Chad's Anger Management Training Chapter 11
by Chadlad

copyright 2006 by Chadlad, all rights reserved

* * * * *
This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY It contains explicit
depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are
not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read
further, and do not save this story.
* * * * *

Chapter 11:  Dinner Entertainment

"Come on, we have to go wash up and hurry down for dinner. 
After all, we know where our hands have been!" Tommy joked
to Jesse.  "Come on, Chad."

"I can't go down there like this," Chad wailed, indicating
his nakedness.  "Beth is down there!"  

"Oh, I'm betting Beth will get to see you naked soon enough,
bratty brother," Tommy said nastily.  Chad wondered to
himself when Tommy had switched from calling him "big
brother" to calling him "bratty brother."  He didn't think
he'd noticed when it happened.  He decided it didn't matter
– it was just one more step in his reduction in status, and
compared to things like being spanked by Tommy and having to
suck his wiener on command wasn't that big a deal.

"You know, I think we will let you have some clothes, mainly
because we're tired of looking at your little thing and your
disgusting little butt, aren't we, Jesse.  Especially when
you bend over and show us your gross little butt hole." 
Jesse wasn't sure he agreed with Tommy – he rather liked
Chad in his naked state.  But he realized saying so right
now might not be the best idea.  Instead, he concentrated on
memorizing as much as he could about how Chad's body looked
where he was normally covered by his underwear, hoping he'd
be able to call the image up again when he wanted to.  Tommy
continued directing Chad.  "Put on those undies the school
gave you, and your t-shirt and socks.  Leave off you shoes –
I doubt if you'll be wanting to go outside in those
underwear, anyway," he said, picking them up off the floor
and showing Jesse the cartoon character of the spanked boy
on the seat and the legend "I just got spanked!" on the

Jesse snickered as he saw the picture.  "Hey, Chad, it looks
just like you did after I spanked your butt," he exclaimed.

"Don't bother putting on any pants," Tommy added, reaching
for the doorknob.  "I'm pretty sure you won't be needing
them"  He and Jesse started out the door, as Chad scrambled
to cover his nudity in case Beth was in the hall.  The
punishment underpants felt scratchy against his tender skin,
and as before barely contained his genitals, but at least
his penis had gone down again and tucked neatly into the
small pocket in the front along with his scrotum.  He hated
the way it left the sides of his legs exposed, but knew he'd
have to put up with it.  As the door was closing, Tommy
added, "Wait a minute, then meet us in the bathroom.  We
want to be able to pee without your little pervert eyes

Chad struggled into his shirt and socks, then trudged down
the hall, the punishment underpants chafing his sensitive
butt cheeks as he went.  The cloth made his crack and
genitals itch something awful.  The bathroom door was
closed, but opened as he approached.  Tommy pulled him in by
one arm.  "Pee-pee time, bratty brother!  You don't want to
pee on one of us tonight when you're getting your little
butt whacked, so you'd better pee now!"  He yanked Chad's
punishment underpants down to his knees and positioned him
in front of the toilet.  He and Jesse placed themselves on
either side of Chad, watching him closely.  Chad hated
people watching him while he peed.  But Tommy was probably
right – he'd most likely not get another chance to go before
his paddling, and he sure as heck didn't want to wet on his
mother – she'd probably kill him.  He tried to relax for a
long minute, but with Tommy and Jesse looking at his
genitals expectantly from either side of him, he just
couldn't force any liquid out.  

"Guess he needs help, Jesse," Tommy said.  He took Chad's
penis in his left hand and began gently stroking the
underside, running his finger from base to tip repeatedly. 
This caused an immediate hardening of the organ, but didn't
make Chad any more capable of peeing than before.  

"Let me try something," Jesse suggested.  He took a paper
cup from the sink and filled it to within a half-inch from
the top with cold water.  Leaning over, he brought the cup
up from under Chad's crotch, immersing the boy's scrotum in
it.  Chad jumped from the icy cold that suddenly enveloped
his small sack, pulling his balls out of the water again. 
"Hold still and let him do it," Tommy said evenly, grasping
the tip of his brother's hard penis for emphasis.  "Unless
you'd like me to give you a few good flicks instead." 

Chad settled back and let Jesse immerse his scrotum in the
cold water again.  The net result after a minute was rapid
wrinkling of his scrotum and noticeable shrinkage of that
organ, but no increase in Chad's ability to pee.

 "I guess you'll have to sit down like a girl," Tommy said,
dropping the toilet seat and guiding his brother into a
sitting position.  Chad slumped onto the seat, wincing a bit
when his sensitive flanks made contact with the hard wood. 
"Ahh, does the little boy's bum-bum still hurt after 'um's
spankin'," Tommy mocked in a sing-song voice, sending Jessie
into hysterics again.  As the two boys rolled with laughter
over Tommy's comment, Chad was able during the distraction
to loosen his sphincter and slowly dribble out the contents
of his bladder.  He started to rise, but Tommy's attention
returned to him.  "No, stay there until you've taken a dump,
too.  You won't be getting any poop breaks from Mom tonight,

"But I don't have to poo," Chad said.  

"Try anyway," Tommy said.  "Or I'll tell Mom and Beth that
you're having a problem pooping!"

Chad tried gamely for several minutes to force something
out, but nothing came despite all his grunting and
straining.  Finally Tommy and Jesse lost patience.  "I can't
listen to this any more," Tommy said.  "You sound like a pig
eating slop when you do that.  I guess you'll just have to
hold it in if you get the urge later. Pull up your panties
and let's go downstairs.  I'm hungry."

Chad painfully pulled the uncomfortable underpants over his
sore butt.  As he started to leave, Tommy stopped him. 
"Don't you have sense enough to wash your hands, Chad? 
After all, you've been playing with yourself half the

"Yeah, and we saw you pee on your hand, too, before I took
you to the bathroom," Jesse chimed in.  Given he couldn't
argue with either boy, Chad complied.  He also rinsed his
mouth with mouthwash while he was standing at the sink,
bringing guffaws from Tommy as he did so.  

"Still can taste it, huh?" he said, sending Jesse into such
hysterics that he actually fell onto the hall floor and
rolled about, gasping and laughing.  The three of them
proceeded quickly down the hall and down the stairs to the
dining room, Tommy leading the way towing Chad by one arm,
and Jesse bringing up the rear, aiming little "hurry-up"
swats to Chad's underpants-covered butt as Chad tried his
best to dodge the boy's swings.  They entered the room to
find it unexpectedly crowded.  Chad stopped, aghast.  He had
expected to see his mother and Beth at the table, and they
were indeed there, looking expectant.  But next to Beth was
her friend Karen, who was already turning toward the three
entering boys.  

Karen was tall, blonde, and like his sister Beth, 15 years
old.  She was also shapely, and more important to Chad, had
always spoke to him as if she found him an interesting
person and not just the little brother of her friend.  Chad
had been nursing a secret crush on her for some time.  And
next to her was Karen's mother, Mrs. Morton, a heavy, large
woman who always looked at Chad when he passed her in her
front yard as if she was sure he was about to poo in her
yard like a dog the minute she looked away.  With her were
her identical twin sons, Karen's little brothers Rod and
Todd.  Both had tousled red hair that never appeared to be
combed, masses of freckles, skinny arms and legs, and
mischievous blue eyes.  At just 10, they were considerably
smaller than either Jesse or Tommy, and as they were much
younger than him, Chad didn't know much about them except
that they got spanked a lot.  The whole neighborhood knew
the latter fact, because they could create quite a din when
on the receiving end of a paddle, despite their small size,
and one or another or both of them were apparently on the
receiving end of a paddle or a bare hand at least once a

All told, there were a total of 6 people in the dining room
when Chad entered.  Looking down at his skimpy underpants,
Chad realized that his bottom half was practically naked,
and 4 females were studying him intently.  A more chilling
thought struck him.  The table was set with dishes for all
these people, along with dishes for Tommy and Jesse as well. 
Apparently they were all going to have dinner together.  His
mom had said he was going to be spanked at dinner!  Were all
these people going to witness his punishment?  

His mother immediately provided the answer to that question. 
"Look, Chad," she said brightly, as if she was showing a
toddler an interesting bug.  "Mrs. Morton has agreed to help
me with your punishment tonight!  I told her about your
singularly bad behavior, and she suggested that she bring
her children over, too.  I would never have thought of
anything so creative by myself!"

"I merely pointed out to your mother that spankings are so
much more humiliating when done in front of an audience,"
Mrs. Morton said modestly. "I also wanted to bring the boys
over so that they can see for themselves that even big boys
get spanked when their behavior gets out of hand.  And I
asked Karen to come because she's getting old enough to take
a hand in disciplining naughty boys herself, and the
experience will do her good."

Chad was frozen in horror.  Eight people were apparently
going to watch him get spanked – and 5 of them weren't even
related to him!  And 4 of them were females!  Then an even
colder feeling stole through him.  He was pretty sure his
Mom had said he was going to be bare-butt paddled!  Was he
going to have to get naked in front of Mrs. Morton, and his
sister, and his mom, and the twins?  Were they all going to
see his bare butt and his boy parts?  And watch as he cried
through a stinging paddling?  How would he ever show his
face in the neighborhood again?  He'd never even be able to
look at Karen!"  

"So anyway," his mother continued, enjoying the horrified
surprise on his face.  "We're all going to have a nice
dinner, then we'll settle down in the living room where
everyone can be nice and comfortable when he take off your
little underpants and paddle your little hiney!  I was so
lucky that Mrs. Morton could convince her family to join

"Karen would have come over, anyway," Beth added.  "As soon
as I heard about your behavior in school, I said to Mom, can
Karen come over?  I bet she'd really like to see how a
willful, awful brat like Chad gets punished!  And of course
she came right over."

"I'm sure we're all looking forward to the show," Mrs.
Morton said.  "But right now I'm famished!  What do you say
we enjoy all this delicious food?

"Everyone take your places," Chad's mother said gaily. 
"Jesse, you sit here, by me, and Tommy, you sit by him." 
Chad noticed two things – first, all the chairs were now
full, and second, all the diners were at the ends and one
side of the table, leaving other side open all the way to
the wall.  "Your place and your food is over there, son,"
she said, indicating a spot right across from the center of
the table.  A small tray was set up with a hunk of bread and
a bottle of water on it.  There was not chair.  Chad was
willing to bet that Beth had chosen this food for him,
probably copying what she'd seen fed to the boys being
punished when she'd been in middle school.  "Since you're
being punished, you have to face the wall while you eat,
with your back to the rest of us." 

Chad eyed the bread and water.  There was a deep, cold pit
in his stomach.  "I'm not hungry," he muttered.  

"Fine," his mother said.  "Beth, take the tray away."  Beth
rose and immediately snatched the tray from in front of him,
grinning at him evilly as she took it. "Since you're not
eating," his mother continued, "put both hands behind your
head, and face the wall."  As Chad complied, she continued,
talking behind his back.  "Dig in, everyone.  We don't want
to waste any more time getting to the main event!"

Chad despaired.  He wasn't hungry, even though the room was
full of delicious smells. His stomach was churning.  He was
going to get paddled, bare butt, in front of eight people! 
There was his mother, his brother, Jesse, his sister, the
twins, Mrs. Morton, and Karen!  The last person's presence
chilled him more than the others.  She was so pretty, and
she was always nice to him when she visited Beth.  The last
thing he wanted to do was take his underpants off in front
of her so she could see his little genitals, and then have
to cry through a humiliating bare bottom spanking while she
watched!  He wondered how long he would have to wait until
they spanked him.  He listened to the diners for clues, but
for awhile there was little conversation, just the sound of
utensils being clanked and bowls being passed politely, and
Tommy telling some stupid story about some kid burping in
class.  It seemed surreal to be surrounded by all those
normal sounds while standing in the humiliating position
against the wall, waiting to be depanted and publicly

After what seemed like a long time, his mother asked,
brightly, "So, how shall we punish our little miscreant? 
I'm pretty much set on giving him a bare-bottomed paddling,
but does anyone have any ideas of good spanking implements?"

Chad was surprised by the first voice to speak up.  "I've
always thought a wooden spoon was excellent," Karen said
immediately.  "When Mom uses the spoon on the twins, it
really makes a good impression, even through their pants. 
And when she uses it on the underpants or on the bare, they
really get the point!  I like the way it makes their little
butts red, too!  But she's also got a ping-pong paddle that
makes a nice smack on the bare bottom as well!"  She paused,
and then asked, as if inquiring about some everyday topic,
such as the weather, "Will Chad be allowed to cover his boy
parts when he gets spanked, or will we be seeing those as
well as his bare bottom when he gets spanked?"  Chad felt
betrayed – he'd trusted Karen, but she wanted to see him
naked, too, just like everyone else!

"I know what I'd recommend," Mrs. Morton chimed in.  "The
only way to spank boys is with everything off, I always say. 
Make 'em stand there with their little hoo-hahs flapping in
the breeze.  It makes the lesson more effective."

"Well, that's what we'll do, then," Chad's mother affirmed. 
"Now let's get back to our discussion of the proper
instrument for Chad's punishment.  

"Did you have an implement in mind, Carole," Mrs. Morton
inquired of Chad's mother.  "I'd been thinking about using
my hairbrush," Chad's Mom confided.  "This situation might
call for something a bit heavier than the spoon."  

"Well, if it's a heavier paddle you want, I'd suggest that
you consider a nice ping-pong paddle," Mrs. Morton chimed
in.  "They have such a nice grip, and the surface is big
enough to cover a lot of his little bottom at the same time. 
It's the perfect paddle for all boys.  Not," she added,
"that I'd suggest such an implement for your sweet younger
boy."  Chad could just imagine Tommy beaming innocently at
her.  "But a willful, disobedient child like Chad needs a
much strong lesson."  

"Oh, you're right, of course!" Chad's mother replied.  "I
would never lay a hand on my sweet Tommy – he's much too
sensitive and well-behaved for such a punishment.  But
Chad's always been a problem, and I can see now he needs a
firmer hand."  

"If you're really having trouble with him, I'd suggest
dispensing with the paddles and using a willow switch on his
bare butt!"  Mrs. Morton suggested.  "Remember, dear, when I
switched Rod and Todd for playing in the stream?  I gave
them 25 lashes – 10 from each side and 5 right up the middle
with them lying on their backs.  They never went near the
stream again!"  The two boys seated next to her shifted
uneasily.  They remembered the switching entirely too well –
they'd had to strip naked and hold the top of a backward-
turned chair while their sister sat on the chair and grasped
each boy by his genitals to hold him still.  Then their
mother had striped their bottoms from the top of the crack
to the crease where it joined their legs, first on one side,
then on the other.  When each of them had gotten wobbly
legged toward the end, Karen tightened her grip on their
small packages and kept them in position until the end,
squeezing painfully by the last few lashes.  Then they'd
been placed on their beds, one at a time, and their legs
lifted over their heads by their sister while their mother
carefully switched the insides of their butt cracks,
narrowly avoiding their vulnerable genitals and anuses.  The
pain had been excruciating, and they hadn't been able to sit
comfortably for more than a two weeks!

"Oooooh, I like that," Chad's mother said.  

"But there is a disadvantage," Mrs. Morton continued. 
"Their little butts get so striped that you really can't
spank them for several days after that, and that limits your
discipline options.  You can still pull their little hoohahs
and squeeze or swat their boy bags with a flyswatter, and
punishment enemas are always possible, but their butts are
pretty much off limits after a switching for days while they
heal.  On the other hand, if you paddle them, you can
usually spank or paddle them again and again in the days
that follow without too much risk.  Of course, there are
other punishments that can be administered to a boy as well
that I can fill you in on later.  There are some pretty
creative things you can do with pepper sauce that will
really make a boy extremely sorry!"  The boys at her sides
winced.  They remembered very well some of the creative
things you could do with pepper sauce that had made them
very sorry indeed!  Rod remembered vividly the experience of
having pepper sauce applied to his anus, and Todd,
meanwhile, was remembering with fear the time the tip of his
poor little penis had been dipped in the sauce.

"Still, I think we'll go with a nice, long paddling this
time," Chad's mother said.  

"Oh, I know," Tommy interrupted.  "You could paddle Chad
with his slipper.  You know, the one with the smooth rubber

"Yeah," added Jesse.  "I bet that would really sting!" 
Jesse didn't add that he wasn't just guessing – he himself
had just gotten a good underpants slippering from his mother
less than a month ago.  He'd cried for an hour afterward,
and his chubby little butt had been sore for days.

"That's an idea," Chad's mother responded.  "So let's see
what we've got so far.  We've got the ping-pong paddle, the
hairbrush, the wooden spoon, and the slipper.  And you
mentioned the flyswatter for boy parts, but I bet it would
work well on a naughty boy's butt, too."  

"Well, I still like the wooden spoon best," Chad's sister
Beth opined.  "The bottom is rounded so I bet it would sting
Chad's butt more than a flat paddle."  

"It sure makes a nice smacking sound on the twin's little
butts," her friend Karen noted, causing more squirming by
the two boys in question.  "Especially when their butts are
bare, like Chad's is going to be."  

"Speaking of that, mother," Chad's sister spoke up.  "I
don't want to tell you your business, but should a boy who's
going to get bare-butt paddled be allowed to cover himself

"Good point," Chad's mother responded.  "You look way too
comfortable up there, Chad.  Come over here."  She put her
fork down and pushed back her chair.  Chad turned toward the
eager faces on the far side of the table.  He slowly walked
to his mother's chair.  His legs were wobbly, and thought he
knew what was coming next.  He was right.  "Lift up your
arms," she commanded.  He complied, and she swiftly slid his
shirt off.  "Take off those socks," she ordered.  Chad
slowly stepped on the toe of one sock, then the other,
pulling them off boy-style.  It was hard to keep the
punishment underpants from riding up and exposing his
privates as he lifted each leg.  Now there were only skimpy
underpants between him and total exposure.  

His mother knew how to milk a dramatic moment.  She pulled
him closer and turned him so his middle was facing the
audience around the table.  The then placed a finger under
the waistband of the school punishment underwear, causing
him to flinch and go weak in the knees.  She toyed with the
waistband for a few moments, then suddenly and without
warning whipped them down, his small soft penis catching in
the waistband as it passed and bouncing twice before
settling against his scrotum again.  "Stand over there.
Hands behind your head," she ordered the now naked boy. 
Chad hurried over to face the wall, hoping to get his small
genitals away from Beth's greedy eyes as quickly as
possible, but his mother's voice stopped him.  "No, not that
way," she said.  "Face everyone.  Put your naughty butt
against the wall.  We're all going to see more than we want
to of your naughty butt later."   Blushing despite this
being the third time today he'd appeared nude in front of
other people, Chad stood against the wall, looking small and
vulnerable.  All 8 people in the room eyed his hairless
privates for several moments.  "Nice baby dick, brother,"
Beth giggled.  

Her mother admonished her.  "Don't use that vulgar word,
dear.  Either call it a penis, or use a little boy word like
wee-wee or pee-pee."  

"What should I call his balls and ball sack, mother?" she
asked sweetly.  "I'd prefer you say testes and scrotum," her
mother replied.  But saying balls isn't too vulgar – after
all, that's what they look like.  And you can say ball sack
as well."  

"Well, it is a cute little wee-wee, in a little boy way, I
mean," Karen commented. "It's just so little and precious!" 
Chad's blush bloomed in his cheeks and spread down his neck
to the upper part of his chest.  Karen thought his genitals
were "little and precious."  He couldn't think of anything
more humiliating.  He'd kind of fantasized that one day
she'd tug down his pants in some private place and say
something like, "wow," but "little and precious" wasn't what
he had in mind, and it cut him to the quick.

The twins solemnly examined the genitals of the older boy. 
This was the first time they'd seen any penises or scrotums
other than their own identical organs, and they were
surprised at the small size of Chad's equipment, which was
roughly the size of their own.  "How come his wee-wee is so
little, Mommy?" Todd asked.  

"Now don't be impolite.  I'm sure he's already embarrassed
at having such a little penis, without you to point it out. 
Some boys just aren't very impressive, and I'm afraid little
Chad here is one of them," his mother chided.

"I really can't see his baby scrotum very well, mother,"
Beth chimed in.  It's so small that his wee-wee almost
covers it."  

"Lift up you penis so we can all see you little scrotum,
Chad," his mother commanded.  Blushing more deeply, Chad
took the head of his diminutive little penis in his hand and
pulled it up.  "That's better," she commented approvingly. 
The entire company regarded his genitals from this new

"Where are his balls, Mommy?" Rod asked.  "Why don't they
stick out like ours?  Did someone take them away?"  

"As I told Todd, it's impolite to point out that a boy has a
small penis or scrotum.  I'm sure Chad already feels
inadequate already with such tiny boy parts, without you
pointing out that his boy parts would be more suitable for a
5-year-old," Mrs. Morton chided.  "But every boy has balls,
even if they're small like Chad's.  Come here, I'll show

She took each boy by the hand and rose, leading them over to
Chad.  To his utter humiliation, she proceeded to isolate
first one testis, then the other in the tight wrinkled skin
of his drawn up sack, tugging them outward so they could be
seen individually.  After pointing each one out to the boys,
she allowed them, one at a time, to finger each of his
precious jewels.  Their tiny fingers tickled, making his
penis twitch in his hand.  As Mrs. Morton sat down again,
Beth asked, "May I also examine him up close, mother?  I
really can't see his small boy parts from back here."  

"Certainly," her mother replied.  "You and Karen should both
go get a good look," she added with a smile.   "After all,
boys all look a bit different, and you should get used to
all the different forms their boy parts take."  The girls
eagerly rose and took Mrs. Morton's place, visually
examining his genitals from a few inches away, and then
taking turns fingering his scrotum and isolating his two
small marbles.  "

Could you have him move his hand so we can see his little
wee-wee up close," Beth asked.  

"Hands behind head, son," Mrs. Henson ordered.  Chad
reluctantly let go of his penis and assumed the position. 
His penis, much to his chagrin, had grown and now stood out
half hard against his body.  The girls studied it carefully,
then hesitantly ran fingertips down its length, giving
special attention to the ridge of the head.  Becoming
bolder, they each took it in their hands, one at a time, and
give it a gentle and then a harder squeeze.  By this time
all the touching had made Chad fully hard, so his full 2
inches was on display.  

"It's so different from the twins," Karen said.  "I mean,
it's not just smaller, but the head is different in shape. 
It gets hard like theirs, though."  

"How different is it from yours?" Beth asked Tommy sweetly. 

You'll never know," Tommy retorted.  "I'll find out when
it's your turn to be in Chad's position," she retorted.  

Their mother shushed them.  "Now Beth," she said.  "Let's
focus on one boy at a time.  Tommy is such a good boy that I
doubt he'll ever be in Chad's position."  Beth looked
disappointed, but returned her attention to Chad's member,
flipping it this way and that, stroking her fingers in
different places, and finally giving the head a tweak.  She
let go and the two girls returned to their seats, leaving
Chad frustrated as their touches suddenly ceased. He was
strangely excited by their touch, which was not at all like
being touched by another boy like Jesse and Tommy.  Yet
their comments left him humiliated to the core.  Okay, his
wiener was small, and his balls hadn't dropped yet, but they
didn't have to keep pointing it out!  Given that his sister
gossiped about everything, now everyone in the neighborhood
would know what everyone at school already knew, that Chad
had nothing in the way of boy stuff!  

After allowing the company to examine Chad's genitals
thoroughly, his mother ordered him to turn around with his
bottom facing them, and to step away from the wall a few
feet so they could see it more clearly.  "Show everyone the
naughty little butt they're going to paddle," she commented. 

"So you really did mean it when you said we get to paddle
him, too!" Chad's sister said gleefully.  

"Of course I did, Beth.  I don't go around saying things I
don't mean. He needs a long paddling, so we might as well
spread the work around. I hope you'll all be able to help me

"Even me?" Jesse blurted out.  "Yes, you too," Chad's mother
replied.  "I want all of you to have a turn smacking Chad's
naughty butt.  That includes, you, too, Karen, and the
little boys, too.  I don't suppose they will be able to do
much damage, but with the right paddle they probably could
sting him quite a bit.  

Mrs. Morton looked on approvingly.  "I've always felt that
spankings have more effect on boys when administered by
their peers.  It takes them down a notch.  And, it's about
time Karen took some of the burden off me in disciplining
the twins.  She can get some practice tonight with a bigger

"Well, not bigger everywhere," Beth snickered, causing
laughter all around.  "I think it would be good for the
twins to get some experience on the other side of the paddle
for a change, too.  It will help them remember that even big
boys get spanked."  

Mrs. Morton drew all their attention to Chad for a moment. 
"It looks like his teacher did an excellent job on his
bottom today," She commented.  "She covered his whole
bottom, and managed to blister the centers nicely without
breaking the skin."  

"Yes," Chad's mother said. "But I imagine Tommy and Jesse
deserve some of the credit for the nice pink color he has in
his cheeks right now."  

"Oh, yes, Mom," Tommy said enthusiastically.  "We each took
turns keeping his bottom nice and warm for tonight."   

"Good," his mother replied.  

"Did it actually hurt him," Beth asked, smirking.  "Or were
you guys such pansies that he didn't even feel it?"  Tommy
turned to Beth, his pride wounded.  

"I made him cry twice!" he announced proudly.  "I made him
bawl like a baby." 

"And I made him cry, too," Jesse added.  "Yeah, we both made
him cry," Tommy said.  

"Good," said Beth.  "I like it when he cries – it helps him
remember what a baby he is."  

"Can we make him cry, too?" one of the twins asked.  

"Now everyone calm down," Chad's mother said.  "You'll all
get a chance to make him cry.  But first we'd better finish
up our dinner."

The clanking of silverware began again.  "We still haven't
settled on what paddling implement we'll use on his
impertinent little bottom, " his mother commented, "We need
to chose something that will really sting, but that won't
break the skin too badly.  I want to be able to spank him
frequently in the coming days when he needs it.  I really am
new to this.  How many spanks do you think we should give
him, Sandra," Chad's mother asked Mrs. Morton.   

"Well, it depends on how serious the offense is. For a
serious offense like this one, I'd suggest at least 75 hard
spanks with the paddle on the bare bottom, to start with. 
I'd probably end up giving him more, because when boys get a
major paddling like that, they often have trouble obeying
the entire time and you have to add penalty strokes."   

"I'm new to all of this," Chad's mother said.  "Seventy-five
doesn't sound like very many strokes.  Why, when I was in
school there was a boy who claimed his mother gave him 300
swats on the bare bottom once!  Shouldn't we be giving Chad
more swats so that he learns his lesson more thoroughly?"  

"Don't be swayed by what people say when they're bragging,"
Mrs. Morton replied.  "Believe me, and I know from
experience, what with two naughty boys of my own and
numerous nephews, 75 whacks with a paddle is a major
spanking!  Think in terms of time.  You might want to spank
a boy's butt every one to two seconds if you're giving a
hand spanking, but when you paddle a boy you want time for
him to feel the full effect of each smack.  So you'd want to
space your spanks out to one every 4 or 5 seconds, so the
most you can do is 15 a minute.  A 75-spank paddling would
last 5 minutes at that rate, and 5 minutes is a very long
time to lie over someone's knees getting your bare bottom
paddled.  Remember, his bottom will become continuously more
sore the entire time, so each blow will sting and burn more
than the previous one the entire way through." 

"Why, several years ago my sister asked me to give my 13-
year-old nephew 75 whacks with the paddle on his bare bottom
for smoking, and he was crying by the 5th whack and
completely broken by the 75th.  And he was a much more
mature boy than this one, with an adult-sized hoohah and a
much bigger bottom.  Just imagine what an equivalent
punishment would do to this immature boy's puny little
bottom!  You have to consider that most little boys like
this one cry by the 2nd or 3rd blow, so, you're talking
about 5 minutes of continuous crying and burning pain in his
little bottom even before you're done, plus of course his
bottom will continue to be hot for hours afterward.  I bet
the teacher today didn't give him nearly as many as that,
and you can see the good effects of her work even now!"

Over against the wall, Chad shuddered involuntarily and
couldn't stop.  Seventy-five spanks with a paddle on the
bare butt!  He'd been too upset and focused on his bottom to
count the spanks and paddle whacks he'd gotten at school,
but it hadn't been 75 in either case, he didn't think.  This
was confirmed by Tommy moments later, who announced, "I know
how many smacks Chad got, Mrs. Morton.  One of the third
graders said that he got 60 hard spanks and 50 spanks with
the paddle today.  He said he likes numbers and counting

"See," Mrs. Morton said.  "We'll be giving him half again
the paddling he got in school, even with only 75 spanks. 
Believe me, 75 is enough to blister a boy's entire butt! 
Why the most I've ever given the twins was 50, and the two
of them didn't sit down for a week after that without

"Let me see, then, how does that work out?" Chad's mother
said."  There are 8 of us, so if we each gave him 10, that
would make 80.  That's a little more than you suggested, but
10 apiece is a nice, round number.  And that should be
enough to get his attention," Chad's mother decided.  Across
the table, Mrs. Morton nodded with agreement, while Beth and
Tommy exchanged glances and grinned.

Chad couldn't believe it.  They were all talking about
paddling his bare butt to make him cry as casually as if
they were talking about buy snow tires!  He already knew
what a ping-pong paddle felt like on this butt.  He tried to
imagine what that big a paddling would feel like.  As he
tried to picture it, his bottom flexed a couple of times,
resulting in his squeezing his buns tightly together.  Beth
noticed the movement right away.  "Bet you can almost feel
me paddling you now, can't you little brother," she taunted. 
"I'm going to give you a lesson you won't soon forget!"  

"Now, Beth," her mother said.  "You don't have to tease your
brother.  He already knows he's in for the most painful and
humiliating spanking of his life.  You'll have plenty of
chances to make your point when he's bent over your lap." 
Beth decided to forgo additional comments, and, the eating
and conversation continued.  The merits of various spanking
implements were discussed between the two women, with
special emphasis on comments concerning how his butt would
respond to each one, but no consensus on choice of implement
was reached.  

Finally, as the eaters were finishing up, Beth exclaimed,
"I've got a good idea!  How about if we each choose our own
paddles, and each of us uses our choice when we have our
turn?  That way, Chad can experience some variety, and we
can see first hand which one works the most effectively on
his naughty butt!"  This suggestion was met with acclamation
all round.  The two women retired into the kitchen,
instructing the children to bring in the dishes and plates
and then to go retrieve their implements.  Tommy and Jesse
took the twins in charge, showing then the dishwasher and
then dashing with them back through the dining room,
promising to help them find "something that will really
sting his butt."  Beth went to the kitchen, promising to
find Karen a good wooden spatula to go with her own wooden

In the silence that followed, Karen stole up behind Chad,
reaching out to caress his butt softly.  "I'm sorry, Chad,
that you have to be spanked.  I really like you.  But I'll
have to actually paddle you for real, just like everyone
else.  Otherwise, Beth will make fun of me.  Besides, my Mom
will be watching, too, to see if I'm ready to paddle the
twins, and I don't want to miss the opportunity for that. 
Anyway, what you did in school was really bad, and you
really do deserve this spanking.   You little boys have to
learn to control yourselves.  Just remember when I'm burning
your butt that I'm sorry I have to do it so hard, but I do. 
I like you a lot, Chad, but I still have to make you cry
hard for your own good."   While still caressing his butt
with her left hand, she reached around and placed a hand on
his genitals for a moment, finding and stroking his small
penis and caressing his ball sack.  He forgot about paddles
of all kinds descending on his unprotected butt for a
moment.  Her touch felt more wonderful than any touch he
could remember.  Her index finger and thumb circled the head
of his small, throbbing member, rapidly stroking up and down
much as he stroked himself when alone, but with much more of
an effect because it was someone else's hand.  He realized
suddenly that she was entirely too good at handling penises
for his to have been the first one she'd done this to.  His
breath began coming in gasps and he started squeezing his
buns together and thrusting with her strokes.  He was just
moments away from squirting.  "Uh, oh, I'd better stop," she
said, suddenly squeezing his penis in an iron grip instead
of continuing.  "I doubt if you can squirt yet, but if you
cum now, your mom will be able to tell instantly from
looking at you penis as soon as you turn around.  You know
how the end stays swelled up for awhile after you cum? 
Well, I'm sure your mom knows that, too, so if she sees you
that way, she'll think you made yourself cum and you'll
really get in trouble.  And I really shouldn't be giving you
pleasure like this when you really deserve to be punished." 
Giving his penis a final, reluctant squeeze, she strode off,
leaving him hard and throbbing, frustrated again, and with a
rising fear of the rapidly approaching group paddling.