Chad's Anger Management Training Chapter 21
by Chadlad

copyright 2006 by Chadlad, all rights reserved

* * * * *
This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY It contains explicit
depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are
not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read
further, and do not save this story.
* * * * *

Chapter 21:  Chad the Star

Being surprisingly gentle for someone who had just smacked
Chad painfully on his ball sack, Joey helped the smaller boy
to his feet.  He pried Chad's hands from his genitals and
pulled up his underpants for him, then pulled up, buttoned,
and zipped the smaller boy's pants.  "Splash some cold water
on your face and dry it," he said, "and let's find your
little brother and get going."  Once in the yard Chad
realized that although it had seemed a long time to him,
very little time had actually passed. In the yard, the boys
who'd gotten spanked that day were receiving considerable
teasing.  Each of them, even the little first grader, had
knots of girls and even some boys surrounding them, making
remarks, pawing at their butts, and sometimes throwing in a
good pitch or grab at the crotch, too.  

In the shade of the grade school building, the little first
grader actually had the back of his pants pulled down,
showing his bruises and red marks to an admiring group of
girls.  As they passed, he was saying, "Look what she did to
my butt! It still hurts!"  He was letting his diminutive
classmates explore the damage at will, and as Chad and Joey
passed one of the girls was spreading the boy's buns to
examine how deeply into his crack the red marks went, the
boy oblivious to the display of his anus she was providing. 
Chad simply couldn't imagine being that immodest!

Walking slowly, because the ache in Chad's groin prohibited
a faster pace, the two of them traipsed on across where Chad
usually met Tommy at the front of the school.  Tommy was
talking to a group of girls.  He looked up his Chad

"Oh, here's my big brother," Tommy said to the girls as Chad
and Joey approached.  "I need to take him home so he can do
his homework and get him ready for his evening spanking,
right big brother?"  He grinned at Chad in a friendly
fashion.  Then, noticing his appearance, he looked at Chad
more closely.  "What's the matter, Chad?  Did you get
spanked again in class or something?  You're all flushed
looking, and you're walking funny."

Joey spoke up.  "He ran into a sink in the bathroom and hit
his balls.  He'll be okay."  He paused, then went on.  "He
needs to come home with me for a couple of hours," he said
the Tommy.  "We have a school project we have to do."

"Yeah," Chan managed to say.  "We have a big school

"OK," Tommy said cheerfully.  "I'll just read Mom's note
when I get home, and then I'll know what to do what you get
there.  If anything needs to be prepared, I'll get it ready. 
You know, like if something needs lotion on it or
something?"  He smiled at his own cleverness and headed off
down toward their house.  He turned when he'd gone down the
block a ways.  "Just be home by 6, so I've got time to give
you your spanking,"  he called, to the amusement of the
surrounding girls.  He walked away taking his audience with
him, already starting in on a description of what it was
like to spank your older brother on his bare butt.

It turned out Joey lived only about a block and a half from
school.  The two boys turned onto a quiet street.  "Did you
call your sister to tell her I was coming?"  Chad asked.

"I tried to call her and my mom, but nobody was home," Joey
said.  Chad thought that sounded odd.  He could've sworn
Joey had been talking to somebody for on the phone when he'd
come in.  He shrugged it off as he approached the house. 
Joey took them around the side to the back.

"Nobody's home right now, and I forgot my key," Joey said. 
"Here, I'll boost you up to this window, and you climb in. 
Then you can come around and let me in the backdoor."  Chad
thought this sounded reasonable, so he let Joey boost him up
to the window, and he slid the window open and crawled in. 
As he climbed into what appeared to be a utility room, he
thought he heard a sort of mechanical click, but he didn't
see anything and thought it must just be his imagination. 
He walked into the hall and opened the backdoor, letting
Joey in.

Joey led the way down a hall to the kitchen.  He pointed
across the room to the refrigerator.  "Help yourself to a
soda," he said.  "And get me a beer while you're in there."

"A beer!" Chad said.  "Your mom lets you drink beer!"  He
fished around in the refrigerator and pulled out a can of
beer and a can of root beer for himself.  As he was walking
across the floor, carrying the can of beer to Joey, he
thought he heard that odd click again.  He and Joey went
into the living room and sat down on a couch.  

Joey turned on the TV and settled sprawling, the beer can in
his hand.  "Hey, can you go over to that box by the chair
and open it for me?"  Joey asked.  "I need you to get
something in it."  Chad thought this was an odd request,
given that Joey could just as well get whatever it was
himself, but he got up and went to the box, opening the top.

He looked inside.  "What did you want in here?"  Chad asked. 

"That little box in the top," Joey said.  "Open it up." 
Chad pulled out a small box that was just inside the lid of
the bigger one.  The box was quite ornate, and looked like a
jewelry box.  Sure enough, when he opened it, he found it
was full of a variety of earrings, necklaces, and rings.

"There is a ring in there somewhere, with a big red stone in
it," Joey said.  "Find it and toss it here."  Chad rummaged
around the jewelry box, holding various things up and
looking at them in the light.  Once again he thought he
heard that clicking sound, but when he looked towards the
doorway, he saw nothing.  He continued, pawing through the
jewelry, but he couldn't find a ring with a red stone in it.

"Never mind," Joey said.  Chad put the box back away.  As he
went to sit down again, they heard someone come in the front
door.  A slender dark-haired girl, a bit taller than Chad,
but much shorter than Joey, walked into the room.  Despite
her lack of height, she was obviously fully developed, with
firm, shapely breasts.  She was also quite attractive, and
Chad found himself staring at her narrow waist and flaring
hips.  Joey's sister was cute, he decided.  

As the girl walked further into the room he saw that there
was a small boy trailing a good 5 steps behind her, dragging
his feet like he didn't want to be here, and sporting a
distinctly glum expression.  He could have been any age
between 7 and 9. He was blond, with a turned up nose and a
round face scattered with freckles.  He was also quite
chubby, with a stomach as broad as his chest and a wide rump
that was bigger than Chad's.  Chad wondered briefly why he
looked so unhappy, then shrugged it off – who could tell why
little kids were unhappy sometimes?  

"Hey, Zo. Here's the kid I told you about, the one who's
going to stand in for me," Joey said.  "His name is Chad." 
Chad was puzzled at that.  He could've sworn Joey said he
hadn't talked to anyone at home.  So when could he have told
his sister about Chad?  He didn't have time to think about
it though, because Joey's sister began talking, at a pace so
rapid that it was all he could do to keep up.  

"Oh, he's perfect!" she said, smiling at Chad.  "He'll be 10
times better than using you!  No offense, but you're a
little long in the tooth for this.  He's in your class?  I'd
swear he was 11!"  She smiled at Chad.  "I'm Zoey," she
offered.  "I know, Joey and Zoey.  Our mom thought that
would be cute.  This is Efram.  He's our cousin.  He's going
to be in some of the scenes with you.  He's a little bit
grumpy because he's having to do this as punishment for
stealing from my aunt, and he isn't looking forward to being
on film.  But you don't have to worry about that – she's
laid the law down to him and he'll play his part just fine." 

She looked at Efram and her face and voice hardened for a
moment. "You know what will happen if you don't," she said,
looking hard at him.  The small boy nodded glumly and looked
at the floor.  Zoey looked back at Chad, smiling again. 
"Now you boys come along and we'll get started with the
first scene."

She led the four of them through the house into a large room
at the back. There was a big toy box in the room, and a
number of toys scattered about suitable for a young boy. 
There was also a child-sized desk with a workbook on it and
a couch in the room. Chad was startled to see an older woman
with black hair waiting in the room.  Where had she come
from?  He hadn't seen her come in with Zoey.  

The woman turned to face them, and Chad realized from the
strong resemblance to both Joey and Zoey that this must be
their mother.  She was carrying a large, professional
looking video camera, and was roughly the age of Chad's own
mother.  She had a hard look about her, though, like she
wouldn't be a good person to cross.

Zoey resumed her rapid flow of explanation.  "Now we're
going to try to get two scenes for my move in today.  The
movie is called  'The Young Babysitter.'  Chad, you're going
to play the babysitter, and Efram, like I told you before,
you're going to be the spoiled little boy he's been left to
care for."  She turned to Chad.  "We don't use scripts, Chet

"Chad," Chad interjected.

"Yeah, right. Chad.  Anyway, our dialogue is all improvised. 
I've already run through the scene for Efram, but I know
this is new for you, Shep, so I'm going to walk you through
the scene and explain everything, and then we'll go ahead
and try a take. Efram, you come over here and sit at the
desk.  As we open, Efram you're supposed to be doing your
homework, but you're just staring at the page.  Kat, you
walk over to him and ask him why he isn't working."

"It's Chad, Zo," Joey interrupted.

"Right, Shad." She went on in a rush.  "Anyway, Chet, you
tell him to do his homework right now or he's going to be
punished. Then you, Efram, tell him that you don't feel like
it and he can't make you.  Vlad, you then tell him that if
he doesn't do the homework he's going to get a spanking. 
Make it sound realistic – think how your mother might talk
to you in that situation, Van.  Efram refuses, you threaten,
then you say something like, "That's it, you're getting a
spanking right now.  Then, Chan, you drag Efram over to the
couch.  Efram, you resist to start with, but then Cody here
threatens you with the paddle if you don't obey.  You stop
fighting and let Vlad take down your pants and underpants. 
Do it slowly, Chet, so my Mom can zoom in and get everything
on tape.  Once you've got his pants down, Shep, we'll break
and I'll go over the next part."

Chad stared at her with his mouth open.  He forgot all about
her inability to remember his name for a moment.  "What kind
of film is this?" he asked. 

"It's a spanking film, silly," she replied.  "A lot of folks
like watching young boys get spankings, and they pay well to
see new films.  The fact that you look so young and immature
yourself will make this one even more popular.  But you've
got to make it look real, so try to act like you really are
the baby sitter, and Efram is really a bratty kid you've
gotten fed up with.  Do you think you can do that?"

Chad considered. This didn't sound too hard, and he wasn't
the kid being asked to take his pants down and let people
see his butt and his boy stuff on film.  No wonder Efram was
looking glum!  Besides, he kind of liked Zoey, even if she
couldn't seem to remember his name, and he'd promised Joey
he'd do it.   

"Okay, I guess I can do that," Chad said.  

"Great," Zoey said.  "Really get into it.  Have fun with it. 
You're the little kid who's been given the chance to lord it
over an even littler kid.  Let's do a take.  Mom, are you

The older woman nodded and raised the camera.  Efram, still
looking pouty, sat at the chair and crossed his arms.  He
was highly believable as the contrary little boy, Chad
decided.  "Action," Zoey said.  Efram immediately spoke up.

"I don't wanna do this any more," he whined.  "And I won't."

Chad found himself getting into character immediately. He
walked toward Efram and leaned down to look him into the
eyes. "You'll finish your homework right now, young man, or
you're going over my knees for a good spanking!" he
threatened.  He tried to look serious.

Efram scowled, his arms crossed, and did nothing.  Man, this
kid was convincing – he acted like he was really going to
get spanked! Chad decided to be just as convincing.  He
grabbed Efram by the arm and pulled him up, knocking the
chair over in the process.  He dragged the kicking, whining
boy across the room to the couch.  "Hold still and stop
fighting me," Chad ordered in as manly a voice as he could
muster.  "If you don't stop fighting this instant and hold
still, I'm paddle your little bare butt instead!"  

Efram gradually stilled his resistance and stood by the
couch.  Chad noticed he looked flushed and was even
trembling a bit.  Chad seated himself and looked up at Zoey,
who mimed unbuckling and unzipping the boy's pants.  Chad
caught her meaning quickly, realizing that he found the
prospect of preparing another boy for spanking the way he'd
been prepared the last few days exciting.  It all felt so
real.  He unsnapped the snap on the boy's jeans and pulled
the zipper down slowly, as Zoey's mother zoomed in on the
boy's lower half.  Chad took the pants by the waistband and
lowered them, until they were all the way at the boy's
ankles. "Step out of them," he said in an authoritative
voice.  "I want you bare for this."  

Efram slowly complied, looking at Chad hesitantly in his 
overly small Spongebob Squarepants briefs.  Chad marveled at
the difference between the boy's appearance and his own. 
Efram's thighs were fatter than they looked when he had
pants on, and the cartoon briefs were stretched tightly over
his chubby posterior.  Joey's Mom zoomed back out again and
Chad reached for the waistband, but found the boy's hands in
his way.  "Hands behind your head and keep them there," he
ordered, mimicking Mrs. Rose.  Efram slowly complied, the
new posture thrusting his hips out toward Chad.  Chad seized
each side of the boy's Spongbobs tightly and began sliding
them down, feeling excitement building in him as he stripped
away this boy's defenses and slowly bared him to the camera
and the world.  He looked up at Efram's face as he slowly
lowered the boy's underpants, finding somewhat to his
surprise that the boy was blushing and looked realistically
fearful, just like you'd imagine a boy about to face a
serious bare butt spanking would look. Zoey pantomimed
pulling the underwear down, and Chad complied, resolutely
lowering Efram's underpants to the floor, exposing the boy's
genitals and ample bottom.  

Chad was pleasantly surprised as he lowered Efram's
underpants the rest of the way.  The boy had a much smaller
wiener and balls than his!  He'd finally found a kid he
could feel superior to!  Efram was circumcised, unlike Joey
but like Chad himself, and his little penis was nothing but
a tiny button peeking out of the pad of fat that covered his
pubic area.  Likewise, his scrotum did not protrude at all,
but was merely a rougher patch of skin in the area under the
little button wiener.  Chad couldn't help gloating out loud. 
"Man, no wonder you didn't want to have to take your pants
down!"  he commented, making Efram blush more.  "Look at
that little thing!  You're practically a girl!"  He pulled
the underpants off the boy's bare feet, one leg at a time,
as Efram grudgingly lifted each foot when prompted.  He made
a show of tossing them on the floor, commenting, "You won't
need these for awhile."  

Turning back to look at the trembling boy, Chad was so in
character that he didn't even think about it, he just
reached out with this thumb and forefinger and grasped the
tiny head of the other boy's penis, trying to pull it out of
the pad of fat.  He was only able to extend it about an inch
until it stopped, revealing the full extent of Efram's
boyhood.  He held that pose a minute, looking it the small
organ with derision, then Zoey shouted, "Cut," and her
mother stepped back.

"Beautiful, Van," she said.  "Perfect.  Nice dialogue when
you threw the underpants.  And I loved the part where you
pulled his little dickie out and looked at it like you were
disgusted.  I think we got it all on the first take."

"I just did what felt right," Chad said modestly.  "And
Efram helped by acting like it was all real."  

Zoey and her mother exchanged glances.  There was a pause of
several moments, then Zoey looked back at Chad and Efram. 
"Efram isn't acting," she said seriously.  "Efram is
behaving the way he is because for him it is real.  I told
you he'd been caught stealing from my aunt.  He took $100
from her purse and spent it all on candy and video games at
the arcade.  He was supposed to be on a diet, too, and he
left home without permission and my aunt didn't know where
he was.  And it isn't the first time he's done something
like that – he's been caught three times, and he may have
done it other times, too.  Efram, tell Chad what Aunt Marion

Efram spoke to Chad for the first time outside of filming. 
"Said she'd whip me," he muttered.  

"She said she'd take a willow switch and whip his butt, the
backs of his legs, and even his butt crack.  She called us
to ask if Joey could come over and hold him while she did
it.  So Mom and I talked to her and offered him an
alternative that was less physically damaging but more
humiliating and embarrassing.  What did we say you could do
instead, Efram?" she asked.  

"Get a spankin' and paddlin' from another kid," Efram
muttered, still staring fixedly at the floor.  "Be in a
movie.  Not get hit with a switch."

"That's right.  We told Efram that Aunt Marion could switch
him all over like she had planned, or he could be spanked
and then paddled by another boy while we filmed it.  If he
chose our offer, he'd be seen naked and getting spanked by a
lot of people he'll never meet, but he won't have to be
whipped on his butt and legs, and that would hurt a lot
more, and for a lot longer.  We were going to have Joey
spank him, but having a boy who still looks like a little
boy do it is lots better," Zoey said.  "And Joey said you
owe him a big favor."  Chad wondered how she could talk
without ever appearing to stop to breathe.

"Anyway, he decided to go with our offer, and his mom
agreed, and here we are!  So in the next scene, you're going
to spank him and paddle him for real, and we'll get it all
on film.  And that way we all benefit – you do Joey a favor,
we get our film, and Efram gets a more embarrassing lesson
than he would have otherwise.  And Efram may not appreciate
it, but you help him out, too, because he doesn't have to
feel his Mom's switch on his fat little butt! And as mad as
she is, she'd probably have drawn blood!  So everyone's
happy," she finished.  Chad looked at Efram.  He certainly
didn't look happy – he looked frightened out of his gourd.  

As Chad hesitated, Zoey looked at Chad more seriously.  "You
do know how to spank a little boy, don't you?  I mean, all
you have to do is hit him on the butt a whole bunch of
times.  But not in just one place – spread it around."

"He ought to know how boys are spanked," Joey said from the
other side of the room.  "He's gotten spanked enough himself

"Good – then just do what they did to you.  And don't feel
bad about making Efrem cry," Zoey went on.  "He cries
easily, anyway.  And remember, he deserves every bit of this
punishment, the little thief.  In a way, you're helping him
by giving him a good hiding – this may be the lesson that
teaches him to stop stealing, and you're saving his fat
little butt from a worse fate."

Chad looked at the red-faced Efram.  "Are you sure you want
me to do this, little guy," he asked sympathetically.  

"No," Efram said to the floor.  "Don't want to do it.  But
don't want a whippin'.  Mom says I gotta get one or the
other. So just do it."

Man, Chad thought to himself, that Nike slogan gets
everywhere.  "Okay," he said.  "I'll spank you, little guy. 
But it'll be for real, and it'll really hurt!"