From your favorite authors on the web.

A site for the things that almost got written, but didn't...

Most writers start a lot of stories they never finish. This site gives writers and readers a look inside the creative process: the fragments here are real parts of erotic stories that never got finished.

The writers want you to know that this is absolutely not their best work. Nobody has read proof on most of these fragments--they are just the way the authors left them when they decided to abandon the stories and go on to other things.

The usage may be poor, the grammar bad, the spelling atrocious. After all, these people have to start somewhere, while the finished products you see on Usenet or on web sites are the result of a lot of rewriting and polishing. Here, however, is the unvarnished beginning.

Please write to the authors and tell them what you think of their efforts. Should they finish these stories? Have you got a way to help them out? Did you enjoy getting a peek at works-in-progress? Would like to make a stab at finishing one of these stories? Who knows--your feedback just might jog an author enough to get the story finished!

Please bear in mind--all these fragments are copyrighted by their authors, just as completed stories are. Nothing on this site may be reproduced in any way without permission from the author concerned.

>Story Submission Guidelines<

(Last updated: 05/11/99)

Kristen B & Jeff D. - (Kristen078@hotmail.com)

SWF (mf, cheat) - This is my first collaborative work with my boyfriend - Recently we moved to a new home and the rent is so high that we decided that we would take in a boarder, her name turned out to be Amy. I wonder what she'd think if she knew that Jeff and I had written a story using her as a main character. Well, anyway we got through the first part, but have stalled on the verge of something potentially good, but can't seem to agree where to take the story. Maybe someone can give us a usable scenario. Thanks KB

Bluewords - (bluewords@yahoo.com)

Untitled (No sex, brief violence, supposed romance) - This is actually a recent piece (March 99) that I wrote after a discusion on alt.sex.stories.d. I can't quite figure out where it might go from here, so I don't think I'll finish it. If any one has any ideas, let me know.

Michael D - (MichaelD38@aol.com)

DILBERT GETS LUCKY (mc, MF, satire) - I began this as an attempt to satirize the mind-control genre, but after completing the first scene, I was unable to come up with anything else. What I discovered that Scott Adams' style is not as easy to ape as I first thought. Cartoons don't always translate well to text.

THE POND (MF, rom, voy, mast) - This story began as a simple romance: burnt out lawyer meets small town waitress. I liked the setting and the set-up, but after I got about ten pages into it, I realized it just wasn't going anywhere. There was no conflict--it was obvious the two of them were going to have sex eventually, and without any drama to carry the narrative along, I lost interest in finishing it.

UNTITLED (hist, first, nosex) - Unlike the other two, this was actually an attempt at a novel. I was really thrilled with the idea. I knew it would take a lot of research to do right, but the plot I had sketched out in my head seemed like a winner. I started flush with inspiration, and got about 5000 words into it. What happened? Well, some idgit then published a bestseller by the name of "Memoirs of a Geisha," which was almost identical to what I had in mind except for the setting. You might well call this story "Memoirs of a Harem Girl." My inspiration, and motivation to finish, evaporated, and I've done nothing with it for at least six months. Some of the sex scenes I had planned for this story were truly innovative and thought-provoking, and I'm a little sad that I'm likely never to get them down on paper.

Jimmy Hat - (jimmy@jimmy-hat.com)

One Sick Clown - Well, unlike most of the other bones I've seen in the graveyard, this story is a whole damn corpse. The problem is the foul stench! Have a look, see my notes at the end, help me bring this thing back to life.

Stephen Peters - (Sxjames@aol.com)

Erin (mf, mmf, yng teen, incest, cons) - There are some ideas, some fantasies, that I look at and 1) wonder where on earth they came from and 2) realize the amount of effort it will take to execute properly is more than I can handle. This tale has both characteristics. For example, I've always considered myself a straight male, but there is a strong homosexual theme that is essential to this tale -- a theme that I must admit I find kind of arousing (in the abstract). At any rate, this has been sitting on my hard drive for several years, stuck in the middle of chaper one. Personally, I like the characters and voice, but is it good enough to continue? You tell me.

Shon Richards - (LordShon@aol.com)

Ann's Guitar - The guitar is magical, for that matter, so is Ann. I thought it would be neat to do a love triangle with a magical person, her fetish and some poor guy. I got distracted by another idea, dropped this story, and never seem to have the time to come back to it.

I still miss my Sunshine - My wife collects Barbie dolls, and one day, I noticed a sex one she had and had some dirty thoughts. I also ran a role-playing game a few years back where I created an extremely popular character that was a fairy girl. This story was to combine the two elements. I started on this story, and my feelings changed. Some days I think it's too silly, and other days I think it'll be the best thing I ever write. it's hard to write something with that much indecision.

Jordan Shelbourne - (jordan@compu-diva.com)

A Letter From Alison - I wrote this a long time ago; it's probably among my first ten stories, when I started writing seriously. This was going to be a larger story, where Allison grows up through dying. Except I got to this point and couldn't write any more. My solution then was to cut the story off here instead of going on to the next letter.Nobody bought the story, but I still can't think of anything better. Allison makes an appearance in another unfinished story, which is also (obviously) a vampire story. That one, fortunately, is lost forever, unless some mysterious floppy disk shows up. (I couldn't decide where to start the damned thing.)

Ambrosia (MF) - A man of uncertain motivation gets involved with half of a performing sex act.

The Doc and the Doxy, the Horse and the Whore (mf anal) - A new lady is tested out at a bordello. Intended as an homage to Damon Runyon.

Forum Letter in 2050 (mf, group, large) - An attempt at forecasting what Penthouse Forum will be like when we have body sculpturing and genetic engineering.

Goodbyes (mf superhero) - A heroine in town for her father's funeral encounters a villain with super-pheromones. (Yeah, I know...)

Island Memoir - Here's the problem: most of the story is a moderately interesting recap of images, the actual story happens in the first and last paragraph. And those two don't work. The problem may have been one of conflicting intents: Am I trying to show him as an island, without connections? In that case, he'd better not be married in the first place. Am I trying to show that once you've proposed to the woman you're having an affair with, you've pretty much decided your marriage is over...that is, you've cut off your ties to others, and the narrator becomes an island? I dunno.

Time's End (? fantasy) - An attempt to write using as many big words as Celeste suggested.

The Whip Hand (MF, dom/sub) - Amy tries to help Dennis.

With a Bang, Not a Whimper (MF, apocalypse) - It's the end of the world in a few hours, and Gino's looking to get laid.

Sven the Elder - (Sven@brass-neck.demon.co.uk)

The Dunes - A tale of summer love (M/F Summer ROM) - This story started off in a blaze of enthusiasm, but then the road to hell is paved with good intentions!! A new job after a 'year out' *resting* left me physically and mentally exhausted. This story was supposed to be the first in a longer style, rather than the 'shorts' I had been writing up to this point. When I returned to it a couple of months ago, I couldn't remember the direction I wanted to take it in, and my characters had decided to get the hump and sulk. They wouldn't / won't communicate with me, so I'm a bit stuck - suggestions on a postcard.....

Jane Urquhart - (janey98@hotmail.com)

1-800-DIVORCE - I don't know why I didn't finish this one--I just lost interest. I think she was going to go to bed with her lawyer or something, but I forget.

Janey's March (3rd Try) - You've read the story that finally was posted as "Janey's March," then you know that it has absolutely nothing to do with this one. When I first started writing, I knew what my first two stories would be, then Lord Malinov's Island party gave me the subject for my third. Then I had to start thinking: what would I do for "Janey's March"? This is the third try on a story I never finished. Why not? You know how snotty characters can be to their creators. Well, Janey finally simply told me that she wouldn't even consider having sex with her brother-in-law. No way. That put the cap on this one, so I had to start all over. I like parts of this and probably will use them at some point in some story, but this one's never going to get written. Pity.

Daphne Xu - (daphne@nym.alias.net)

Random Old Skewerage (no-sex, no-plot, flame, language) - This is not a story. It is a reply I started on, then eventually gave up on, in response to a flame war on ASSD a year ago, where everyone ganged up on me. I don't need to mention names; you know who you are.

Iolanthe - Based on the Opera by Gilbert and Sullivan - I intended to write two versions of this: one G-rated and one X-rated. I wrote a first draft after a long struggle, and started writing a second draft. I haven't done anything with it the past year -- the creation date of this file is over a year ago.

The first draft was set in Victorian England. After a friend commented that the twentieth-century and nineteenth-century diction really clashed and jarred, I set the second draft in 1950's Massachusetts, New York, and either Vermont or Virginia -- I couldn't decide which.

Maybe I'll finish this story sometime.

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