Back to Hell - Rome |
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A boy a girl, once royalty has now been captured by the Romans, they are now slaves in the Roman Empire.
This story was written as an adult fantasy. The author does not condone the described behavior in real life in anyway shape or form. Back to Hell Part III Rome
Everything was black around me. I was in a tunnel. I could see shooting
stars flash by me. I was flying through this tunnel thinking That Peter
finally heard me and was saving me. I was no longer a cave girl, and I
was back in through this time Tunnel.
opened my eyes
was on a carriage, tied to a pole. I looked down and could see that I
was wearing a white tunic. I had long hair once again that went to my
shoulders. But I could feel that I was no longer a girl. I was a boy. A
young boy, I must have been around 11 years old.
tried to look behind, even though it was hard. I could see a young girl
that was also tied to a pole. She was about 9. Instinctively I knew she
was my sister.
could see soldiers marching in front of me with huge banners. The people
were cheering, but something told me that they were not cheering at me.
After all I was tied up.
front of me, I could see this huge white courthouse like building. It
was there I realized where I was
did not save me. He sent me to Rome.
I was being paraded through Rome, My memories of my cave girl experience
was being eliminated and replaced by memories of me growing up in a
small area in England, where My dad was the local king. All the pain and
agony that I had as the cave girl was gone and replaced by happy
memories of being a prince in Southern England.
of the Roman soldiers that attacked us suddenly sent thrills down my
spine. They were so well organized and our warriors had no chance
against them. They were so organized. I had seen them kill my dad. I was
huddled next to my sister Fiona. We were hidden in the hills above the
village. We could see the Roman soldiers tearing the clothes off the
village woman and raping them. I never saw a woman sucking a dick before
or being fucked. I felt my little cock growing as I seen this brutal
events. I didn’t know why this was happening. I covered Fiona’s
eyes, as I didn’t want her to see the raping and the killing after. I
didn’t want he to experience that Mum and Dad was being raped and then
a sword through their hearts. I loved my sister, and wanted to protect
told me that we had to run and escape. We could go the nearest town and
my cousin would take care of us. Maybe he would be able to find some
soldiers and fight off the Romans. Maybe he could take care of us. We
ran and ran through woods and fields to the village. As we entered the
village, everything was quiet. We ran to my uncle’s wooden house and
it was dark inside. The door closed behind us and suddenly there were
two Roman soldiers that were holding us. My uncle confirmed reluctantly
that we were the prince and princess of Southern England.
I am now the King, as you killed my Dad.” I said bravely, trying to
stop my legs from shaking.
Roman soldiers laughed and said that this was even better.
took us to a tent. There was a Roman general there. He was reading some
scrolls and hardly looking at us. He was telling someone else that it
was time to go back to Rome. He would take the spoils of wars with him
so that all Romans will see how successful this campaign was.
two will be our prize processions,” the general continued, “ Give
them baths, and put them in white Tunics, and Greek crowns. Make sure
that the tunics are very thin so they are nearly see-through. When we
parade this two through Rome, my political career will be secure.”
we were being paraded through Rome. The citizens were jeering at us and
throwing things at us. Some were surprised that we didn’t look like
savages, and I could hear some say that we looked like angels. I wanted
to disappear. I didn’t like to be on display as a trophy that was won
in some stupid war.
were lead up a lot of steps where Caesar stood. We were of course in
Chains, which was a bit confusing, as what could we do? Fight the whole
Roman senate and army with our bare hands. I looked out at the thousand
of people that were looking at us. They probably thought that we were
strange, as we had blonde hair, and we looked so innocent. We were
innocent! Our society was one where we pretty much like you live today.
We had morality and taboos. What I didn’t know is that Rome didn’t
have morality. Sex was very important for them. They had no taboos. What
I didn’t know was that while a few may have sympathized with me or my
sister, the vast majority seen us as slaves, that would be lovely sex
toys. They were looking at us with lust in their eyes. I didn’t know
this look, as I never have seen lust before, and didn’t really know
what lust and sex was.
started to speak. From the few weeks that it took us to travel to Rome,
we learned enough of their language to understand them.
Citizens of Rome,” He shouted, “ Here I present to you our long term
enemies. They thought that they were better than we are. They thought
they could spit on Roman culture and the Roman Empire. This is the
Prince and Princess. The symbols of the defeated nation. They are now
the slaves of this nation.
first present to you the princess. She could be a sex Goddess; she is so
nice to look at. While the Gods gave her the looks, they did not make
her Roman. She deserves to be a child whore at one of the temples that
we have. The once powerful princess will now be the princess of all
whores. I will not show you citizens that she was made to be a whore.”
that, Caesar torn Fiona’s clothes off. I tried to move to
protect her, but some laughing soldiers stopped me and said that they
would hit my face if I continued. I could see tears in my sister’s
eyes, as she stood naked before the Romans.
seen my sister naked before, and never thought about it. But this just
seemed wrong. Everyone was looking at her as if she was some animal.
lifted her on a big table. She was put on her hands and knees like a
dog. This made me feel a bit better, as she was not that exposed,
although it was a humiliation of being made kneel like that.
seemed to smile when a dog came out. Through her young innocent mind,
she thought it was a gift for her. I thought it looked a bit weird. Both
the dog and her had the same collar and leash on.
didn’t take me that long to ponder over this fact, as Caesar led
the dog on the large table where Fiona was on her hands and knees. He
then said that this is her new boyfriend. She looked confused, asking
herself who is her new boyfriend? She soon found out as the dog started
licking her behind. My eyes were wide open as I seen the dogs long
tongue lick back and forth across her ass and pussy. It looked so wrong,
so strange, so perverse, yet my dick was getting hard. I felt so sorry
for her, but I couldn’t control my body.
was confused. There were tears coming out of her eyes and sometimes she
would groan at the strange feelings the dogs tongue was given her. The
crowd was jeering and calling her dog slut and whore and little puppy.
Fiona couldn’t do anything as the dog licked her. After a while she
was in her own world as if she was enjoying the dogs tongue whole she
was forced to do it.
dog mounted her. His long dick was now pink and sticking out. I looked
closer as he started jabbing her. I was confused what the dog was trying
to do. Was he trying to stab her like it was a knife or what? Suddenly
she let out a huge scream that seemed to please the crowd. I looked
closer and seen the dogs dick go in her pussy. This was totally
perverse; the dog was treating her like his girlfriend. He was having
sex with her. The crowd cheered, as they knew the dog raping her stole
my sister’s virginity. Now I knew why they had the same collar on.
Fiona was crying and screaming as the dog pounded her. I could see the
dog dick go in and out, nearly forcing her small body down. The Romans
without any morality or compassion stared at her calling her princess
bitch. Her crying became less and less and there was a bit of moaning as
she felt some sensations that she never felt before. I prayed that she
would not groan so much that the Romans thought she was enjoying having
sex with a dog. I didn’t know much about dogs, but later I was happy
to find out that the dog did not knot in her. The dog calmed down and
Fiona slumped to the table tired, embarrassed and exhausted.
my sister was getting raped, I didn’t have time to think about what
would happen to me. Neither did I have time to look or even attempt to
go to console my sister. Caesar took me and stood me before the
Roman crowd. My clothes were stripped and this long beautiful dress was
put on me. Like the other one, it was lightly see through and but a bit
expensive. I could feel them tugging at my long hair and fixing it. At
times, it was like they were pulling my hair. I stood still with a
dignified face. The Romans were not going to see my cry. I owed my
father that much respect.
then stood beside me and shouted, “ We have seen the only daughter,
the princess of our great enemy show that even at a young age, she opens
her pussy for any cock. Even a dog’s cock. Is this what our great
enemy does? Have their royalty be bitches to dogs? To shout and beg for
more cock? Our Princess will now serve at the Temple of love, where her
Pussy will be a temple for many a cock, men, boys and dogs. Maybe even
look at this Prince. He stands before you looking brave and royal. I am
sure that his dead father would be so proud of him. But the spirit of
his father cannot see what we see. We see this small boy, who actually
looks like a girl. It amazes me that this nation has been our enemies
for so long, when their sons look more girlish than their daughters.
Maybe this explains why their daughters please the dogs. This boy is not
a prince. He is a princess of all sissies. Now he will show you all what
princes in his country is made of.”
that he pushed me on my knees. I looked around me expecting to see the
dog or even a bear or monkey or something. Lucky there were only Romans
looking back at me. I turned around towards Caesar only to see
that he opened his Tunic and his large cock was sticking out. It was
just before my face. I looked at it confused. I could feel my heart
beating quickly. What did he expect me to do? He didn’t expect me to
do anything with the cock? I mean I was a boy, and he was a man. He
should be doing this with a woman. But from what I have seen of Rome, I
knew that nothing was impossible.
cock moved towards my face and hit my cheek. It felt warm and soft but
hard at the same time. I was never so afraid in my life. Then he put it
against my lips. I closed them shut, as I did not want to do anything
with another man. I knew enough from my upbringing that it was wrong.
Being gay was simply wrong.
Caesar shoved his cock through my lips. He was stronger than me. I
could feel the side of his cock sliding against the side of my lips. I
felt like throwing up, as the idea of another mans cock inside my mouth
was too much to understand. He was thrusting it back and forth, calling
me a cocksucker. I understand enough what this was to understand it, and
tears were rolling down my eyes as I realized that the comfortable days
of being a prince was gone. I was now a cocksucker. I was the worse
sinner and bought shame to my ancestors. Everything was my fault, as I
could just have bit the cock off.
didn’t know if I liked it or not, as there were so many thoughts going
threw my head. I could hear Caesar grunting and the Roman crowd
calling me the royal faggot and royal cocksucker as they seen the huge
cock going in and out of my mouth. Within no time, I felt this thick
stuff shoot in my mouth. I felt like I was choking to death and tried to
spit it out. I swallowed it and felt it sink into my stomach.
has been several months since that happened. I never did see my sister,
but heard what she was doing. I will tell you about that later.
we were presented to Rome and been humiliated and made into the whores
of Rome, my sister was taken to some Temple. The Romans had so many
temples. They had a God for everything. I secretly believed in my own
God. It was the only thing that the Romans could not take from me.
decided that he would like to keep me as a personal slave. I heard him
tell the others that he has never seen such a beautiful creature than
me. I should have been born Roman. He boasted to his friends that I
would give him many pleasures. Even though I was walking with my head
down and quietly, I was proud that he thought I was so pretty.
Eventhough pretty made me sound like a girl. I had the weird feeling in
my stomach. I was now to be a slave.
first few days, I didn’t feel like a slave. I was given my own room
with servants. Their job was to put these slutty tunics on me, make sure
my hair looked long and soft, make sure I was clean and smelled like
flowers. They were also a bit strange. They would try to convince me
that I was a sissy, a faggot, and a cocksucker. I should have been born
with a pussy and not a cock, which they didn’t think was very big
anyhow. After a few days I was confused. Was I a play toy for the Caesar
? Should I have been born as a girl?
a few days later, Caesar told me to come to his room. He was lying
on his bed naked. I saw that his cock was big. That cock that went in my
mouth. Then I noticed how strong he was. He had a lot of muscles. I
think that my jaw dropped as I started admiring them. I wish I was as
strong as him one day, but then I heard the voices going through my head
that I had a very girlish body. I could hardly ever look like a man when
God made me this way.
told my to lie on the bed. His big hands were going over my body. His
hands were making love to my skin. His hands were a bit rough and Even
though he did it because he liked me, I was thinking did he like me or
did he like my body? I was confused because he said he wanted me to be
like his son, and he wanted to show me how much he loved me.
started kissing the bottom of my lip. My mind was telling me that the
servants were right. He thought I was more of a girl than a boy. My mind
was spinning with confused thoughts as his tongue dived into mine and
started exploring. I was trying to breathe, as he done this and that was
hard. His tongue was everywhere my mouth. He was becoming more excited,
as he was tongue kissing me. (I wonder what they called French kissing
in the Roman days…).
he told me that I was a great cocksucker, and his cock has missed my
pussy mouth. I looked at him pleading that I didn’t have to do it. But
this is who I was now. My body was no longer mine. I slowly started
licking the top of his cock. There was some clear stuff there that I
found out was pre-cum. I looked up and seen Caesar smiling at me.
I smiled back, not because I liked this, but because I wanted him to be
happy. His cock was once again in my mouth. I no longer felt human as it
went in and out. While I was concentrating on wrapping my tongue around
his cock and making the most powerful leader in the world feel good, I
felt no more than an object, alive because I looked like a girl and let
others use my body in the most perverse ways. Sometimes I felt like I
was going to choke when he pushed my head down and it went down deep in
my throat. He told me how to breathe when it was so long down. He
spermed in me when it was in my mouth so much, that I was forced to
swallow it. After he cleaned my mouth, he told me that he loves me and I
would learn how to like his sperm. I put on the sweetest smile I knew
and said nothing. Deep down I knew that I would never like the taste.
I was now the Roman rulers slut boy. I visited him when he needed to get
rid of his sperm. My job was to be the Roman rulers cocksucker. While
his name would go down in history, mine wouldn’t. He was wrong, I
never did like cum in my mouth, and every time I seen his cock or
swallowed it, I feel like I was going to die.
he treated me like his son. I had enough food and entertainment. My
clothes were a bit sissy like and showed a bit too much. I wore jewelry
and even flowers in my hair. The servants kept on reminding me that my
purpose was to please Caesar with my body and do what ever he
wanted. They reminded me that I had the body of a girl and I was a slut,
a pussyboy and a cocksucker. Maybe it is because they said it a few
thousand times, but I started to believe them.
did miss Fiona, My sister. I had to find a friend that would tell me how
she was doing. I later found out, so that story comes later.
Caesar was doing his work, he would have me sit on his lap. He
would present me as the prince of Southern Angola that was now the most
important Roman slave. He would praise my looks and my body. He would
boast to the others that I was a slut of a boy, that I loved giving my
body to other men. I was Prince faggot. I didn’t dare shout up and say
that this was not true. That I hated when his hands caressed me, I hated
when he kissed me that I hated when I had to suck him. But he usually
had a finger up my ass when he was boasting about me. This often hurt
and was so degrading. I must admit that there were also some pleasure,
but it would have been better if he clipped his nails.
a few weeks, I was led into his room. Everything happened like it
usually does. The feeling and the kissing and his finger exploring my
ass. I started sucking him as I usually do. It was now just a routine
for me as I felt his warm cock in my mouth. My mind was another place. I
would think about the times that Fiona and I would be playing in the
fields. She was always so happy and talkative. She was always full of
life. Sometimes when trying to remember these episodes, I would be
saddened, as it was getting harder and harder to remember her face.
he told me to stop sucking. This confused me as I usually sucked him to
he cummed in my mouth. He took me by my waist and turned me around and
put me back on my back. He told me that he was going to make me to a
real queer. Amazing how many words they have for one thing! Then he put
my legs over his shoulder.
Wow, my dear prince faggot, you look so slutty when you lie there,
waiting for me to make you into a gay little sissy. You look so pretty.
The Gods bless Rome that you are here to serve us”
did he mean that I was waiting or implying that I was looking forward to
it? Ouuuuch! I experienced the largest pain that I ever had in my life,
as he stuck his cock in my ass. He was doing the same that the dog was
doing to Fiona. I screamed and cried as hard as I could. In a way I
hoped that my father would hear me in the afterlife and come and save
me. It felt like he was killing me. He would push his cock in me, and I
would feel like I was being split alive. Then a relief when he would
withdraw it. But the ordeal would not end; he wanted to push his cock
back in me. I was crying, and gasping for air. I was hurting and images
of the dog with Fiona were going through my head. No wonder why she
cried and was in pain! I wonder what she was doing now, was she praying
to some statue or was she experiencing the same that I was. I missed
her, but thinking about her could not take me away from the pain that Caesar
s cock was doing to my ass. He was changing my ass to a pussy. I was now
a girl. Especially when I felt something warm in my ass. He was
squirting his cum in my ass. Then he pulled me out and left me lying on
the bed exhausted and in pain. He didn’t ask how I was, or if I needed
something. He just drank wine and ate some grapes.
servants helped me in my room and cleaned me up. They seemed so proud of
me that I now was truly Caesar s whore. What’s to be proud of?
was now my life. Every morning, I would go into Caesar and suck
his cock. Sometimes he enjoyed me sucking another cock of some general
or someone that has done a good job. I was the reward for doing
something good for Rome, and it surprised me that people would rather
have a chance to fuck me or let me suck them and not titles or half the
Roman Empire. These Romans, I would never understand them. The pain of
being fucked slowly disappeared, and at times, I admit that there were
nice sensations. But I will be honest when I say I never liked them. I
felt like I was being molested and someone was stealing part of my soul
every time. This meant that every time a general or guest came in the
house, I would get the flowers in my hair and smell like flowers. They
started putting a hint of make up on my face. Then I knew that I had to
give my body to some stranger.
I was allowed to see Rome. I was in this carriage lifted by 4 men. Of
course I had the flowers in my hair and a nearly see through tunic on. I
was going through Rome looking at the people rushing around trying to do
their daily jobs. They were not the Pussyboy of Rome. They just wanted
to eat, and that made me think, would I trade the luxury and the easy
life I had, despite the sexual abuse and humiliation? Yes I would. I
wanted to choose when and was I fell in love and whom I gave my body to.
saw some graffiti on walls. I asked the servant next to me what they
were. They looked like a girl being fucked by a man.
servant explained, “ They are actually graffiti against Caesar . You
see they show him fucking you. Most Romans think that you are very
pretty and look like a girl, and the joke is that Romans think that he
cannot keep a woman happy, just you. I mean why did he pick you and not
your sister”
I want to see my sister”
I don’t think that will do any good. I mean your sister is at a
It has been months since I seen her. I miss her. I want to see her.”
She might not be the same”
Doesn’t matter, I want to see her.”
arrived at the temple where my sister was. Everyone knew that I was Caesar's
special slave, and according to the graffiti, his girlfriend. Or should
I say boyfriend. They led me into a small room full of hanging satin
sheets. The floor was full of flower petals. I looked in a corner, and
seen Fiona, but I didn’t smile. I told my servant to leave us alone.
was sitting there, hugging her knees. She was wearing this tunic that
was so light that a breeze would have blown it away. Her head was buried
in her knees. The life, soul and happiness she had were gone. She looked
like a shell, like a ghost. She looked at me slowly. She didn’t even
smile. She just sat there without saying a word.
sat next to her explaining that it was I, her brother. I told her how
much I missed her and that I loved her as a sister, she was my family
and It really hurt me to see her this sad. There was no response. I
didn’t know what to say. I started to cry, thinking that she has
forgotten me, or that she hated me because we were in Rome.
started talking to her about what I experienced. I said that I was
basically a boy whore, and everyone thought I looked like a girl. That Caesar
made me have sex with him and that I had to have sex with all his
friends. I told her that Eventhough I tried to convince myself that it
felt good, I felt like a sex toy, put here to give my body to anyone in
I told the story, I started seeing her tremble, and after some time, a
tear went slowly down her cheek.
Oh my dear brother, “ She said humbly yet softly, “ I thought you
abandoned me. They told me I was now on my own, and that you were living
in a world of luxury. I am so mad at myself. I was so mad at you. I
shouldn’t have believed them. I know you all my life and I know that
you would protect me.”
There has not been a day when I did not miss you, “ I replied, “ I
miss you so much. I miss our games in the fields. I miss our lives with
our parents. I know that you are very important here in the temple. But
I see you are sad. Tell me, what can I do”
Remember when we came into Rome. I was crying so much. I mean we were in
a strange land, and I seen you tied to that poll being paraded through
Rome. Then he stripped me and everyone could see I was naked. I was so
embarrassed as I am not yet a woman. I am flat as I can be and I have no
hair. Yet they looked at me with lust in their eyes. Then I was put on
that huge table. I was so happy when that dog came out. He reminded me
of the dogs I played with so much at home. But then he started fucking
me and I never knew what sex was. I tell you brother, that it hurts so
much. I thought his cock would come out my stomach. I was so afraid. I
was bleeding and everything. The worse part was that at the end, it
started feeling nice. That was so humiliating. Me like being fucked by a
dog, and enjoying it as all of Rome looked on.
I saw you suck his cock. I never seen this before, and thought his dick
would get stuck in your mouth. I could see that you hated every second
of it. I was crying for our ancestors to save us. Why were we not
bought me to this temple. It is a temple of some goddess, where we have
sex to give her glory. The Romans are so strange.
first night, I was told that from now on I was the whore of the goddess.
They said that I was a cum baby, and I would learn to love any cock that
I seen. I shouted no, but after being whipped again and again, I lied
and admitted that I loved cum and I have always been a slut and that’s
why I should be the whore of this goddess.
was presented in a room where there were 10 naked men. I stood naked as
they started chanting praises to the goddess. Their hands were all over
me. Their hands were going in my pussy and my ass. It hurt so much and I
wanted to die. Then they laid me on the temple altar where they all
started wanking. After a few hours, I was covered with their cum from
head to toe. Oh my brother, I know you know what cum is and what it
tastes like. I know they treat you like a girl. So you know how I felt!
evenings were full of these ceremonies. Where naked men and naked girls
would be having sex with each other. I could see that the other girls
had no life in them, they were just walking corpses. They no longer
loved life and their body was no sacrificed to some Roman Goddess. I
tried remembering you and my previous life, and that things would
change. But the more time that went, the less I believed in it.
would have to suck their cocks. Sometimes I would be on my knees while
someone had their cock in my pussy. After a while that didn’t hurt but
I hated every second of it, I hated when they spermed in me. The more
sperm in my body, the more of a slut I was. I was starting to believe
that they were right, that I was really a slut. While I was sitting on
his cock and he was fucking me, another one would have his cock buried
in my mouth. I am a cocksucker, just like you. While I was being fucked
and sucking, I used my spare hands to wank off two other guys. It was so
hard to concentrate.
there was sperm in me and on me. I become one sperm slut. These evenings
go on and on. I am passed around from one man to another man. I try to
look at one spot on a wall and think of my former life. The problem is
that my past is a problem. Everyone wants to have a piece of a former
it is like a drama. Where I am on stage and they bring out the dog. I am
shamed to say this, but I love him. I know that he is not like the
Romans; he thinks that I am offering myself to him. He thinks that I am
his bitch. I enjoy sucking his cock and letting him fuck me. I have
given him your name, my dear brother; I hope that you do not mind. But
he is the only thing besides you and my parents and homeland that I
I was on the stage, and they bought in this black girl. She was about my
age. I was told that she was also a princess. I didn’t know what to
do, so we just sat on the stage. But she knew what to do. She started
undressing me, and kissing me all over. The sensations of another girl
overwhelmed me and I was in heaven. It didn’t hurt and she was so
gentle. We kissed with our tongues for a long time as the men came
closer to the stage and then started wanking. Then she told me to lick
her pussy. I thought this was gross, but I had no defiance or will
today. I did as I was told. I lowered my head to her pussy, and started
licking her pussy. I could taste all the juice that came out of her
pussy and I tried to slurp as much of it as I possibly could. The men
just wanked and called me dyke and lesbian.
you see brother, I have let our family down; I am a disgrace to our dear
Mother and Father. I am now a whore. A lesbian, a dog fucker, a cum
slut. I understand if you hate me.”
I could never hate you. These are terrible experiences that you went
through. None of which is your fault. Oh dear Sister, how can I help
I have one big favour of you.”
Tell me.”
Let me join our parents in the afterlife. Let me be happy again. Take my
remaining spirit from my body.”
You mean kill you?”
I had time to answer, some soldiers broke into the room and took my
sister and me to another room. Caesar was sitting there. He looked mad.
Is this how you repay me. I have given you both life. I have given both
of you luxury. I have let your kind have as much sex as you wanted. I
wandered why the gods gave both of you divine bodies, and this must be
because you were meant to be whores and not royalty. Now you have
disappointed me. Meeting each other and I bet that you were planning
your escape.”
No master” I replied, “ I just missed my sister. I love her and
wanted to speak with her. We will not escape”
If you really love your sister so much, then I am sure that Rome will
get some entertainment from seeing this.”
next day, Fiona and I were led in the middle of the coliseum. This is
where animals usually ate people. My sister looked happy. She could get
her life and enter the afterlife and be united with our ancestors.
spoke and said that we were Royal Brats. He said that our race have
always boasted of being morally superior to the Romans. Yet while we
were in Rome, we have had sex with anything and anyone.
announced that Rome would now see how moral we were. He ordered me to
have sex with my sister.
went through my head. I knew what my sister experienced, and I would not
be part in treating her like a whore or a slut. She was not that, she
was a gift to earth that has been abused, she was a flower. It’s a
shame that the Romans destroyed this gift. I would not allow anyone to
destroy her.
the same time, she moved her lips. I knew what she was saying. She
wanted me to end her misery. To kill her.
picked up a stone. I was crying uncontrollably. But I looked in her face
and the old Fiona I knew was there. She was smiling and said that she
would be forever grateful. She knew how hard this was for me. I was
about to kill the person that meant most everything in my life.
went black when I started hitting her head with the stone. I don’t
know how many times I hit her, but at the end I seen her on the ground.
There was a pool of blood around her. She was dead, but she had a smile
on her face.
could hear the Romans start jeering, and it was obvious that they were
upset. I didn’t care if they were going to lynch me. I was both happy
that my sister was now in paradise and at the same time, I was mourning.
Her love and compassion could have made the world a better place.
crowd was not mad at me. They were mad at Caesar, as they realized what
has happened. We have shown love far more important than the sex and
perverse life in Rome. We have shown them true love
everything paused. My full memory came back. I remembered that this was
a punishment from St Peter, I was a pedophile in my life and this was
part of his way telling me how wrong I was.
appeared, “ You decided to kill your sister. That is a sacrifice that
I call true love. Yet when you lived on earth, you would not have
hesitated to rape her. You would have fucked her long and hard.
have now seen that adults can abuse children, make children believe that
it is their own faults, manipulate children that they were born to be
sex objects,
did this yourself. You did the same to your victims.”
Everything was black around me. I was in a tunnel. I could see shooting
stars flash by me. I was flying through this time tunnel thinking That
Peter finally forgave and was saving me. I was no longer a Roman slave,
and I was back in through this time Tunnel.
opened my eyes.
stood in this medieval town outside some castle gates. I looked down. I
was a poor girl around 10 years old. Before me stood this girl that
looked identical to me. She had a great dress on, and it was obvious
that she was a princess. She told me to trade clothes with her. My memory of who I really was slowly disappeared and I remembered that I was a poor girl and met the princess. She wanted to go out and meet her kingdom. I remember the deal that we made; I would be a princess for a week. My old memories were going away and I remembered this was a punishment. Did I not hear this story sometime before