P lantation's Lolita



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A family moves in a new house. A girl is slowly introduced to the life as a whore for the ghosts that live there 


This story was written as an adult fantasy. The author does not condone the described behavior in real life in anyway shape or form


Excuse the grammar and spelling mistakes. I do proofread these stories, but English is not that easy. Feel free to edit them and send them to me. .

Plantation's Lolita

Part 1

My dearest friend,

I will forthwith answers the many questions that have been hidden in my soul since you started them. You have asked why I am a spinster with a great personal fortune? You have asked many questions concerning my childhood. You have had the courage to ask if I had any lovers. Later you have asked how I could be a proud southerner and support Mr. Lincoln’s ideas that slaves should be free and have the same privileges and status as a white person.

This letter is hard to write. I have to open a box in my mind that will mean many humiliating and painful experiences will escape. I am sure that this letter will be full of tears as I write about my childhood. Let us only hope that these tears cleanse my soul and the souls of many others that had the responsibility for what I went through.

My father was a honourable man that had a heart that was very close to Jesus our savior. He loved and praised all of Gods creatures, from the largest elephant to the smallest ant. He loved all humans and seen no difference between them, no matter what colour their skin was. This was contrary to his father that owned a huge plantation in the south with a few hundred slaves. When my dear father was officially an adult, he left my grandfather and his way of living and went out as a preacher. Preaching Gods love. I respected my dearest papa from a young age, and I must confirm in all honesty, that I still do.

My life was blessed with happiness and carefree worries until I was 10 years old. I confess, that I might not have had the best dresses and the most expensive porcelain dolls, and definitely not from Paris. But my dearest papa and mama loved me, and that sort of love cannot be purchased or substituted.

Dear Papa had to preach out in the west. His mission in life at that time was to bring the Good News to the drunken cowboys and the Indians. Mama was to accompany him, as a dedicated wife should. Contrary to father’s best intentions, I was not to travel with them. They feared that I would become sick or fall in the hands of the Indians or some other wild savages out there. My parents decided that I would spend the time with my grandpapa at his plantation. It was against Papa’s best wishes, but he acknowledged that it was the less of the two evils. I declare, that I was so frightened. I never met grandpapa before.  

We were driving in the buggy, through fields and fields of cotton. The sun was very hot. You can see sweat pouring off the poor black slaves. While some overseers sat on their horses under the shade of the trees. I will be honest, and embarrassed to admit even at this stage in my life, I was in awe of their shining black bodies, their strength and their features. I felt all giddly as I admired their bodies. Of course, I couldn’t know what I was doing; I was only 10 years old and quite ignorant when it came to matters of the flesh.  

At 10 years old, I was a very shy creature. I was very polite, due to my parents raising. Papa always described me as a princess, and a porcelain doll that had to be taken care of. He said I was a princess, because no matter what garments I wore, I was always as pretty as a real genuine princess.

At last, we reached the mansion. I was in awe thinking that my papa spent his childhood here. The mansion was big, enough for 10 families that could live there. It was white as snow, with big columns. It looked like a palace. To think that I would be living here. In my imagination, I already felt like a true princess. The fields of cotton were my kingdom and the blacks with shining sweat were my subjects.

I rushed up grandpapa. He was an old man with a big stomach. He wore a very fine suit and had a walking stick with a golden top. My eyes were wide open when I seen thought was the king of the palace. I gave him a hug, forgetting to be polite. He just looked at me as if I was a stranger from another planet. I stopped giving him a hug and backed away and gave him a courtesy as I was taught.

Grandpapa did not give me a hug or even say welcome. He told a slave to take my trunk and belongings to my room. He told me that he would see me at supper. I was to say goodbye to my parents, as he did not want to converse with my papa.

I said farewell to my parents, and must admit that it was difficult holding back the tears, especially when Mother dear was crying so much. I knew I was going to miss her, but my thoughts were on the adventure I would have at Grandpapa’s mansion.

Mama and Papa were gone and grandpapa was working in his study. I changed my clothes to a light summer dress without panties. I thought of taking a petticoat on and then decided not to.

I was walking around the kitchen garden where I seen this boy that was a few years older than me. His name was Josh. He was shirtless and I could see his skin gleaming and sweating. I just stood in the path staring at him.

“ Is there anything I can do for you mistress?” He asked with his head bowed and asked in a subdued way.

“ I was just looking at you working in the sun. You should have a break because you are all sweaty and look tired”

“ I am a slave, mistress. We do not have any breaks.”

“ That’s a shame, Ill ask my grandpapa to give you some breaks”

“ No mistress. You don’t understand. Slaves are slaves. We have no rights. The master will just get mad. I beg you please don’t say a word.”

“ I’m Lucky I’m not a slave”

Then the slave boy whispered something. It sounded like he was saying that he will not always be a slave and my destiny will take care of me. I looked back at him. He just continued working in the spice garden.

Just then I seen grandpapa looking out the window. I smiled at him, but it wasn't a lost smile. I got no smile back. I heard the bell ring and rushed in for dinner. The dining table was huge. I sat at one end grandpapa sat at the other side. I wanted to tell him about my explorations through the house and meeting the black slave boy. But that would have meant that I had to shout to his end. We just ate our food in silence. At the end, Grandpapa took his fork and banged it against the table. He told me to come down to him.

“ Well, girl, now that you are living with me, you will be a lady. What is it they call you again?”

“S.-Samantha sir”

“ Well, Samantha. You are not to disturb me in my daily business. You can learn how to play piano, learn to sew and take long leisure walks around the plantation. I expect no sass or trouble from you young lady. What you get here is a firm hand, a firm love and I expect you to be a young lady.”

“ Yes sir”

“ You probably expect me to be like a jolly old grandfather. I am a man of this world and have too much business to do to be jolly. I will say that you have a pretty dress. It is see through, is that the fashion in the big cities?”

“- err..”

“ It doesn’t matter. I can just see your short legs and your privates. Don’t you like wearing undergarments?”

“ No sir”

“ I really don’t care. That is the youth of today. No shame. Now go up to your room and sleep”

I went to my room. There was an old slave there waiting to help me. He said to stand there while he would help me put my nightdress on. I stood there while his big black hands lifted the dress above my shoulder. Grandpapa was right when he said that I had no shame. I was standing in front of the old slave with no clothes on and I didn’t even try to cover myself. The old man looked at me and just stared at my naked body with a smile.

Just as he was about to put the nightdress on me, he said that he had something to show me. It was a doll. He said that the doll was me and it was a doll possessed by magic. It just needed one thing. He asked could he have one strand of my hair. I agreed and then he quickly pulled a piece of my hair.

I asked him what the doll was and he said it was me. He said some people were bad and stuck pins in the doll so the person hurt in some places. He said that he only used it for good and fun. He said that I would know what my purpose was in my life when he did things to the doll.

Of course I didn’t believe him. He started tickling the doll and I ended on the bed laughing and kicking the air. I tell you in all humble honesty, that no hand was touching my body and I was in agony because he was ticking the doll and thus me.

“ See my little lady, this doll has strong magic. It will help you find out what your purpose is on this plantations. Don’t worry, I won’t let this doll hurt you as long as you do everything I say.” The old Black servant said


“ Lets try it. I want you to say that you love black men’s bodies.”

How did he know that I secretly admired the sweat coming off the black men’s bodies, the way their skin glistened and their muscles? He was waiting for me to answer, but I think I must have been as red as a strawberry. He started tickling the doll and that made me fall to the ground once again laughing. He looked at me sternly and said that I was to admit that I like black men’s bodies.

“ I- I like slaves bodies.” I said softly

“ Do not call us slaves. If anything you will be a slave whore to many a black man”

“ I- I like black bodies”

“ Now admit that you are a cock whore for black men”

“ I don’t know what that means.” Then he seen him wave his finger at the doll, where he was about to tickle. I quickly admitted that I was going to be a cockwhore for black men.

Then he took his finger and started putting it in the hole in the doll where my privates were. He told me this was my white cunt or pussy. Once again, I fell to the bed. It felt like this huge thing was in my pussy. It was his finger I know, but it was 10 times as big in me. Then I screamed as a sharp pain hurt me. My dear friend, we know what this sharp pain was. It was my virginity that was being molested and torn apart. It wasn’t any cock, but it was some magic doll that was doing this to me.

The man smiled as he heard me scream and cry. He continued pushing his finger deeper in the doll, and thus in me. I spread my legs as far as possible hoping that it would not hurt anymore.

Within a few minutes he started moving his finger in and out of my pussy. I must declare after some time, it began feeling nice. I could feel me moving my pussy against the invisible finger every time that it went out. I started groaning and moaning,

Just as I was getting into it, he stopped. I lay there panting and sweating. The old slave just laughed and said that I would enjoy being the cockslave in the plantations. With my body and with my sluttiness, I would make a good one.

All the black men and boys deserved to use my body as they pleased.    

It was hard to sleep that night. It was like I was thinking about the strange feelings I had the night before. It hurt and it was embarrassing that I ended up groaning while he was looking at me. It was the dolls fault. I really believed it was a magical doll, and that was humiliating, that the black slave had control over my body by just playing with the doll. I don’t think I liked the idea of someone having control over my body.

The next morning I jumped up before he could come in and help me with the doll. I put on my summer dress and rushed by Grandpapa’s office. He was looking down at his ledgers and grunted a good morning. He also told me that the Piano teacher would be coming today. I said good morning and thanks as polite as I could and went outside.

Despite that it was so early, the slaves were up and doing their chores. I found them so charming in the way they worked while singing a song. The songs were so good and the slaves looked great when they toiled.

My exploring took me in some bushes. It was like being in a jungle. It was one part of the garden that was abandoned by the gardener; it was like another world in the garden. Then I heard a voice. It was my black slave. He was holding the doll of me out and saying some weird words. Then the plants turned pink and started moving.

He continued saying weird noises. The plants went around my arms and legs and arms. Suddenly they were lifting me in the air and lowering me to the ground on a bed of soft leaves. Then the plants changed form. They were all long and looked like huge cocks. Needless to say, I was shaking from fear. As unbelievable as it is, these plants looked like cocks. They were everywhere. I could hear the old black slave laughing.

I was lying down in the soft leaves and these plants were waving around. The tops of them cocks. They also held my hands and legs. Then it happened. One of them entered my mouth. It didn’t taste like a plant. It was warm and hard. I tried to scream and say stop, but the cock plant just moved in and out of my mouth. This was also when the plants that were holding my legs spread them. I could feel a lot of plants massaging my pussy. I declare that I never felt anything so nice before. My body was on fire. I wanted this to go on all day, all except the cockplant that was in my mouth.

Then another cockplant started digging into my pussy. I spread my legs as far as I could so it wouldn’t hurt that much. This time there was not as much pain and there was no blood like the first time. I felt the cock plant go in and out of me. I was screaming and crying, not because it hurt, but because I was scared. As the cock plant worked in my pussy and mouth, the boundaries of the world was enclosing me. I was no longer aware of the black slave and the doll. I did not notice that the slave boy I seen yesterday was also there. The feelings of something inside me were too much. I moaned and groaned. I asked for more. I tell you dearest friend, it must have been something strange if you were they’re looking at what was happening with me. One plant going in and out of my mouth and another plant going in and out of my pussy. Numerous plants were massaging my body.

At the end, something squirted out of the plants. It tasted like salt and thick lumpy cream. I spit it out. But I couldn’t get the stuff out that was squirted in my pussy.

Exhausted, I stayed there in the bed of leaves. The blacks that gathered around were smiling. The black man with the doll said that he is happy that I was beginning to like it. Then he recommended that I slept a while.

I woke up. I could hear grandpapa shouting. It was time for my piano lessons. I quickly put on my summer dress and rushed to the house. Grandpapa was not that impressed. He was standing there with the Piano teacher. He in no way looked like a teacher. He was skinny and looked frightened standing besides Grandpapa. He had this old brown bag. It looked like it was his fathers because it was so old, worn and toiled. My grandfather gave out to me because I didn’t smile and explained to the music teacher that I was wearing a dress, but the current fashion is that it is see through, and that is why he can see my pussy. I nearly laughed when I heard Granfpapa use the word pussy, but decided I would be polite. I was already in trouble for not washing and all that.

We went in and both sat on the piano chair. We started doing scales. This was quite boring. It was Do, Ray Mi over and over again. I wanted to play some Mozart. Maybe this would have impressed grandpapa. But no, alas we were just playing scales. My patience was very low. I expected more. Looking back, I knew that I was not a prodigy child that the only way I was going to learn how to play Mozart was to learn slowly.

Just then I saw the old black man hiding behind the door. He had the doll of me in his hand. With one hand, he started rubbing the dolls pussy. This meant that I was feeling strange very quickly. I learnt latter that the word was horny. Yes my dearest friend, when that black man touched the dolls pussy, my cunt was so horny. I started moving on the seat. The feelings in my cunt was too much. The Piano teacher told me to sit quiet and he asked was I feeling feverish that I needed to move around the chair so much. To be quite honest, I think he knew what was happening to me. He could see my finger that was now fingering my pussy. I looked down at his trousers and slowly could see a tent rising. The poor man was sweating in his face and hands, as he knew that he was getting an erection over a 10-year-old girl that was "wanting it" beside him.

I lost no time to wait to see if he came to his senses. I was very naïve when it came to sex, but I knew that his erection was because of me, and that made me feel good. He thought I was sexy!

I started rubbing his penis through his trousers. He started grunting and groaning. This confused me a bit. Did this mean that I hurt him or what? He started feeling my breasts, which were still flat. I also saw him look at the door, hoping NOT to see grandpapa stand there. I knew grandpapa was not looking. He was probably in his office counting money.

Within no time, the teacher’s cock was outside his trousers standing up to all attention. I lifted my dress so he could see my pussy. It was the first time I seen a man lick their lips looking at my forbidden fruit.

I lifted my leg over his lap and sat down. I will not boast that his cock was in me. It was blenched between his stomach and my stomach. It felt so big and warm against my stomach. He started rocking me back and forth and this made his cock rub up and down my stomach. Soon it was slippery. Now I know that was because he had precum. I was getting all excited as I felt his finger massage my butt, and while his cock was rubbing up and down my stomach, his finger was in my butt. My dearest friend, it was not my pussy, it was my butt. This confused me. In fact, I thought that he would fuck me and not rub his cock on my stomach. I still got pleasure from feeling it and his finger in my butt.

Suddenly, he opened his legs and pushed me down so I was kneeling between his legs. He was now panting and groaning a lot. The next thing I knew he was sperming on my face. You know if you get some in your eye, it really stings. I learnt to close my eyes. My face looked like a cream pie, with sperm all over it.

“ I thought you were a sexy little girl when I seen you, I never thought that you would be such a little slut” he said, “ I look forward to our piano lessons. I am afraid you won’t learn how to play the Piano, but you can learn how to please me.”

He just left. He didn’t even help me to clean my face.

Nighttime came and with that dinner with grandpapa on one side of the table and me on the other side. We ate in silence. At the end of supper, he told me to come over to him so he could speak with me. I went to him, lowered my head and let him speak.

“ You had a good day?” He asked while finishing his desert

“ Yes sir.”

“ What did you do?”

“ I went for a walk in the overgrown garden, it was like a forest, grandpapa. Then I had piano lessons.”

“ I didn’t hear much piano. Did you learn anything?”

“ Yes sir”

Just then I felt like I had to pee. I closed my eyes and I could see the black man hold the dolls pussy. When I opened my eyes, it was as I felt his hand on my pussy. You can imagine that it was the wrong time. I had to pee and it was impossible to hold it in.

Before I knew it, there was a warm feeling down my legs and a puddle on the floor. My face was extremely red from being embarrassed. I peed on the floor like a little baby. Grandpapa was not that amused. His face also became red, not from embarrassment but anger. He told me to take off my white summer dress. Once again I was naked before a man. 

He told me to go on my knees. I thought back to the piano teacher. I closed my eyes thinking that I would get sperm on my face. That didn’t happen. Grandpapa started telling me that if I liked wetting the floor like a baby, I wouldn’t mind him wetting the same place. He had the solution to girls that wet themselves.

As soon as he said that, I could feel a warm jet of liquid hit my face. It took me sometime to realize that he was pissing on me. I never knew people did this with each other. The piss was wet and it smelled. At the start, I felt like I was going to get sick. After a few minutes, I got used to it. I didn’t even feel sick when I opened my mouth for air and some of it went in my mouth.

After Grandpapa pissed on me, he didn’t say a word.

I was left alone to brush my face for the second time today.

That night, the black man took off my clothes. I expected him to take the doll and I was to feel that big thing in my pussy. But he just got me ready for bed. He must have noticed that I looked funny in the face, expecting something from the doll.

“ No doll tonight. You did well today, my white bitch. Tomorrow you will experience a lot more.”

That night, the black man took off my clothes. I expected him to take the doll and I was to feel that big thing in my pussy. But he just got me ready for bed. He must have noticed that I looked funny in the face, expecting something from the doll.

“ No doll tonight. You did well today, my white bitch. Tomorrow you will experience a lot more.”

That night, it was hard to sleep. I kept on thinking what had happened during the day. Over the last two days, my life changed. Nothing was like it was before. The only thing that was in my mind when I closed my eyes was the sexy body of the slaves. I was turning into a sex slut that wanted more and more sex. Before I came to my grandfathers, I never knew what sex was about. I never knew there were pedo’s that lusted after my body. I never knew that my body could experience so much pain and pleasure at the same time. What would the next few months on the plantation make me?

I stood up the next morning and hurried to put on a new summer dress. It was light yellow with ribbons on it. It was an old dress, so it was quite short. Of course I had no panties on because after a few days in the plantation, I liked when others could see a glimpse of my pussy and liked when I could feel the odd breeze there.

I walked down to the dining room. Grandpapa was already in his office working. I rushed to his office and gave him a good morning hug. Today he was not as mean as the other days and accepted my hug. He commented on the dress was a bit short, but that didn’t stop him from lifting the back of it up and rubbing my bare bottom. My face was against his chest, and I could feel his heart beating. In fact, it was starting to beat a quick faster. He was not violating my bum like others do, but he was just feeling its cheeks in circles. His large hand that often whipped his slaves was now showing that they could also be gentle and loving against my ass cheeks.

Why did I accept this? Why did I accept being a slut where men’s hands and cocks and mouths could play with? The question that you are asking my dear is was I a slut or was I abused. I decided when grand papa’s hands were caressing my bum that I would not be abused. If men wanted to play with me, I would play with them. I would not be a slave to any mans cock. I would enjoy it if they forced it upon me. Maybe this makes me a slut; at the time I considered that I was being strong.

I ate breakfast down with the cook. Her young daughter of 4 was there. They were eating breakfast and talking about the many chores they had that day. I liked eating breakfast down with the slaves. They were so lively and they spoke about things I understood. When Grandpapa talked he talked about production and profits and investment and the value of slaves. I understood very little about these things. I knew more about when the slaves said when the chicken was to be cooked and who will do it.

“ Mama” was in charge of the kitchen. She told me that there was a surprise for me under the table. I quickly crawled under the table looking for what I thought was a present. I couldn’t find it.

Then I saw the legs of the four year old swinging back and forth. When I looked at them, I could look up her old and ragged dress. She was wearing no panties. I could see her black cunt. Was this the surprise? Without thinking I pushed my head up under her dress. I started kissing her pussy. It tasted a bit like fish, so I started licking her. My tongue moved up and down her slit. I could feel her legs widen as far as they could. This gave my tongue more access and I started plunging in her cunt as far as I could. Once again I was in a pink cloud. Licking the little girl did not hurt. She quickly became wet as I continued to lick around her pussy. I never knew that a girl could give another girl pleasure, and I was proud when I heard her groaning.

Then I felt something pull my leg from under the table. It was Mama slave. She said the gift was a bread roll that was hidden. I thought that fell from the table. Then she started calling me Lesbian and slut because I licked the small girl. I started crying because I thought that momma slave hated me now, and I didn’t understand what was wrong with licking the little girl, as she liked it.

I rushed out of the house towards the jungle that raped me yesterday. This was my hiding place. I was hiding away from Mamma slaves bad mood and everyone and everything that had a dick. I just wanted to be myself. The way I was with mama and papa. I started singing children songs. I started remembering the stories that Ma told me.

My dear friend, I remember today the frustration that I felt. I was no longer an ordinary child. I was now a slut, as the black slave said I would be. Every time I closed my eyes, I thought about cocks. I pulled my dress up and started fingering myself. I closed my eyes and staring thinking about Josh, you know that boy that was doing the garden every night. His shiny sweaty body was in my mind, with his black mussels. The more I thought about Josh, the more I started fingering myself.

Then a voice disturbed me. It was Josh that came in my little jungle.

“ I see you are pleasuring yourself,” He said

“ So, I didn’t think that anyone would come in here”

“ Well I did. I have to piss. What were you thinking of when you pleasured yourself”

“ I don’t know.”

“ Yes you do”

“ I want to… I want to suck your cock”

“ What?”

“ I want to give you a blowjob”

With that, Josh stepped towards me. He took out his black cock. My eyes widened as I seen it. It was so big. I stuck out my tongue and licked his cock. I started licking his balls. They didn’t taste like chocolate but they tasted so good. I was becoming like an animal licking them. My heart started going quicker and quicker. I was glad that I begged to give him a blowjob. Shortly after that I started licking the shaft of his cock. My tongue could feel how warm and how solid it was. It was like a snake that suddenly became into a log. But the sensations it gave to my body were overwhelming. I opened my mouth as wide as possible and stuck the cock inside it. Josh pulled my head back by my hair and said, “Be careful bitch, you are biting me”

Then I tried once more. This time I closed my eyes concentrating by not biting it. He started moving the cock in and out. I just let him, Eventhough sometimes it touched the back of my throat. If Papa could see me now. On my knees and sucking a slaves cock. He would probably ask me who was the slave now?

Within a few minutes he was sperming in my mouth. I spit it out.

He told me that I should not spit it out. Sperm was too precious to spit out and it should be swallowed. I looked into his eyes and nodded.

I went home and after the usual silent supper, I went to my room. The black slave was there, but he was not holding his doll. I was disappointed. He started taking my dress of and was about to put my nightdress. I stopped him by taking his hand and bought his hand down to my pussy. I moved the hand up and down hoping that he will take over. Inside my mind, I needed someone to touch me. I needed to see and feel a cock.

“ You need my black cock, don’t you” he said

“ Please, can I suck your black cock?” I said.

He started to reach for my nightdress when I went on my knees and begged him for his cock. I told him it was the dolls fault and therefore his fault. I needed his ok so much. I knew I was a slut and I knew that I was a sex toy for the blacks.

He smiled and took his ok out. My dear friend looking back, it was like I was addicted. I was not addicted to any drug or drink, I was addicted to black cocks. I moved towards him quickly and opened my mouth as wide as possible. It was the second time in my life that I had a cock in my mouth. I wanted to show the black slave that I could suck any cock. I put my tongue under his cock and tried to suck my mouth around it. It was a huge cock so I was happy thinking that he will make lots of sperm. I might as well tell you that it was William. It was William that was my slave and had that doll. I know that you met William. You never expected that I sucked his cock.

He called me cocksucker and that made my heart beat faster. I was glad and proud that I was his cocksucker, and that his cock was meant to be in my mouth. Maybe I was not yet of legal age to suck anyone’s cock, but I was good at it. I know I was only 10, but I loved the feeling of a cock in my mouth. I continued sucking the cock while massaging the top of it with my tongue. Then he grunted and moaned saying he was about to cum. I pulled back and stuck my tongue out. Much of the cum hit my tongue and was dripping from it. Some cum hit my face.

After cleaning it off, I said thank you and was ready to sleep.

The next day, I went into Grandpapa who was still writing figures in his ledger. He gave me a hug like he gave me the day before. This time his hand was a bit longer at my ass, He said I reminded him of grandmamma when she was younger. I smiled, as this was the first time that he said something about my family and me. I just let him lift my dress and touch my bum. Let be honest, since I came here, so many have seen my bum.

Today, I decided to go to the shacks where the slaves lived. I was in shock. While we lived in a world where we had everything, they lived in muddy and damp huts. They must have looked like the huts that were in Africa. I couldn’t believe that people lived in these conditions. My dearest friend, it is when I seen how the slaves lived and how they were treated that I decided that they should be free. They were human, weren’t they?

You remember Josh, the boy that I gave a blowjob to. He dragged me into his families hut. I looked and seen that there was a baby there and his own grandmamma. I could see that she was blind as her eyes were bluish blank. I tried waving to her, but that didn’t work. I knew that she was blind.

Josh pushed me on the table. He took my loose summer dress off of me. Then he lifted my legs over his shoulder. I was confused. What was he doing? I soon found out when he quickly and without mercy Plunged his cock in my pussy. He started doing the same with my pussy as he did with my mouth. In and out.. in and out. I closed my eyes because it hurt a bit. At the same time, I loved the experience because a black boy thought I was sexy enough that he was using me. He said that he was fucking me. That’s a new word that I learnt. I told him to fuck me. It was a strange feeling. It was like someone was stabbing me, and if I clenched my pussy mussels, he would moan and tell me how good it was. Then he stopped. I wanted more! I begged him to fuck me, but he was silent and said that he was cumming. His sperm was now in my pussy.

Then we heard a scream. It was Grandpapa. I stood up and stared at him. Did he see Josh fucking me? Did he see the sperm dripping down my leg? Did he notice I was naked?

“ You are a slut” He started, “ You are having sex with a black slave. How low can you go! Blacks are not allowed to have sex with whites, and you know this, you jezebel. If you want to be with the blacks so much and you want to have their babies, then you can live with them. I disown you as my granddaughter. You are now to live out here with the slaves.”

I cried and pleaded to my grandpapa not to throw me out of the mansion. I didn’t want to be living in these muddy huts. I wanted to be his granddaughter. He didn’t even look at him. Now that I had black sperm swimming inside of me, I could have been as black as the blackest slave. He walked away.

I sat on the muddy floor. I knew when I did this that everyone could see my pussy through my now muddy dress. I was afraid. I was with the people that I gave orders to the day before.

Everyone was silent as Josh was dragged to a poll and tied to it. Then one of grandpapas overseers whipped Josh. Every time he was whipped, I could feel the pain in my back. Every time he was whipped, I felt bad, as it was my fault that he was being whipped. It was my fault that he fucked me. Tears were running down my eyes as he was being whipped. It was my fault

After the Overseer whipped Josh more times than I could count, he was lifted into the hut where I was right next to me. His mother scolded me to move so she could ease the pain with some homemade cream. This did not suit Josh; He mumbled that I should stay there too.

While his mother was rubbing his back, he reached his finger out to rub my pussy. My face went red as everyone could see him finger my pussy. I know that I should have closed my legs, but I kept them open. It was the least I could do in letting him finger my pussy after he was whipped so much. It probably took his mind away from the pain that was on his back. I must admit that I also liked it. It made me hornier when he was fingering me. I think I was even hornier because everyone was looking. I was groaning and spread my legs as far as possible. He continued doing that until I was so exhausted, that I feel asleep.

The next day I woke up, it was cold. I looked around at slaves getting ready for the days toils. They had so little breakfast. I started crying. I missed my grandpapa and living in the mansion, where everything was clean and I had help to do things. Now I just had to struggle off the hard floor where I slept and put on the old dirt dress that I had on the day before. I really felt like I had to sit in the tin tub and scrub myself with a brush.

Joshes father took me by the hair and pushed me over a small table that they ate from. He laughed and said that he will be having a different breakfast today. He would be having white pussy. He spread my legs. I will declare that I was so afraid of him. He was a black man that had many muscles and looked like a giant. He was so dark. So black! He just shoved my legs so far apart that it hurt. If he put them more apart, he would have snapped them.

I decided to make him like me and be a bit gentler. I turned my head and begged him to fuck me. He laughed and said that his cock grew more and more when a girl like me begs for it. I kept on whispering and asking him to fuck me. He started feeling my bum just like Grandpapa did and kept saying how sexy I was. I smiled. The longer he praised me and the more he talked, the longer it was until he stuck that huge cock in my cunt. Believe me my friend, I looked at his cock and it looked like it was a giant tree.

My heart was beating hard. I was afraid that his cock would go in my pussy and come out my mouth. At the same time, my pussy felt ticklish and itchy. It nearly felt empty. I needed his cock in me. I shouted now begging him to fuck me.

He held my legs and thrust his cock in me. I shouted and screamed begging to take it out. But every time he took it out, I begged him to put it in. This continued for a long time as I felt his cock full me. His wife and Josh was just cheering him, calling me every name such as a white bitch and slut, saying I deserved this and would be getting a lot more of it. After a few minutes, I looked at this spider making a web in the corner of the hut. Did the spider think that I was a slut too? Did the spider even care that this oversized man was fucking the life out of me. His cock was so big that I felt that it would split me into two. He looked into my eyes. Then I looked into his eyes. They were not loving. They were victorious. After years of working for the white man, after years of getting whipped, after years of cleaning white mans shit and doing shitty jobs, he was now fucking a white girl. A little girl that begged him to fuck her. This was an important day in his life. I could feel when he squirted in me that he was more tired than I was. But he was proud that his black sperm was now in a white girl.

After he finished, it was like everyone rushed out of the hut. They had many hours of toil ahead of them. It was only I and Josh left. He was lying on his tummy. He could hardly move after being whipped yesterday. I just hoped that the overseer would allow him to recover. A dead slave is worth less than a real slave. I started rubbing some home made ream on his back.

“ I am so sorry, “ I began saying, “ This is my fault. I should never have lusted after you. I should never have let your black cock have its way with me. Now you are in pain and my grandpapa hates me.”

“ Was it worth it?”

“ What do you mean?”

“ Did you like my black dick in your mouth and your hole”

“ Yes. I declare I did. I love you”

“ My dear white bitch, this has nothing to do with love. Its only about lust”

“ D-D Do you mean that you don’t love me?”

“ No, you are white as a ghost. I always dreamt of fucking a white bitch. You gave me a chance of doing that. Now go out to the cotton fields and bring water to my family and friends there. If you are living with us slaves, you might as well as act like one”

I was crying when I went out to the fields. Deep down I was in love with Josh. Or was I? Was I just in love with any human that was black and had a black cock. After all, I did beg his father to fuck me.

The next few hours, I dragged a bucket of water around to the different slaves. They would take a few seconds break and drink some water. It was boring. They didn’t even smile or say thank you. I think they should have. The bucket was very heavy and it was hard to carry. Some of the water spilled on my dress and this meant that it was see through again. I could see the men staring at the pussy behind the dress. I didn’t know if they licked their lips because they could see my pussy or because they were thirsty.

Still no one said anything to me. Like whites hated blacks, I found out that blacks hated white. Even though I was kicked out my grandpapa, I was not one of them

Just after noon. I felt something tugged at me. It was grandpapa. He lifted me on his horse. I smiled. I thought he forgave me.

I was totally wrong.

He took me over to the orchard tree and threw me to the ground. One of Grandpapas friends was there. The two men sat down on a chair and stared at me. My dear friend, as you can imagine, I must have looked a site.

“ Girl, Say hello to Mr Peva”

“ Hello sir”

“ Now tell him why I have punished you”

“ Because I sucked Josh, I mean I sucked a slave boy and let him fuck me”

Mr. Peva was quite shocked by my language, but I can see that he had the same problem many men had when they seen me. They had a tent in their trousers, which could only mean that their cock liked me.

Mr. Peva questioned me about my experiences with the blacks. He wanted to hear every detail. I felt so embarrassed when I told him, as I told you in every detail. He asked me was whites not good enough?

I didn’t respond.

Then Grandpapa tore my dress off and asked me what colour I was. I told him white. He said it was hard to forgive a young girl that enjoyed cock so much, especially black cock.

Then he came up with an idea. He told Mr. Peva to take his cock out. I knelt before it and put my hands around his huge balls. As I was caressing them, I started kissing the head of his cock very slow. I closed my eyes dreaming that it was a black one. Then I did my trick and slowly let it enter my mouth.

Just as I had most of his cock in my mouth, I felt Grandpapa lift my butt. Then I felt his cock enter my pussy. Here I was sucking a cock and being fucked by my own grandpapa. To tell you the truth, it didn’t hurt as I could feel that his cock was much smaller than Joshes father.

My dearest friend, I don’t know if you ever tried to suck a cock and be fucked at the same time. It feels like your body is being used and totally used. Two men moaning in choir and saying how good it was. Feeling a hard warm cock hit my throat and sides in my mouth and feeling another cock plunge in and out of my pussy.

Mr. Peva was the first one that cummed in my mouth. If you really want to know if I swallowed it, yes I did.

Just before Grandpapa spermed, I heard a shot. It was Papa. He decided that he could not leave me at grandpapas and came back to collect me, and in his words, its good that he did.

That’s my story. Grandpapa tried to make it look like everything was my fault. But Papa would not listen. He just put me in the carriage where Mama was crying and drove off. We never spoke about it again and he never spoke with grandpapa again.

On the way out of the plantation we stopped where the slaves were. Josh rushed to us as if we were best friends. Papa was a good man and asked me did I want him as my slave or did I want to set him free. I remembered what Josh said. He didn’t love me. I told Papa to leave him there. He was Grandpapa’s slave. He didn’t deserve to be free. Revenge is sweet, but years later I regretted that decision.

I had problems after leaving the plantation. I dreamt about cock and wanted it. Sometimes I did. But slowly as I played with other children, I thought of different things. I now know that I was not a slut. I was made believe I was. Circumstances and events led me to think about cock and made me believe that I needed it.

I was not a slut   


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