Back to Hell - Child witch



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This is a story about a girl that was abused and made the town whore. She was made to believe it was her fault. So the town can cleanse themselves of the abuse and rape, they blame her saying she is a witch. Is it fair?  


This story was written as an adult fantasy. The author does not condone the described behavior in real life in anyway shape or form.

Back to Hell

Part V

Child Witch


Read part four (Click here)

Suddenly, Everything was black around me. I was in a tunnel. I could see shooting stars flash by me. I was flying through this time tunnel thinking that Peter finally forgave and was saving me. I was no longer a Royal Whore, and I was back in through this time Tunnel.


I opened my eyes.


It was 1699. I was in a small village. I could feel the heat. I looked down and could see I was a 10-year-old girl. I was being burnt. They were saying I was a witch. But how did I get here? Once again, I was forgetting everything that happened earlier, and I just had the memories as the 10-year-old girl.  I remembered my name as Ashley, and I was being burnt here because they thought I was a witch.


My name was Ashley. We lived in a small town. I had a big brother and a mum and dad. We were poor and lived in a one room cottage. I was a very happy girl, Even though my dress, that used to be white was now grayish and is torn. We wore no underwear. I was always afraid people would laugh at the tear in my dress just below my butt. I was torn when I was playing on some trees. Mum got mad at me and said I just had to live with it, until I grew so they could but a new dress. I think I grew a lot because this old shaggy dress was too small. It was above my knees and the material was very worn down. I hated when it rained, and you can guess why.


Some people in town had all the money and some like us, had none? Sometimes I got jealous when I seen them. Especially my cousins. They had a nice house, even with wooden floors. They had nice clothes and lots of food and everything. It’s not fair that some people in the same family could be rich and others like us could be poor.


My family was poor. We believed in God. In fact everyone in our town was religious. God meant everything. If things went fine, it was God that was happy. If things went bad, it was Gods fault. The Bible was the most valuable procession we had in the house, and the priest was the most important person in town.


My troubles began a few weeks ago. I was sitting on my bed, which was a mattress on the floor. I was staring at this spider crawling across the ceiling. It was boring and I had nothing to do. It was raining and mum was out helping our rich cousins with housecleaning. In other words, they were treating her like a maid. She would clean all day and then they would give her some money so we could eat something. Dad was out working on their farm. My uncle was his boss. He owned our cottage too. He wouldn’t put any tree floors down though.

So it was just my brother and I. He was 14 and was carving something from a piece of tree. He looked at me and then smiled. I smiled back thinking that he was a fool. Out of all the brothers, I had to get him. He never wanted to tell me stories or read or things like that.

However today he was strange. He kept on staring at me and smiled. Then he laughed and said that I was showing my pussy. This made me blush and I immediately closed my legs.

“ You might as well keep your legs open.” He said.

“ No, you can see my privates, and that is a sin”

“ I already seen them, so it’s not a sin anymore.”

“ I don’t care. I am not going to show.”

“ Do it or I will tell Dad that you sinned with your flesh.”

A chill ran down my spine. I was afraid to spread my legs, as it was a sin. Does two sins of the same mean it’s the same sin? And if he were looking, he would also be sinning.

The experience was very embarrassing, and I felt so bad at him staring between my legs. I don’t know why. It didn’t have the bush of hair that Mum had.  That afternoon went with me just showing my pussy to him. He just sat there and raped me with my eyes. I expected him to do something, but didn’t know what. I just felt these two eyes staring at me, and I felt like I was on display. My body being eating by his glare.


At last Mum came home. She was tired but looked very happy. She said that our cousins would take us for a picnic tomorrow and swimming. I didn’t smile that much. I knew that my cousins were being forced by their mother to do this. The Bible says that the rich should help and be nice to the poor. The rich has just changed this that it should be a few days a year.


The next day, I was getting ready. Mum spent the night before trying to wash the dirt and stains out of our clothes. She even sewn there were it was ripped. My brother really didn’t care how he looked or what my cousins thought of him. He was just looking forward to what food they bought with them

As for me, I started to panic. I was going around looking for panties. I had to wear them if we were going swimming. After yesterday when my brother was just staring at me, I didn’t want to swim naked. Mum seen me and asked what the problem was. I told her what it was.

She thought a few minutes and then opened this small cabinet in the corner. It had our baby clothes. She took out one of our diapers. Remember in 1699 they didn’t have pampers so it was cloth. I stared at it when she took it out. Did she expect me to wear a diaper? Then they would laugh at me. I started crying but mum explained that it was up to me. I could swim naked or wear this if I didn’t want to be naked. I lifted my dress and she helped pin the diaper on me.


The Picnic went fine. We were with my two cousins. Amy was 13 and Justin was 14, the same as my brother. They had beautiful clothes on. I kept staring at my cousin’s dress. The cloth was so nice and clean and it looked soft. The food was also nice. We usually ate the same food every day. We never head cream cakes like the ones that they bought along.

After we ate, they suggested that we should swim. The two boys quickly took off all their clothes. I stared at their things, which later I learnt was a cock. They were so big and looked like they were branches that was just sticking out. Justin seen me staring and laughed saying that I should get ready to swim. I looked at his sister. She already had her dress off. She had these long knickers on as well as a top. So she only looked half naked.

I started to take my dress off. It didn’t mean anything that I didn’t have a top, as I didn’t have any boobs. I was flat as the boys. Luckily the boys were splashing in the water. So I just ran into the water, looking like an oversized baby with my diaper on. The others seen me run towards the water and they started to laugh. They called me baby and asked if I was wet. I told them of course I was wet as I was in the water. Then they started calling me pissy pants and all that.

After a while, they forgot it, and we had great fun splashing around. But the problems started when I came out of the water. The others were lying in the grass. I was sitting close to Amy that was brushing her hair back. She changed her underwear to some new ones that she bought with her. I felt so bad just lying there and I didn’t have any clothes to change into. I just had my diaper on. It was wet, but I didn’t want to take it off so everyone else could see how young I was. It was difficult. I looked like a baby with a diaper on and I still remembered the way that my brother looked at me yesterday.

Amy was suddenly nice. She told me I could lay my head on her lap. I did that wondering why she was so nice. Maybe rich people have hearts after all. I laid on her lap and she starting combing my hair with her fingers. I felt so much at peace for those few seconds. I always loved someone stroking my hair. I looked up at her and could see her smiling, yet there was something strange about her smile.

“ You are very brave, “ she said, “To be wearing a little babies diaper today. I think little baby needs something to drink.”

Then she raised my head to her boob. I couldn’t explain that I had no panties then she would just laugh. My mouth was against her boob and instinctively I started sucking her boob. Of course I didn’t get any milk, but it was so nice and soft. I just closed my eyes and pretended that no one could see me. Of course it must have been a ridiculous site to see, me a big girl with a diaper on and sucking my cousins boobs. I could feel my face going red as I thought about this and I thought she was doing this just to humiliate me. I pulled me head away because I was not going to be humiliated, no matter how rich she was.

Then she ordered me to suck, saying if I didn’t that she would tell everyone that I was wearing a diaper. I felt so mad and yet I knew that she was such a bad person, that she would tell everyone in town, and they would believe her.

I started sucking her again and felt her tit go in my mouth. I thought she would get tired of this after a while. Her hands started feeling my flat chest and were pinching my nipples. I felt like biting her tits every time she did that, but she was stronger than me, so I just moaned and thought about something else.

Her hands moved down towards my diaper and under it. I was a bit cold down there as it was drying after we have been in the water, so her warm hand seemed to be a new sensation that I never experienced. Then I did something that I shouldn’t have done. I spread my legs and let her hands caress my pussy. I gasped and groaned as it felt so weird and I admit it was nice.

Then she laughed and told the others to look, “ Look at her, she’s a baby and a lesbian. Se she likes when she sucks my boob and my hand is touching her pussy in her diaper. She is just like a baby. No boobs or no hair”

“ Wow. I bet that she is not just a lez, I bet she is a slut,” Justin said. He came and sat down next to me. He was obviously interested in what his sister was doing, because he took my diaper off and started joining his sister in rubbing my pussy. I tried to close my legs, but he just spread them.

Things didn’t get better when my brother came over and started pushing his finger in my pussy while the other two were feeling. I was crying, thinking that this game has gone far enough. It was time to stop. It hurt when his long finger was going in and out of my pussy. I didn’t even know why they were doing this.

Then I saw Justin stand behind me. He was naked. I looked up and seen his cock. It was awkward, because I was lying over Amy’s lap on my back. Then he told me told kneel on my hands and knees. I did this straight away thinking that it would stop my brother from sticking his finger in and out of my pussy.

When I moved myself on my hands and knees, looking like some dog, his dick was pointing towards my mouth. He pushed it forward and it charged in my mouth. I felt like he was going to kill me, so the tears were running down my face. He started pushing his cock in and out of my mouth. I felt my cheeks spread every time he done it. The tears continued to flow out, as I was confused and didn’t know what was happening. Did this mean I was a slut, and why was he saying that I was a good cocksucker?

Just as I was getting used to his big cock in my mouth, I had a pain in my pussy that I never experienced before. It felt like it was being split op by a knife and that it was exploded. I pulled my head back and looked back and seen my brother there. It was hard to see what he was doing, but I guessed that his cock was in my pussy. Once again I was confused, why was he putting it in me? He used it to pee. Now he was using it to jab my pussy. I thought I would faint or even die, but Justin took me by my hair and forced his cock in my mouth. I will tell you, that I don’t remember how I survived, or what was going through my mind. I don’t know how or why I was letting the boys do this. I was in another world. I remember blackness, pain and them calling me slut and cocksucker. I was aware of things again when I felt Justin shoot his white stuff in my mouth. I was choking and coughing when I felt my brother squirt in my ass.

They were quiet. I knew from that day that my life would never be the same again.


On the way home my brother said nothing. I was hoping that he was feeling guilty about fucking me, as he called it. I could see that he wasn’t that upset. Maybe he thought everything was my fault

When I came home, Mum wanted to hear all the details. I don’t think that Dad really cared; he was just tired after a long days work. Maybe he was thinking of the days when he could be at the river and just take a day off.

We didn’t say much except that water was a bit cold but the food tasted great.

Then Mum said she would help me take the diaper off. I raised my dress. When she took it off, I lowered my dress and could see that there were tears in her eyes. She told me to sit on my bed and then took my brothers arm and marched out the door with my diaper. I was so worried. Did I pee in them or something? Why was she crying? Where did she go?

After an hour she came in and told my Dad to come out. I was left alone in the cottage. I could hear some crying and shouting outside. Why were they fighting outside, they usually fight inside. I felt so alone in the cottage.

Then they came in. Mum sat on her chair and Dad told me to stand up in front of him. My brother was standing in the corner. Suddenly he took my dress and lifted it over my shoulder. I stood there naked not saying anything or doing anything. Once again I was confused.

“ So its true, “ My father said, “ You let me take of your dress and you are standing here naked without any shame. Are you a slut?”

“I – I- I don’t know.” I said starting to shake

“ I will ask again, are you a slut?”

“ I don’t even know what a slut is.”

“ Your mother has seen blood in your diaper. This means that you have been a slut. Your Mum has been over at your cousin’s house and we heard what happened today. You acted like a baby and starting sucking your cousins tits, do you like being a baby?”

“ I didn’t mean to she just lifted my head-“

“ Shut up. I know what you did. Your cousins and brother told mum. After that you opened your pussy to them and sucked their cocks. This is what a slut does. So I ask you once more, are you a slut?”

I didn’t answer and then Dad pushed me down to my knees and once again I seen this cock before my mouth. I remembered a cock before me, except it was my cousin’s cock. I leaned my head forward and started kissing the top of his dick. I honestly didn’t know what he wanted me to do, maybe if I did this,  then he would not spank me.

His cock smelled as I started kissing it, and it was very big. Much bigger than my cousins and brothers. I closed my eyes because I didn’t want to see how my mother was looking at me or look at the cock as it went more and more in my mouth. I starting sucking it, thinking that if I did a good job, he would forgive me and then we can get back to our normal life. I think he liked it as he clenched the back of my head and held my head in against his cock. Sometimes he pushed so far forward that it went all the way down my throat. This really hurt and I could not breath. Once again tears went out of my eyes and I was going to die with a cock down my throat. It took a lot more time then it did with my cousin, and my mouth was getting tired and I was getting bored, but I could hear that Dad was getting more excited and he was breathing harder. He warned me that he was about to cum, and that I was to swallow it all. I had my mouth open and put my tongue out and then his cum exploded into my mouth. I felt like I was going to vomit, but I closed my eyes and tried to try to swallow it. The problem was as soon as I swallowed some, he squirted more out. The good thing about this was that I was getting used to the taste afterwards.

Then he rose me to my feet again and showed my mum the cum that was coming out of my mouth.

“ Its true, I put your daughter on her knees and without telling her, she opened her whore mouth and sucked my cock like she was the devil herself. Now we know. You are a slut. You have no respect for Gods laws or God. Your body is just the devils toy that leads men astray. Now I ask you again, you cannot lie. You have shown your true colours. Are you a slut?”

I looked at Mum while I was whipping the cum from my mouth. Then I looked at my brother and remembered what he did to me. I didn’t ask him to do it. I was so confused. Why was it my fault?

“I – I am a slut”


The days after were dark and confusing. I was being called Slut and whore and made felt like the worlds sinner. I thought and thought about it, was it a sin that I seduced my Dad and my brother and cousin? Was it wrong of me? This question went through my head again and again. The way that they looked at me convinced me that I was right.

At night he would feel my pussy with his fingers while he smoked his pipe. Sometimes him or my brother would fuck me. It was at these times I just stared in the fireplace, tried not to moan or show I liked it and just waited until it was over.

I think my cousins told everyone, because all the other children looked at me funny and ask if I was wearing my diaper. Then some rude boys would lift my dress and see my pussy. Some would finger it and ask was it better than a cock or would I prefer it in my mouth. This bought tears to my eyes, as they all thought I was the town slut.


One night when I was at home, Dad had one of their friends there. He was black. I don’t even know why dad was his friend.  They were drinking a keg of beer. They were talking about farming and if it would rain to early or too late. I say down by my dad’s legs like a little puppy.

Then the man said that he heard I was a slut and everyone was saying it. Dad told him to ask me, not him.

“ So are you a slut little girl”?

“ I don’t know”

“ Well you like men’s cocks in your cunt and your mouth”

“ It hurts, sir”

“ That’s not what I heard, your legs and mouth open wide every time you see a cock.”

“ I don’t mean to, sir”

“ Well some girls are just sluts and whores.”


Then he asked my Dad if I was a whore. My Dad said to give him some coins and we could find out if this is true. So the man gave my dad some money the next thing he did was take out his cock. It was so big and so black. I couldn’t believe how black it is. Before I seen the black mans cock, I thought his nose was strange, now I thought it was his cock.

I walked over to him and stood before him. He pulled the dress over my head and started looking at my body. His big black hands started going over my shoulders and through my hair. He was telling my Dad I had lovely hair and my body was so sexy. Then he sat me on his knee while he leaned back so I can sit higher on him.

“ You are very sexy little girl, do you know that?”

“ Am I? I don’t really know what it means.”

“ You know what you are sitting on, don’t you”

“ Yes, you.”

“ And what can you feel?”

“ Your cock. Its all hard and warm”

“ Wow the slut even calls it a cock. Do you know why it’s hard?”

“ No sir”

“ Because you are seducing it. You want me to fuck you. You want to feel my black cock deep in your little cunt. You know I paid your father for it, so you want it to happen so that you are a whore for Dad.”

“ No sir, It won’t fit there, please don’t.”


It was too late, he turned me around while I was facing him and without any hesitation plunged his cock in me. I was used to other cocks by now, so this one should not have mattered, but it was far bigger than the others. I screamed as it entered me and by looking at the smile on his face, he didn’t care. He just plunged it in and out. I didn’t really understand what a whore was or what a slut was, but who wants to be one if this was the case.

My father couldn’t take it anymore, he started wanking his cock as he stood and watched his daughter get fucked. He could see the cock touch put an outwards dent in my stomach every time the cock went in.

I was moaning and groaning and crying. I was getting used to the cock and fucking and tried to concentrate on the nice feelings that I received from it. It didn’t take so long before the black mans cum filled my stomach. I was relieved when this happened and hoped I would never be fucked again, as it felt my pussy was torn apart and on fire.

I was about to get off his lap and go to my Mum, when the black man held me in place; He said He wanted to stay knotted in me. Of course I did not understand what that meant.

Dad came over and stood beside him and me, and said I had another hole. Then he aimed his cock towards my mouth. I knew what I had to do. I opened my mouth and let it in. I licked the tops and then the sides. I was now used to when it went to far in my throat and learned how to breathe. I also moaned a bit because I knew that made him excited and that he would be finished sooner. After a while, he cummed in my mouth. I closed my eyes and tried to swallow it all.


The next few weeks, Dad often had a friend home. It would always be the same. I would give them a blowjob or they would fuck me. Sometimes he had more than one friend over. It was always sex. I would end naked in a corner. If I tried to get Mum to console me, she would just say to lie in my corner.

I was so sad and confused. Everyone was saying I was a slut and a whore. That I seduced men and liked being fucked and a cocksucker. But I felt like an animal when they looked at every piece of my body and when they had sex with me.


One day two of the mayor’s guards came to my door. They were really soldiers that made sure that no one did anything bad in town. I was afraid thinking they would take my Dad away.

They told my parents that I was to be questioned by the priest. Mum started to cry and asked why. They said that I was a witch. I thought witches were old women that cast spells on others. Then Mum took me by my shoulder and told them that she knew it all the time and to take me away and see if I was a witch.


I was locked away in the town jail, which was really a hole in the ground; they would throw down food at me and call me names, like the witch slut. I was so afraid. I thought I would be there for the best of my life. The only thing that consoled me was that I did not have to have sex.


Then the trial. They changed my dress so it was sleeveless and one side always fell down so they could see one of my nipples. Then the dress was very short. If I sat or bent down, everyone could see my privates. I felt embarrassed with this dress and thought the whole trial was stupid. If I were really a witch, I would just click my fingers and change it to a princess dress.

The priest started

“ Gentlemen. The devil is amongst us and we have to guard ourselves against the devil or he will corrupt our town and us. It is up to us to cleanse the devil and his servants from our town.

This girl might only be 10. But she is a slut and she is a whore. She is the devils servant where she seduces and fishes men to have sex with her. By seducing men’s cocks in her mouth or cunt, she is damaging their soul.

I ask you to look at your children. Which of them would lust after a mans cock. Which of them would want men’s sperm in their mouths or cunts. This is not normal for a 10 year old, unless she is a witch for the devil.

Slut witch, so you cannot see who is testifying against you, you are to sit under the table just before me.”


I wanted to hear who was calling me a witch. I didn’t love the devil. I adored Jesus. I crawled under the table and kneeled in front of the priest. His cock was out. I thought that was strange. He was wanking it a small bit while my cousin and Dad and brothers and all the others told what I did to them. I couldn’t believe my eyes. This was making the priest horny.

He lifted his legs and put them around my back. Then he forced me closer and closer to him. I thought maybe he wanted me to suck him so he would let me go home. So I just started kissing the tip of his cock, and tried to stick my tongue in his pee slit. I could feel him jump a bit and then put his hand around my hair. I heard him ask someone then if my hair was unusually nice for a child to have. I just continued working my mouth down his cock and using every trick I had learned. Making sure it went deeper and deeper in my throat. His cock was now thumping as he felt what my mouth to offer. I don’t think he ever heard what the others were doing as he must have been totally wild with this. I didn’t mind. I was thinking that it would save my life.

At the end he cummed in my mouth like they all do. But I never seen anyone cummed as much as him. I tried to swallow it, but most of it went down my chin.


Before I knew it he raised me to my legs and everyone stood there looking at his cum dripping from my mouth. They all looked shock, Even though I could see a tents in some of their pants.

“ This is proof that this girl is indeed a witch for the devil. She could not just sit quietly and wait to people had their say. Her devil cocksucking lips attacked my cock so the devil in her could taste holy sperm. This is the proof we needed, but if there are any in doubt, I will present to you the proof that she is a cock loving witch.”


Before I could say anything he led me to the front of the table before where everyone sat. He told me to kneel on the floor like a dog. I was afraid that everyone would see my pussy. I knew they could. Then there was silence and I heard this tip tap tip tap across the floor.

I groaned loudly as I felt something lick my pussy and ass. It continued licking my pussy, trying to get its tongue deep in my pussy. It felt much better than anything else I experienced and I couldn’t help nit to moan. The priest asked me did I like it. I admitted that I did. Then he told everyone I was a bitch

Then I felt this thing crawl on me. I looked over my shoulder and could see it was a dog. I cried and begged for them to take the dog away, but the priest just teased me and said I liked it.

It didn’t take long before the dog’s cock found my pussy. It was not as fat as other cocks I tried, but he was so fast. I could hardly keep on my hands and knees because he was so aggressive fucking me. I cried but moaned at the same time. Of course the others thought that I liked the dog fucking me. It hurt but I concentrated once again on what felt nice.

The priest kept asking me did I like the dog’s cock in me. I kept on saying no. He kept on asking why I was letting a dog fuck me. I didn’t know. I was made to. How could I tell the priest this? He kept on asking me if I liked dog’s cock and at last I said yes, hoping that it would stop. It did. The dog cummed in me.


After the dogs knot was down, I was convicted as a witch.


I could feel the heat. I was being burnt. They were saying I was a witch. It was not my fault? Do you think it was?

Then Peter showed his face and said, “Which hurts more, the fire or the rape you experienced. It was you that said that children seduced you and that children were sex objects. Maybe you think something else now.”



Suddenly, Everything was black around me. I was in a tunnel. I could see shooting stars flash by me. I was flying through this time tunnel thinking That Peter finally forgave and was saving me. I was no longer a child witch, and I was back in through this time Tunnel.


I opened my eyes.


I was sitting with a newspaper. It was 1830. I looked down at my body. However this time, I was not a boy or girl. I was myself as a man. That’s good. No rape or sex from pedo’s.

My memory that I was once a pedo and being forced through time by St Peter disappeared. I now had the same memory as the gentlemen I now was in 1830.

My wife died and I had one son who was 13. He was standing before me and I gave him a slave girl that I just bought for him. It was hard to see that she was a black slave, as she was just as white as he was. But the papers said that she had a black mother. She was nearly 11 years old and was a birthday present for my son


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