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These stories are Copyright, 1999 Mandil. All rights reserved. I specifically grant the right of downloading and keeping ONE electronic copy for your personal reading so long as this notice is included. Reposting requires previous permission.
All persons depicted in these stories, are figments of my imagination and any resemblance to persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.
Here is a list of most my stories that have been posted recently. As soon as I will finish writting another one, I will post it here as well as at ASSM. I hope that you enjoy them and any useful comment about these stories can be send to me at the address written below.
The Three Companions PART 1 (cheat, voy., M/F, mm/f, preg, incest) 30 K
Three men accidentally meet in a resort hotel during a snow storm. While they are sitting in front of a fireplace there is a power failure. So with nothing better to do, they each agree to give an account of their first sexual experience.
If Only Anna Knew (voy, M/F, MM/F) 37 K For a long time Bob had been hoping to see his wife having sex with another man. But he knew that Anna would never agree to do this. Then one day she becomes blind in a car accident, Bob then realized that his dream could come true after all.
New Neighbors PART 1 (m/f, m/ff) 31 K
A mother and her two young daughters come to live in the house next to Charles, a boy of fourteen. He gets on a very friendly term with both girls and this soon leads him on a path of sexual exploration and discoveries.
Discovering Rachel (first,m/f) 34 K
Johnny, a boy in his late teen, has never kiss a girl yet. One day he makes up his mind to ask on a date a girl much younger than he is so that he can gain some experience in kissing. He ends up, after his first date with her, with much more than he had bargain for.
Night Prowlers (voy., cheat, preg, MM/F) 56 K
A man finds it impossible to impregnate his wife. After a few years of trying he asks his brother-in-law to impregnate her in such a way that she will not be aware of it.
The White Tribe of Africa PART 1 (b/g, b/F, lac., m/ff) 44 K
A minister moves into central Africa with his family in the nineteen century. His son is gradually initiated into sex practices by the natives of the village where the family live.
My Sister Made the Rules (incest, m/g, preg.) 23 K
A girl asks her brother to lend her money so that she can attend a concert. She tells him that he can have anything that he wants from her as a reward.
Lusting for my Used Sister (M/f, m/f, incest, voy., Mm/f) 67 K
In a small town, a fourteen year old boy watches his twelve year old sister having sex with a married man. He then conceives a plan so as to force her to let him have his way with her also.
Afraid of Sleeping Alone (incest, m/g, preg.) 27 K
Linda is afraid of being alone in the dark at night and she often goes to join her brother in his bed. After many nights of being disturbed in his bed, her brother begins to extract sexual favors from her as payment for her being there with him.
The Apprentice Mesmerizer PART 1 (incest, voy., m/g, M/f, m/F) 23 K
A teen living in a small town, purchases a book on hypnosis. He then practices his skill on his sister and mother. Soon he begins to discover hidden secrets about them.
Cuckold Uncle (cheat., incest, m/F, preg.) 67 K
Daniel's father is getting married. While his father is on his honeymoon Daniel goes to live with his Aunt and Uncle. Once there he soon learns to appreciate his beautiful Aunt.
My Bitchy Sister's Hidden Charms (incest, m/f, Mm/f, preg.) 50 K
Mike has a sister who is two years younger than he is. She is the sweetheart of his parents and in their eyes she is the perfect daughter.But one day he discovers a dark secret about her.
Secrets of the old Trunk PART 1 ( M/F,MM/F, cuckold, cheat, preg.) 35 K
After being married for a couple of years to Michelle, a man discovers five of her diaries hidden inside the lid of an old trunk. He then gets the shock of his life when he learns the truth about his wife.
This is a NEW addition to the list of my stories, it is a multi-parts story which has been posted for the very first time on August 10 2002. I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as I did writting it.
Watching and Lusting PART 1 (voy, M/f, talk) 30 K
Fourteen-year-old Linda was hired to help a man and his wife. But the man has something very different than work in his mind as he proceeds to seduce her while unknown to them both, fifteen-year-old Bobbie watches them.
The following is a very long story. It could be classified in the category of Sci.-Fi. by some, while others would say it is in the realm of Fantasy. But I, the author, say it is neither of these. While much of the story is fiction, parts of it really did happen. I do know since I have met the main caracter of this story and he did present to me unquestionnable proof of the stranges events that I describe in this story.
Masters of the Arches
A man on the verge of depression discovers a secret so fantastic that it overshadows all of his many problems. When he investigates further his discovery, he embarks on a series of adventures that takes him to the edge of the universe.
- Chapter 1 30 K The discovery of the arch. First exploration of the new world.
- Chapter 2 23 K A girl is rescued. The seed of love is growing.
- Chapter 3 24 K Returning home a rich man. Teaching the language of the land.
- Chapter 4 18 K Preparations for a long trip while introducing the magic of civilization. Making love to her for the first time.
- Chapter 5 24 K Back to her world. Letting the river carry them.
- Chapter 6 25 K Rafting on an endless river. Dangers are everywhere when you don't know where you are.
- Chapter 7 16 K Water everywhere and yet so little to drink. The sea can be treachrous sometimes. Making an astonishing discovery while recuperating.
- Chapter 8 27 K Failing to return. The search, the capture and into slavery.
- Chapter 9 20 K The pain of slavery. New friends. Revenge is so sweet. Rescue and escape.
- Chapter 10 28 K Destruction and death. The lost of a dear one. The great sand plain.
- Chapter 11 24 K A discovery deep inside the mountain. A new lover. The light at the end of the tunnel. Into the belly of a statue.
- Chapter 12 23 K The reunion. A test for life or death. Mind over force. The door opens.
- Chapter 13 27 K Face to face with a computer. The evolution of a race. A promise to help.
- Chapter 14 28 K The hunt for Valdo begins. Screams of pain in the night.
- Chapter 15 36 K Vengeance and rescue. Escape and recuperate. The magic box.
- Chapter 16 33 K South again. Getting rid of a spy. A few marvels of technology.
- Chapter 17 34 K The escape. Into the green death. Is it the end?
- Chapter 18 33 K Making it to safety. Back on the trail. The disappearing act.
- Chapter 19 33 K Out of the cold. Exploration and experimentation. A fantastic plan.
- Chapter 20 43 K The plans for the project. Hard work and its reward. A new mean of travel.
- Chapter 21 38 K Hunger and thirst are the rule. Smooth landing and food. A terrible shock.
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Last Modified: August 2, 2003