Erotic Fiction by Medea
news and updates
August 31st, 2003
`The Warehouse' is my first new story in a while. It's inspired by real life, but I'm not going to tell you what's true and what's fiction. It details an evening with Katrina and her submissive.
April 10th, 2003
I met someone last week who told me she'd been having dreams about Texas, and the free-association that inspired led to my latest story, titled `Texas' even though it's not explicitly mentioned anywhere in the piece. Enjoy.
March 10th, 2003
Here's a non-story update: I made a journal/blog for talking about writing. It can be found at, and I encourage everyone to read, comment, and ask questions. I'll leave anonymous posting available as long as it isn't abused.
March 6th, 2003
It's been a few months, but I'm back. I've been trying to write a story with certain themes, but none of my attempts have been particularly inspiring. Then tonight it finally came together, maybe a little shorter and more terse than I'd like. I suspect that the style is influenced by the Jane Austen novels I've been reading lately, but I think I like how it came out. The story is called `Not Enough'.
November 12th, 2002
I went out dancing last weekend, and it provided the inspiration for `A Night at the Club', which combines the best bits of two local places (well, I threw in clouds of cigarette smoke for atmosphere, even though I'm not fond of it). I'm too tired to think of any other interesting comments. Somehow I always seem to write these things either at bedtime or breakfast.
November 10th, 2002
`Letters to Myself' involves Alexis' attempt to deal with the breakup of a relationship and the things she desires. It's somewhat more violent than `Tell Me' but probably less so than `Consent'. Which leads me to a question: is the way I'm coding these stories working? I felt disingenuous about not giving `Consent' stronger warnings, but I couldn't think of a way to express the ambiguous consentuality of the story. Should I add a caution tag for stories with that kind of content? You can use the feedback form on the contact page if you'd like to respond anonymously (including your email address means I'll be able to reply, though).
November 8th, 2002
Two more stories: `Like Sex for Chocolate' was inspired by a conversation about poorly named snack food items, and `Tomorrow' is about having sex for the first time.
November 7th, 2002
New story: `Trading Places': Mark and Isabel have their first experience with anal sex--and he's on the receiving end. Some of the inspiration for the story comes from a picture of the ever lovely Tristan Taormino, wearing a short little black dress and a big dick. I never knew a femme with a cock could be so hot.
November 5th, 2002
And now for something different: `The Book of Water' involves a woman, some books, and a bit of magic.
November 3rd, 2002
`Consent', which I wrote last night, makes it five for five. Enjoy.
November 2nd, 2002
There's another story up, titled `Kate'. I was going to try for a story a day, and I finished this one last night, but I ended up being too tired to update the webpage. All four stories have been written this week, starting around Tuesday, I think. If it seems like a lot of writing, well... They're all pretty short, and this is nothing compared to NaNoWriMo, which I participated in last year.
October 31st, 2002
One new story, titled `Frustration'.
October 30th, 2002
I just created the site today, so everything is new. I have two stories up, and a third half-written that should be finished in a day or two. Take a look around, and let me know what you think.