Back to Hell - Cave Girl



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This is his first visit. Our pedophile said that its OK to molest children because it always has been done. Now he finds out if it is OK to molest a cave girl, especially when he is the cave girl.


This story was written as an adult fantasy. The author does not condone the described behavior in real life in anyway shape or form.

Back to Hell

Part II

Cave Girl


Go to part one (Click here)

Everything was black around me. I was in a tunnel. I could see shooting stars flash by me. I was flying through this tunnel thinking of the trial with Saint Peter where he said I was a pedophile and my hell would be the hell that I have to many children. I didn’t understand what hell he was talking about. For the first time in my life, I was afraid. I was afraid of what was happening to me.

I hit the ground

When I woke up, I was lying on the ground. I blew at long hair that was covering my nose. I was freezing. The ground was so hard to lie on. I looked down. I was naked except this thin piece of deerskin around my pussy. What? My pussy? I looked over my body. My boobs were just large nipples and there was no hair on my pussy. I was a little girl.

Looking around again, I could see that I was sleeping in a cave. Not only was I a girl, I was a cave girl. Peter sent me back to the cave ages.

I got up and walked around the cave. People were huddled against each other. The men looked strong and very big. They looked like bodybuilders but very hairy. They also snored a lot.

The women on the other had looked like they were from Africa. They had just deerskin or some other type of skin that didn’t cover much, and it looked like they didn’t care. They looked a lot older than they actually were. Pre-historic times were much harder than the modern day, and make up was not invented yet.

The girls and boys just had some Tarzan like cloth on. The same as me. The problem with the girls is that that their tits were not covered, and you could see their privates below. Funny I didn’t become aroused and wanted to have one big orgy right there and then. This was most likely because I was a girl. I was about 9 years old. It didn’t make me feel funny when I seen the boys either, I just thought they were gross.

The outside of the cave looked like it was a scout camp. There were deerskin and other types of skin all over the place, as well as a fire in the middle of it with glowing wood. In one corner of the camp, I saw a pile of bones.

I walked up to the fire and started warming my hands. I was so cold after sleeping on the dirty floor. But this woman, who I instinctively knew she was my Mum, told me to go to the pond and get washed. I walked instinctively down to the pond. There were a few other children they’re bathing naked. I looked down in the water. I had long brown curl hair and was quite small for my age. If I were my former self, I would think that I was extremely hot. Obviously the most beautiful girl there.

The thing was when I looked at the other girls, I didn’t feel like raping them and I didn’t see them as a sexual object. It was now that I had respect for the verdict of Saint Peter. A big lust has been lifted from me. I can now enjoy being a human without thinking of lust and desire. I can play and enjoy life. I can be a child, even though it was back in the cave ages. What would I do without TV?

Wow, I noticed every second that went by, I was beginning to think more and more like a child.

The other children and I went back to the camp, where everyone was sitting around and eating some mush from wooden bowls.

We had to sit in a circle. The Mush tasted like burnt mush. It must be the same as Oliver Twist tasted, and it needed sugar. But I suppose they had no sugar at that stage. I had a problem eating because we had to keep the bowl on our knee, and I was very conscience that people were looking between my legs. I knew that my nipples were sort of big, and at least they didn’t come out. But I saw some of the older men look between my legs if they were open. So I tried closing them as much as possible. I thought they were pervs. Think that I used to be like them.

After breakfast we had to do some chores. The young boys were practicing hunting and the girls were washing food and making some sort of flour. At one stage this boy came by me and pinched one of my nipples. I told him to fuck off. He called me the hairless princess, and said he hoped the chief’s horn would make me a woman soon. I didn’t have a clue to what he was saying, but laughed. I was probably the first person in history that used that curse.

After some lunch, which was some half raw meat, I felt like walking around. I started exploring the cave; it was interesting that these people slept in a cave. Think if they saw what a bed was, or a TV, or a kitchen. They would all get heart attacks. Luxury for them was some leaves on the ground that they used as a bed.

On the wall I saw that there was someone that started drawing some animals. They looked cool enough. It reminded me of an art museum. I remembered the books I read where people would see these pictures thousands of years later. So I decided that I would fool St. Peter.

I took some chalk and started drawing the Mona Lisa. OK, My Mona Lisa was not as nice as the real Mona Lisa. But if this picture lasted a few thousand years, people would that that De Vinci ha stolen the idea from me. In no time, I forgot that I was pretty much naked with a piece of deerskin that was the smallest mini dress I ever did see.

As I was drawing my Mona Lisa, I suddenly felt a hand raise my deer skirt and touch my bum. I tried to pull away, but the other hand held me there. I could hear a voice and recognized it as the voice of the chief’s son.

“ What are you doing? You know that you are not to draw on the wall, and you are not to draw people. You will steal someone’s soul. You will be punished for this. Do not move away from me. I will not defile your baby pussy. That will be later. I will just play with your butt. I know you will like it.”

I said nothing. I was so afraid. His finger suddenly and aggressively went into my ass, and he started finger fucking me. I tried to pull away but he just held me close. He kept telling me that he loved new flowers and he was so happy that the Clans slut would soon be his.

I didn’t think much about this, but could feel his fingernails scratch the inside of my ass. Tears were rolling down my eyes. Images of all the girls that I have molested and cried to my delight flew past my mind. I didn’t moan or grunt like a slut would. I tried to close my legs and beg him to stop. It took him a long time before he would.

After he was done, he took his cock. I was afraid what he wanted me to do with that. I felt a sigh of relief when he started pissing on the painting. Destroying my work of art. Then he turned suddenly when he was pissing and started pissing in my face. He told me that this would wash any evil spirits out of me that was there because I was painting something forbidden. The piss smelled strong and I could hardly breath, as some of it went into my mouth.

He dragged me by my neck and led me outside. Everyone gathered around while he told them what I have done. They all frowned at me. He removed my deerskin. This was embarrassing, as I stood there naked. I was no slut. This punishment that Peter have given me has made me a girl, and in many ways, I was innocent as a girl. Despite what I did with them before I met Peter. No doubt if I would have been drooling if I me as a girl in this life. However, it was now me that was the girl. I tried to cover my privates, but everyone just stared anyhow,

The chief came and started getting mad at me. He said that I had to learn my place. I was not allowed to draw humans, and because I was a girl, I was not allowed to draw. I had my chores to do and my duties to men, as well as taking care of my body. This was so sexist that I felt like shouting at him that girls could draw just as well as boys.

I didn’t get the chance; he put me over his knee and held me there

WACK. This surprised me and I taught civilization a new swearing word.

WACK WACK. I clinched my teeth thinking this was so humiliating. Everyone was seeing me get spanked.

WACK. Tears were coming to my eyes. This was now starting to sting me and embarrassing.

WACK. Tears were flowing from my eyes as I seen the other children close their eyes every time I got one.

WACK WACK: Ok, now I was crying. I was no longer brave.

WACK: This man really liked doing this. Pain and tears were running down my cheeks, as I knew that I would never draw again.

The Chief stood up, and I knelt down and said quietly that I was sorry. He didn’t smile. I bet his hand hurt. He told me as a punishment for me and the pleasure of others, that I would be naked for the rest of the day. This bought more tears to my eyes. I felt like begging him, but I was afraid of him. If I begged, he would just spank me again.

I went over to my Mom that was stitching some skin. I laid my head on her shoulder and asked her did she still love me. She said yes, but hope that I have learnt something. She said when she was my age, she started eating before the hunters, and this was also forbidden. She got the same punishment as me. I felt sorry for her, and thought that all these regulations and rules were a bit stupid.

Suddenly I saw a naked girl that was about 11. She was also naked. I was going to ask what she did. But decided not to push my luck. I was also concerned with all the boys and men that came by me. You could see that they all started developing hardones, when they could see my pussy exposed to them. Of course, I knew what they wanted to do. I just smiled at them, as nothing was unusual.

This girl, that was called Bitch, of all names, was walking around. Then this dog came to her and stood in her way. Instead of telling the mutt to scoot, she just went on her arms and legs. In the middle of the camp, we could all see the dog lick her pussy. She was groaning with some tears in her eyes. I just stared and was totally in shock. Here I was afraid of being naked and this girl was letting a dog lick her. How gross was that.

The show wasn’t over, and the dog suddenly climbed her. I could see that his cock was about to enter her pussy. The poor girl. Not bad enough having a cock inside her, but a dogs cock, and everyone staring. You could see that she could hardly kneel there as the dog was fucking her for all that he was worth. This was making me feel warm and tickly inside, and I felt like playing with my own pussy. The girl was both shouting that it hurt, then she would shout go faster, then she would shout that she loves him. She loves a dog??? The thing was that some people walked by as if nothing was unusual. And some just called at her asking how was her life as a bitch? Suddenly, you could see a relief in her face; obviously the dog gave her all his sperm. The dog turned around, but the cock was still knotted in her.

Mum looked at me and said, “ Her boyfriend will stay there for a long time. She was a very popular girl, and was supposed to marry a hunter. But she said no, and then she was told that if she didn’t want to be a loyal and faithful wife to a hunter that can provide for her, she could be the dog’s bitch. That’s what happens when you say no. Remember this, my dear one.”

How unfair. Women and girls had no rights in this cave society. Have they never heard about the United Nations human rights? I suppose not, that would not come for thousands of years. Despite this, I thought what rights did I give to girls when I raped them in my earlier life.

OK Peter, I have learnt my lesson. Take me back now!

Later, the Chief called my family deep in the cave. That’s why my Dad was home early from hunting. We walked to the back of the cave, it was a bit dark and you could see the water dripping down the walls. We kneeled before the chief. His son was there. He must have been about 20, but looked like he was 40. He looked scary.

“ It is about time you give your daughter to my son.” The chief said

“ Yes, 9 seasons has gone. She looks like a girl yet.”

“ My son will give her the medicine crème of womanhood that he has in his cock, and she will be a woman. As princess, she will deliver the future chief of this clan”

“We agree, let the ceremony start tomorrow”

What, get married? To that monster? I was only 9 years old and he wanted me as his wife. Was the idiot so insecure that he couldn’t find someone his own age? This was wrong. Nine year olds should not get married.

Then I remembered what happened to the girl that said no to the hunter, and I had no intention of being any dog’s girlfriend. I didn’t answer. I just spread my legs so he could see my pussy. Maybe if he seen it was a little one, without any hair, that he think of someone his own age.

However the chief looked and smiled, “ You bride is showing her baby jewels to you. She is presenting her body to you as your own sex toy and her mind as your wife. This is a great day for us all. Let the presentation start tomorrow at dawn and at evening the ceremony and gratitude to the Gods”

That night, I slept with my parents. Mums tit made a perfect pillow, but I sure did miss a mattress. Sleeping on a floor was no easy thing, and no wonder why the older people looked like they were grandparents, Eventhough they were only 20 or 30. A bath wouldn’t harm them either. It was hard to sleep, because you could hear some people moaning and groaning. It was obvious what they were doing, but doing it while others could hear it and even see it in the shade of the moonlight? That was a bit too much. But after all the events of today, I feel asleep. I did remember to pray to God, asking for forgiveness for my past life, and saying that I now understood. Maybe he would save me.

He did not. The next morning; I woke up on the same dirty floor. Mum said that we had to get prepared for the presentation. We went down to the cold water with a few other women. They started washing me over. They washed my hair with some creamy milk they got from some tree. They explained that it would make my hair clean and smell good. OK, this was not that bad. Mum was telling me of what a wife should do. It was hard to concentrate, as I was watching the woman rub me with flowers and feeling them fix my hair. I did understand the main just of what Mum said. It was my job to be my husband’s slut and do what ever he said. How hard can that be to remember? Remembering is one thing, complying is another thing.

We were lead to the camp, and there was a pole in the middle of it. It was decorated with these white flowers. It looked so pretty. For a short moment, I was getting interested in getting married

I did say for a short moment. Before I knew what was happening, they tied me to the pole on my knees. Then they removed my deer mini skirt and once again I was naked for the whole world to see. Good job there was no TV, otherwise they would have broadcasted this.

Mum looked at my confused face and explained, “ You will now be presented to the whole camp. They have to see what the Chiefs son is getting. This will make your status higher, as they will be jealous of him. They will feel you and bless you with their cream of life.” Cream of life? That’s a nice way to describe it. I would call it group molestation.

The first man that came was the chief, He started feeling my hair and saying that it was very soft, and it was the best hair he seen on any child bride before. In fact, he wished that I would be his child bride.

Then he felt my pussy. I couldn’t move away, and just closed my eyes as his fingers probed it. He started finger fucking me, and despite the strange feelings of pain and also the nice feelings, I was doing my best to keep my tears back. He was telling me that I would make a good cum whore for my husband, and he would love to see it. I am sure that he would.

He stood up and told me that it was honour to bless me with his seed of life. Again, I thought I am sure it’s an honour for him, but he didn’t ask me what I thought. He took his cock and started pointing it towards my mouth. It was big and smelled a bit like piss. I was a bit slow to understand what he wanted, Eventhough I forced many girls to do this in my past life. He had no patience; he took me from the back of my head and forced it in. I was suddenly afraid. I felt like throwing up. My teeth scratched his cock and he jerked my hair a bit saying to be careful of my hair. The cock went in and I could feel it touching the inside of my cheek. Then he started fucking my mouth while I struggled to breath. It felt so hot and warm, that after a while, I felt like I was there forever. The worse thing is that there were people standing around saying that I was a born whore. If I weren’t tied up, they wouldn’t say that!

I felt this salty and very thick sperm that was like snot in my mouth. Some went down my throat while I let the rest of it flow out. This didn’t please the chief as he explained that I had to swallow the seed of life. Some men are hard to please, but I just smiled and said that I will try my best. The chief smiled after hearing the audience say that I was a good cocksucker.

I wanted to ask my mum for a drink, but this went on all day. Men would come up to me and I would suck them and at the end I would eat their cum. I felt like there were liters of cum in my stomach at the end of the day. I had enough seeds of life to populate all of Asia. Not that they even knew where Asia was.

My mouth was tired, and so was my pussy. It was both tired and it hurt. I felt like that I could sleep for a few days. But was that part of Peters Punishment? No!

The wedding ceremony started in the evening. There was a lovely sunset, and the holy priest said that this was a good sign from the Gods. I wished it would rain, then it might wash some of the dried off cum that was on my stomach.

I stood there once again naked. I heard two old women commenting on my body, that I still had the body of a 6 year old. But I doubt that they would do anything to save me from this marriage.

A few words were said, and we were married. There was some dancing around the fire. I suppose you could say it was an earlier Indian dance. I was allowed to have a rug around me because it was getting so cold.

Then the chief’s son stood up and lifted me as if I was a little baby. He carried me into the cave and laid me on some fresh leaves and flower petals. It was so soft. Then he took off whatever clothes he had on. He really did look like a bear. This was not love. It was lust.

Slowly he started kissing my cheek, saying how blessed he was to have such a goddess as a wife. I wished that I could have a better-looking husband, maybe in 20 years. His kissing continued to he started thrusting his tongue in my mouth. It felt like a huge slimy worm. I was like a statue. I was afraid and I hated that he was molesting me. I hated him because he was a pedo. I don’t think they even knew what a pedo was back then.

He started kissing my small nipples, and this felt nice. I let out a few moans as he caressed them with his tongue.

His tongue worked his way down to my pussy. At first I clamped my legs, but he spread them and started licking my pussy. It was like a bolt of electricity hit me. I was so confused. I remembered the dog licking that girl, and the dog looked nearly better than this man. At the same time, there were electricity bolts going up my body and I was moving my head, wishing that he would stop and at the same time continue. I didn’t understand anything. Deep down I knew what he was doing, but the girlish innocence in my was saying that I was not ready for this.

Then he lifted my legs up. I started praying to Peter to get me out of here. His cock rubbed up and down my pussy and I knew that Peter would not rescue me. I closed my eyes and waited and this wait was the most horrifying time that I had experienced so far. I could feel the head of his cock ram into my pussy, and I let out a scream that cave people miles away could hear. He told me that I was no longer a virgin, and I felt like saying no kidding. But didn’t have the energy as he started fucking me. It felt as if he was tearing me apart. There was no room in my body for his cock. It had the other stuff like stomach and liver. They took up the entire place in the body.

But no matter how much I screamed and cried, he just continued. “ You will learn to enjoy this, my cum whore, my child whore, my cocksucker, my cum depot. I don’t know why you are complaining, as I am not all the way in. You are not big enough for that yet.”

Your darn right, I am not big enough for any of this I thought as I felt his thick warm rod squeeze in and out of my pussy. Then I felt something warm, and I knew that he was now cumming in me. He stayed there for a bit and then withdrew.

He put the deerskin over me and had his big huge hand on my nipple, playing with it. Soon he was snoring and I was lying there with cum around my legs, and sore as hell. That’s right. This was hell. Then it hit me. I told St Peter that having sex was fine, because it was done throughout history. Then I thought that it hurt a child thousands of years ago than it hurts them now.

And did I ever think of this when I molested all the girls in my previous life,

Suddenly, Everything was black around me. I was in a tunnel. I could see shooting stars flash by me. I was flying through this tunnel thinking That Peter finally heard me and was saving me. I was no longer a cave girl, and I was back in this time Tunnel.

I opened my eyes

I was on a carriage, once again tied to a pole. I looked down and could see that I was wearing a white tunic. I had long hair once again that went to my shoulders. But I could feel that I was no longer a girl. I was a boy. A young boy, I must have been around 11 years old.

I tried to look behind, even though it was hard. I could see a young girl that was also tied to a pole. She was about 9. Instinctively I knew she was my sister.

I could see soldiers marching in front of me with huge banners. The people were cheering, but something told me that they were not cheering at me. After all I was tied up.

In front of me, I could see this huge white courthouse like building. It was there I realized where I was

Peter did not save me. He sent me to Rome

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