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Lost Boy's Other-Worldly Story Links: July 2004

28 July 2004
[lb] t'Sade - Yellow Rose (mf plant) (comp) Night after night, she is haunted by terrible dreams of a yellow rose
[lb] Bandyimo - Tuesday T.P.E. (mf succubus nice) Tuesday is T.P.E. day
27 July 2004
[lb] Topaz - Cupid Boy (graphic) (mm mf ff relig mc) Three more parts posted!
[lb] The OverMind - This Un-Life (ff humour fm x) "Two couples move into a suspiciously inexpensive home"
[lb] The OverMind - Behind the Bike Sheds (ff drug mc) "Erica really enjoys hanging out with her new friend Jade."
[literotica] Bacomicfan - Night Nurse (fm vamp succubus) "Injured football star becomes sex toy for a vampiress."
21 July 2004
[lb] TheOwlAndTheRose - A Dickens Halloween (ffm ghost) Poor Marla has some unfinished business here on Earth
[lb] Yotna El'toub - Web's Wonderful Web Book 2 [1 2 3 4 5] (xm xf mc serial sf) "... a touch of the vector should sort them out!" (parts 4/5)
[lb] Mellanie Hewlitt - The Tower of Darkness (f slug lotr fantasy) Captured Arwen meets Gollum, and his Pet
[lb] C - Mari (fm xform mc) Ranald is to Mari's liking (updated)
19 July 2004 Added new site xnxx to my site links
[lb] mjm202036 - Jungle Fauna (m f plant drug caution) (comp) Joseph's parents disappeared in this rainforest...
[lb] C - Mari (fm xform mc) Ranald is to Mari's liking
[xnxx] David Williams - The Pit (mf+ xform caution) She knows that she needs this more than her life
[xnxx] Michael Schuher - Succubus (fm succubus) "If you can give me an orgasm, you can keep your soul"
[xnxx] Franz Schein - The Succubus (fm succubus) "the house came with a servant ... a maid by the name of Samantha."
[xnxx] Michael Schuher - The Fog [1 2] (m f magic myst lots) William must return to the consuming fog...
16 July 2004
[lb] JB/NL - Hot Summer Tales [1 2] (mf xform succubus caution) Marvin is not overflowing with the milk of human kindness (part 2 added)
[lb] Bandyimo - Daughters of Lilith (f m scifi fant nosex) They are among us!
15 July 2004
[lb] C - Hey Dawg! (mf xform mc beast) Two gentlefolk are justly rewarded
[lb] JB/NL - Hot Summer Tales 1: Hell Hath No Fury (mf xform succubus caution) Marvin is not overflowing with the milk of human kindness
9 July 2004
[lb] Topaz - Cupid Boy and the Arranged Marriage [1 2] (ff mf god) "This one is a re-telling of the Myth of Cupid and Psyche" (part 2)
[literotica] jthserra - Questions for a Hitch-hiker Just 30 (fm mermaid) "... I'm not from around here." She nodded down at her aquamarine tail
[bra] Sormin - Nymph Maker (f plant magic xform) Laridra the Strong earns her keep
[mcstories] Leather Boots - Deus Ex Machina (ff mc) Lexy catches up with Wendy: but who's her new girlfriend???
7 July 2004
[lb] Felix Lance Falkon - A Scented Blossom Is A Scented Blossom, Not A Rose (mfmm vore lots) (comp) There be many comings and goings at the Exotix bar tonight!
[lb] Ashley Young - Narrative Myth: A Vampire's Tale (mf vamp) An inter-generational reunion, of sorts
[storiesonline] Vulgar Argot - What's Wrong with Ann Turing? (mf myst) Yes, that's right, what is wrong with her???
[literotica] jthserra - Insectuality (f insect) Cricket was crazy about insects
6 July 2004
[lb] Topaz - Cupid Boy (graphic) (mm mf ff relig mc) Two more parts posted!
5 July 2004
[lb] G. L. Williams - Music Lover (fm succubus) "Musicians were her drug of choice"
[literotica] jthserra - Casino (m machine) "He was up to twenty, twenty-one when I heard his first moan."
[literotica] jthserra - Edgar's Eyes (fm caution humour) "just because I am jumpy doesn't mean I am crazy..."
[mcstories] Daphne - Fairie Tale (fmf magic mc) Laurel has plans for her John, Michael...
3 July 2004
[lb] Eli the Bearded - Metamensity (fm xform) "... he felt a perverse pleasure knowing that it was a great way to go"
[lb] Colleen Thomas - The Contest (ff magic) "The world is a slightly better place because of you"
[jvalet] JValet - What you see is what you get (fmmmm teen succubus incest serial) "Do you want me inside you, forever?"
[literotica] rgraham666 - The Tease (fm myst) She's a stripper, and she likes to tease

· All Months · Previous: June 2004 · Next: August 2004 ·
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· email: sadlittlelostboy@iprimus.com.au · (anonymous feedback) ·