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Top Model 

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Once again, enter the world of a pedophile, and see what goes through his mind and the effects he has on peoples lives. If this story doesn't make you want to split him in four and even hate him, then maybe you should look in the mirror.


This story was written as an adult fantasy. The author does not condone the described behavior in real life in anyway shape or form.

Top Model


Model shows are usually for girls, and in the last few years, they have been criticized for being sexist. Making children dresses up to look like small tramps and parading across a stage. Often a mother is standing below telling the poor child what to do with her hands, and remember to smile. Something hard to do when their teeth are full of Vaseline. Of course the supporters of these pageants say that it gives the girls confidence and all that. What a load of bullshit. I will tell you my story when I was the judge of Fieldsport boy’s pageant. Ok, there are not many boys’ pageants. But this is what happened a many years ago.

When I was asked to be the judge of the Fieldsport boy’s pageant, I didn’t do it because I wanted to promote the boy’s confidence or their future, or the parents self esteem. I will be honest with you. Some will say I am a boy lover, I admit that I am a pedophile. Boys are nothing but meat to me, and if this makes me a monster, then so be it. Boys are there to be molested, just like I was when I was a boy.


The boys were starting to come in the hotel where the pageant was being held. You can see the smiles in their mother’s faces, and the best wishes for them. I don’t know who is worse, me with my perverse lusts or mothers that try to reenact their childhood through children or want their child in the spotlight because they never did.

Most boys were cute and this is their curse. If they were not cute, their mothers wouldn’t make them go through this and I wouldn’t be waiting. I sat looking at the boys thinking that they all looked similar. They were like groomed cats going to an exhibition. It was my job as a judge to see who was the best groomed. Of course I was looking to see who the sexiest boy was


A boy caught my eye. I looked at my papers. His name was William. He had long blonde hair that was slightly curly at the bottom. He was like an angel. I liked the fact that his mother was telling him what she expected and he was ignoring her. He was a boy with spirit. He had hip-hop clothes on so it was hard to see anything of his body. But his face was enough. He looked at me with no expression, Even though I had a sign that showed I was a judge, this obvious didn’t matter that much to him. I smiled at him, and he smiled back. There was hope.


Then some boys went by with their suitcases and ambitious mothers. Let the show start I thought. Then I looked at a boy. To be honest, I thought he was a girl when I first seen him, but when I looked again, I could see he was a boy. He had long hair that went down to his shoulders. His cheeks looked very rosy and his lips were very red. Looked almost as if he was wearing makeup. I looked at my list and could see that his name was Ethan. He was wearing a t-shirt that had rips in the side as well as very short shorts. I didn’t understand that his mother would let him dress like this. He was nothing more than bait. It was obvious that either he had no limits or he was so innocent that he didn’t know what he was doing to all the so-called boy lovers in the room.


The first competition wouldn’t start for some time. I walked around looking to start what I came here for. Boys were looking serious and afraid, as if winning some stupid pageant means anything. I found William sitting down on a sofa drinking a coke.

“Where’s your mother?” I asked

“ I think she’s getting my clothes ready or something. I don’t want to stare at her doing it”

“ I would be bored too. You are very cute and sexy. You do know that.”

“ Its weird for a man to say that I am sexy.”

“ I know - do you have a girlfriend?”

“ No.”

“ Who needs girls anyhow?”

I put my hand around his shoulder as I said this. He looked at it and shrugged. My heart started pumping faster as I seen this shrug. Maybe the boy was a faggot after all. I let my fingers crawl inside his t-shirt. William tried to pull away but I held him there. My fingers started circling his boy nipples. They quickly became hard and I can tell you that my cock was hard as could be. I was about to invite him in my room where he broke free from me. He gave me an angry look and walked away. My heart started beating quickly thinking that he would shout “molester” or something.

I looked around, and no one seemed to notice except that sissy Ethan. He came up to me and asked me if he could sit. Why not? He sat down. But surprised me that he sat on my knee.

“ I think it was mean of that boy just to walk away from you. We all know that we have to be nice to the judges. Otherwise how would we win?”

I didn’t answer but just  sat there as I could feel Ethan moving back and forth on my lap. He reached down and I could feel him spreading his ass cheeks. This boy wanted me to dry fuck him. Well let his wishes come true. Its not like I had much of a choice when he suddenly sat on me acting like a slut boy. I could feel my cock trying to break through my clothes and into his clothes and fuck the slut out of him. It was painful being restricted. But he liked it. He kept moving back and forth while he moaned and kept repeating that it is important to be nice to the judges. I don’t know how he did it, but as soon as I cummed, he got up and walked away smiling.


I had a few minutes to get something dry on and to sit at the judge’s table for the first competition. This was the only competition today. I took out my score pads and sat waiting for the parade to start. The first competition was easy. They just had to wear casual clothes. This was supposed to show the boys as they were and make them relax. The boys came in while each mother was sending signs on how they should walk and smile and so on. As for me, I was seeing what the boy looked like. Some looked like angels. They smiled and you could see a light shine from them when they smiled. Others looked like sluts. You just thought they looked uncomfortable in the clothes that they were wearing.

Ethan came out. He was wearing this pink t-shirt that had about 30 rips. Then he wore some denim baggy shorts that nearly looked like a little skirt. His skin shone through the rips and once again my cock got hard thinking of the little sissy faggot sitting on my lap. He wore no shoes as he was barefooted. He was a slut boy, and he seemed to be proud of it. I looked towards his mother. This overweight woman that was urging him on. I wonder why she didn’t feel a bit embarrassed that her son was acting like a tramp. Did I care? No way. I just wished that I could take my cock out and wank it while I was looking at these boys.

Then I saw William. He was wearing a wearing a cap turned a bit crooked. He had this football t-shirt on that was about 5 sizes too big for him. His jeans were typical hip-hop jeans and they were the ones that just hung down as far as they could. Shame he was wearing that long t-shirt, then I would have seen something that was under the jeans. In fact the only skin I could see was his face. I looked towards his mother and seen her jumping up and down trying to get William smiling. It looked like he was going to give his mother the finger. This made me laugh. He was a boy that was a flirter. He needed someone to fuck him good and take him down from his clouds.

Finally the show was over.


I walked towards my room. I saw William. He was looking out the hotel window.

“ You don’t really want to be in this pageant, do you?” I asked

“ No. But I promised my Mom. She wants me to because she thinks I am so cute”

“ You definitely are. “ I said as I rubbed my hand down his back and it went into his trousers. This flirt had the nicest ass I ever felt. He tried to move away, but I held him there, explaining that this was just my job as a judge, to see how cute he was. I pushed my finger in his ass and he yelped a bit. I started fingering him as he tried to move away.

I whispered to him in the ear, “Admit it, you are just a gay slut that needs a man like me to fuck your boy pussy. Just admit that you like my finger fucking you”

Maybe I went a bit to far, William pushed away and looked with me with the eyes the devil could have himself.

“ I am not gay you perv. Stay away from me.” He shouted and walked away.

I smiled. I am sure that he will wank thinking of his ass tonight.


I opened my door and then brushed my teeth and decided that I would read  FAIRYBOIS stories before I slept. This author claims he writes stories to explain how child abuse feels. What a pedophile. The largest of them all.

When I seen my bed. I nearly fainted. Ethan was lying in the bed.

“ What are you doing on my bed?” I asked

“ Mom has a boyfriend here in the hotel, so she said I should be friends with one of the boys. I wanted to come to you and see if we can be friends?”

“ Is this so you can win?”

“ Maybe. I suppose. Does that matter?”

“ No you can stay here. After all it will be boring looking at your mother and her boyfriend fucking their brains out.”

Ethan smiled. I crawled into bed and lifted the sheets and found him as naked as the day he was born. I had to ask him why he was naked.

“ When I sat on your knee earlier, I noticed that you were interested”

“ It was hard not being when you were acting like a slut”

“ I think you like boys. I think you want me.”

“ You are sexy”

“ And you are a pedophile. I knew that when I sat on your lap. So why don’t you just help me please you?”

With this, he started feeling my chest. His hands were so smooth and soft. Like a babies hand. I moaned a bit as this little slut whore was turning me on. His mouth came close to mine and we started exploring each other’s mouths with our tongues. At this stage, he sat me kissing me moving his ass closer and closer to his ass. There was no need to rape this boy. He was nearly raping me.

Ethan started kissing my stomach and went lower and lower until he blew some air on my cock. It sprang to life thinking of what I thought he was about to do. And he did it. He started kissing my cock slowly. I moaned and groaned thinking that Ethan had tried this before. Slowly my cock went into his mouth and it felt like his tongue was everywhere, it felt like my cock was being rubbed my some satin sheet. He took more and more of it in his mouth and started going back and forth. He was humming as he did this. I was moaning as much as I can try not to cum before I was totally exhausted. But I admit that this boy seducer was a great cocksucker. I came without warning him. I never warn children. It didn’t seem to bother Ethan; he just swallowed and then lied down next to me and started to close his eyes.

“ That was good.”

“ Admit it, you a faggot pussy sissy”

“ No I just want to win. Next time you can fuck me and then I win this pageant. You can admit that you’re a pedo and just let me give you a blow job”

“ I think we should just fall asleep”

I could have fucked him right there and then, the stupid cocksucker.


The next morning was another competition. This time it was the swimming suit competition. One of my favourites. As Now I could really see their bodies. Of course they started coming out, feeling the cool breeze was they were only in their speedos or baggy shorts. It was nice looking at their legs and chests, Even though some still had baby fat left.

Ethan, the sissy faggot was the first to come out. He had this shiny silver bathing suit on. It looked like they were painted on. He walked with his hands on his waist. He looked like a real madam Sissy. He gave me a smile and then licked his lips. Oh no, this meant that I had a problem in my trousers again.

William came a few seconds after; As usual it looked like he was there at the threat of being shot if he didn’t go out. He wore baggy football shorts. Oh how I wished the wind would blow them up so I could see his hidden treasures. Until then, I could see his legs and chest shine with innocence and sex that made me get harder and harder. It was obvious that he didn’t want to be there. But I was happy that he was.


It was now a break until the next competition, I walked around eyeing the boys as they were talking with each other. Some were still in their swimming costumes and that gave me a chance to touch their shoulders and if I was lucky to lower my hands down to their nipples. It was definitely boy heaven and I was a God in the midst of it.

I didn’t see Ethan anywhere. I wondered why he was not flirting with me to secure my vote. For some reason he would offer his body or what was left of his innocence to win some stupid competition that people would forget in a week.

I saw William talking with some other boys. I went closer to him to ease drop.

He was speaking to the other boys, “ You know that Ethan. He is totally weird. He is a sissy and he fancies boys. I know because this morning I was in the shower and then he came in. I didn’t care after all we all tried taking showers with our mates before. Anyhow I looked at him and said Hi. He had a stiffy, but I was nice and I didn’t tease him about it. I just let turned around and started washing my hair. Then I felt him. You are right. He came behind me and held me by my hips and I could feel his dick in my ass cheeks.”

“ He tried to fuck you?” Another asked

“ Yea. Well his cock didn’t go in, but I felt it rub my hole a bit.”

“ He is a gaybo!”

“ Yea. Anyhow. I pushed away and called him dirty faggot, and teased him by saying that this will be a fun story to tell everyone that he is a faggot queer. Then he started shaking and said he would give me a blow job if I didn’t tell anyone.”

“ Oh my, did he so. “

“ He went on his knees. I tell you he looked like a girl with his hair and face, not some sissy. Then he started licking around my cock and I just let him.”

“ You let him suck you? That means your gay”

“ No no, he was the one sucking. I would never suck a cock. Then he just put it in his mouth and I closed my eyes thinking it was a girl. His mouth was so wet and his tongue felt so good. After a while I felt like my body was exploding.”

“ So Ethan is a cocksucker.”

“ Yea”

“ Then why are you telling everyone when he did it so you wouldn’t tell”

“ How often does a sissy boy suck your cock off?”

“ Where is he now?”

“ He is hiding. He heard me tell some other boys and went off like a crybaby”



The boys rushed off to the next competition, which was the underwear competition. Now I see boys come out just in their underwear. You couldn’t see a bulge in some boy’s briefs, and wondered if they had any wieners there.

William was the first of my two favourites that came out. The poor boy looked like he was embarrassed, as if he was in the middle of some porn show. He was once again wearing some boxers. They were white and if you looked closely they were silky and a bit see through. I can tell you this much, that my eyes were strained to catch a glimpse of his cock. And I nearly fainted when I seen it through the opening in his brief, It was his boy cock that was semi hard

Ethan came out. He wasn’t smiling. In fact he looked a bit like he was afraid to be there. This was the first time I seen that he was not so confident. He was most likely aware that everyone knew that he was queer. For a second I felt sorry for him and then thought why should I feel sorry for him. He wore these very baggy thongs. You could easily see most of his treasures. Of course I was now as hard as a rock wanting to spring on stage and fuck him right there and then. It didn’t help that at one stage, he lifted the thongs up to his chest and seductively smiled at the judges, and then lowered them and stretched them out, as if he was inviting our hands to explore him. If I could see the other judges, I could see that they were either praying for forgiveness or sweating. Ethan knew his sex slut appeal and this gave us the biggest smile in the competition.


After the competition, I walked around trying to find Ethan. I didn’t really give a fuck about him, but I knew that I could take advantage of what he experienced with William. I asked him to my room before he could change out of his slut thongs.

We sat on the bed and I put my arm around him feeling his nipples. I never noticed this before, but they looked like small breasts. Was his mother giving him something that made him look more and more like a sissy?

“ I heard what happened between you and William.” I said

“ He told everyone. And it was not totally the truth. When I had my wiener in his has. He groaned. He didn’t pull away. That’s why I stayed there. I thought he liked it. Now everyone thinks I am gay”

“ But you are gay”

“ So everyone doesn’t have to know it. I wasn’t gay before I started coming on these pageants. Mum says its good to pleasure judges, then I have a better chance of winning”

“ Your Mum knows that you try to seduce the judges?”

“ Who do you think taught me how to fuck. She used a strap on until I liked it”

“ If your gay, your gay. The best thing is just to be proud about it. And don’t worry about William, I will take care of him”

With that I made him lay back on the bed. I started kissing him. Our tongues slowly playing with each other. I didn’t even ask him if he wanted it or not. After all I was a child molester, not a child lover. It seemed like as if he didn’t care, as he just let my tongue play with his.

I started sucking his nipples, and biting them again. This made him shout in pain and ask me to stop. You know by now I didn’t stop. This boy was now just a piece of meet. I put his small boy clit in my mouth and sucked him, making him beg for more. Years of experience has taught me to pull back just before a boy whore climaxed.

Then I lifted his long tender legs over my shoulders and told him that he will now be my bitch for life. He smiled but there was a small bit of fear in his eyes. That didn’t stop my cock from going closer to his boy pussy. I left it there for a while circling it. This was driving Ethan crazy as he tried to lower his ass to try to be the bitch he was born to be. But the best part of sex is not sex itself, it’s the anticipation.

After a few minutes I thrust my cock through the pussy. He moaned and groaned and so did I. It was just as good as any girl’s pussy as I went in and out. I was pumping and feeling is ass mussels make love to my cock. Once again, I knew this is why I was put on this earth. Within no time, I was squirting all my man comes into his boy pussy. He just stayed on the bed, letting my cum flow back out of him. He smiled. He was proud that he was gay.


The last competition was to test the boys to the limit. It was the first pageant where I have seen this and I was thinking what were the organizers thinking. The boys were instructed to wear something that a girl would wear. Many of the boys that came out were too chicken, and wore what I thought was unisex clothes.

Ethan was the first of my two boys that came out. He was wearing a girl’s bikini bottom. On his chest he wore a ribbon in the shape of an X, which covered his nipples. I looked twice; first he looked like a girl. Sometimes when he turned, the ribbons moved so you can see a nipple flashing out. Then I looked a bit lower, and I could see that the top of his boy cock was showing above the bikini bottoms. At first I thought that Ethan had guts, then I knew that he was just a slut

William came out after. He surprised me wearing this leotard with tights. He walked very gracefully and I could see in his eyes that he liked the feel of the tights that was caressing his legs. When he turned around, I could clearly see his bum and thought that it was something that the Greek Gods would lust after.


That was the last competition. The judges and I talked about who should win, and it came down to that my votes were the tiebreaker. I was happy that my boy would win. He deserved it. However there was a rest period until he would be crowned. So I had one last job to do, until this would happen.


I walked through the halls until I found William. I told him that there was something important that I had to tell him in my room, where others would not hear. At first he said he would go nowhere with a pedo perv. Then I looked at him sternly and said that if he didn’t want to be disqualified, he would come with me. He came, but not liking it. It was obvious that he did not want to make his mother mad from being disqualified. Stupid cunt, the winner was already chosen.

We came into my room and I asked him does he like the tights.
” They feel nice. They feel strange but I like the soft silky feeling of them on me”

“ You know only gay whores would say they like tights”

“ I am no way gay. Why am I here? So you can be pervy and talk about my tights?”

With that I pushed him back on the bed. I started tearing the clothes off of him. He started telling me to stop and calling me pedo. He threatened that he would scream and I would end up in jail. I laughed and said after he told the story about Ethan. People would think that he wanted Ethan to do it. People would think he was gay and seduced me. People would know he is gay. That stupid excuse worked. His anger turned to whimpers and begging. Begging did not help now.

I stuck my cock in his mouth and he started chocking and trying to push it out. I just hammered it in and out. If this boy were not gay, he would at least be a cocksucker. Tears were flying from his eyes as he was doing something that he thought was gross. I didn’t care; the wet feeling of his unwilling mouth was good enough for me. Within no time, I started cumming. I could see his eyes close wide in disgust as he tried to spit it out. I smiled thinking that the taste would be in his mouth for the rest of his life. The dirty cum whore

Then I told him to turn around and go on his hands and knees. He looked surprised and said that I just cum, how could I do it again. I smiled while he felt this huge tongue lick his ass and said that I have invited my friend to help me.  I held his face kissing him as he could feel something climb his back and poke his cock at the boy’s ass. At last it found its way in and William screamed and cried. I am sure that the whole hotel could hear it.

  So how is it being fucked, “ I asked

  It hurts for fuck sake”

“ Get used to it, because now you are just one gay faggot whore”

I held his face as he felt the cock go in and out of him. He could also feel the strange hairy body on tip of him and he never guessed whom the man was. After a while he started moaning and trying to meet the cock that was invading his ass.

I let him look, and he could see it was some stray dog that I invited into the hospital. I laughed and teased him saying that he enjoyed a dog that was fucking him. The bitch. William looked in horror, as the strange feelings of being fucked were good while he thought it was gross that it was a dog. After some time, the dog cummed in him and knotted.

William tried to get out but he was stuck. I got dressed and let him they’re saying when he is finished he could come out and see who won.



Now why did I tell you this story. This pageant happened 6 years ago.

When the boys came out, I could see the anticipation in Ethan’s eyes and the tears in Williams. I knew that William would not tell a living soul because he was afraid. How easy it is playing with children’s minds.

William won the competition. He got his usual trophies and money award and his mother was so pleased. However, he didn’t expect that he would also win a pet. A stray dog that he could give a home to.


Years later, I found out that Ethan was totally screwed up. He was a drug addict as a teen and lived on the streets selling his body to anyone that had a few pennies. I saw him once. He was still cute, but there was no life in him. He was just a shell of his former self. He was just a sex object for the many pervs that lives in then town. No one loved him or respected him. The only friend he has was the drug needle and alcohol. I knew that he would not reach adulthood.


I seen William after he won the pageant. He threw the trophy and other things at his mother and asked her was she satisfied? He kept the dog. He never spoke to his mother again. He started dressing in black and was always depressed. He was an emo. I later heard that he sliced his wrists often trying to get the pain out of his body. He never let another person hug him or even shake hands.

Last week I saw him in a shop. He looked like he was in a world of his own, not caring about anything. Then he seen me and started shaking. He ran out of the shop.

It happened so quickly. I ran out seeing his body flow in the air after a car hit him. I ran towards him

For the first time in years, he smiled. “ You stole my happiness. Now I am taking it back. You and people like you might have got away with it here, but you will burn in hell. There is Justice”

He closed his eyes and left this world


The question is did I ruin their lives. That shouldn’t be a question. We all know the answer.

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This story was written as an adult fantasy. The author does not condone the described behavior in real life in anyway shape or form.          

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