by Leslie Schmidt
The classic fairy tail as the Brothers Grim would liked to have told it.
Once upon a time there was a happy family, a Mommy, a Daddy, and a little baby girl, Cynthia. The Mommy and Daddy, especially the Daddy, loved there beautiful little baby girl. Her Mommy always dressed her in the prettiest flowered dresses with frilly petticoats and white patent leather shoes. Then Daddy would smile and giggle with the little baby girl as he unbuckled the patent leather shoes, unbuttoned the pretty flowered dresses and untied the frilly petticoats.
For several years they lived happily in a big house on the edge of the wood. On warm summer days, little Cyndi and her mommy would explore the woods, getting to know the rabbits, doves, and chipmunks who lived there. In the evening, after Daddy came home from his job at the Castle, they would eat dinner around the kitchen table, Daddy sitting in his big chair at the head of the table, Mommy in a smaller chair at the foot, and Cyndi in her high chair next to the window. There the rabbits and doves and chipmunks would sit on the sill and the little girl would giggle and laugh as she fed them bits of her dinner. After dinner, Mommy and Daddy and Cyndi would sit around a big fire in the fireplace. On special nights, Mommy and Daddy would lay Cyndi on a blanket after her bath and rub her and kiss her all over, making her giggle and squeal as they licked every part of her sweet and soft skin. Mommy would lick and kiss her ears and cheeks and suck gently at her throat while Daddy would first lick and suck her toes, then her legs and finally end licking and sucking her little clammy until she shivered and shuddered. Then they'd take her to their big bed where she'd lay between them, snuggling her Mommy's stomach and sucking on her soft titties while she felt her Daddy's cock moving back and forth, sliding in and out of Mommy and also rubbing Cyndi in her soft place between her thighs.
One day, Mommy got sick and spent the day in bed. The next day she was weaker and pale. That night she called Cyndi to her and told her that she was going away and Cyndi would have to make sure Daddy was happy. In the morning Mommy was gone and Cyndi wept at the foot of her grave on the edge of the wood. For a while, Cyndi slept alone in her room, listening to Daddy alone in his big bed.
Then, one evening, Cyndi decided that she missed Daddy too much and came out from her bath without her towel. Then she lay down in front of the fire, propping up on her elbows and spreading her knees. She smiled at Daddy who looked over his paper at his sultry six year old. He smiled back and put his paper down, then came across to Cyndi and knelt below her feet. He leaned down and ran his tongue along her clean and soft pussy slit, pushing into her tiny pussy tube and sucking on her tiny button until Cyndi shivered and bucked under him.
Then Daddy straightened up, still on his knees, and untied his pants. Cyndi knew what she had to do, she had watched Mommy many times, even helped her a couple of times. She took Daddy's cock into her tiny mouth, sucking and slurping and licking and kissing. Daddy started breathing harder and harder and pushing forward into Cyndi's mouth, then suddenly he grunted and gasped as Cyndi's mouth was filled with his white sticky. Cyndi sucked and swallowed as Mommy had always done. After that night, Cyndi and Daddy played together often, sometimes in the evening in front of the fire, sometimes at night in his big bed, and sometimes in the woods with all the rabbets and doves and chipmunks watching and tittering in the trees.
But, then one day, Daddy came home with a woman, a widow who lived with her two daughters across town, and told Cyndi that they were to be married and Cyndi would have a mother again and two big sisters to play with. On the day of the wedding, Cyndi was sad and her step-mother became angry with her for not being happy. That night, the door to Daddy's bedroom was locked and Cyndi wept quietly and alone in her little bed. But even that was not to last for long. One day as Daddy was in a hurry to get home to his Cyndi, he fell from his horse and bumped his head and died.
A few days later, when Cyndi was returning from a walk in the woods, she heard some giggling and laughing from the garden shed. She crept up and peeked through the window and there she saw her two step sisters. They were laying on a blanket on the floor. Now the older one, Drucilla, was 16, she was laying on her back and her big floppy breasts were sagging out to the side below her hairy armpits. The younger one, Cloressa, was also naked (she was 14, and skinny and had a lame leg) was kneeling and pushing her face into Drucilla's shaggy bush, licking and sucking at her sister's smelly cunt. When Drucella saw Cyndi watching through the window she got very mad and jumped up and snatched the little girl inside. Then they slapped and pinched her as they tore her dress from her. Next Drucilla made Cyndi lick and suck Cloressa's dirty snatch, it smelled of sweat and piss because Cloressa would only take a bath once a week. When she gagged and choked at the putrid and sticky curls she was slapped and pinched and laughed at. Then, after Cloressa and grunted and groaned, they took little Cyndi and threw her in an ash heap. From then on she was called Cinderella and was forced to do all the washing and cleaning and could only sleep in the garden shed.
For the next two years, as Cinderella got older, she was mostly alone as she washed and cleaned. At night she would shiver and be cold in the shed, often only having the company of there big hound dog, Rex as a companion. Occasionally, when she thought she could get away with it, she would steal some honey from the kitchen to the shed at night. Then she would spread the honey on her cunny and call Rex to lick it off. Rex was a friendly dog and his tongue was smooth and warm and Cinderella would soon be shivering and shaking as she remembered her daddy. But, afterward, she'd be sad and cry.
One day there was a Royal Proclamation that in a week's time there was to be a Grand Ball at the castle and all the young ladies of the realm were to attend and be presented to the Prince. The smart ones knew that the King was looking for a wife for his son and that here was a great chance to become a princess. Now, because it was well known that the Prince was especially fond of seeing ladies feet, it was proclaimed that all the young ladies were to wear ankle length dresses and glass slippers. For a week, Drucilla and Cloressa were all in a tizzy, making trip after trip to the dress maker for their new dresses and trip after trip to the glass blower as he tried over and over to make them the perfect glass slippers.
His task, however, was a hard one as Drucilla had big fat hairy feet with flat bottoms and bunions and Cloressa had skinny and crooked misshapen feet with thick brown toenails. But, with all this activity, no one thought of Cinderella with her petite dainty feet with smooth white skin and cute toes.
As the big night approached, Cinderella became more and more sad and, finely, on the night before the ball, she asked her step mother what she was to wear to the ball. When they heard this they all laughed at her-"You're much too little...You're much too dirty...You're much too stupid...Your feet are too small..." They pushed her back and forth and punched and pinched her, then threw her outside in the rain to sleep in the shed and Cinderella wept and wept all that night.
The whole next day was spent in preparation for the Ball. Cinderella was made to brush her sister's hair, iron their dresses and shine their shoes. She had to paint Drucilla's toenails a bright red and paint Cloressa's a silvery blue. Then, at the appointed time they ran from the house when the coachman arrived, wearing their silk dresses and lace shawls and carrying their glass shoes, to be changed into in the coach on the way to the castle. Cinderella sat alone and cold in her shed and wept and fell asleep. A little while later, Cinderella was startled awake because there was someone in the shed with her. She jumped up and ran to the corner.
"Who are you?!" she cried out.
In the doorway stood a man, he was a thin man with a thin face and thin lips. He was wearing a black suit with a black shirt and a white tie. On his head was a black fedora and he held a Tommy Gun easily with his right hand.
"Oh Deary," he said in a high lispy voice, "I'm your fairy Godfather."
"My fairy Godfather!" Cinderella said, "I've never heard of such a thing."
"Well...." he said in a rising voice, "I'm here to give you an offer you can't refusth." He stepped into the shed. "I can grant you your with to go to the Ball if you'll follow these tiny little rules."
"Oh! Fairy Godfather, I'd give anything to go to the ball, but I have no dress and no glass slippers," she said. Then, magically a beautiful pink silk dress appeared and, on the floor below, two dainty glass slippers. Cinderella stared in disbelief at the wonderful dress and beautiful slippers.
"You see, you may go to the ball, you must do two things for me. First you must promise to leave at the stroke of midnight or your dress will turn to rags and your slippers to wood."
'Oh, Fairy Godfather, I promise, I promise," she cried. "What else must I do?"
"Well..." again his voice rose. "I'd really prefer if you were a boy but..." And he reached down and undid his pants, pulling out his bulging cock.
Now, Cinderella was really taken a little aback but, she did want to go to the ball and he was holding a machine gun, so she scooted across the shed on her knees and knelt before him. Taking his growing dick into her mouth she sucked and kissed and licked just as her father had taught her years before. Only now that she was older, she could slide him deeper inside her mouth and even take him a little down her throat.
Soon her Fairy Godfather was grunting and humping into Cinderella's face and, as his cock grew even harder in her hands, Cinderella held her mouth open and jerked him off onto her tongue. His first streams of jiz shot into the back of her throat, then she took his head in her mouth as he filled her over and over again with his sperm. So much sperm, in fact, that she couldn't swallow it fast enough and some oozed down her chin and fell in white droplets onto her chest where they magically turned into pearls. When her Fairy Godfather lifted Cinderella up she was now dressed in the beautiful silk dress and wonderful glass slippers, her dirty and stringy hair was now magically changed into a shining coiffure of blonde curls cascading down her back and her dirty and broken toenails now had a perfect pedicure and were painted a silvery pink. Outside, a cucumber she had used to remember her Daddy the night before had turned into a long elegant coach, four rabbits had turned into horses, two chipmunks had turned into footmen and Rex had turned into the driver. She stepped from the little wood shed and into the coach and, leaving her Fairy Godfather zipping up his pants; she was whisked away to the Ball.
When she entered the ball she was immediately the center of attention. No one knew who the beautiful stranger was: "Did she come from a foreign Kingdom?" "Was she a distant relation of the Prince's?" "Who could the beautiful girl be?"
The Prince instantly fell in love with Cinderella the moment he saw her feet. It didn't matter to him that she was a mere girl. They ate together at the royal table and danced together after the dinner. Then, as it got later, he invited her to his private apartment.
There the Prince kissed Cinderella, a passionate kiss that tired the young lovers tongues. Next he removed the glass slippers and closely inspected her feet, marveling at there perfect shape, soft skin and lovely toes. He kissed and sucked each one in turn, making Cinderella giggle and laugh. But then, when he unlaced his pantaloons in order to release his cock, Cinderella knew that he wasn't done with her feet.
He bid her sit on the soft carpet, facing him and he drew her feet to him, showing Cinderella how to wrap her feet around his shaft and rub it up and down. Some times she'd push his cock against his belly with one while gently moving his balls with the other. As he became more excited, he bid her remove her dress, which she did.
He hadn't realized how young she was, a mere nine years old, but he found the flatness of her chest and the perfect hairlessness of her pussy wonderful to look at, especially with her legs wide apart as she bent her knees to stroke his cock with her feet. Her little girl lips were pulled wide apart showing her clit and he could clearly see the opening to her sex. But, it was getting late and, just as the clock in the castle tower started to toll midnight, the Prince shot his white slime up into a stream and it plopped down on Cinderella's feet and ankles.
Hearing the sound of the bell tower, Cinderella jumped up and grabbed her dress, then ran from the room. The Prince could not follow because his pants were around his ankles. As the clock tolled, the dress changed back to her ragged shift that she pulled over her head. Outside she found the cucumber on the ground with the rabbits and chipmunks running for the woods and Rex, wagging his tail to meet her. She ran home through the dark streets and collapsed in her shed and cried and cried for the rest of the night.
The entire Kingdom was abuzz about the strange girl and how she had disappeared. The King had ordered his solders into the streets to find the girl and had sealed the boarders. Now the solders were making a house-to-house search, making every young maiden try on the glass slippers. There was a great ruckus when they reached Cinderella's house as Drucilla and Cloressa ordered Cinderella about, trying to look their best for the coming solders and Royal entourage. But, they arrived too early and the girls weren't able to order Cinderella out to her shed in time so they hid her behind the curtains as the solders and Royal Steward entered.
As expected, the shoes would never have fit the older girls, Drucilla's feet were much too fat and flat, straining just to fit a couple of toes into the top, and Cloressa's feet were much too long and crooked, her toes scrunching up and twisting at the end, her little toes even having to twist under the others so she could not stand up.
"Are there any more young maidens in this house?" asked the Steward.
"No sire," answered the girls, (at this Cinderella bit back a silent sob from behind the curtain).
As they were turning to leave one of the solders spied the pink toenails under the curtain.
"Sir!" he said, pointing. He drew the curtain aside and there stood Cinderella.
"Well, bring her forth!" ordered the steward, flashing an angry look at the two older girls.
"Cinderella and the Prince were married that very afternoon and, after the reception, retired to his bedchamber. Again, now with them both naked, Cinderella stroked the Princes' cock with her dainty little feet as he admired her little girl pussy. Only, this time, just before he came he pulled her to him and impaled the girl on himself, then pumped her full of his Royal seed.
As the years passed they lived very happily. When Cinderella grew into a beautiful woman she was always very careful to keep her snatch smoothly shaven for her prince because she knew how much he liked watching his cock slide in and out of her.
In time she had a child and they named her Aurora, after the sunrise. Then, one evening, Cinderella brought her from her bath and laid the baby on a blanket in front of the fire. She smiled up at the Prince as she knelt next to the naked baby...but that's another story.