Dudester's Adult Stories

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Story Title & Code Story Summary

Freshman Pays for Playing
(MF, reluc, pros)

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When a bachelor with an unexpected work bonus finds a young and hot damsel in distress, he offers to help, but only if she does something extra special for him. She isn't exactly happy about his offer, but she relents when she realizes that she is backed into a corner.

(MF, M-Sex Doll(12), ped, cons, seduc, viol)

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I wrote this after seeing a detailed review of a movie where a man buys a sex doll, and he's the only one who can hear her speak. I think this is chickenshit. A parent said:"If you can do better....", well I did and here's my contribution. I hope you enjoy it.

Lolita Factor
(MF, exh, sed)

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HTML format page

A middle aged Manager is surprised by a new barely legal receptionist at his company. One day at work, she tells him about her new exciting part time job-where she works naked. Will he surrender to her charms ?

A Trip to the Cabaret
(MF, oral, anal, public sex, pros)

ASSTR text page
HTML format page

Jim decided to celebrate his birthday by going to a club with a reputation. When he gets there, he sees a very familiar face, then things get really interesting.

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