Hi, I'm Madeline. Since December of 1995, I have run Madeline's YesRoom (formerly Madeline's Sex Offerings), a free erotic stories site. It started as just two stories, written as an experiment, that I posted to an anonymous account. I was so astounded with the positive response that I continued to write more stories.
Over the past few years, I have updated the site sporadically for reasons ranging from lack of time to some moral qualms. But in that time, I added stories by other authors, penpal listings, and chat, so I wasn't entirely idle.
But in July of 2000, I started updating the site again in earnest. I add a new story every day, as well as my journals and softcore site reviews every few days. I'm even thinking about writing more stories!
(You can find out more about me and the history of Madeline's YesRoom here.)
So my goal in posting these stories and journals to asstr-mirror.org is twofold: (1) First and foremost, I want you to enjoy my writings. I hope that they tickle your, um, fancy. (2) Secondarily, I want to let erotic story enthusiasts know that Madeline's YesRoom, home of high-quality erotica -- is back!
Update 12/5/00: Wow! Eleven new journals have been added!
So now that the intro is done, please enjoy what I am offering here on asstr-mirror.org: