Puppy Child



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A mother loves dogs, so much that her daughter is born as a dog-girl. Will her daughter also love dogs?


This story was written as an adult fantasy. The author does not condone the described behavior in real life in anyway shape or form.

Puppy Child


P art one

I should have known. I should have realized that the time we had with our daughter would be short and unlike any other relationship parents have with their children. I just never believed that anything like this could ever happened. But it did, and here is the tale of the Puppy Child, my precious girl. 

I was married with Ella. Right from the start I knew she had some perverse sex lusts. I knew that she really adored dogs. When I say she adored dogs, I mean that she wanted to be their bitch. Get on her hands and knees and let them fuck her into submission. I didn’t mind, because I was no sex animal, and without the dogs help, I would have been worn out a few months into our marriage. Don’t misunderstand me, she was not my bitch. She was my wife. But she was the dog’s bitch. His sex demand was satisfied by her ever waiting cunt. I will be honest, It did turn me on when I seen them knot and my wife would be forced there with dog sperm invading her womb. I never heard that it made a woman pregnant. If I known the least possible chance of it, I would probably have said something. I would probably have stopped fate and destiny. But how was I to guess? How was I to know?

When Ella was pregnant, I should have realized. We got the news that she was pregnant, we were both so happy. At last we were going to have a baby. The first few months of the pregnancy were bliss. My wife even lost interest in our dog, because she wanted to be a normal mother.

In the 6th month of her pregnancy, we were offered a scanning. We were two happy parents to be about to see the baby for the first time through a scanning machine. The doctor put this funny jelly on her tummy and then the gray and white screen showed that there was life within the stomach. After, the doctor looked very concerned.

“ Is there something wrong”, my wife asked


“ Please tell us, is my baby OK?”

Silence. Now I knew something was wrong.

Soon there were a lot of doctors looking at the screen and discussing in doctor terms what they were looking at. This made us worried. Then the doctor’s left and our doctor sat down. He was trying to figure out how to tell us what the other doctors agreed upon.

“ It is always difficult when we have to tell parents something that is not normal. But I will be honest and tell you what we see, “ He started, “ and yet not believe in. I can tell you that you will have a girl. However her jaw is deformed. It is a bit big and comes out of her face, as if it was a snout. I can also see that her ears are deformed. The fact is that she has long pointy ears. There is one thing else. It appears that your daughter has a tail. In fact, it appears that your daughter is a dog-girl. She is a mixture between a dog and a girl.”

We were in shock. The doctor has just told us that we will be giving birth to a girl that has a tail and dogs ears. The doctor suggested that we get an abortion and let the doctors get the body to study it. My wife knew why she was a half dog. It was the dog’s sperm that somehow got mixed with mine. I thought that was impossible. Maybe this was a punishment from God.


One thing we have decided was not to get an abortion. We would have this baby, even if she looked like an elephant. We would move to the countryside, so she will not be the latest a one-week sensation in some tabloid newspaper.

At last, Amanda was born. The first sight of her was her head. Unlike other babies, she had quite a lot of hair. I could see her doggy ears and her snout, that wasn’t that bad. Her ears were obviously dogs ones. She was pulled more and more out and I could see her tail. I felt like fainting. The only place she had hair was her head, which was quite long and her tail.

When I seen the dog-girl my wife has given birth to, I knew that we would love her forever, but just as I was given thanks, the doctors rushed around my wife. All I could hear were beeps and tubes going down her throat and everything. The doctors were instructing each other what to do. 

To be honest, I didn’t think it was serious with the doctors around my wife until I heard the beeping sounds become a long beep. As I held our new daughter, I knew what the doctor was going to say to me. My wife had died during child labour.


So here I was alone with a dog girl that I was supposed to raise. I loved her and wanted to protect her as much as possible. I knew if the press knew that she was part dog, they would manipulate and she would be public property, surrounded by cameras and looked upon as a freak by society.

The doctors told me that she would not live that long, but to try to give her a happy life.


So it was just Amanda’s and I on the farm. The first three years went quite well. It was hard picking clothes for a girl that had a tail, but with a little creativity, everything went fine.

There were 2 older dogs on the farm. It seemed like they took an interest in Amanda. Most likely they could smell that “Bitch” smell that female dogs have. Amanda also took an interest in them. She would tumble and wrestle with them. They were much larger than she was, but they protected her, thinking she was a puppy and needed to be protected.  They were Amanda’s best friends.

It was hard to teach Amanda to speak as a human. First she had that snout that made pronunciation a bit hard. In fact the first sounds she made were the same type of sounds that a dog would make. But at last she learned how to talk.


Part two

Years went by, and I was happy with my daughter. She was now 10 years. She had quite a long tail and her ears were the same as a setter. They flapped down, it looked so cute when Amanda heard an unfamiliar sound, then her ears would point up and she would start sniffing

I knew that she was half dog and half girl. But she could have been half an elephant, and I would still love her. She was always a cheerful light in my life. I missed my wife, and it was as Amanda covered that hole in my life. If I am to tell the truth, she is the only person that made me smile,

Don’t misunderstand me. Amanda didn’t just act like a dog. She had many human sides. She helped me feed the animals on the farm. She was a good cook. She loved reading and had great intelligence.

She was an easy child until she was 10.


It was a Sunday morning when it all started. I usually sleep for as long as I can on a Sunday, and this Sunday was no different. At 11, I thought should get up to have some breakfast or lunch because it was so late. I was wiping my eyes as I went by Amanda’s Room.  She was playing with the dog. I walked on and then just realized how she was playing with the dog.

I had to back up to her bedroom to find out. Amanda was on her knees under the dog. She was naked. I could see that her tail was waving back and forth. She had one of the dog’s cocks in her mouth. I couldn’t believe it; my daughter was now at the age when she was a bitch. She was pleasing dogs the way bitches were supposed to. I admit, that the whole experience made me nearly come in my trousers. She definitely did look like a great cocksucker, at the end, the dog came and Amanda did her best to swallow every bit of it. It was obvious that she tried this before. I walked in and her tail started wagging again. I sat on the edge of the bed. I was going to try to be a responsible parent.

“ Amanda..” I started, “Do you realize what you were just doing.”

“ I was giving my boyfriend a blow job”

“ Your boyfriend?”

“ Yes, I love him and he loves me. He says that I am his bitch and he taught me how to give a blowjob”

“ He cannot be your boyfriend. You are not a dog and besides you are just 10 years old”

“ If I am not a dog or a bitch, then why do I have dogs ears and a tail? How can I understand dogs when they speak?”

“ Don’t confuse me. Do you like sucking his cock?”

“ At first I thought it was totally gross. The cock smelled funny and he wanted to put it in my mouth. It was so hard and yet the skin of his dick is like silk. I loved showing him that I loved him; so sucking his cock was a way to show how much I love him. I didn’t like when he spermed, so I spit it out. Now he says I am the best cocksucker he ever had and I even wallow his sperm now.”

“ How long have you been doing this?”

“ Since I was 9.”

“ Has he tried to do anything else?”

“ You mean fuck me? He always licked my pussy when you were not looking or at nighttime. I love feeling his long tongue against my pussy. I get so wet when he does that. A few weeks ago he tried to fuck me, but it hurt so much and I started to bleed. His climbed on my back and then his cock plowed into my pussy. I told him to get off when I was bleeding and it hurt so much. Maybe we will try some other day.”


I couldn’t believe what Amanda was telling me. She was a cocksucker and a dog broke her virginity. Well she was basically a dog herself, so did it matter that she was only 10 years old. I suppose dog’s years are not the same as human years.

The thing I did next surprised me:

I told Amanda to get on her hands and knees. She was a bitch so her dog needed her, and if he wanted to fuck her, then he should. She was a bitch, just like her mother was.

Amanda raised her tail. So the dog could see her bottom. He starting licking her and that made Amanda scream with pleasure. She kept on telling me how good it was and how much she loved him. The dog climbed her and after a few jabs found her bitch-pussy. I could see Amanda’s eyes close with pain and pleasure. Her floppy ears were now standing to attention and her tail was wagging where it could. Her boy friend was on her back and panting.

I took out my dick and started masturbating. This site was too much to take. My 10-year-old slut daughter being a bitch,

“ Dad, he is in me. He is so fast. Going in and out. I love doggy cock. I love being his bitch. I love him. Don’t hate me Daddy. I just love this feeling. I want to do it all the time. Its getting warm… He is squirting.. I have doggy cum in me… I am so tired but it feels so good.”

As she said this I spermed. It must have been the largest load in my life, seeing my daughter being fucked by a dog, some of my sperm landed on her face. I was not so happy about this, and especially when she just licked it. Now I felt that I just molested my daughter.


The dog knotted in her, so we had to wait 20 minutes until the dog released its knot. During that time I apologized for sperming on her and said that she was truly now a bitch.

As I didn’t get enough shocks that day, she gave me one more. She said that she felt more dog than as a girl, and asked if I would treat her like a dog and let her sleep with her boyfriend. Now some of you are parents, or want children for the wrong reason; what would you have said to this?

I said OK.


Part three

It has now been three months since Amanda became a full time dog.  This was no problem at home, as hardly anyone came by, and when they did we just dressed her with a skirt so no one can see the tail, and a cap so no one could see her ears.

But for the most we were alone, and this meant she could be a dog. I got her a dog collar and a basket where she could sleep with the two other dogs. This was a cute sight to see. It is where Amanda really felt the best. I think she was hurt one time when her mother’s aunt was here. She was here for less than an hour and yet did enough damage to last for a year.

She kept on asking me if Amanda was suffered from downs Syndrome child or a retard, because of the snout. She also accused me of making her into a tomboy, because she always had her cap on. This was too much for her aunt to take. She reached out and took off Amanda’s cap. Of course Amanda tried her best not to let the cap come off. She screamed and growled. When the aunt took her cap off, and seen her ears, the ears stood to attention.

Amanda screamed and barked and bit her aunt’s arm. I was of course speechless, after the aunt finding out my daughter was part dog and seeing my daughter could bite.

The aunt stormed out of the house in shock and promised to tell the child services. Years later I found out they never believed her.


After that incident, I knew that Amanda felt more free and at home with dogs. They did not give her a hard time for looking half human. They just accepted her for one as her own.


Of course things did not always go as planned. I thought it was good for her to meet other people and dogs. So when it was nearly dark, I drove into town and walked around the park for some time. It was during these times, that we had the best talks. She talked how much she enjoyed her life, and thanked God that she was a bitch, so she could please her boyfriend. She thanked me for being so open-minded.


One evening we met another man with his dog.

“ Nice evening, its such a nice place to walk dogs” he said, “ What are you two doing here?”

“ I am just walking my daughter” I joked. Well it was sort of true.

We sat on a bench and then started talking. Then Amanda offered to walk the dog while we talked. The man seemed to think about it, saying that the dog was too big for her. He would be walking her. Amanda smiled and said the dog already knows where they were going.

We talked for about a half an hour and just when the man was worried that his beloved dog was lost, Amanda was back with him. She knelt down and let the dog stick his tongue in her mouth. I could see that the owner was getting a stiff cock, seeing a young girl being French kissed by a dog. I think he tried to ignore it.


I asked my daughter what she did when she went on a walk,

“Well Dad, he was such a sexy dog that I had to be his bitch too. So I took him over to the playground, there is no one there at this time. So I started sucking his cock, and let me tell you that it was so big. I could only put the tip of it in my mouth,

Then he started licking my cunt. He kept on asking if I liked it. I kept on saying yea, yeaaa and all that. Then he mounted me and it was so hard. He was so big and I was being forced back and forth.

Then this perv was there. He called me a bitch and asked why I was letting a dog fuck me? Did I not want a real man? I tried calling your name Dad, but as soon as I opened my mouth. It wasn’t a dog’s cock. He was a man and he was a perv. He was making me suck his cock while the sexy dogs cock went in and out of my cunt. It wasn’t fun. His cock smelled of old cum and he was just mean, forcing it down my throat. I swallowed his cum just as the dog filled me with his cum”


Part 4

Well, This is where I say a few last words.

It is now Amanda’s birthday. She would have been 13 today. If she lived.

You see when Amanda was 11, she became pregnant. My baby bitch was pregnant and shortly after, she had two lovely pups. But her half human body could not take the birth. She died when she gave birth.

I cried for weeks. Then I decided that I had to raise my two grandchildren.