Behind the teacher's desk



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A little girl becomes the teachers pet


This story was written as an adult fantasy. The author does not condone the described behavior in real life in anyway shape or form.

  Behind the teachers desk

(Sorry for the spelling and grammar mistakes. I am not perfect. Most readers have patience; others think the story sucks if there are mistakes. I do try though)

I hated school. It was time for school to start. We would get a new teacher, Mr. Peters and some new subjects, as well as loads of homework. I remember the first day that I started in school. It was the day after my 10th birthday. I sat a bit nervous in the chair and wished that I could stay home and play with my new presents. I was now sitting in my school desk counting down the days to our next holidays.

Mr Peters wasn’t that old. He looked a bit like my uncle, and my uncle was just married. I bet that he wasn’t a teacher long. He wrote his name on the blackboard. He had nice writing; I bet that he was a teacher that always gave a lot of homework.

I have this habit at school. I daydream. Especially during maths. While the teacher goes on and on about what 2x+2y is, I dream about walking my dog through the fields. Smelling the flowers and throwing a stick that he retrieves. If I am not dreaming about my dog, I am dreaming about dancing. I feel so free when I dance. Its like I am a bird. Especially when I hop when I dance. That is like flying. If you never tried it, you should. Try,

“Anna” Mr. Peters shouted. I quickly got out of my daydreaming; I was caught in the act. Mr. Peters said that I was to come to his desk and stand behind it, where he was. He told the class that there was no place for daydreaming in class. He said that you learn nothing when you daydream. I was about to answer him back, and say that you learn nothing when you are bored, but I said nothing. I was in enough trouble.

I stood between his knees, and then he told me to write this line 50 times – I am a slut. I asked him what does that mean. He just said that I would find out. So I started writing lines. I hate doing this. But it was an easy punishment and 50 times was an easy punishment

I am a slut

I am a slut

I am a slut

I am a slut

As I was doing this, I felt his hand on my knee. I was wearing tights; otherwise his hand would have been cold. He was feeling my knee and moving his hands in circles. When he started it, I felt like lightening went trough my body. Without realizing it, I spread my legs. Mr. Peters raised his hands and started feeling the inside of my thigh. I put my head back because it felt so good. This did not last for long as I was told to write my lines.  His hand started going up my thigh. It felt like a little snake crawling up my leg, I must admit that it also felt nice. I spread my legs farther. I don’t know why, I just did it. His hands were a bit from my pussy, A bit of me wanted him to feel my pussy. Another part of me was thinking that he was a perv. Once in a while his thumb brushed my pussy. It was hard not groaning when this happened. It was a bit fun, as everyone thought I was in trouble while in reality, I was getting a massage.

 The rest of the day went fine. I was still dreaming about the teacher touching my leg and wondering why he did so. It felt nice. Maybe he was one of those pervs that liked small girls. Nah, that couldn’t be true. Otherwise he wouldn’t be a teacher. Maybe he just thought my panties and legs were soft, and were trying to make me feel better because I had to write those lines.

At home Mum asked me what happened at school. I admitted that I was daydreaming and had to write lines on the teachers desk, when he was looking at me, Mum just said that it suits me fine, as I learn nothing from daydreaming.

The next day, we had Mr. Peters again. I was trying not to was soon in the land of daydreaming, running through fields of roses while Mr. Peters was chasing after me. I was lucky because I could run quicker than he could, yet it seemed like he was catching up to me all the time. The quicker I ran, the quicker he ran. It was nearly like he was jumping through the fields. At last he caught up to me and grabbed me.

“Anna,” Mr. Peters voice bought me back to reality, “ Come up here. I see that you are daydreaming again.”

I slowly went up to his desk and stood behind the teacher’s desk between his legs. He wrote something on a piece of paper and told me to write it 50 times. I was a bit shocked and laughed when I seen the sentence. “ I am a slut and like men touching my pussy”. I still didn’t really know what slut meant but I never thought about others touching my pussy, In fact Mum told me that it was bad to let others touch me. He told the others that they can start doing their homework and told me to start writing the lines.

Then his hand touched my knees once again. I smiled and was happy that this was happening. The ticklish sensations started once again to go through my body. His hand continued up my thigh under my skirt. I knew that this meant that he loved me and was making me feel nice.

“ Tell me, you want my hand to touch you.” He said

“ I do, I do”

“ Don’t shout, the others will hear you”

“ I want you to touch me”

“ Because you are a slut”

I still didn’t know what a slut is, so I just nodded. His hands were now on my thighs, and moving up. I guessed that he was going to rub my pussy by mistake like the last time he done this. So I slouched down behind the desk. I did not want my classmates to know what was happening, especially because his hand was rubbing my stomach. He whispered in my ears that I had no boobs yet. I was flat. I didn’t answer him. I thought my nipples were very big. Then he took the side of my panties and tights and pulled them down. His finger began to rub my slit up and down. It felt so good but it also felt forbidden. I couldn’t stop to think what would happen if someone in class seen it. They would think that I was in love with the teacher and letting him do what he wants with my body. Maybe they would think I was a tart! These thoughts were short. I did all that I could to stop moaning as his finger was exploring my pussy. It was starting to go in and out. I wanted to squeeze my legs, but instead I kept them open so he could continue. I could feel his finger feel every corner of my pussy. It hurt a bit, but there were also good feelings. I whispered in his ear not to stop, I wanted these feelings for a long time. But at last he stopped, pulled up my panties and tights and told me to sit down.

The rest of the day, I daydreamt.

I still wanted to know what a slut was? Was it someone that let a teacher touch their pussy? If that’s the case, I was a slut. I decided not to ask mum or dad, as it might mean something much worse, and who would get in trouble?

The next day, I came early. Mr. Peters was sitting at his desk. I was thinking that he might explain to me what he was doing. But he said nothing. After a few minutes, he asked was I going to daydream again. I said that I didn’t know. He said that he was sure that I would, and should save time by coming up to him right away,

I went up to his desk and spread my legs, thinking that he will feel my pussy, He felt it for a few minutes and then told me to get under the desk and face him. There was not a lot of place under his desk, but I squeezed myself in between his legs. Then I could hear the bell ring and the other classmates come in. I thought it was funny that they could not see me.

I could see his hand go down around his trousers. He opened the zip and took his dick out. It was big and already stiff. He leaned down and whispered to me that he wanted me to suck his cock. I looked quite puzzled as he whispered that he wanted to put his cock in my mouth. I nearly laughed loudly as it sounded gross. He rose up and started teaching the class while I sat in the dark hole under the desk looking at his cock. Slowly I put my hand out and started feeling it. Despite the fact that it was hard, it still had soft skin. I started wanking him a bit. Then I licked the sides. I could hear him telling the class to do the next 5 questions. Then his hands were on my head and forced my head towards his cock. The cock slowly went in. It didn’t taste of that much. Just skin and a bit salty at the top. I started moving in and out of the cock. I could hear Mr. Peters moan very low. He obviously liked what I was doing so I tried to move in and out much quicker. Within no time, he cummed in my mouth. I started coughing but he looked under the table and said “shhh”. I spit the white stuff out.

The next few months went like that. Either I was standing behind the desk and letting him feel my pussy or I was below the desk and sucking him. I think I must have wrote a thousand times that I was a slut, and I was afraid to ask anyone what it meant,

One day he asked me to stay after class. I was day dreaming as usual, but he didn’t ask me to go up to him. I thought he was going to give me detention. I waited in my desk while all the classmates walked out. Finally the room was nearly empty; only Mr. Peters and I were in it.

“ So slut, do you like when I feel your cunt?” He asked

“ Yes”

“ Do you like sucking me?”

“ Yes”

“ Do you like swallowing my sperm now?”

“ I didn’t like it at first, but now I do.”

“ Come here”

I went to the desk, and then he lifted me on the desk so I was laying on it. He took my tights off and panties. I was laying on the table half naked. He looked towards the classroom door to make sure that no one was looking and then he put my legs over his shoulders. I was confused.

Then I felt his cock against my pussy. He quickly shoved it in me. I cried with pain, but that didn’t bother Mr. Peters. He just pushed it in and out of me. He was boasting that I was so tight and that he has now taken my cherry. Tears were flowing out of my eyes. This was just not fun. I felt like that his cock was splitting me into two; it didn’t look like Mr. Peters was in pain. He was moaning loudly and calling me things such as slut and whore. At last I felt his cum hit the walls of my pussy. It was over!

I became known as teachers pet, because he always called me up and made me stand behind that desk. I quickly became a good cocksucker and I even learned to have him fuck me.

One day, I was day dreaming as usual. I quickly had awoken as I seen Mr. Peters stand up and come towards me. I started to get up, but he walked further. Instead he told Emma to go up to his desk. Mr. Peters was sitting behind her. Within a few minutes, I knew where his hands were because I could see her eyes closing. This meant that Mr. Peters dumped me.

When I came home I was crying. Mum came into my room and sat on my bed.

“ Mum, what does slut mean?” I asked

“ It’s a girl that likes sex. Why? Who called you slut?”

“ Mr. Peters” Then everything came out. I told Mum what happened behinds his desk. Next day, we had class as usual. Halfway during class, the head master came in and asked Mr. Peters to come out. I could see two policemen waiting outside,

Interesting site:

Children of God (Religious debate) Click here