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Lost Boy's Other-Worldly Story Links: June 2003

28 June 2003
[local] Lisa James - The Vulvoid Transform (mx fx xform tg) "I'm a vulvoid girl ... a slave to these panties! I was a boy just like you..."
[literotica] dr_mabeuse - In Pharaoh's Boat (mf god) Vanessa finds a god on the rebound
[ajs330] ajs330 - Widowmaker (fm myst) Sean's ex doesn't like his new flame
[tsa] Brat001 - Secrets (f asfr) "You sell pretty underthings. I'm going to make it so you sell more. With much less effort."
27 June 2003
[local] IM4U2003 - Possession [1 2] (mf ghost rom) Eric and Chrissy's holiday changes their lives
[nifty] Ansuz - Re-Genisis (ff mc) "So girls, you are now genetically mutated sex slaves. Does that thought appeal to you?"
[mcstories] Topaz172 - Talon's Claws (mc mm f) Where to start in this mutant mayhem?
[gotfanart] Belial - Nesting Chamber (f insect caution) Dr. Wiess ensures the survival of the species
26 June 2003
[local] Forsetti - Shadow (f cat vamp rom) Lisa is adopted by a kitten
[mcstories] Sneakel - Vampyress (fm vamp mc) He was not very well prepared
[mcstories] Ads - A Very Small Invasion (mfx mc humour) "Our hosts must be fit, content, without stress and well exercised at all times"
[nifty] Seteyan - The Spider Queen (fm spider tg) He likes her grey silken bodystocking
25 June 2003
[local] Honey Moon - Cat and Canary [1 2] (ff alien plant ws) "I like these plants Canary! Let's live here with them!"
24 June 2003
[local] Arthur Saxon - Alloteuthis, the "Other Cephalopod" (f tentacles scat) Lucy gets used to a cephalopod's winning ways
[tsa] Mark Gooley - The struggle (xform nosex) Katie's mattress wants to be Katie
[shonrichards] Shon Richards - The Curse of the Mummies' Cocks (ff mf statue) Flora and Bethany go tombraiding
[ggroups] RH Music - Trapped in Stone (fm humil asfr) "Right away, he knew that something was wrong..."
23 June 2003
[local] the hungry ghost - Remainders (ff mc scifi) Women are imprisoned and pleasurably prepared, but what for?
[literotica] Sabledrake - Infernal (mf ff incest demon magic) That's not an angel at the Hills Academy for Fine Ladies
22 June 2003
[local] stormbringer - Tentacula [1 2 3] (fx caution) It finds a new source of sustenance
[mcstories] Tabico - Adaptation (fx mc insect) A young colonist finds it hard to say "no!"
[sanguine]   Geli - After Dark (mm vamp) Vampires are such civilized hunters, no?
[ggroups] lancet - First part of Harold Childes investigation (fm drug demon caution unfinished) Childe can only watch
21 June 2003
[local] alucard - Lust Gel (mf vore plant caution) "This stuff must be worth a fortune!"
[couture] Couture - Harriet Hotter (mf ff magic) Did you get to the bookstore today?
[ltbsa]  Magnus- It Suits you (f asfr) "Do you feel the pressure, Gina? The pressure of the control phallus?"
[mcstories] Cowgirl - Undercover Humiliation (ff mc drug) A tussle between the young and the old
20 June 2003
[local] Topaz172 - I Was a Teenage Borg [1 2 3] (mf mm mc borg) "What? You intend to conquer Earth by showing us a good time?"
[ltbsa]  Fool- Merchandise (ff asfr) "It turned out to be all and around a good night. "
[ggroups] infinitrek - STTNG: The Best of All Worlds (ff scifi borg) Troi is assimilated
[mcstories] artie - Tool(fm ff drug mc) Don dreads the oriental influence
19 June 2003
[local] C - Hideaway (mf bestiality xform new) Cal and Mary are on the run from the law; will Mary's old flame take them in?
[literotica] IM4U2003 - Possession [1 2] (mf ghost rom) Eric and Chrissy's holiday changes their lives
[literotica] Rainbow Skin - Foxglove Fairy (ff faerie) 'So why did you pluck me?'
17 June 2003
[local] N W Wraptor - Plant Search (f plant vore) "It started with a few obscure old references ... of large carnivorous plants that fed on humans..."
[storiesonline] Stephanie - DNA (mf tg scifi) A classic tale of gender exchange
[storiesonline] Erwin Stevens- Latex Flower (fx plant drug mc) An alien plant needs young girls
[storiesonline] Forsetti - Shadow (f cat vamp rom) Lisa is adopted by a kitten
16 June 2003


100 stories today!
Now would be a great time to send me some more lovely links and stories!
Thanks for reading!

[local] Tommie Fremouw - Denise's Dildo (fm xform incest tg) Denise shares her dildo with all and sundry

15 June 2003
[local] hollyh - Angel (fm vamp) "You're coming with me!"
[literotica] Gabriel Lee - Incubus (f demon) "Down at the foot of the bed there appeared to be the outline of a figure"
[literotica] Sabledrake - The Witch of Dark Hollow (ff mf magic caution) Leah discovers malevolent witchcraft at work
[mcstories] Flying Pen - Night Music (fm vamp) Like sand through the hourglass, after dark.
14 June 2003
[local] Don D Hatch - The Seduction (xfm vore) Jerry comes around to hungry Gina's point of view
[docsavage] Doc Savage - Time and Again Part 1: The Game [1 2 3 4 5 6 7]  (ff plant mc drug scifi) A stripper finds her life is stranger than she ever imagined
[literotica] devle - Demon Lover (f demon sad) "I've been haunted all my life."
[ggroups] Honey Moon - Cat and Canary [1 2] (ff alien plant ws) "I like these plants Canary! Let's live here with them!"
13 June 2003
[local]  Pleaser - Smelling the Nite Jasmine [1 2] (mf ff mc) Tina regrets her bitchiness; but this is not revenge!?
[literotica] Sabledrake - Mr Fluffykins (f toy magic) Lisa returns home and wonders how she used to bear it
[ggroups] ??? - Tripod (f plant unfinished) Slimy jungle plants try to attract attention; haven't found a satisfying conclusion...
[ggroups] voyager - Fucked to Death (mf plant) You just can't trust wife-swappers!
11 June 2003
[local] chikala - Compelled (mf ghost caution) Kelly can't stay away
[fictionmania] Wholeman - Pea Pod (fm xform plant tg) "Why are there so few men?"
[ggroups] nightsky7 - Dark Fortune (fm vamp) "Every three years ... a ritual took place in the international law firm of Hanley, Ross, Baker and Ravil"
[ggroups] RC - A Halloween Story (ff vamp) Leslie chooses Diane
10 June 2003
[local] Raven's Den - The Mynx Chronicles [1 2 3 4 5 6 7] (fm ff mc) Mynx is a criminal mastermind; pity she's so damn seductive!
[mcstories] the hungry ghost - Remainders (ff mc scifi) Women are imprisoned and pleasurably prepared, but what for?
[chupxena] stormbringer - Tentacula [1 2 3] (fx caution) It finds a new source of sustenance
[greyarchive]  MMMmmmm - Anor Don Masin [prologue 1 2 3] (ff mf fantasy) Kerry, Em, Lish and Uzhegh dance around each other (does this link work?)
9 June 2003
[local] Erstwhile Ether - Empathic (ff mc md nosex) Joe's control opens new horizons for Sara
[local] Erstwhile Ether - Pathetique (ff mc md) Sara can't stay away
[literotica] Gabriel Lee - Dance on the Edge of a Volcano (fm succubus hum) Dancing has never been more dangerous
[purpleherald]   Kelly - Crystal Impalement (mf toy mc) "My ex-boyfriend had mailed me a parting gift."
[chupxena] N W Wraptor - Plant Search (f plant vore) "It started with a few obscure old references in the sub-archives at the university library regarding third-hand reports of large carnivorous plants that fed on humans..."
4 June 2003
[local] kleve - Field Work 1 (m plant) What's this tree that is popping up everywhere?
[local] kleve - Field Work 2 (f plant) Gail is introduced to the tree
[fictionmania] Tommie Fremouw - Denise's Dildo (fm xform incest tg) Denise shares her dildo with all and sundry
[mcstories] 8-bit - I knew redheads would be the death of me (fm mc) The mystique of working "for the CIA" wears off quickly
[gulps] Don D Hatch - The Tank [1 2] (fm ghost vore) "How would you like to snuggle up inside my mouth, Jerry?"
3 June 2003
[local] DB - Marilyn (ff asfr)Marilyn is still mixed up
[local]  C - Renewal (fm succubus tg new)It has been a long, long time since poor Charles has had a woman
[saxon] Arthur Saxon - Alloteuthis, the "Other Cephalapod" (f tentacles scat) Lucy gets used to a cephalopod's winning ways
[chupxena] Alucard - Messing With Nature (f plant) So much for military intelligence!
[mcstories] JenaDown - The Package (fm mf mc) "I really like my job!"
2 June 2003
[local] gothic_enigma74 - Dream Woman (fm vamp new) Why does beautiful Patricia seem so familiar?
[literotica] hollyh - Angel (fm vamp) "You're coming with me!"
[mcstories] Databastard - Just Might Get It (ff mf mc drug) Janet can read minds... but wait! there's more!
[dbstory] DB - Aunt Lonnie (fm asfr rom) Aunt Lonnie really enjoys thinking for herself
1 June 2003
[local] scotturnitred - Skunk Hunter (mf scifi monster) Just one more little girl to save, just one more!
[mcstories] Raven's Den - The Mynx Chronicles (fm ff mc) Mynx is a criminal mastermind; pity she's so damn seductive!
[putrid] Dreamtiny - Cock Thief (fm magic) She likes cocks, but does not like men...
[chupxena] Transcendance - Hungry (f plant) What is Beth keeping in her basement?

· All Months · Previous: May 2003 · Next: July ·
· lbworlds Yahoo! · Donations · email: lostboy@lbworlds.net · (anonymous feedback) ·
· LB Collection · Story Links · Site Links · Poetry · Submissions: wendy@lbworlds.net ·