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The Priest |
Important Standard Disclaimer: Read full Legal implications and disclaimer In the last few years, there has been a lot of cases where priests and others that are responsible for children have abused them that they are supposed to help. The Priest explores a boy that wants to serve God, and the priest cannot think beyond his personal desires. The brainwashing is something that could exist, in other words where we are told what is right and wrong. Would a parent accept abuse if it was not abuse according to God?
This story was written as an adult fantasy. The author does not condone the described behavior in real life in anyway shape or form. Everyone calls me Andrew. I am nearly 12. I am small for my age and otherwise I am quite a normal boy. Now I would like to ask you one question. Do You believe in God? Do you believe in angels. After this story you will.
I lived together with my Dad. He was saint and he was the best dad that you can ever have. My Mon died when I was 7, so we lived alone since she died. I missed her, but thought some children never had any mother or dad, and I was lucky and blessed you can say that I still had my Dad. One Night, My Dad asked me what I wanted to be when I was older. I said a priest because they help each other. My dad patted my head and said that I was a kind boy and would serve God very well. He was so proud of me that I would help people that really needed it and would serve God. I smiled at him. It felt so nice when my Dad was proud of me. Then he said that I should be an Altar Boy, and that would really teach me how the Church works and in a way I could start serving god right now. I was so excited, that I gave him a hug and reminded him that he was the best Dad there was.
A few days later, we had a meeting with Fr. Callaghan. He would speak with me and see if I could be an altar boy. I doubt that he would say no. I was very good in school, said my prayers and never got in fights. When we came to the Church, he asked us if we would wait for him. He said that he would turn on some music because it might take him some time. He did as he promised, he turned on some music that was quite weird. Sometimes it sounded as people were speaking Chinese. Or in chants or backwards. When the music was turned on, Dad and I stopped talking to each other. Especially dad, it seemed like he was going in a trance. I thought maybe he was meditating or praying or something like that Time went by, I was getting bored. But I knew not to complain in the middle of the waiting room at the church. God was definitely here looking at me. I shook dad by the arm and then he looked straight forward and said, "Its OK if a priest thinks my son is sexy because priests are holy." I think my mouth was wide open and I asked him what he meant. My own Dad was saying that I was sexy. He didn't move. He was still praying and just looking ahead. It went through my mind that he thought I was sexy. I thought I was always ugly or not the best looking one. Now My dad just came out with that outburst saying the priest is allowed to think I am sexy. That was such a weird statement. I shook him again to see if I could wake him up, and he just said, "I want the priest to give his holy seed to my son and make him to an altar slut" This really shocked me. I heard some boys call girls sluts before and that was not a good word. Why would my dad want me to be a slut?
Then the priest came out and said that we could come in. He took the Music player with him and said he liked this music and he would turn it down when we were listening. I sat next to my dad and we talked about being an altar boy. I told him that I wanted to be a priest when I got older. It seems like he was not listening to a word I was saying. He said I could sit ob his lap when we were talking. Dad said nothing except mumbling its good to sit on a priests lap and to make him happy. My face must have looked like one big question mark. I did as I was told and went over to the priest where he was sitting. I was facing him and he started rubbing my back. " Do you wear panties" he asked? " No, " I laughed, " their for girls" " Do you wear diapers" he asked? I didn't answer, I just laughed. You have to admit that this priest has a sense of humour. Then he looked at my dad, " Don't you think that boys should wear diapers as it keeps them in their place" Dad just looked straight forward and said, " What a priest says is true" he said, as if he was reciting a poem.
Before I knew it the priest was pulling my shorts down. he wanted to see if it was right that I was wearing briefs. He looked disappointed and said that good altar boys wear diapers or panties. I was about to say that girls wear panties, but then Dad mumbled, "You have to wear panties to show that you love father Callaghan". The priest agreed and said that we should take of the disgusting boy briefs. I stood there naked from my waist down as the priest started feeling my butt. I was in a daze thinking why Dad didn't stop him. Instead he just started feeling my ass saying it was a gay ass. I would have hit him if he wasn't a priest because I was not gay. Then he opened his robe and I could see his dick. It was so big and was standing up like a flag pole. I was so confused. This priest was putting his finger bath and forth in my ass, I was groaning and now he had his cock out and my father was just sitting there in the daze. I looked back at Dad to get some help. I wanted him to stop this, but he said, " Andrew, you need the priests holy seed. Suck his cock and swallow anything that comes out. You need to do this, as he is a priest." I was more confused now. I just lowered my head and opened my mouth. I did not think about his thing going in my mouth. I just tasted it as I went back and forth while I felt his finger fucking my ass. This is not what I expected an altar boy to do. At the same time, I liked the finger where it was and I didn't mind his cock in my mouth. Then he squirted, and I nearly choked to death. Dad mumbled something about me swallowing it all. I did.
The priest put these pink panties with white lace on me and looked at me and Dad, " Son, You just sucked my cock and let me finger fuck your ass. Don't you think that this makes gay?" He was the one that nearly forced me, how could he say that, I just said I don't know The priest continued, "God has made some boys to be sissy faggots, and you are obviously one of these. You have to accept this and accept how God has made you. From now on you have to wear panties and this shows that you accept how God has created you. I also have a CD that you can listen to. Listen to it every night. It will help you be a better altar boy. I also have a CD for your Dad"
We left the Church. I was till in shock at what happened at the Church and the fact that my Dad just looked on and let him feel me up and all that. Then the priest said that God created me that way. If I was gay, then so was he. He is the one that nearly raped me when the Dad was just looking. I was not gay. If the priest didn't start then I wouldn't have done that. I did like it a bit, but that doesn't mean that I am gay, does it? It seemed that Dad was quickly getting out of his daze and acting like he always did. He kept asking me an I OK and was it a hard interview with the priest. I said it was so strange and that I felt like a slut. Dad just looked straight ahead as he drove the car. I could see a tear going down his eye. Then silence followed. The silence was lawful. He didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to say. The silence was like death.
Later that night when we were getting ready for bed, Dad spoke for the first time. He said we should take a shower because of everything that happened today. That was the first time since the car. I know what you are thinking. Yes we took showers before, and sometimes we have great fun as we have water fights. There was never nothing sexual about it, I don't think we even noticed that each other was naked. Today was different, when I started taking off my clothes, he asked why I was wearing girl panties. I said that the priest said that its to show how God made me. Dad looked surprised and said that I could just wear my regular ones after, that God Knows who I am. I smiled. Things were getting back to normal. When we were in the shower we were talking like we always did, and then I notice that Dads dick was now big. It was nearly touching me. I just stared at it. Something in me wanted to kiss it to prove to him that I loved him. He must have had the same thoughts because he put his hand on top of my head and started to push it down towards his cock. I was about to kiss it when he rushed out of the shower and said he was sorry a few thousand times. I was left standing there thinking I was a sinner and a slut. What was happening to me? What was happening to us?
Later that night, I put the CD on that the priest gave me. It was a bunch of monks singing. At least it was better than that crap we heard at his office today. I listened to the music and the more I listened to it the more I liked it. During the Night I woke up and thought about everything that happened today. I decided not to go to the priest again and I would not be an altar boy. But suddenly I have had some thoughts that it was nice wearing panties. They looked good on me and felt quite nice...... and G-G-God could see who I, you know, who I am. It wouldn't be bad if I wet myself either. In fact it would feel nice. And just maybe I should go back to the Church. As I was thinking these thoughts, I could feel a tear going down my eye. Why was I thinking these. I slapped myself across the face and said no way. Then I put the CD back on and went to sleep.
Nothing really much happened the next day. When I got up Dad asked was I wearing panties? " You said yesterday that I don't have to." " But you should as it is a sign of who God wants you to be." Oh no, now my dad sounded like Father Callaghan. " But you said God knows who I am no matter what I wear." Dad thought about it for some time and seemed to slowly snap back to the Dad I knew, " I know. I don't know what came over me."
That night. Dad feel asleep on the sofa listening to the CD the priest gave him. He must really like that weird music. When I got in my room, I didn't put on my pj. Something in my head was saying that it is good to sleep naked. I never slept naked before and never thought about it, so why should I start now. I did. I lied in bed as God has made me. In the middle of the night I woke up again, I had the same thoughts as the night before. it was nice wearing panties. They looked good on me and felt quite nice and God could see who I am. It wouldn't be bad if I wet myself either. In fact it would feel nice. And just maybe I should go back to the Church to visit Fr. Callaghan. I just put the earphones on and went back to sleep.
The next day went pretty much the same except when I was on my way home from school. I was walking through the park and had to piss. I usually do this in the bushes because the pervs hang around the men's toilet. Anyhow the sentence wet myself was going through my head and before I knew it, I was pissing in my pants. One of the older boys seen this and came up and started laughing. he was calling me a baby and asking how does it feel that I peed myself. I just put up ma brave face and said that it felt fine. Then led or should I say dragged me to the back of the Park in the woods a bit and said, "If the piss boy likes pissing himself, maybe you won't mind if I use you as a toilet." H then opened my wet trousers and pointed his dick down them. I moaned when his dick touched my skin. He laughed and said I sounded like a gaybo. then I could feel his warm piss drench what ever dry part was left under my waste. I kept thinking, "It is nice to be wet and when others piss on me, because that is the way God created me." When he was finished, he was about to put his dick back into his trousers, I grabbed it and begged him to let me clean it, In other words to give this strange boy a boy job. The older boy couldn't believe what I just asked. I was openly admitting that I was gay and this means that he could tell the whole school. If he was surprised, imagine how surprised I was. Its like something was crewing my head and I couldn't control myself. It was like a film, where I stood outside my body and watched me put his cock in my mouth. It looked totally gross and I could see that I was good at it. Even though it was like watching a film, I could feel it inside my mouth. In and out in and out and don't forget the tongue. I was rewarded by him squirting in my mouth. He quickly walked away and I was still on my knees thinking what I really just did. Maybe the priest was right, maybe I did create myself this way.
When I came home, I was wet and stank of Piss. Dad noticed it and For few minutes he looked worried, and then reminded m that God creates us difference. I was most likely a sissy and a pee boy and Gay and that's how I could serve God. He told me to go in the shower and wash myself. Then he led me back to the room and said that I would be wearing diapers at night, but now I can put the other underwear on. I walked to my drawer and found all my briefs were gone, and they were replaced by girls panties, many with girl cartoons on them and others were frilly. There were even a few thongs there. I couldn't believe what I saw! I was about to go out and protest and thought that Dad seemed confused and sad lately, and if he knew what I did at the Park, he would be very mad at me or even more confused. I just put on the panties.
I went out to kiss Dad goodnight, He mumbled something about the priest being happy that I am being who I am, and then he said that he thinks its OK. Then he put a diaper on me and said, "Boys should no there place. Their ass is to please others he said." I was a bit afraid that he would do something. If he done something, our relationship would never be the same again. But He didn't. He just put the diaper on me and said I could sleep just with it on. I was so happy that he didn't play with me like the priest and that boy in the park. There was still a God.
The next day went fine, I was afraid everyone would know at school what I did in the Park the day before. I was also afraid that they would know I was wearing panties with a big heart on them that says "Daddies Girl" But no one said anything. On the way home, my head was like Spaghetti. I suddenly felt bad that I didn't visit the priest for several days. He must really think that I didn't accept I was a boy whore and that I didn't love him. What was I talking about, I was not a boy whore. I was not gay. Oh Right, who was I fooling. I was walking with panties on and piss myself and I even gave someone a blow job and I remembered that time I was in the shower, that I nearly did it to dad.
Before I knew it, I was at the priests office. He let me in and gave me something to drink. It tasted a bit funny. But I drank it because it was polite to drink it. I started to feel a bit dizzy, but that was OK. He told me to take off my clothes. I didn't even looked confused. I stripped before him and took my clothes off. "Oh I see you are wearing lovely panties like a little sissy" " Yes Father." " And what do Sissies like to do?" " They like to please men." "And how do they do that?" " By letting men use them as a sex toy" " And is this a sin?" " No Father, God creates some boys like that and it is up to the boy to accept Gods plan for them" " I see you have been thinking and listening to the CD I have given you. You are a good boy slut. Now You know why God made you so beautiful. Its a shame you will grow up."
By this time Fr. Callaghan had all his clothes off. I seen his Holy cock and once again I was staring at it. Something in me wanted me to put it in my mouth and to suck it. he started feeling my body and once again, I felt like I was floating on clouds. I knew this was wrong, but thought that God said it is OK because it is one of his priests. He started kissing me sticking his tongue in my mouth. This was a true sign that someone was gay, when they kissed a man. I put my arms weak around him. As gross as it sounds, I liked when he put his tongue in my mouth and explored. I felt so safe. Then He pushed my had down towards his holy cock. by now, I knew what to do. I just sucked it as good as I could, giving him the experience of heaven. I thought it would be soon over as he would squirt in my mouth and to be honest a part of me was hungry after it. But then He took it out of my mouth and lifted me on his bed. He lifted my legs over his shoulders and started fingering my ass. I remembered when he did this before. It was nice. But this time, he put some cream on it and it felt a bit cold. Then before I knew it, something big was pushing its way into my ass. I felt like I was being split. Dizzy as I was I screamed. It didn't seem like he cared he just continued. This continued for some time. I remember at one stage that I started to cry because I thought that he would kill me. But then it started feeling better and I could feel it was tickling a bit, even though it still hurt. I knew by now he was fucking me, and this was the last step of me being gay. Now that he has done this, there was no way back. I felt his hot juice fill my ass and knew that it was over. I laid down on the bed because I couldn't move and he just started putting on his holy clothes saying how proud he was and that I would be a good whore for any priest, and he was so happy that it was him.
This happened over the next few days. I would visit him, and he would have sex with me. It was not a question or a problem for me. Every day after School, I just said to myself that as Gods boy slut, I had to visit the priest. We kissed. I sucked him and then He fucked me. Sometimes he even spanked me.
One Day when I came home, Dad asked me was I at father Callaghan's again. I said yes. he said you are something better than an alter boy. You are a priests boy. You are Gods boy. There were so many things going through my mind. I was confused. Then he said we should get me cleaned up after today and we went in to take a shower. Once again I felt safe with Dad. I forgotten what God wanted me to do and was now in the shower with Dad. Once again his cock grew. Once again I stared. However this time I went on my knees and put it in my mouth as the water was pounding on Dad. I don't know why I was doing this. Yes I did. It was what God has made me. Dad squirted in my mouth and I must admit that it tasted nice than any one that I have sucked until then.
I think that dad was in shock, because he told me to go in my room and get ready to get my diaper on. After a bit he came in, and he was still naked. He started mumbling that if Gods servants can have me, so he can. Without thinking and without putting cream on, he pushed his cock in my ass. He started pumping while calling me slut and his son was truly a faggot that had to be everyone's toy. I couldn't believe what he was saying. While I was now used to being fucked and actually thought that it was nice, this was not nice. My dad was raping me. This was not love. He was raping me.
After he finished he put the diaper on and I stayed in my room crying. I could hear Dad in his room crying as well. I never heard him cry. I went to peak through the door and he was holding a picture of Mom and mumbling something, Then he took his CD he got from the priest and started breaking it into small pieces. I ran back to my room and listened to my CD while saying a prayer to God that he would help Dad be happy once again like he was.
The next day, It was time to visit the priest again. As you know I visited him every day. It was the usual. He started asking me if I was a faggot and why I was a faggot. I said what I usually said. However today he said that he Didn't have a lot of time and would just fuck me. I got on the bed like a robot and lifted my legs. Then. He lifted my legs and then was about too,,,, I close my eyes waiting for an intrusion and then I heard a bang. The door slammed open. It was my father. I sat up in the bed shocked. " You keep your hands off our son! " He shouted. Our son? " Listen, don't you think that he is a slut and God intended him to be that way? " I don't want to hear what you think. Just get off my son and never come close to him anymore" Then it was like the priest went mad. He opened his drawer and took out a gun. How has a priest a gun? He pointed the gun at Dad while I was screaming to stop. Then he shot As he shot the room turned totally white. It was like we were in a cloud with the sun shining through it. I was nearly blinded but it was the nicest thing I ever seen. The Light disappeared and the priest laid on the floor. I looked up and it was My mother. She was an angel. light surrounded her as she spoke, " Andrew, This priest does not do Gods work. He has abused you. You know the music that you and your dad listened to. It had hidden messages that brainwashed your Dad and you that it was OK to wear panties, wet yourself and at worse let yourself be abused. That is why you let yourself do this. That is why Dad raped you. He was brainwashed thinking that there is nothing wrong with it. After your Dad raped you, he really prayed to God and asked for forgiveness. I know that you forgive your dad. Your Dad came here today to save you. The Priest nearly killed your dad, but now he will die and will be judged for what he did. I have to go now. But remember, you are not a boy slut or boy whore. You are Gods child, and even if you are gay, God will love you and you will find love when you are ready. Bye, I love you" Dad ran to me giving me a fatherly hug and saying he was sorry. I said that I still love him and it wasn't his fault and all was forgiven. We walked out. Years later, I did become a priest. But I did Gods work.