Stories by Lost Boy

Here are the stories by Lost Boy. I also have an extensive collection of links to some of my favourite sites and my favourite stories. Some are kept locally

I would love to hear Feedback from you if you like my stories

I have also just started a poetry collection

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March 2003

Jiri is a university student living in residences. He has never had a girlfriend, until he is befriended by Cindi. Cindi is somewhat shy, and somwhat awkward, but has some hidden talents.

Gently mc/mf/fd for a change.

Love you like a tree


November 2002

Jiri returns to his succubus Karen, and is united with Karen's family, a lover, a grand old house, and a grand old tree.

This is a continuation of Shorts

More vamp/plant/romance/mc fun

Wait a while

July 2002 

Jiri is a cold man who learns to love something other than museums.  He finds a statue, her sister, and his love.  But the statue has waited for a long time.

A statuesque freezy mind control vampire love story.



December 2001

Jiri is a slightly sad man travelling to Adelaide by train.  He meets, and is seduced, by a very strange woman.

The sequel is Love you like a tree

She Was Beautiful

May 2001

My first story, a statuesque freezy mind control love story.

It contains a party, a couple, a rival, a sculptress, and her studio.

Thanks, Lady Cyrrh, for giving me an A .

Little Indians

April 2010

The village of Gynt is under siege by the demon Lilith, and many attempt to discover her secrets. Why has she arisen? How is she manipulating their minds? Could surrendering to her seductions be the only way to save the world? (Complete, July 2010)