Back to Hell - Prophets Bride



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A family joins a cult, they are forced to sissify their son and give him to the prophet as a prophets bride 


This story was written as an adult fantasy. The author does not condone the described behavior in real life in anyway shape or form.

Back to Hell

Part VII

Prophets Bride


Read part six (Click here)


Suddenly, Everything was black around me. I was in a tunnel. I could see shooting stars flash by me. I was flying through this time tunnel thinking That Peter finally forgave and was saving me. I was no longer a grieving father, and I was back in through this time Tunnel.


I opened my eyes


I looked down at my body again. I was now a boy. I was 9 years old. The year was 1972.

This strange man was pulling way from my mother as she was crying. He was saying that the prophet wanted me to live with him.

I realized that I would no longer be living with my parents, but a prophet that claimed that he was Jesus’ best friend.


As my memory was once again going that I was indeed a pedo that St. Peter is sending back through time to find out how I sinned and what it felt like, I remembered how we came to be in this situation, where Gods best friend here on earth was taking me from my parents.


We were a normal family just months before. The story how we joined The Sacred Church is one that I heard over and over. My parents were very religious. They were not satisfied with the churches they were already members of. They could not feel God there.

One evening they were going for a walk in the park where they met this couple sitting on a bench reading the Bible. This was quite strange.  You expect to be mugged in a park or just walk around. You don’t expect a two lovebirds discuss the bible.

My parents of course started talking with this couple and a few months later they were friends. They did everything together, especially with prayer meetings. These started with the usual reading from the Bible, and listening to a letter from the prophet and then they just had fun. Years later I learnt what this fun was. It was having sex. They were sharing each other’s in what looked like one huge orgy. This was a great way of getting members in the church.

I mentioned the prophet. He was a man that claimed to hear God’s voice and in that way he knew what God wanted him to do on earth. Like at one time he said it was Ok for a man to have 4 wives. Lately he said God changed his mind and said that a man can have 7 wives. Everyone adored him. Every time he sent a letter, people were so quiet when it was read up. Sometimes people would faint. People loved him, Even if they never seen him. He was Jesus right hand, and Jesus loved the prophet more than anyone.

My parents became a member of the Sacred Church. I just turned 9 years old.


Our lives changed. We no longer owned our own house; sometimes people would share our house. The House always smelled funny. Many years later I found out that this was because they would be smoking weed so they would feel closer to God.

Anything that my parents owned would have to be given to the prophet. We would be given drugs and food so we can survive. That meant my parents could concentrate more and more on entertaining weird people that were staying at our house.

I was not totally a full believer. It was at times embarrassing being in the Sacred Church. As my parents did not have money for anything and everything was given to us that also meant my clothes. They were all girls’ clothes, but the prophet explained that even Jesus wore what we would consider a dress today, so it was OK for boys to wear girl clothes. So at the tender age of nearly 9, I was told to wear dresses and panties. My hair was getting long.

Thankfully, I did not have to go to an ordinary school. The sacred Church educated all the children. To be honest, I wondered how this school was ever approved. We had special lessons about the Prophets teachings and what he said to us.


A few weeks before I first met this man, He sent a letter to the school. These letters were read aloud and like most other members, the other children had big eyes and opened mouths when these letters were read up, just as if he was sitting next to us.

The teacher read the letter

I knew one thing for sure, that the prophet was not going to write my essay’s because I did not understand a word of that. I think he meant that Jesus wore what looked like a dress, and he wasn’t a girl. So why shouldn’t we? It showed that we were united in one faith. It showed that we were not interested in material things. It showed we did not care if we were teased. The prophet said that our body was also sacred, that we should never let it be a sex toy for others.

From the pictures of him, I never seen of him, he never wore a dress.


The day came when we finally met the prophet. He suddenly came to our church. He gave a fiery speech about hell and what it was like to be in Hell. He also explained that the only way we could get into heaven was to get people to join the Sacred Church. We needed as many followers as we could to make heaven a paradise.

Then he asked all the children to come up so he could bless them. This reminded me of the politicians that kissed babies so they looked God. The blessing was easy; he placed a hand on our head and said may God and the prophet bless us.

When I came up to be blessed, he stopped a looked closely at me. He asked if I was a boy or girl.

I said boy

Then he said that he liked my white dress, I truly looked like a bride of Christ. I was about to ask him how a boy could be a bride of Christ when he blessed me. Then I rose and was about to return to my place when he said I could sit on his lap for the rest of the service. This must have made my parents very proud, as they did not complain.

I sat on his lap, and then he fixed my dress so that my panties were on his cock. I don’t know how he did it, but his cock was out, because I could feel it against my bum.

As the others were praying, he put his hand down his back and started mobbed my panties down. It is hard to explain the emotions that I had. First I remembered his letter when he said not to let people touch me in that way, and now I was sitting with his hard cock against my bum. What if someone seen this, what if this was a test.

He told me to move back and forth slowly on it. I did this as confused as I was I could feel this hard cock run under my ass. It felt so tickly, as if something inside me wanted more to happen. I don’t know what it was, but I just felt like pressing my ass against his dick. At the same time, I knew that this was wrong. It was probably a test from him and I failed. I was now letting this old man abuse my butt and I was not saying now to him.

I don’t know how he did it, but suddenly I could feel his hand on my ass. At first he just rubbed my ass, and then he started fingering my ass. His finger explored every crevice inside my ass. It’s hard to tell how I felt. I had a living finger up my ass. It was like a little worm trying to find a home. There were some sensations that I never had before. Deep in my mind, I thought this was wrong. I was sitting with this white fluffy Church dress and this way older man was putting his finger up my ass when everyone was praying or acting holy like they should.

After a while, the prophet raised me up on my feet. Then He stood up and started shaking. Everyone thought that he was in some connection with God. Everyone’s hands were waving in the air praising God. As for me, I thought that he needed a nurse or even doctor, and I was only 9. His shaking continued and he collapsed to the ground. It actually looked like the man was having a child. This show or contact with God went on for about 10 minutes. At least no one saw me trying to fix my panties because they were all looking at him.

Then he rose, with sweat on his head and looked very tired.


“ Ladies and gentlemen, I have just have had an inspiration from God. He has said something that has somewhat shocked me. This young boy here, who at the moment looks like a bride of God, is to be given a special place in the Sacred Church. My dear followers, while I before have said that open sex between pairs is Gods gift, and even between human and animals. The Sacred Church has always been open about love and we do not see it as a sin. The only think I have said is that Children should look sexy but not touched. There is no place for pedophiles in this church.

That’s what I thought.

Now I have had a revelation. This young boy that looks like a girl is to be my bride. He is to be in a holy relationship, not a homosexual relationship or a pedophile relationship, but a divine relationship.”

I was white as a sheep. How can I be a bride when I am a boy and I was only 9 years old? I just stood there waiting for my mum or dad to say no.

Only a man spoke out of turn asking does the prophet’s revelation tell that it was an adult’s responsibility to teach children about sex. The prophet just nodded.

My parents said nothing.


That night two men that looked like the Mafia came to our door.  This strange man was pulling me  away from my mother as she was crying. He was saying that the prophet wanted me to live with him.

I realized that I would no longer be living with my parents, but a prophet boy wife.

As the car drove by, I looked out the window. Mum was crying and Dad was in a daze. When you join the Sacred Church, you no longer own your money, your house, your freedom or your children. I think that it was only now that my father realized this.


We finally entered this big house that was hidden in the middle of some forest. The forest looked haunted if you ask me. The house was also big enough for one man.

As I came in, it looked like heaven. Heaven in a haunted forest. The furniture was so nice and everything was so big. I could get lost in here. I started running around pretending I was a plane. The Mafia men came behind me and tried to catch me. But I was a special plane; I could go beneath the chairs and all.

They did catch me at the end. Then they lead me up to a big bedroom. The bed was in a shape of a heart and as I felt the sheets, I never felt something that was so soft. It was all pink and red and there must have been a thousand candles lit. Over the bed was a picture of the prophet. He was smiling on the picture. That smile made me afraid.

One of the two men asked me to take my clothes off. I shook my head refusing. Why should I? They stole me from my parents. Then they held me down and stripped me naked. I was shaking. Not just because I was cold, but I was afraid they would beat me up or something.

One man held my hand down and took this black wallet. He took out a needle. I hate needles and I tried to fight, but to no avail. They held me down and put the needle in my hands.

Then the men let go of me, and I decided just to lie there. Realizing the sheets below me was so soft and nice. I just sang a song while I waved my hands against them, you know like when you make an angel in the snow. I looked up at the ceiling and could see these pink bubbles like things floating across the room. I tried to reach for them but I couldn’t.


This shadow was sitting next to me. He was totally dark. I tried finding my eyes to rub them, but my hands were hyper and heavy. It was the prophet

“ You have a pink bubble on your shoulder” I laughed

“ I see that you have had a shot”

“ Yes those bad men gave me a shot. The needle hurt”

“ Well you should be happy they have. You will be getting them quite often. They are so you can relax and in time believe what I say. I might as well tell you now, as you most likely wont remember it. You will be brainwashed to being the Sacred Churches boy whore and you will like it.”

The words kept going through my head and suddenly the pink bubbles where no longer fun. They looked like pink tears.

When I was thinking about that he lowered me to my knees. I was looking at his cock that was smaller than dads but quite fat. I just stood at it watching the now pink tears float around it. Without thinking, I wanted to see what a pink tear felt like. I tried to catch one, but forgot if I wanted to taste a pink tear, that his cock would go in my mouth. I tried to take my mouth out but the prophet just kept it there. His cock was a prisoner in my mouth. He started moving my head back and forth, while he called me names like boy whore and cocksucker. I didn’t want to be any of these, but every time I moved my had back, he just slammed it in. Then I could feel the hot sausage like thing. As I moved my tongue around it, I could feel its skin and bones and how warm it was. Why was he doing this to me?

After what seemed like a lifetime of being a cocksucker, he squirted his white stuff in my mouth. I don’t care who thinks it’s nice, it was gross, and I was doing my best to spit it out.

After I did this, he was very silent. I thought that I must have done it bad.

I looked at him resting on the bed and asked, “ Does this mean I am your bride”

“ Everyone else will think that. In reality you are my boy whore, my sex toy, something that I desire”

He went top sleep

I missed my parents


The next few months at the prophets were something that I experienced, and yet it was like a film. Every morning he would drug me. Then he would ask questions, like “Are you a faggot? Are you a cocksucker? Are you a boy whore? Is your body for the Sacred Church”?

At the start I would not answer these questions, but slowly I started answering them. Maybe it was because I was starting to believe it all. I mean the truth was there. My mouth sucked the prophet several times a day. Also the police that he wanted to blackmail. This was a special job I got.

The police were becoming concerned about the Sacred Church and started stooping around. I was told to go out and suck the sheriff. I didn’t ask why, I just knew that I was a cocksucker; I mean who else would have done it.

So I put some panties that had pictures of blue flowers in the front. I figured that this would have turned on the sheriff. What I didn’t know was the he was no pedophile.

I walked up to him, and he looked at me. He tried to walk around me but I kept blocking him.

“ What do you want boy”

“ I want to show you something in the shed.” We walked in the shed. What the idiot did not know is that is where the prophet has set up a hidden camera

“ Do you know,” He started, “ That you are wearing girl panties”

“ Are they? How could they be girls panties when I am wearing them?”

“ Because this cult wants all boys to be sissies”

“ Why?”

“ Maybe they want you to act like girls and satisfy men. Tell me boy, do they ever make you do something that you don’t want to?”

“ Do you like my body”?

“ I-I think you could wear more clothes. Now answer my question, do they sexually abuse you”

“ Its too warm to wear clothes. I don’t suck any cocks here if that’s what you are saying, but I would suck yours.”

“ You faggot. I do not want any 10 year old sucking me”

“ Are you sure?”

With that I started feeling his cock. The man was totally breathing hard and looking at the roof saying to himself that he could not believe what he was doing.

Then it was like all the common sense that he had left him. He placed me on the table and yanked the panties off of me. The smile was wiped off my face because I didn’t know what he was doing. I was just going to give him a blowjob, and this has nothing to do with a blowjob.

He raised my legs over his shoulder while he was shouting that if you want to be a faggot sissy then I will treat you like one. He told me that I had a pussy, and then he thrust his cock in my hole. I screamed. It was like I was going to tear apart. He was thrusting his cock in and out, saying that I was now his bitch and he would be breeding me. One thing is having a cock in your mouth, but having it in your ass is a different matter. There was a smudge of oil on the wall, and I started at that. Experience showed me that at some stage, he would blow his come in me. He did that.


The door burst open. It was the prophet. He shot the sheriff shouting that my virgin boy pussy was made for him. The Sheriff lied in a pool of blood. He was dead. I didn’t have the energy to scream.

He dragged me out of the shed. I saw these military jeeps leave. There were so many of them.

The Prophet led me up to his house where he led me into a room full of screens. It was the houses in the compound. You could see the jeeps arrive at each house and then open fire on the members of the church.

“ This is your fault.” He said to me, “ You were only to give him a blow job so we could blackmail him. Not seduce him totally. Now we have killed a sheriff and within hours, the whole FBI will be here. I have sent my men out to kill all our members. We will not let the FBI destroy our souls. Today 800 members have been killed. Our paradise will be in heaven.”

With that I saw that on the screen my family being slaughtered.

Then He told me in 10 seconds, the whole house would explode, along with him and me. He will see me in heaven.


He was right. 868 people were murdered, we were killed in an explosion, but our paradise was in hell. Because St Peter has given me these experiences through time, I knew that my time in hell would be agony. I knew I was going to repent a lot.