Chad's Anger Management Training Chapter 20 by Chadlad copyright 2006 by Chadlad, all rights reserved * * * * * This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story. * * * * * Chapter 20: Joey Makes a Deal Shortly Chad's "accidental" orgasm, Joey's hand shot up in the corner, with one index finger extended. "Yes, Mr. Turpin" Mrs. Rose asked. "I need to go to the bathroom" Joey said quietly. "Okay, you may get up," Mrs. Rose said. "Chad, you've been very helpful today. Would you please accompany Mr. Turpin to the bathroom? And be quick about it, boys." Chad rose and went to the front of the room to Joey's punishment chair. "Um, Mrs. Rose? May I have my clothes to put on before I go out in the halls?" Joey asked hesitantly. "No." Mrs. Rose said succinctly, returning to her book. "How about just my underpants, then," Joey persisted. "NO!" Mrs. Rose said more forcefully. "A boy who's been spanked on his bare bottom stays bare-bottomed for the rest of the day." "But I'm naked!" Joey said. "Can't I put on my pants to go to the bathroom?" He pleaded. "What if someone sees me in the halls! It's not fair Chad got spanked, and he gets to wear a diaper." "If someone sees you, they see you," Mrs. Rose said. "It's not like a lot of people haven't seen you already. Or would you prefer to stand in front of the class like Mr. Henson did yesterday and use my jar?" When he didn't respond, she went on. "But I agree with you that it isn't really fair for Mr. Henson, who misbehaved much more seriously than you, to be more comfortable than you. Chad, take off your diaper and put it on your chair before you go. Then you boys will be on equal terms." Chad stared. Take off his diaper? Go through the halls naked, like he did yesterday at lunch? "Mrs. Rose " he began tentatively. "Not another word from either of you," she said with finality. "You're both very naughty boys, and you deserve to be humiliated in front of everyone in the school. Now get your little fannies out of here and down to the boys' room right now, or I'm taking a paddle to both of you!" She turned back to her book. Chad reluctantly untaped his diaper and placed it on his chair, his little, sexually- sated penis still swollen and dangling like it often was when in post-orgasmic state. It bounced, little boy style, gently against his balls as he walked, the still-sensitive head tingling slightly. The two boys started down the aisle to the door. Before they got there, Mrs. Rose looked up again. "Oh, and two more things. Mr. Henson, you're still being diaper punished, so you are not allowed to use the bathroom while you are there. If you do, I'll paddle you. And remember, no covering yourselves up," she said. "Put your hands behind your heads on your way to and from the bathroom. Of course, you may use one hand for obvious purposes while you are in the bathroom, Mr. Turpin." Both boys slipped their hands behind their heads. This caused both to thrust their hips out slightly, emphasizing the contrast between their genitals once again. In Joey's case, the need to pee had made his penis swell, so that it was now standing fully erect, the foreskin mostly retracted, looking extremely impressive and intimidating. It appeared to be almost 6 inches long. It swayed from side to side as he walked, looking like he was waving a sausage. Chad's corresponding equipment, although bigger and more visible than in its usual state, looked much more like a Little Sizzler. The boys walked in silence the bathroom. Chad could not take his eyes off Joey's gigantic tool. Fortunately for both of them, they passed only one person on their way to the bathroom, an 8th grade girl who looked them both up and down and then commented, "Talk about the long and the short of it!" As they went on by, she said, over her shoulder, "It's Joey, isn't it? Why don't you call me some time. We obviously need to get to know each other better." As they walked into the bathroom, Joey immediately moved to the urinal and relieved himself, while Chad tried to look everywhere but at the bigger boy's adult equipment. Joey finally finished and shook himself off, dissatisfied that the last drop made the tip of his penis glisten. He didn't want to walk the halls like that! He finally grabbed some toilet paper from a stall and swiped the tip of his organ, then studied his bottom in the bathroom mirror. He turned to Chad. "You owe me, Henson," he said evenly. "You made me lose face in front of my friends. That means I've got to show them I've gotten even with you. If I don't, they'll think you got away with dissin' me and that they can do it, too. "What do you mean, get even with me?" Chad said warily. "I've got to hurt you, and I have to do it where my friends can see it. The best thing would be if you let me give you a good, hard sock in the balls, right here in the bathroom, immediately after school. I'll spread the word to everyone to come see you get it, and then they'll know no one can diss me." "But that'll hurt a lot!" Chad said. "Can't you do something else?" "No, it's got to be your balls. Otherwise, other guys might think I'm getting weak or something. Look, I'll make it easier for you. If you'll promise not to tell the teachers or anyone I socked you in the balls, I'll pull my punch as much as I can so I don't make you sterile or something. Of course it will still hurt, but you won't throw up or anything," Joey said reasonably. "But it'll still hurt!" Chad said again. "Look either you let me hurt you a little bit now, when I can control it, or you can be a big wuss, chicken out, and all my friends will probably make going for your balls their favorite activity for the next month or two, and they'll diss me and I'll have to beat some people up. So you get punched once in the balls and be done with it, or you get a lot of punches in the balls when you're not expecting it." Chad swallowed hard. He could voluntarily let himself get smacked in the balls. It would hurt a whole lot, but then it would be over with. Or he could refuse and probably get smacked in the balls several times a day until Joey's friends got tired of doing it. He really didn't have many options. "I guess you can smack me," he said grudgingly. "Good," Joey said. "We'll all meet here after school and get it done with. I have to show my friends you can't cross me and get away with it." He paused. "You need to come home with me after school. There's a second thing I need you to do. You can consider it payment for me not smacking your balls as hard as I could." Chad definitely didn't like the sound of this. He tried to think of what a boy like Joey would need him to do that would involve going home with him. He supposed Joey might want to spank him in retaliation, but Joey hadn't said he wanted to do something to Chad, he'd said he wanted Chad to do something for him. Suddenly an unthinkable image struck him. "Oh, no!" Chad said suddenly. "No, no, no, no, no! I can't do it. I just can't. I'm sorry you can hit me in the balls every day, but there's no way I can do it! You're too big and I really hate it! And I bet you wet-cum, too, and more than just a few drops like my brother! I'd throw up," Chad said with conviction. Joey looked at Chad in utter amazement. "What the crap are you talking about?" he asked. He suddenly grinned in understanding. "You think I want you to suck my dick? You've got to be kidding! I'm not into little boys. And I don't need to get little guys like you to do that I've got Lindsay Kirk so wrapped around my finger that she gives me all the blow jobs I want! I mean, she's a human vacuum cleaner! Besides, she's got better boobs than you!" He gave Chad an almost comradely grin. The grin turned to a look of puzzlement. "What did you say about your little brother wet-cumming?" he asked. "Never mind," Chad said quickly. "So what do you want me to do, do your chores or something?" "No, I need you for something else," Joey said. "You see, I've got this sister who's a sophomore in high school, and she and my mom make these films and sell them to some guy who's got this web site on the internet in Russia or the Caribbean or somewhere. It's full of all these weird films, and guys pay money to get to see them. Anyway, she wanted me to be in some film she and Mom were going to shoot today. I've been trying to talk my way out of it, but now that you owe me, I'll tell her you've volunteered to be in it instead of me. She was complaining I looked too old, anyway." "What kind of films?" Chad said curiously. "You mean a sex film? Would I have to do sex stuff? You know, like do it with a girl?" Chad found that idea mildly intriguing. "Naw. No girls. It's something else entirely. They can explain it better than I can. Anyway, you do this, and let me hit you a good one in the balls, and we're square," Joey concluded. "Well, okay," Chad said at last. "I guess I can do it. But what do I tell my brother?" "I'll help you handle that. We'll just meet him after school and tell him we have a project to do together, and that you'll be home by 5 or 6. My sister said it would only take two hours, and then you can go right home to little brother. Besides, why are you in a rush to get home? Didn't you say in class that he gets to beat your butt whenever he wants? Look at it this way you pay me off, and you get two hours away from him," Joey concluded. The two boys walked back to class in silence again, both gratified to make it back without passing anyone in the halls. Chad slipped his diaper back on with a little help from Cynthia, and Joey gingerly settled back into the corner chair. At his seat, Chad reviewed his deal with Joey. He was not looking forward to being socked in the balls, but he could probably stand it, if Joey pulled his punch like he'd promised. After all, the alternative probably was getting socked in the balls by Joey's friends repeatedly instead. And he could go along with Joey and let his mother and sister make their silly movie it would probably be a lot of girlie stuff, with people getting married and living happily ever after. And he'd get away from being alone with Tommy for at least a couple of hours this afternoon. He actually started looking forward to going to Joey's house. Of course, he had to get past the part where he got socked in the balls. The last hour of school wound down fairly uneventfully. Joey sat quietly on the punishment chair in the corner, shifting every few seconds, but never finding a comfortable position. Chad sat quietly, also, but was considerably more comfortable in the padding of his diaper. His ease was somewhat spoiled, though by a strong focus on how his balls were currently feeling. That was triggered by his worry about what was going to happen immediately after school. Twenty minutes before the end of the school day, Mrs. Rose called Joey out of the corner to stand on the tape line in front of the class and apologize to everyone for failing to do his homework and for having forced them to view his naked body. Once he had done so, Mrs. Rose handed him his box of clothing, and he got dressed quickly, somewhat unnerved by Emily's fixed stare at his genitals from 2 feet away. Joey had discovered it was one thing to show your boy stuff to a girl because you wanted to, and quite another for her to view it against your will! And he would never, in a million years, have voluntarily bared his genitals to Emily, no matter how impressive he knew they were! Next, Chad was called up to get dressed for his trip home. He was not strapped down to the changing table this time, apparently because he was not wet. Instead, Emily and Cynthia stood on either side of him, and each one pulled a diaper tape, allowing the diaper to fall the floor. Cynthia folded it neatly and put it on the changing table to be used again tomorrow, and Emily, with nothing else to do, plunked back down on of her seat and stared at Chad's genital region as he hurriedly pulled on his underpants and pants. Then it was time to line up and leave the classroom. Chad again had to endure numerous comments from other children in the hall about being a diaper boy, and about the paddling he'd gotten yesterday. He was also rather disturbed to find that a large number of boys and girls in middle school were now calling him "Microdick." As arranged, Chad made his way to the boys' room to find it filled with various 8th grade friends of Joey. One was keeping watch at the door and announced, "Here he comes," as Chad approached. The boys parted as he came up, allowing him to enter, grinning at him in anticipation. Joey was standing by himself near the toilet stalls, apparently talking on his cell phone. He said a few more words and then quickly shut the phone when he saw Chad. "Look, fellows, the guest of honor is here," he said to his friends. "Take you pants and undies down, little guy, and try to take this like a man." "He can't take it like a man, he's a microdick!" one of the boys laughed. Chad, trembling and weak, slowly lowered his pants and underpants, getting loud laughter from the assembled boys when they saw his genitals. "Are you sure you can find his balls to sock 'em?" an 8th grader said. "Or do you need a magnifying glass?" Joey moved Chad so his bare butt was against the back bathroom wall, where he couldn't escape by flinching backward when the blow came. One of his friends grabbed Chad's hands, holding them against the wall over his head. On Chad's other side, a second eight grader clapped a large hand over Chad's mouth, sealing it tightly. Chad began breathing rapidly through his nose, panicked at his helplessness. The watching boys were quiet now, all attention focused on the fright-shrunken scrotum of Joey's victim. Chad trembled violent. "Good, hold him right there," Joey said. He looked Chad in the eyes. "Now spread your legs further apart, little guy, so I've got a good target." Reluctantly, Chad separated his legs, until they were far apart. "Great," Joey said. He turned to the boy covering Chad's mouth. "Hold his little dangler out of the way for me," he said carelessly. "It's blocking my target." The boy took his free hand and grasped the tip of Chad's penis, stretching it out its full flaccid length up toward his stomach. Joey surveyed Chad's position, then gave him a quick wink. "Now shut your eyes so you don't know when it's coming," he ordered. Chad squeezed his eyes shut and tensed, frightened out of his mind but determined to do this and win some of his manhood points back. He held his breath. It seemed to be taking a very long time to happen. Suddenly there was a muffled smacking sound as Joey's open hand hit his sack, and Chad's groin exploded in unimaginable pain. His breath all whooshed out of his nose and his legs lost all ability to support him. The boys holding him eased him to the ground, still covering his mouth to muffle his moans. Chad felt nothing but his aching balls. He curled into a fetal position and clenched his groin tightly as soon as his arms were released, rocking back and forth. He dimly heard Joey speak to the other kids, telling them they'd seen what happens to kids who diss him, and to go now and leave the kid alone. One by one the other boys drifted out, the last one letting go of Chad's mouth as his moans diminished. Once they were gone, he patted Chad on the back. "Come on, get hold of yourself. It couldn't hurt that bad I held back most of my punch. Now come on, get up. We have to go meet your brother." He continued to gently try to urge Chad to his feet. "I'll give you credit for one thing," he said to Chad. "Most guys would have been pissing on the floor in your place." The remark struck Chad as incongruously funny. He began laughing despite the deep ache in his groin. "Couldn't." He gasped, in a fit of giggles. "Already did it in my diaper!"