Candle light is dancing round, in the background are chanting sounds.
A naked woman in a shadowed room, blesses us from her sacred womb.
Mother earth and father time, we chant our rotes and say our rhymes.
Upon my knees I proclaim, this is magick, and not some game.
To the four towers I beckon and call, that they might aid us, in ways not
That earth might shelter us and give us love.
That wind will carry blessings sent from above.
That fire should purify us and keep us warm, and light the darkness to keep
out the swarm.
That water might quench us and make us strong, that we don’t lose ourselves
in the throng.
A smudge pot burns and billows out smoke.
We speak from our hearts and our words lift like a note.
For peace and sanctuary, we ask and plead.
For comfort and fulfillment we so often need.
Lift out hearts and make them roar, like waves from the beaches of some distant
Lapping waves that crash time and again.
Making ways for newfound friends.
A power builds within our room, rays of hope start cutting the gloom.
Life’s pure light begins to invade.
It edges out hurts and pains that others have made.
A pulse develops like a beating drum, the air is alive with a magickal hum.
Fairy wings beat upon the air, dainty and delicate, pure and fair.
Pausing to drink from the milk that we left them, chasing away mischief and
The air is alive with faer ones arriving, this is the blessing for which
we were striving.
A blessed spot to think and retreat.
A sensual haven for kindreds to meet.
A place where magick floats on the air.
A place that lovers and friends can share.
A place to relax and ease life’s strains.
A place to heal from loneliness and pain.
Let the faer ones guard it and keep the magick alive.
Let them welcome and warm us, when er’ we arrive.
Bless the ground upon which we kneel.
Let joy, life and comfort be what we feel.
Let the faer ones shield us from life fraught with pain, let us come here
for shelter, time and again.
Release the towers that beckoned our call.
Open the door that leads to the hall.
Let out the gloom and chase away the pain, never to be welcome here, ever
Blow out the smudge and light incense to burn.
Feel the desire and feel the need that in your stomach doth churn.
Make alive this sheltered spot, feel the knot in your stomach grow hot.
Life and lust, they walk hand in hand, like an hourglass and grains of sand.