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SHOUT - Lucifer's Whore |
Important Standard Disclaimer: Read full Legal implications and disclaimer Once again the element of religion is being explored. I got the idea to this story after watching x-files. It is close to a horror story. Can a parents beliefs be so powerful that they are willing to hurt and offer their own child for these beliefs? Where is the limit? One thing is making a child sit in Church for an hour. Another is molesting and abusing them. Many would say this story is unrealistic, but is it?
This story was written as an adult fantasy. The author does not condone the described behavior in real life in anyway shape or form. Shout - Episode 2 (Click here) Shout - Episode 3
Welcome to Shout. This is where we interview some people that have
experienced the taboo of incest and abuse by an adult. The language on
this show is very direct. Nothing has been censored. We have done this so
nothing is hidden, and you know what really happens. Shout is meant for
you to think.
we have a special guest. Colleen is her name. Her life has been very
strange, as you will soon find out. If you do not feel any compassion for
Colleen after this show, then something is wrong with you.
Welcome to the show Colleen. Can you not tell us a bit about you?
(C ):
Thanks for letting me be here. I am not sure I want to be here. I know
that there a lot of old memories that I have to tell and deep down I will
be screaming as I am experiencing them once again by telling them. But its
important people hear this. It’s important that it stops with me.
am 13 years old now. Until I was 4, I lived a normal life with my Mom and
Dad. I don’t remember a lot about these years. I do remember when we
would be on holidays or we would celebrate Christmas. Looking back, these
were happy times and I was the happiest child on this planet.
what happened to the happy family?
Dad died in the war, so it was just Mum and I left. It was a sad time,
because she cried all the time. It was the stupid presidents fault,
because he sent Dad in a war that no one understood. It was only mum and I
a while, we were just like every other family, just minus a father. Mum
and I were happy and we did a lot of fun things together, like going to
the park, and museums and birthday parties. I was once again happy, even
though I missed my Dad.
you got a new Dad?
Yes, well I
wouldn’t say he was a new dad. He was just someone who married mum. Mum
met Chad, That’s his name and then they fell in love. I was about 7 and
I remember Mum telling me that Daddy would never come back, because he is
in heaven. She said that she met Chad, and she loved him and she wanted to
get married to him. I was a bit confused. How could Mum love another man
and still love dad? What happened when Mum went to heaven, would she be
married with daddy or Chad?
got married by a judge, because he did not want to get married in a
church. It was a quick event and I just remember that they kissed. I
thought that was strange, and it was strange that Chad was going to live
with us.
what happened when Chad moved in?
He moved
into Mums room. They slept together. I could hear the old bed rocking at
night. Of course I didn’t know what it was. I just thought they were
wrestling and without me.
Chuck said quite a lot that I was his daughter and the first few months he
would chase me around the house and play hide and seek. He would also
wrestle me and read me loads of stories. By now I was not afraid of a new
daddy and I loved him after a while.
know its bad to say, but I was happy that we had a dad in the house. Until
we could get to heaven to meet our real Dad.
there some things at the start the confused you??
He never
went to Church. That was always important for Mum and me. He said that it
was very important that I went to church, because he needed me to be Gods
angel. That was strange that I had to be Gods angel while he stayed home
and looked at cartoons
thing was that Mum and I were not allowed to go in the Cellar. This was
strange as it was not his. It was Mums house. Chad said that he needed
place to be by himself with some of his friends.
was a teacher at a private school. We never visited the school and the
school was hidden far away. He did show us pictures of it, and it scared
me because it looked like a private school.
a few months he really started being strange? Is this when he started
abusing you?
No, at
least not sexually. Chad started reading stories to me at nighttime. They
were about an angel that was Gods special angel. This angel was supposed
to be very close God. However the angel was kidnapped by the devil and had
the devils child. The Angel didn’t like the devil and missed God so much
that she hated being the devils slave and the mother of her child.
the Angel had a child, if it was a girl, then the devil knew she gave
birth to an angel and the Child went to heaven. When she gave birth to a
boy, then the devil knew it was his own, and the devil baby would be mean.
time he read this story, I was so afraid. I could hardly sleep.
could understand that you could not sleep, but what happened when he read
this story?
I was so
scared because the poor angel was kidnapped by the devil and made to do
things that she didn’t want to do.
the same time, Chad kept on telling me that I am an Angel. I was so pretty
and so nice to people, that I must be Gods special angel. He always called
me angel, and Mum thought this was cute, so she called me angel. Chad used
to come up to me and ask me if I was an angel. I knew he would get mad at
me if I didn’t say that I was an angel.
told me I was always to pray and go to Church, and never be bad. It was
important that I was an angel and God would think that I was his special
could not have been that bad. He was raising you to be a good girl?
what I thought at the time, but I was confused because he read that story
so often. You know about Gods special angel that was kidnapped by the
devil and made to do things that she didn’t like. I was confused why I
was suddenly a special angel and if the same would happen to me. Why did
he read this story over and over again, and then call me Gods special
soon found out. What happened next?
One night
Mum was asleep on the couch. Now I know that he drugged her, but I
didn’t know at that time. I was 8 when this happened.
friends came. They were all important people in the town. They sat around
the sofa where Mum was sleeping and feeling her under her nightdress. I
thought it was so rude, but thought if Mum didn’t like it she would wake
Chad told me to go up to my room. There were two women there and there
were black candles lighten everywhere. I stood up while they started
stripping my clothes. They started putting this oil all over my body. I
started breathing hard as they touched me, especially my chest and my
see the angel likes this”, one of them said, “ Now we need to ask you
some questions.. Do you touch your pussy like I am doing now”
Did a boy touch you here?”
What about a girl?”
No way.” Now I was confused.
because only the master can touch you or tell you who is to touch you. But
it will please the master that his 8 year old angel is a virgin”
they put this white dress on me that was very big. It was see-through and
sort of silky. I was embarrassed because everyone could see my privates.
they led me down in the cellar. It was so scary. There was blood smeared
on the walls and it looked like a haunted house. There was a huge cross
that was hung downwards. I was trembling when I was walking down the
stares. Deep down I was crying for my mother, but it didn’t come out. I
tried to turn around and run up the stairs, but the women held on to me.
was bought down where I was put on some altar. I was tied to the wall with
some chains. I was in the shape of an X. I was so scared, they could
nearly see my body through the white robe I was wearing, and I couldn’t
see them. They were all in black robes.
they started to chant. I didn’t know what they were saying. At one
stage, they were all standing before me and they started feeling me like I
was some saint. I was trembling and crying. I wanted them to stop.
Especially when the robe slipped off of me. The women didn’t put it on
so well, did they? Then the hands started feeling my body more.
Everywhere. It felt good and at the same time it felt wrong. I was so
scared. They didn’t stop because I was crying and screaming. They
didn’t care; they just felt me all over. It hurt when their fingers went
in my bum and pussy, but I couldn’t stop them. Despite the fact that I
cried even more, they just continued. My legs were feeling weak because I
was feeling tingly because they kept fingering me.
they were saying this I heard Chad chant, “All divine evilness, the
power of today, the strength of the universe, the way forward, we offer
you the angel of God. This girl who is as innocent as heaven itself, who
processes all the gifts of your archrival, who is your enemies precious
gem and daughter, will now be your slave. This angel will now become your
slut. She will be your whore. The fact that she does not want to will show
your power. The fact the she will learn to like to serve you will be a
victory for you. Be it your evil will, she will in time carry your Lucifer
didn’t have a clue what he was saying. I didn’t even know he was
talking about me. The words just went in and out of my ears. I was
thinking more about the feelings as fingers felt the inside of my pussy
and ass were feeling around and going in and out. I was no longer myself.
I was just a tied up girl experiencing feelings I never did before.
must have been a weird experience. What happed after your visit to the
told me never to tell anyone what happened in the cellar. It was a secret,
and if I told anyone, the devil would kill everyone that I loved. I
couldn’t tell mum, because the devil made her like a zombie. She was
always happy, and never seen when things were bad. Even when it rained she
would say how lovely things were. It was funny that she was happy, that
she was never sad. Once she looked at TV show about a girl that was being
molested by her father. The only thing she said was “Isn’t she a cute
girl. I am sure she loves her Daddy” This meant that I was sure that I
would never tell her. Was it my fault what happened in the Cellar? I am
sure Mum would think so.
what Chad?
He stopped
reading me that story. It didn’t matter as I remembered it by hear by
now. He made sure that mum read me the Bible, so I knew what was right and
I knew what was wrong.
started coming into me at nighttime. He would raise it. He smiled because
I knew it was wrong and closed me eyes while saying please don’t. He
would feel my flat boobs and asking me if I liked it. I just kept begging
for him to stop. He would pinch them and ignore my cry of pain. He would
run them in circles and I could feel them going stiff.
would be going down chin, as he would start licking them and his hands
would be rubbing closer and closer to my cunny. I would be whispering for
him to stop and letting out a moan at the same time, especially when he
touched my cunny. His fingers would touch my spot that made my body feel
very tickly. I knew it was wrong but it felt good at the same time.
knew this, and it made him smile, “ It looks like even angels can like
something that God thinks is forbidden and not allowed.” I tried to say
don’t stop, but not it wouldn’t come out of my mouth. I started to cry
more, because I didn’t know if I couldn’t say it because I was tired,
afraid or worse because I liked it
Did the ceremonies in the Cellar continue?
They took place every weekend. On a Saturday night. It would always be the
same that I would be dressed in a robe and then I would go to the cellar.
They would be chanting around me. I quickly learned that I was a
sacrifice. I was something that God loved, and it must have hurt him that
I was being abused by the devil.
wasn’t always that I was tied up. But every time they started chanting,
I started to cry. I was afraid of them and I wanted to go up and hide. I
silently said my prayers and hoped that Jesus would come and save me. He
never did.
thy chanted they would feel me all over and finger me. Sometimes this
hurt, as they were not as calm as Chad was. It was like they became
animals. If I started to groan because it felt good, they would praise the
Devil and say he was more powerful.
In time they blessed you?
Yes. After they started feeling me, one would come up and I would suck
him. They called this Lucifer’s Blessing.
remember the first time that this happened. I was sitting naked on the
altar. Then they told me to kneel in the center of a star. I was shaking
as I knelt down. Then they started their usual chanting again.
man came up and opened his robe. I tried to scream when I seen his cock. I
just stared and looked away. He took me by my hair and touched my chin
with it. I remember that I thought it was so soft and warm. It didn’t
feel that bad. Then he told me to lick the top of it as if it was an ice
cream. I tried to look into his eyes, pleading silently that he must be
joking. I couldn’t see his face because of his robe. Just a smile. It
was an evil smile, and that made me more afraid.
started licking the top. It was so soft, but I knew that it was wrong. I
started putting more and more of it inside my mouth. Its not as if I had a
choice. The robed man kept pushing it more and more of it in my mouth. I
tried to shove it out with my tongue, but it was too slippery, and the
more I did with my tongue the more he liked it. I was afraid that his
thing would go down my throat and a few times when it touched my throat, I
gagged. I thought I was going to choke to death. But the man pulled it
back, and I thought the worse is over. This was until he came in my mouth.
I started to choke and spit it out. While I was choking and spitting out,
I started crying loud. It was so disgusting and gooey. I thought I did my
job, but Chad came up and slapped my face, and said that the cream was a
present from Lucifer and I should never spit it out.
So did you continue to be a cocskucker?
That’s a bit mean calling me a cocksucker. But everyone in the cellar
did it. They said that Gods angel was now Lucifer’s cocksucker. I have
quickly learned how to suck dicks, even though it was several after
another, and at the end I didn’t even notice that it was happening. It
was like as if a bit of me would die and let Lucifer do with my body as he
Was Chad a part of this?
was part of everything. He thought he was the devils best friend. At night
I would hide in my bed holding on to the covers. I would be saying my
prayers asking God not to abandon me. I think he was mad at me and
abandoned me because Chad came in and lowered the sheets
would do what he always did. He would take all my clothes off and say that
God did really make pretty sexy angels. He would twist my nipples and
pinch them. Sometimes he would turn me around and spank me. This really
hurt, but he said it’s to get all the angel dust out of me. He didn’t
care that I cried and that every time he came into my room, he was killing
more and more of me.
would then lie on the bed, and without asking I would put his cock in my
mouth and use my tongue to make him happy. I didn’t want him to slap me
across the face. I would use my tongue and squeeze my cheeks so he would
feel better. Sometimes an image of the devils cock went through my mind,
and I felt like screaming. What would happen if it were really the devils
cock. No wonder why God has abandoned me.
night he would squirt in my mouth. I swallowed and then slumped in a
The angel is surrendering to the Lord of all evil” he would say¨
my breath, I would tell him to go away and asked God to forgive me. I knew
that he would be back the following night.
So when did
this go further?
When I was 9, I was led down to the cellar. This time I only had a tiara
on and I was totally naked. There was a collar around my neck and I was
wearing a dog leash. I was put in the center of the red bloody star, and
told to be on my hands and knees. I did this, thinking that this was
something new.
started their usual chanting and then the room was silent. I didn’t know
what to think and just kneeled there thinking that this ceremony could be
started saying, “ Evil master, your angel is becoming more and more of a
slut for you every day. She now enjoys eating your seed. She now enjoys
the touch of men. This is indeed a great victory and a punishment to him
that thinks he is better than you. This slut angel knows that what she is
doing, yet she is giving herself more and more to you. She is replacing
her relationship with God and becoming a servant to you. Tonight will be
the night where this is finally done.
I felt something cold on my pussy. It rubbed up and down. I didn’t even
mind to cry or go away. It felt quite good so I just moved my legs apart.
This was just as Chad was saying I was accepting being the devils servant.
I looked back to see what the cold thing was. I screamed when I seen a dog
crawl on me. I was so scared! I cried Noooooo. I tried to move but the dog
held me fast. Before I knew it, he thrust his cock in my cunt. It was so
big that I yelled and cried. I thought it would tear me apart. This was
the end of me.
the dog was fucking me, I looked around at the robed men. I was crying and
I felt so humiliated at a dog fucking me and these robed me looking on as
his dog cock went in and out of me. I felt even more embarrassed as I
started moaning and at one stage I said that I loved the dog and started
to meet his humping. At least he spermed in me. I was now his bitch.
humiliation was not over yet. He knotted in me and I was stuck there for
40 minutes. While I was waiting, I sucked several of their cocks.
So what happened after, did the others fuck you?
No, It took me a few days so that my pussy didn’t hurt that much. That
didn’t stop Chad from making me suck him and even the dog.
took him some time to fuck me. Every night he would still come in my room
and I would suck him. The dog now shared the room with me, and I was told
that because I was his bitch, that he would be able to fuck me when he
wanted to. I no longer prayed, because I think that God considered me as a
bitch now.
was also confused, because I really loved the dog, and I knew when he
fucked me that he loved me too. He really thought that I was a dog. He
didn’t know that it was wrong of him doing it. He just wanted to show me
that he loved me.
Chad took me to this farm. There was this strange thing that I was locked
into. I didn’t know why, but I quickly found out. This pig was led into
where I was tied up, and he mounted this thing. When he did this, he
started fucking me. I was used to getting fucked now, so I just closed my
eyes, and tried not to moan as his pig cock went in and out of my pussy. I
know that if I moaned, the men would think I fancied pigs, and this meant
that I was really Lucifer’s whore.
next half year of ceremonies was about dogs and pigs fucking me, or I
sucking them as well as the robed men. I think that enough cum went into
my body to last me for a lifetime.
Your father asked his friend to take his daughter. Tell us about this?
One day, Chad and I was out shopping. We met Victoria and her father. I
recognized Victoria’s father. His voice was the same as one of the robed
men that were at the ceremonies. Chad said that it was about time that he
bought Victoria,
Its about time that you bring Victoria so we can make her like Colleen.”
I am not so sure, after all she is my daughter.”
I have given my daughter to him, this is the greatest sacrifice. You have
also enjoyed my daughter. Its about time you make a sacrifice”
Colleen is really not your daughter though, is she?”
looked very confused to what the men were talking about. I knew what they
were talking about and it was hard not to cry because I knew what she
would experience. I know she was a few years older than me, but it was
still a shame.
was obvious that Victoria’s father said no. The next ceremony was the
second worse in my life. When I came down, I was told to sit in the
triangle. Chad said, “This will be a boring night for you, because you
will not have a chance to please the master tonight.” I was a bit
relieved but looked around and seen that a robed men was tied to a pole. I
looked behind the altar and I couldn’t see the cross because there was
cloth hiding it.
they all started chanting, and the man that was tied up was trying to get
out. But he could not.
the cloth was removed and I seen Victoria. She was tied to the cross
upside down. Then Chad said that tonight was a special night for the
devil. They were going to offer him a virgin. He also looked at the other
robed men and said that this is what happens when they are willing for
others to sacrifice their daughters and would not do it themselves. The
man tied to the poll screamed and begged Chad to let Victoria go. He loved
took a hammer and then big huge nails. He hammered Victoria to the cross.
She screamed so high. Chad told her she could scream as much as she wanted
to because the room was soundproof. Every time she screamed, so did I. At
one stage I shouted that I was sorry. I should have warned her. Chad
looked at me and looked as if I could be next. At this time, I didn’t
really care.
men started chanting as Victoria was crying with pain. It took hours as
soon her crying became less and less. Then she just stopped. I looked at
her with the blood pool under her.
night, I was crying in bed but I had a dream that she was in heaven with
my Dad.
Did the other men start fucking you??
ceremonies made me Lucifer’s whore soon after. I would be put on the
altar, and then one man would stick his cock down my mouth. I was used to
sucking men by now, so I just tried to get them to come as quickly as
was not that easy, because when I was sucking them, then another would
stick his cock in my pussy. It didn’t hurt anymore, and I didn’t know
if I liked it or not. Sometimes I think that I was trained to like it.
could happen a few times. It was never enough that one man fucked me.
Others line up to fuck me. At the end I didn’t have the energy to think
if I liked it or not. I just was so weak.
end of the ceremony was always the same. Chad would ask me who are you,
and I would say, “ I am proud and honoured to be the Devils whore”
didn’t stop here. I would go up to my room where the dog was waiting. He
wanted to fuck me because he thought I was his girlfriend.
became hard for you when you were 10?
Yes. I was being fucked for about a half a year every weekend by
these pervs in robes. They would fuck me several times and I would suck
them as much as I could. I was another girl when I did this. I was like a
slut. I wanted more and more. I begged them to fuck me. I didn’t believe
that I was begging and wanting more. But I did. After the ceremonies, I
would cry thinking of how much a slut I have become
when I was 10, I found out that I was pregnant. I couldn’t believe that
I was pregnant. I was too young. It was like the girl in the story. I was
now carrying Lucifer’s baby.
took me to the doctor and Chad said that I was fooling around with some of
the older boys at school. The doctor didn’t say much. I think he was one
of the robed men or knew that Chad was one, so he was afraid. He explained
that some girls can be pregnant at 10, he even seen a 9 year old that
became pregnant. I would need to be cut up when the baby came, otherwise I
would have a lot of pain in my back.
laughed all the way home. He said that I was now Lucifer’s mother. I
would be as famous as Jesus’ mother. I wanted to hit him, but it was
strange, there was this evil thing swimming around in my stomach.
next 9 months were horrible. I was becoming fatter and fatter. I was being
teased at school because everyone thought that I was a slut. They all knew
it was a baby.
can imagine first being raped for years, then being pregnant, and finally
loosing all your friends because they thought you fucked any boy that
worse was my own mum. She knew I was becoming fatter and fatter, she knew
that I was pregnant, and all she said is that it was lovely that I was
growing up. She never even asked who did it.
continued to suck the men even though my Belly was getting bigger and
bigger. I was now brainwashed to thinking this was my purpose. I wanted
their cocks in my mouth, and hated the baby in me because the dog
couldn’t fuck me.
I gave birth to the baby, I was suddenly afraid that it was a puppy. But
it wasn’t. It was a girl.
happened to your baby?
was afraid that you would ask about that. Now I am afraid that I will
start to cry. My daughter was not good enough. Lucifer’s child had to be
a boy. So in the next ceremony, they placed my daughter on the altar. I
didn’t know what they would do, and they had me a bit drugged so I was
very dizzy.
Chad took his cock and rammed it in my poor daughters mouth. At first I
saw her kicking and trying to cry. I knew that the cock was to big for
her, especially if he was deep throating her,
tried to run and rescue her. I was too weak because of the drugs and
because the stitches still hurt me after giving birth. I crawled towards
my daughter. But I seen her kick less and less, and I knew that she was
dead. She wasn’t dead. She was murdered
cried and cried because my daughter was murdered. Chad gave me something
in her arms that made me not think. Every time I thought of how much I
hated him, I asked for the needle
Were you
pregnant again?
quickly went back to normal.
Every weekend I was put on the altar
and men stuck their cocks in all my holes. I begged for them and begged
for more. I just wanted to forget my daughter. I wanted to forget god. I
wanted to forget who I was. I have now accepted that I was the devils
whore and I was good at it
was pregnant soon after. My life could not be worse. Because Once again I
was a slut and everyone thought I was having sex all night and all day.
my Baby was born, it was once again a girl
Did they
kill your second daughter?
was afraid that they would. After all they killed my first daughter, and I
knew they wanted a son. So when I was home resting taking care of Sarah,
that’s her name, I was counting the days until when she would be
the Thursday I was weak. But I wrapped Sarah in some towels and started
walking and walking. I was weak and I was afraid that I would fall down
and crush Sarah.
might not believe this, but just as I was about to fall, I seen a light.
It was so strong. I saw a shadow through the light. It was a cross. I
started walking towards the cross. I stumbled in the Church. The priest
came towards me and I told him everything. I was afraid that he would not
believe me.
next thing I knew was I was laying in an airplane. There were four nuns
taking care of Sarah and me. They told me that Sarah was baptized; she was
now one of Gods children. I was being taken to the Vatican where I would
get help to get over everything that happened to me. I was safe now. God
will take care of me.
asked did they believe me, and they said that they knew everything
asked what happened to Chad and the others. The Nun said the Church has
their own soldiers, and Chad is no longer a problem or any of the other
robed men. I didn’t ask what this meant
will join me in the Vatican, but she needed a lot of help, as she was not
herself for many years
I am
shocked by this story. Do I believe it happened? Yes I do. Do I believe it
happens now? Yes I do. If you
do pray, then pray for the victims such as Victoria and Colleen. Until the next time on Shout, keep your comments coming.