These stories are fictional and any resemblance to any real
location, event or person, living or dead is unintentional.
These stories contain erotic fiction and as such make graphic
and explicit reference to sexual acts, some of which may be
deemed as deviant. Any
person who is, or thinks they may be,
offended by such material should not proceed further.
Access is denied to persons under the age of 18, or under the
specific age specified by the law in country of domicile for
this type of material.
The author has no wish to offend anyone's sensibilities or
cause offence in any way.
These stories are provided for
entertainment only and the author does not condone the
described practises in real life.
All stories are original works by the author and copyright is
retained by the author.
Permission is given for private
users to download and retain the stories for own use. Copying
of the files for commercial gain or posting to a pay or
subscription service is expressly forbidden.
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