Coming Up Soon!
[Two college newspaper journalists, one liberal, one conservative, marry. Then they both learn to confront life as common folk do. Their pride of the elite kind, instilled during their college years, continues to haunt them yet they gradually learn to be more neighborly. Choosing to go without their own children right away, they find themselves becoming involved with the kid next door. He’s a decent kid, worthy of much, and in time, he grows up. Surprisingly up.]
...Well, Judy is an uncommon lady. That’s something for me and everybody else to keep in mind. She’s a veteran of journalistic privilege, someone most capable of maintaining the elements of rectitude appropriate for her usual setting. In other words, I can’t expect to win an argument with her without a substantive presentation of my own. What’s worse is when a woman takes on a mothering role and does it seemingly in all righteousness. Judy saw nothing wrong with sharing Alex’s bed with him. I often found them entwined and fast asleep, their concern for privacy having been abandoned. And, as Judy returned to our bedroom to get dressed in the mornings, I could see the signs of bodily abuse she may have suffered during the night with Alex. Think rouge boobs, nothing much more than that. Judy kept drawing her line.
Coming Up Soon!
Conducting an annual sex survey within a high school setting attracts lots of attention.
People everywhere, given a survey, raise eyebrows while trying to see if something strange might be uncovered by statistics. Reporters investigate, parents inquire, and students blush even though they may have eagerly participated within the survey. Once every year, much to my husband’s chagrin, I must defend myself, my professionalism especially, for good reason...
...Some errors have been made, of course, even forgivable mistakes have occurred, and a few happenstance of the outrageous kind have serendipped - all of which I believe should be explained to those who may choose to become a teacher like me. While I’ve tried hard to become the best of professional social studies teachers, I am another human being and I share the desire common to the species. Admitting that matter is a step on the road to recovery should anyone wish that I look upon my lesser accounts as deserving condemnation. It’s a long road to the peaks of professionalism but I’m somewhere on that road, for sure, believe me.
The first such lesser account of mine...
Coming Up Soon!
Sunshine’s Blog
The loud ring shocked me.
The timing of the ringing, so very early in the work day, surprised me and caused my mind to flash about. Such a call had to be very personal. Maybe a death? Having just arrived at my office, I wasn’t yet ready for this. I searched needfully for my yet-to-be-filled coffee cup as I answered.
Mr. Blum; he didn’t have to identify himself. His voice at that hour from such a long distance scared me. Gail, his daughter-in-law, had been my roommate and best friend during our college days. God! I didn’t want to hear what he might have to say to me. Quickly though, he mentioned Gail’s name in the context of her still being alive. That realization pissed me off. I don’t ordinarily receive calls from my better friends’ in-laws even when the hour is more decent.
Explaining, at least he knew he owed me that much, Mr. Blum said Gail had fallen into depression. He hoped that I might help. I sensed his finger pointing right at me. Why me? Why now? Gail and I had been a pair four years ago, way back, like in college, before she got married.
Help with depression requires time, at least. I began to worry a bit. I like my job. It pays well enough. Shifting back and forth over long distances might not be conducive to long term employment. And my business, well, I’m in competition every day. What could I do for Gail while keeping my job?