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If you are a lawyer or religious fanatic, take great care to examine every detail of these works and pay special attention to these stories. In my stories, children are the victims. They are the ones that are being hurt, being molested and being abused. The story have pedophiles that takes advantage of these children and you would have to be blind not to see that children in my stories are being hurt. You can criticize me for my stories, but they are fiction and fantasy. Maybe you should look at the pain and confusion in these stories and work to stop this in real life! The other manner in which children accept constant genital contact is if they are raised from infancy with almost continuous sexual stimulation, their minds incapable of freely determining for themselves PRIOR to the initial titillation that physical pleasure is something that should only be shared between two people that are able to mutually consent to being aroused and then encouraged to perform some form of sex act. The last and most heinous form of coercion is if the child is in a sexually manipulative and potentially abusive environment, fear and mental torture just as effective as holding the child down and dominating them with greater strength. Left in a comfortable room completely naked with toys and mental stimulation of various types, the child is more likely to find some way to entertain themselves with any of the playthings or gadgets in a perfectly innocent and non-sexual manner than to lay back, spread their legs and run their fingers across their external sexual organs. As a GENERAL rule, young children do not engage in sexual activity unless provoked or coerced into it. Enough empirical evidence has been collected through time and in carefully documented studies to satisfy that statement without fear of initiating a debate that will ignite the next world crisis. There have been medical cases carefully described in juried publications that document an infrequent incident where a child has insatiable sexual urges and seeks out the constant tactile fulfillment of genital (penile and clitoral) masturbation, but those are not nearly as common as would be hoped for by sexually aroused adults with far too much time and their own sexual organs in their hands. Also, children are typically not sophisticated or mature enough to determine for themselves what type of sexual contact is appropriate in any given situation, which is why many cultures around the world dictate an acceptable minimum age of consent, adulthood and maturity. It is only after many years of careful and thorough discourse that a child can fully comprehend the consequences of their actions and those of people that attempt to sway that child's opinions toward sexual activities. It is often local cultural or social stresses that force children into sexual circumstances that will sway their minds toward what is considered pleasant, in spite of what the society as a whole agrees upon. One but has to look at all the media hype and pressure to see how children, preteens and young adults have been convinced that having sex before puberty is the norm, and NOT the perverse exception.
Responses are welcome through the feedback links. Especially comments where readers were forced to think Since many civilized societies deem sexual activity, either in physical, descriptive or mental forms with children as unlawful, immoral or otherwise not permissible, this work may be considered outlawed or may violate any number of statutes, laws, beliefs, creeds or commandments, and it is up to the reader to determine whether these works are acceptable reading material. Reading any of the works on this website is considered confirmation that the reader has chosen to accept whatever condemnation others may wish to impart unto the reader for having mentally consumed fictional works regarding sexually explicit activities between adults and minors. The author does not publicly condone, support or exhibit the desire to conduct sexual activities between adults and children, humans and non-humans, living or otherwise, in any form, style, orientation or gender. The reader assumes all responsibility for any form of sexual entertainment previously described or not.
Most adults are capable of determining what forms of entertainment are acceptable and which are not. If reading fictional literary works stirs anything in the reader but mental pleasure, then the reader should seek professional physical, mental, sexual or psychological assistance from registered and approved medical organizations in their local area or community.
Certain municipalities, cities, counties, states, countries or religious organizations discourage, prohibit, or ban the reading, viewing, exchange or ownership of any literary work, printed or non-printed, in digital form or in some other media, that refers in any way to the private or public sexual activities of humans or non-humans, adults and children, at the age of consent or not. If the reader views or otherwise mentally consumes the contents of these works at a location that does not support or specifically outlaws this sort of entertainment, then it is up to the reader to determine what course of action should be taken to prevent the breaking of any law or covenant. The right to view, read or study literary masterworks that contain personal, private, group or public sexual activities is not guaranteed everywhere in the known universe and as such, the reader is the final arbiter of the degree of personal risk they wish to assume by continuing. No person may, can or will act for the reader in determining what is acceptable for all situations. The reader is solely and completely responsible and accepts all repercussions for continuing.
Debate and intellectual discourse is always better than beliefs, actions, decisions or laws based on inflexible, ignorant, uninformed or outdated mystical, cultural or religious dogma. The reader has been thoroughly and completely warned and urged to conduct themselves in a manner befitting community standards should they deem fictional literary works involving activity of a sexual nature between adults and non-adults to be offensive or even slightly objectionable. Any action taken beyond the following lines is solely the responsibility of the reader