Welcome to the David Lavenham Story Archive
This is a site of
adult erotic fiction, brought to you through the generosity of the ASSTR,
containing words and ideas of an explicit sexual nature meant for adults who
wish to view this kind of content and are legal to be doing so at the time and
place they do so from. To enter you must agree to the following:
1. That you agree to
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2. That you insure that all of those who access this material at this asstr-mirror.org
sponsored site as a result of your actions are legal to be doing so and that
they will abide by the conditions set forth herein as well.
3. That you agree to honour the rights and wishes of those authors whose works
are posted here.
4. That you can separate fiction from reality, and know enough to take the
necessary precautions in decisions and actions toward sex that will keep you
and yours safe and happy.
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