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Short Stories



E-mail Rick Canidy

Welcome! I haven't been able to update the site now for quite a while, so it's time for a little house cleaning. I've removed the pages dealing with poetry, as I'm reserving this site exclusively for my own works now, and a poet I am not! I've also updated a number of the links, and most notably changed my e-mail address.

FYI, I have been writing erotica (and other genre, but you won't find much of that here) since early 1999. Most of the stories here have been written on request. If you wish to request a story, you will find a form to fill out below for that purpose.  The stories here include a wide variety of erotica (f/f, m/f, group, D/s, mc (mind control), nc and others).

The stories on this site are generally what I consider 'mundane'. When I say this, I don't mean average! Believe me, I take pride in my work. When I say mundane, I mean that they occur in the 'real' world. I also have a site called The House Of Sharess that is the home for the tales I've written that I consider to be 'fantastic'. By that, I mean that they are either placed in a fantasy setting or have some magical aspects to them (i.e. dragons, potions, elves, etc). If you fancy this sort of writing, please check it out!


Story Requests

One of the primary purposes of this site is to answer story requests from readers.  The idea here is to include as much detail as you would like to be included in the story.  Plot, location, sexual orientation and preferred acts, etc.  Also, I have found that the stories are much more satisfactory to the requesters when they provide certain personal information (favorite activities, job, physical descriptions, etc).  Again, if you send a request for a story, please provide as much detail about yourself and your preferences as you feel comfortable.

All stories that are generated this way will be sent directly to the requester.  I also reserve the right to add the stories to my site.

Story Request Form

Please enter your name:

E nter your email address so I can send you your story:

Enter your story request, with as much detail as you wish, below:

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Web site by Rick Canidy
Last updated: October 7, 2008
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