Foxbat's Stories
Hosted by ASSTR

Disclaimer: The characters in this story are completely fictional, and bear
no intended resemblance to characters in real life. This story contains
graphic sex, in some cases non-consensual, and should not be read if such
stories are illegal in your state, or if you are a minor.

Please feel free to distribute this, on the condition that the disclaimer
and author's name remain intact and unaltered.

This site's content is also available via ftp at

Feedback, comments, suggestions, etc are always welcomed and appreciated: (please note: the old hotmail address is no longer active)

The Alt Sex FAQ
This is basically a users guide to the human body with respect to sexuality
it covers just about anything you could possibly want to know. Its what you
should have learned in Sex Ed in school, but didn't. I have found it to be such
a valuable resource that I have mirrored it here from its original at, exactly. I hope it may
help you in the ways in which it has helped me.

The stories listed below are all in .txt format.

My Megan ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Mar 2001-Jul 2002 - The story of a highschool senior and the cute freshman he decides to have -
it starts slowly, but its worth it for the end..

Natural Chemistry (1, 2) Mar 2001 - The story of two school rivals and what happens when things get out of hand

The Subordinate (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Mar 2001-Jun 2002 - The story of a professor, his pet student and their adventures in the world of BDSM

The BAMF Jun 2001 - A trucker has a little fun with his would-be hijacker

Corporate Corpus Jun 2001 - Having fun at the office with a copier never hurt anyone...

Desert Fun Jun 2001 - Boy + Girl + Rapist + Cattleprod = FUN!

The Descent Series ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ) , and the Ascent Series ( 1 ) Aug 2001-Feb 2002 - A respectable young woman finds herself becoming a prostitute

Late Night Library Feb 2002 - You never know what can happen in the Library

A Long Snowy Road Mar 2002 - Beware picking up hitch-hikers in snowstorms

College Campus Fun Mar 2002 - College is always a (sadistic) party!

To Love Doggedly Jun 2002 - Written for the 2002 Summer Romance Festival ;-)

Video Store Fun Jan 2003 - Another boring day..... another set of tortured teens

A New Bedwarmer Apr 2003 - A terrified girl's first night at boarding school

The Doctor Jun 2003 - A curious murder victim starts to have an effect on the detective

Over the Hood Aug 2003 - A girl finds herself in an interesting situation with the cop who pulls her over

The Classified Ad ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ) Oct 2003-May 2007 - You never know who will answer...

A New Slave ( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) Oct 2003-Jan 2004 - A newcomer to a strange land, Olaf finally gets a slave of his own

Sic Friatur Crustulum Nov 2003 - A simple college romance tale

The Breaking (Mf nc-hard anal viol) Dec 2003 - Breaking women and molding them into willing slaves can be tough work

The Kiss on the Beach Jan 2004 - Infidelity can be as wonderful as it is wrong.

The Duke Jul 2004 - A flash story on twisted aristocracy.

Mother's Daughter Jul 2004 - A flash story that's hard to describe.

Per Subiugum Libertas ( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) Mar 2006-Jan 2007 - A student learns how pain and pleasure blend

Tops and Bottoms ( 1, 2, 3, 4) Dec 2006-Feb 2007 - Is submission worth entre into the scene?

Handcuffs (flash) Mar 2007 - A flash story about a Valentine's day present

The General's Wife Jul 2007 - The fate of the wives of military men throughout the ages

The Long Trip Mar 2008 - Dinner and a rape?

Waking May 2008 - A teacher finally wakes up

Snippets 1 August 2009 - A small collection of short scenes

Snippets 2 August 2009 - A small collection of short scenes

The Return ( 1, ) Sept 2009-Sept 2009 - A long-term kidnapping and sex abuse victim (read sex slave) contemplates returning to live with her former master

So apparently some of my stories don't really display well because certain
characters get messed up. I thought I'd post a nice little perl script to
straighten this out.

On a different note, I usually find myself citing stories that inspired me, or
that I particularly liked to those who email me to tell me they enjoyed my stories.
So I thought I might as well post a few links to some of my favorite stories written
by other authors.

The Parker Stories by Parker
Pretty nc, but excellent reading. I particularly enjoyed Squealer, Bangkok
Slaver, and Doctor's Orders. The link is to an index of his stories, but you can also search on

Captured Caroline by TMQuinn
Perhaps the best story I've ever read, both Subordinate and My Megan represent
an attempt to match the excellent writing of this story.

The Association by Adrian Hunter and Chelsea Shepard
An excellent story which, better than anything else, preserves the delicate balance between hatred and
love. The emotions of the slave are incredibly plausible, and the mind at no point in the descent
rebels against the story, leaving the conlusion inescapable. NCish, but emotionally satisfying.

Stories by Monocle
Many dark ncish stories which are always well written.

Intersection by David Lawrence
I've always thought that I could write well, but this story made me realize what it is to write
beautifully. Its beautiful like Snow Falling on Cedars beautiful. I don't want to ruin it, but
the last few lines are pure poetry.

Me and Mrs. Jones by Shakes Peer2B
FDom doesn't usually get me, but this is well-written and kinky as all hell.

The House in the Woods series, also by Shakes Peer2BA

I might add more as they occur to me, but this is what comes to mind at the moment...