounded low, husky, and vaguely threatening. "I took them earlier this afternoon." She reached into a pocket of her blue jeans and pulled out several pictures, which she handed to Chad. He looked at them one at a time. The first one showed him climbing through the window into the Turpin house. The second showed him closing the refrigerator, a can of beer clearly visible in his hand. In the third picture, he was digging into the jewelry box with one hand, holding a pile of rings in the other. Joey was nowhere to be seen in any of the pictures. "So, my sister could go to your mother with these," Mrs. Turpin said in a low, mild voice. "This is her house, after all, not mine. We live another block over. She could tell your mother how she thought she heard someone coming in the house, and how she'd just had a robbery a month ago and thought it might be one of the kids from school, and how she'd taken her camera to see if she could catch pictures of the culprit, and how she photographed you coming in the window, and helping yourself to a beer, and then rifling through her jewelry looking for something to steal, and how she'd shown the pictures to her nephew Joey, who'd recognized you. And Joey could say that you'd walked home with him but left him at his door and went off down the street by yourself. And my sister would say that she didn't want to go to the police in a matter like this, but she wanted to make sure you'd be punished. What do you think your mother would do then, boy? My son says you got your ass paddled in school yesterday, and that your mother was pretty steamed about it and paddled your ass at home, too. What would she do if you were caught stealing? Would you even have an ass when she was done with you?" Chad was overcome with feelings fear and betrayal. Joey had set him up! Now he knew what the phone call was about, the one where Joey talked for a long time but said no one was home afterward! Man, he wished he could kill Joey! Yet, he was also caught. He knew his mother would never believe his crazy story if he tried to tell it. They had pictures! They would all tell the same story, and who would believe him after that, especially after all the trouble he'd been in this week! His mom already considered him out of control – she'd just think this was another example. And if she'd paddled him in front of the neighbors for pushing a kid and hurting him, what would she do if she thought he was a burglar? She might paddle him every morning and night for a month! She might paddle his privates, like she'd threatened! She might use a switch on him, like Mrs. Morton had suggested! He stood their speechless, mind racing, trying to work this out. "Mom, could you step outside a minute. That isn't the way to handle this," Zoey said. She had been pretty sure when they planned it that Chad knew nothing about "good cop, bad cop,' and would immediately fall for the old tried and true police technique. Mrs. Turpin didn't reply, she just stepped out and pulled the door shut behind her. Zoey walked over and put her arm around the petrified Chad, stroking him gently on the shoulder. He was trembling, and so frightened he had actually wet his pants slightly before clamping down on his urinary sphincter. Zoey noticed the small wet spot on the front of his pants but didn't comment. Instead, she said, in her best 'good cop' voice, "Don't listen to Mom, Chad. I won't let her send my aunt to your mother. I don't want you to get into trouble. Besides, your mom would probably spank you, and I hate the idea of you having to have a spanking like the one Efram just got, or worse. To tell you the truth, I think you're kind of cute, and I like you. I was really looking forward to seeing you in action – it made me kind of excited, if you know what I mean. Mom gets carried away. If you don't want to do this for me, I'll understand." She moved her arm down, stroking down Chad's back as she continued. "I only asked you to be in this part of the film because you are cute. You're absolutely adorable! And when I saw how cute you were, I just wanted to see all of you! Oh, I know lots of girls like guys like my brother, who are all big and hairy, but I like a boy with smoother skin and softer features, and none of that nasty hair on their bodies. I like a boy I can do this to." Zoey tilted her head down and kissed the top of Chad's head, nuzzling the boy's head afterward. Chad felt a stirring in his groin as she did. He loved the feel of her soft face against his scalp. Zoey continued on, now stroking his upper body with both hands. "I just get so excited when I think about seeing you! I can just picture you in your jammies, looking so innocent on the bed, and then shutting your eyes and gently pulling down your bottoms so that your sweet little boy parts pop out, and then playing with yourself knowing I was watching you, and thinking of me while your hand goes faster and faster until you cum!" She let her hands roam downward, until one hand was at the small of his back and the other was poised above the boy's pants snap. Slowly she let both hands drift downward. First, she eased her right hand under the waistbands of his pants and underpants until she was gently stroking and finally cupping each of his buns in turn. Excitement built in Chad and his trapped little penis expanded to its full size in his pants. Her gentle stroking felt so good, even on his still slightly sore bottom! Then as his breath quickened, she began lowering her left hand down the outside of his pants, until she was gently cupping his miniature crotch bulge. She began gently kneading the bulge, sending waves of excitement through Chad. He let out a little moan and pushed his hips toward the stroking hand. "See, I knew you liked me," Zoey said. "Here, let me get those pants out of our way so it will feel better." She deftly unbuttoned and unzipped Chad's pants and shoved down on them. He obligingly kicked off his shoes and kicked his pants off his feet and out of his way as her hand began gently massaging his small package through his underpants, her other hand trailing an index finger up and down his butt crack, burrowing deeper each time. His rock-hard penis was now tenting his underwear as credibly as it could. Zoey began circling the miniature pole with her fingers. In back, she pushed her second finger against his anus, teasing it gently as she circled his rock hard penis. She paused briefly to rip his underpants down, and Chad kicked them off hastily, toeing off his socks in the process. Then Zoey was pulling his shirt over his head, and Chad was standing there in just his birthday suit, his penis jumping with his heartbeat as she let go of him a minute and retrieved a plaid pajama top from the bed. Pausing to stroke her hand across his yearning penis, she said softly, "Oh, it's so adorable! It's just like I pictured it! I just have to see you play with it! Here, let's get these on you so you can play with it for me." She slipped the pajama top over him. It was quite a bit too big, apparently Joey's size, but that just made him look more vulnerable and young as it fell down and the front edge caught on his upright little pole, draping over it so only the head stuck out. In back the pajama top reached clear to the backs of his knees. "I don't even think you need the bottoms," Zoey said, teasing his wiener gently as she talked. "This is cuter – it's like you're wearing your father's pajama top as a nightshirt. She gave his penis one more tantalizing squeeze, then flipped the bottom seam of the pajama top over his front, covering his genitals. Without him knowing what was happening, she was guiding him over onto his back on the bed, arranging his legs into a casually spraddled position and lifting his hands up by his head. "Now shut your eyes, Chad, and think about me touching you. I'm going to step back so I can watch you, and you wait and count to 30 in your head, and then reach down slowly, pull the pajama top up so that it's above your tummy button, and play with yourself while I watch. Just keep your eyes shut and do what feels natural." Behind her, Zoey's mother drifted quietly back into the room, readying her camera. Chad lay with his eyes shut, his thoughts whirling. Her hands felt so good! And she liked him. She wanted to see him cum! His hands went to his pajama top, and he eased it up, lifting his bottom so he could get all of it to his midsection, leaving his lower two-thirds bare. Plopping his little bottom onto the bed again, he reached eagerly for his pulsing little pole, standing up straight from his groin and now almost aching with its need. He thought of Zoey watching him, liking his little penis, touching it, while he made a fist with his small hand and began stroking, slowly first, and then faster and faster, until his hand was almost a blur and the wild sensations overwhelmed him. Before he knew it, orgasm was exploding through him, and he arched his back, thrusting his hips vigorously as he grunted through his climax, the mushroom head of his penis pulsing in his fist, stabbing at the sky with his thrusts. He tensed one last time, his body bridging, before finally collapsing on the bed in warm satisfaction. Mrs. Turpin filmed the sated boy for another 30 seconds or so, then quietly shut off the camera and retreated into the background, so that when Chad opened his eyes again, filled with an incredible sense of well-being, all he noticed as Zoey approaching the bed and sitting beside him. She reached over and gently squeezed his small, now shrinking organ, making him shudder. "That tickles," he said in mild protest. She hugged him close instead, then settled him back down on the bed. "Thank you, Chad," she said. She stroked his face. "That was really exciting! I'm sure I'll think about that a lot this next week when I'm in bed alone, if you know what I mean. You're really, really, cute, you know, and that little dickie of yours is just perfect! I'd like to make other movies with you in a week or two – would you like that? Maybe with you and me in them. And I'll make Mom get rid of those stupid burglar pictures of you." Chad, suffused with post-orgasmic pleasure, nodded, believing every word. He was totally smitten with Joey's sister, and she knew it. She had his little penis wrapped around her finger, figuratively as well as literally speaking. She was willing to bet that next time he'd go farther for her, and next time farther than that. She wasn't sure what she'd want him to do, but there was time to consider that. She leaned over and kissed his forehead. "You'd better get dressed and come downstairs. I want to get Efram on film thanking you for spanking him before you leave, and he should be calm enough to do that now." She got up and left, taking her mother with her. Chad noticed her for the rist time, but decided he didn't care if she'd filmed him or not. He stirred and got up off the bed, still feeling terrific. They weren't going to get him into trouble, and Zoey liked him! She'd touched his wiener! Maybe she'd do other stuff with him! He almost danced as he stripped off the pajama top and left it in a puddle on the floor and flew into his clothes. Downstairs, he found the back room again, where Joey was sitting looking bored on the couch, and his mother and Zoey were talking to Efram, who was out of the corner and facing them, his bottom glowing red and his baby genitals still shrunken. "Won't thank him, he's a meanie," Efram was saying. "He spanked me hard! And it hurt! It still hurts!" "Spankings are supposed to hurt, young man," Mrs. Turpin said in that soft, threatening voice of hers. "Your mother would have hurt you a lot worse." "Don't care," Efram said truculently. "He didn't have to spank so hard! Gave me blisters!" "Yes, he did," Zoey said. "You're a little thief, and if you don't stop being a thief you're going to be in jail instead, with big boys shoving their dicks up your butt every night! Chet didn't give you anything you didn't have coming." She spun the fat little boy around, examining his bottom. Chad examined it too. Efram's bottom was still bright red and blotchy, with blisters across most of the surface and more serious blistering across the sit-spots of the base. He's going to have a hard time sitting down for the next week, Chad thought to himself. He tried to picture the boy trying to sit down on a toilet to poo and finally decided he'd have to hover above the rim instead. "Now stop this nonsense and thank Chad before he goes home," Mrs. Turpin said. "Unless you'd like him to give you another paddling right now!" She raised the camera and focused on Efram's face. Efram blanched at the threat and looked across at Chad, who was now standing about 2 feet away. "Thanks for the spankin'," he said through gritted teeth. Chad dropped into his babysitter character again. "And the paddling," he added. "Unless you've forgotten it and need another one!" "Thanks for the spankin' and the paddling," Efram said sulkily. "But you're still a meanie!" Mrs. Turpin filmed the boy's glaring face for a minute and then shut off the camera and trotted Efram back to the corner, giving him a smack on each bun that triggered renewed crying. "That's for the smart remark! Now you'll stay in that corner, young man, until your mother comes home," she said. "If you're lucky, she may decide you've been paddled enough." She turned back to Chad. "You did a good job spanking his naughty butt. Maybe we'll just call on you the next time he needs some discipline!" In the corner Efram began protesting. "Don't want him! He spanks too hard! And he paddles too hard too! And he hurt my nuts! He's mean!" "All the more reason to call on him, then," Mrs. Turpin said in her low, guttural voice. Efram continued to protest from the corner that he didn't need any more spankings, that even if he did he wouldn't want one from Chad, and that he'd be good forever if he just never saw Chad again. Zoey had stepped out of the room a minute. She came back in with a hand full of dollar bills and a can of root beer. "Here," she said. "It's only $10, but you earned it. I hope you can come over again in a week or so – I've got some other film ideas that might be perfect for you." She walked him down the hall to the front door, Joey following. When they were in the hall, she lowered her voice. "Don't worry about the pictures Mom has – as long as you and I are friends she won't go to your mother with them." She circled an arm around Chad and kissed the top of his head, letting her fingers trail across the front of his pants as she released him. His small penis immediately sprang to attention, and Chad knew that if she wanted him to come over again, he run the whole way. At the doorway, Chad paused and looked up a Joey. "We're square now, right? I mean, you're not still mad about getting spanked bare in front of the class, right?" Joey nodded down at Chad. "It wasn't so bad. I can take it – I'm not a little guy like you. And you gave me a chance to remind my friends why they shouldn't diss me. I haven't hit anyone in the balls for awhile, and they don't know I went easy on you. They'll be remembering you rolled up in a ball for a long time, and they'll be afraid they might be next. Besides, I think my sister likes you, and she'd probably kill me if I did anything to you now. And, I liked the number you did on my cousin – Sometimes I hate the little kid – he's such a spoiled brat. And the idiot keeps getting caught. I've worked his butt over a couple of times myself when I was babysitting, but it was more fun watching while you did it – you can see his reaction better. He kind of looked like you." Joey paused, then winked at Chad in a genuinely friendly fashion. "Did sis feel you up?" Chad blushed, giving Joey all the answer he needed. "Thought so," he said. "She likes you guys with little ones and no hair. Play your cards right and she'll blow you. She might even let you do more." He shut the door, leaving Chad with all sorts of stirred up feelings. Joey's casual mention of a possible blow job from his sister was shocking but very, very exciting. He briefly tried to picture Zoey lying beside him on his bed, her head in his lap, his little penis in her mouth, and wished he had the courage to ring the doorbell again right then and there.