Ball Four was sitting in front of the television, pouting about his recent encounter with a troop of Girl Scouts. Mind you, most guys would never pout about getting to sample such a wide range of flavours, even if they had to be tied up for it (unless he was cmsix who would've wanted them in baseball spikes sharpened by Ty Cobb and doing a goose step across his chest, but he is a little odd that way). He was so pre-occupied with his pouting, he never noticed the pounding on his door, though it was just as well, because if he had answered it, he may have been crushed by the battering ram as it turned his door into splinters.
With the death cry of his door, he looked behind him. A police officer stood in the enterence way of his home. She was tall for a woman, and golden blonde braids hung from beneath her riot helmet. Her uniform was form fitting black leather. If not for her shape, one would be waiting for her to start singing about the navy.
She stared into his eyes as she threw aside the battering ram in a causal way, which prevented anyone from guessing that she meant to break not just the lamp but the end table as well.
"Hello, hello. And what's all of this them?"
The cop hit Ball on the head with a night stick.
"I'll ask the questions, Mr. Ball Four, if that is your name...."
"It is."
"Good. This is the fourth door I had to break down, looking for you. Mind you, I spent an hour beating the truth out them before I would let them go, just in case you were a master of disguise.
"And because I enjoyed it."
She hit Ball on the head with the night stick.
"Ow! What you do that for?"
"Because I enjoyed it. You don't think that I became a professional dom just because the bribes weren't paying enough, now are you?" She hit Ball on the head with the night stick. "Besides my plate displine has always sucked."
She flipped open a small notebook and glance at a note.
"Now, Mr. Four. Did you or did you not post a blatant rip off of a Frank McCoy story yesterday afternoon to now archived at"
She hit Ball on the head with the night stick.
"Just answer the question."
"I did."
"You did what?"
"Answered the question."
She hit Ball on the head with the night stick.
"Mr. Four do I need to take you into the station and rough you up a little."
She hit Ball on the head with the night stick.
"So you didn't post said story to ASSM?"
"No." Sherry raised her arm. "I mean, yes, I did post a blatent rip off of a Frank McCoy story yesterday."
"Very good. No honour amoung thieves seeing as how he stole it from Kenny Gamera." She closed the note book. "Seeing as how you confessed before I had a chance to beat it out of you..."
She hit Ball on the head with the night stick.
"...before I had a chance to beat it out of you." She sneered at him. "Spoilsport. I will just have to take care of you now."
Ball glanced at the night stick. He swallowed hard. It was not a regulation model, or at least the ones that cops carried on television were nowhere near as thick. He also didn't think that both ends of a regulation night stick would be shaped like the heads of a circumsised penis. Then again, he could be wrong.
"You're not going to...?"
"Me?" Sherry shook her head. "Naw, I won't do a thing to you. I let my cadet explorer take care of my light work. Stacy."
Through the splintered wood of the door stepped a girl in an identical, tight-fitting leather outfit. She did not fill it in quite the same way, seeing as how she was a slim fourteen year old girl. Her light brown hair came out from beneath her riot helmet in braids similar to Sherry's much lighter hair.
"Stacey. This is Mr. Ball Four. Mr. Ball Four this is my cadet explorer, Stacey. She will be in charge of the rest of your interogation."
Ball's heart stopped. His tongue dropped to the floor. As he stood from his chair, he stepped on it but never noticed. The young girl was an angel in black leather. The uniform clung to the slim curves of an almost woman. For the first time in two days, he quit pouting about Girl Scouts.
Stacey marched over to the over excited dirty old man. She glared at him like he was a nerd who asked her out and she had to decide whether the football team or the basketball team was going to toss him in the dumpster. With a hard thrust of her hand, she pushed him to the floor. He fell with a thud. He never felt the pain as the girl struggled out of the tight leather pants revealing nothing but light peach fuzz growing around her peach.
She glanced down with a fair imatation of her mentor's sneer. Sherry handed her a pair of medical shears. She snipped a the crease just below the crotch of one leg enough to get the tip inside. She cut around his thigh then up along the seam to the waist band. She repeated this on the opposite leg, leaving a short shaped opening in his clothing. She finally smiled, when she noticed his erect penis.
"Not as bad as I was told." She snickered. "Seen better though."
Sherry glanced at her wrist watch. "Get a move on it, we still have cmsix to visit. I promised to waltz with you on him if he didn't write a Girl Scout story, and we still need to get our high heels from Ty Cobb before he has to return to his grave."
Stacey mounted the man's penis and bounce on it. After more bounces than he thought he could hold it but fewer than he wanted, he filled the girl with his seed.
"Oh, yes. Fill me up. Give me all of your baby making jism."
Those words caused another eruption from Ball's penis. He smiled to himself (not out loud, Stacey also had a matching night stick and she wasn't holding it like she would hit him) and thought about how much better this was than Mr. Hand and a nookie taste test.
"Okay, Stacey has he filled up."
Stacey shrugged. "Sorta, I think."
"Well, we need to get going to Frank McCoy and punish him for his story archived at" She glanced back at the prone man. "I'll be back tomorrow with Shannon and her sister Jenny. In fact, I have a dozen junior high school cadet explorers that you are going to fuck till they catch."
"First, to punish Frank McCoy. He'll eat their little cream pies and know he won't get to knock them up. Second, to break you."
"Break me?"
"Yes, a dozen child support payments."
Ball screamed until he was hoarse.
© Kenny N Gamera 2005