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White Bitch

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This is my first story, and it shows how a boy can be manipulated. It is a story where a boy is overpowered by someone who should care and be responsible for him, and ends where the boy nearly accepts that he is something that is not worth a lot. The Question is if the boy accepts that he is in fact gay or is he just trying to adapt. Enjoy the story and I hope that it makes you think about if this really happens in real life.


This story was written as an adult fantasy. The author does not condone the described behavior in real life in anyway shape or form.

They call me a faggot. They call me a bitch. A white Bitch. The question is am I? How did I become this? Why can I not be normal? Why am I a toy for the blacks in my town. 

Oh Hi. I am Tim. Let me tell you my story. I am not telling you this so you will feel sorry for me. I am not telling you this so you can jerk off. I am telling you this so you will think how it is to be me. Imagine that you are me. 


I was a normal boy. I know that is hard to believe. But honest, I was. I lived with my mother and I was happy and normal. This all starts when I turned 11. My mum met a man. His name was Rick. He was from Somalia. He was very black. I didn't know what my mother liked about him. I mean when he speaks about white people, its not nice things. He says white people are this and white people are that.

He didn't want to impress me or be my friend. It was like he wanted to own me and speak down to me. I was never a racist before I met him. But something in my head said that black people were just as racist as white people. How can a person hate another person because they are white?

I think there should be a law, that when someone gets married to someone that has a child, then the child should have a vote. But My mum was in love with Rick, even though he did not always show her that he loved her. They got married and then we had to move.


We moved to Rick's old neighbourhood. It was like moving to Africa. By now I didn't like blacks. I Know it was my own fault. Basing this on a meeting with one person. But No one told me any better. It was like my old neighborhood, but obviously it was a place where the blacks decided that they will live. It was probably because they did not want to be bothered or teased by any white boys.

Here we were, an new family that many would say was a great sign of hope. That a white woman and a black woman can live in peace. I didn't like it. I hate Rick. I was now a racist. Something I feel bad about now, but not then. I was soon to learn.


One night, I was taking a shower. I was cleaning the neighborhood off of me. Then Rick came in. I felt so mad. How dare he come in the shower when I was there. Can I not even take a shower alone?

" What are you doing here?" I demanded. Yes, you are right, I wanted to show him that I did not like him.

" I am taking a shower with you."

" I want to take a shower alone. Get out"

" When I am done."

" Get out. Can I have peace from your kind for a few minutes."

" My Kind? Boy remember that blacks are just as good as you white faggots. If you do not change your attitude here, then you will soon learn. You think that you are dirty, because you are in the shower with a black man. Let me clean you"

Then he pointed his dick at me and started pissing. I was in shock. A Black man was pissing on me. I think my mouth opened in shock and his piss went in my mouth. There were so many thoughts that were going through my head. The piss was warm and the smell wasn't that bad. Maybe it was because the water from the shower. The strange thing is that I didn't run out of the shower. Looking back at it, I should have run out of the shower and told Mum. But I didn't. I just stood there with my mouth open.

When he finished me he smiled and said, "What did I tell you, White boys are sluts and faggots. They like being our bitches and I can see that you like being pissed on. You are now baptized a white faggot bitch"

He walked out and left me standing there. I sat on the shower floor feeling the water found on me. Can it ever wash off the baptism pee that was on me and even in me? Is it true what he said, that white boys were all gay? I wasn't gay. I wasn't! Then why did I let him piss on me. I felt so bad, confused and started crying.


The next day, I tried to forget all about the shower episode. I would be my self again. I would never tell anyone and if no one knew, then no one would know. I am sure that Rick would never tell anyone, because he would be thrown in jail.

I was at the park. I was looking at some boys playing Football. They didn't invite me to be in their game. I suppose this was because I was white as anything. To them I was pale. I never asked them this, but it must be true. Otherwise they would ask me to be in the game. I felt a tear going down my eye as I missed my old friends and my old school. We asked newbies to play Football, or at least I thought we did.

I walked around the park kicking stones on the path. I was feeling sorry for myself. If no one else would. then I would. Then I had to piss. I didn't have time to go home so I went into the men's toilet.

I hate public toilets. They smell and they are so dirty. But I would have pissed myself if I went home. I walked in and there was just one man there peeing. I took out my thing and started pissing. I didn't think about it, But I was standing next to him. He was of course black too. But at that time I didn't think about it.

Until I looked at his thing. I remembered Rick's thing and without thinking, I was staring at this mans Thing. Wow, Black men's things are so big. Nearly like a horse. In fact they look pretty when they are black and when they are so big. I should have kicked myself in the ass, because I thought a black mans thing was pretty. I didn't realize it, but I was staring at his thing with all these thoughts going through my head even though I stopped pissing.

" What's your name boy" He asked

" Tim."

" I see you are looking at my cock. White boys do that. Now tell me Tim, Do you like my cock?"

" It is big"

" You are right there boy. White people have small girl clittis and we have cocks. Now tell me this, Are you a little gay"

" No way. I am not Gay" I protested.

" Are you sure?" With this he put his hand in my but and started feeling. It was like electricity going through my body. Once again I should have run out, but was afraid that he would just catch me.  I was more afraid of someone walking in.

" No one will come in pussy boy." He said. By now He managed to get his hands in my trousers and was touching my skin. I must admit that I liked this. I spread my legs out of instinct. This meant that his hands went further in my but cheeks and before I knew it his finger entered my hole, I didn't even know this could be done. Once again electricity was going through me. It was both that I liked the feeling but also because of shame. Then he stopped.

" I will tell you what pussy slut, I will stop if you want me to. If you want me to continue, then tell me you are a faggot"

I was confused. I was not gay. I know this. The feelings of pleasure were equal to the feeling of shame. I was no longer my self. I was just a toy. I was so scared.

" I am" I said softly

" What are you?"

" I- I just am-"

" What are you or I will stop right now."

" I am a faggot"

The man smiled and continued finger fucking me for some time. It is actually like time stood still. After a bit he stopped and just left. Before he left he told me that if I wanted more, I could come back tomorrow. Of course I would not come back! I pulled up my trousers and ran out of the toilet. I ran home and into my room and started crying once again.


This was the second time that I have tried something gay. the problem was that I liked his finger in my ass. It actually felt good. This does not mean that I am gay, It just meant that I like a finger in my butt. I was not a white boy slut. I didn't ask him to do it. The man should be thrown in jail and then the keys should be thrown away. 

I decided to go down and tell Rick this. 

"What do you want?" he asked while he was drinking some beer. 

I told him what happened at the toilet. I was hoping that he would ring to the police. But, I should have know better. The man I wanted to save me pissed on me a few days before and told me that white boys were gay and black men's bitches.

"There is one thing I don't understand," he said, "He said he will only continue if you said he was gay then he will continue and if you didn't, then he would stop. So, why did you say you were a faggot"

I didn't reply. I think I went red

Then he told me to get on my knees before him. He took out his dick. Boy, it was huge and it was so black. A part of me wanted to vomit when I seen it and a part of me was hungry after it. 

He started slapping it against my cheeks and then laughed and said, " You are a white bitch, see how big your eyes are. You are staring at my big fat black cock and you want it. Suck me you bitch"

I was in a daze and then started sucking it. I was now a cocksucker. it was huge in my mouth and I did my best that it didn't touch my throat, It did a few times and I gagged. I didn't know if I liked it or not, I just was concentrating on using my tongue and not to bite the thing off. It must have took some minutes because them his cum exploded in my mouth. I swallowed some of it and wanted to spit the rest of it out but he told me to swallow it. It was like swallowing the worse medicine that I could think about. 

I didn't look in his face, because I knew that I was defeated. Since he got married with my Mom, I was now a black mans toy.

I was about to walk out when he called me back and said, "Do not tell your Mom about this. If You do, she will think that you are gay and will not love you anymore. Maybe I will even kill her and sell you to some pervert that will really treat you like the white bitch that you are"


That night, I slept in my bed. I was crying. I couldn't sleep. While other normal children could see sheep, I was counting black men. Crying and counting them, I fell asleep, 

I felt funny all morning and my mother asked me if there was a problem. I looked at Rick and said that I was fine. I just needed some fresh air. Mom gave me a speech that I had to find some friends. I said I would go to the park. This made Rick smile. He knew why I was going to the park. 

I did go to the park. I looked at the men's toilet and I seen that black man that was there outside smoking a cigarette, He looked at me smiling. I bet he thought that his white bitch returned.

I tried to walk away from the toilet, My head was telling me that I had to decide and no one should ever use me like a toy. But it was like a magnet was stopping me from walking. I looked behind and saw him there. Its just like a story I read in the Bible, I was now turned to stone. 

I turned around and walked towards the men's toilets. When I was walking in, I didn't even look at him. It felt like I was walking into a gas chamber, about to be executed. 

"So your back," he said. "Once you white faggots get a taste of black, then you always come back for more."

I said nothing

" I have to piss so bad, " He continued. "And I know how White faggots like to be baptized by Black piss"

Without saying a word, I took off my clothes. I was now naked as the day I was born. I knelt down and opened my mouth as the strange pedo started pissing on my face. The taste was not so bad and I think that I didn't mind being a piss slut. Even though it tasted like piss, and was very humiliating, it wasn't that bad. 

After he pissed on me, he told me to clean his big fat white cock. Why do men always have to boast that their cocks are big and fat? I knew how to be a cocksucker. Hell I was one. I just put the thing in my mouth and sucked while he told me I was born to do this. But he did not cum in my mouth. He told me to stand up and then told me to lean over the toilet, 

Once again I could feel him finger fucking me. I will be honest, gay or not, I really liked it. Especially now because he was putting cream or Vaseline on my butt whole. I started moaning and groaning. This was like being in heaven, even though I hated it. Then without warning I felt something large enter my butt. I felt like I was going to burst and he was going to split me up. I seen that in a horror film, where this man was split into two. That's how it felt. I cried and screamed. 

" Scream all you want. If your Schoolmates comes in and sees you like this, then everyone at school will know who you are."

I bit my lips so I wouldn't scream. it was too late, as I could hear a laugh. Some boy a bit older than me was standing there laughing. It didn't help that I started to moan because It started to feel good. The boy just laughed and shouted, "White gay sissy" an  ran out. 

Just after he ran out I felt something warm in my ass. It was like the man was pissing in me. I knew it was his cum. I now had his little babies inside of me. 

Once again he rain out and said that I could meet him in two days. He knew I would because I was now a white bitch.


When I came home, I took a bath. I looked down at myself, I seen my body. I could see that it was now a body for all blacks to use. And not black girls, black men. They were right, I was a faggot. I was gay. I was their toy.

After my bath I went down stairs to see if Rick was home. He was not home. Mum was home and then I decided to tell her everything. I sat down and told her everything that I have told you until now. When I was telling her, I can see that she was getting pale and looked quite sick. 

At the end I said, "Mum, lets just run away and live in a normal place. Please? And without Rick"

Then she stood up and slapped me across the face. 

Then she yelled at the top of her voice, " I know that you don't like Rick, but I love him and I know that he would never do things like that to you. You just want things like they are. You know when you lie like that, he could be in prison for something that you lied about. Stop being so selfish and be happy that I have found someone to love."

I stormed out of the room. I was alone. 


The next day I had school. I was alone there as well. I had no friends. Did everyone see me as being white or was it just me? The whole school day was sorta boring. Nothing really happened. A few times I heard someone say that I had a cute sissy butt or cocksucker, at least I thought I heard them say it. After School this boy called Aaron asked me would he met me by the old shed behind the school. He told me how to get there. I said Ok. I was smiling now. I thought that I got a new friend. 

I went to the back shed and walked in. It was dark. Then I heard the door close and could hear that it was locked. 

A candle was lit. I could recognize the boy that was staring at me when that man in the toilet bummed me. My heart fell to the floor. I think I knew what was going to happen now. They told me to take off my clothes. Without even thinking, I did just that. I took off what I had on

" Wow, " The toilet boy said, "he does what he is told. He didn't even hesitate but he took off his clothes. I told you he was a white faggot boy that just wants black cocks." I could have cried. He was right. I wanted to give both of them a blow job. I wanted them to piss on me. I wanted them to bum me. 

They stood there looking at my body for some time. Maybe they never seen a white boy before. Then the toilet boy said to get on my hands and knees. Before I could count to three, he put his  cock in my mouth. I started doing what everyone now told me I was born to. I sucked him and it would be the best job he ever had. But before I knew it, Aaron, his friend jammed his in my bum. I was getting cock from both sides. They were laughing saying that this proved I was gay. I felt the pleasure in my mum while also working with my mouth. I was rewarded with a bellyful and butfull of their cum. The worse thing was now I liked the taste. 


When I came home from School. I started thinking of what life has become like since I moved to this town. I have become every black boys faggot. I wanted my own life again. 

The next day I woke up early. Lucky enough Mum went to work. I went into Rick's drawer and took something.

Then I went into his room. Pulled back the covers and gave him a blow job. His sperm did taste good. Then I told him I was no longer his bitch. I pulled out hi gun from his desk and shot him. Blood splattered all over the place.

Then I went to the park. The old man was waiting in the toilet. He started to ask why I looked like I had ketchup on me. I said its not ketchup. It was blood. I shot him twice.

The last stop was school. You can guess what I did there.