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© ScottishChieftan

Lestat's Demise

I bent him over my knee, with his face to the sky.  
His eyes were wide for he knew he would die.

Time had come and time had gone.  His was over and mine had begun.  

Like a bow arched his back, bones cracking and snapping.
Terror struck through him for he knew what was happening.

Even those that walk in the night,
can quiver and shiver and tremble with fright.

It was my time to reign and his time to perish.  

I broke his neck with a twist of his spine,
but left his heart pumping, this old enemy of mine.

Into his throat, I sank my needle sharp teeth.
He had whined of his life till I gave him release.

Lestat, you old whore, you perverse little faggot.
Go to your death and be a feast for the maggots.

His salty blood sprayed all over my face.
I sucked his veins dry, slowly, without haste.

Black blood with no life in it’s cells.
I drank it all down and sent its owner to hell.

Death comes to us all, old nemesis of mine.

With one last twist, his head was torn from it’s perch.
His body convulsed, his legs spasmed and jerked.

A flame shot from his neck and bared his soul to the night.
I watched it arch to the ground and I laughed in spite.

Vampire.  You never deserved the name.  
Though through some eyes, yours was the title that bore the most fame.  

I am the Lord and Master of night.  
I am the reason people stay in the light.

Think of me when the night shadows fall.  

Remember my name, I am the Bringer of Death.

© ScottishChieftan

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