Back to Hell - Peters Verdict



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This is a new fairyboi series. A pedophile dies and is being judged. He has to answer for the many pedo things he has done in his life. The judgment is the reason for this series. If this was you, would you have a clean heart or get the same as him?   


This story was written as an adult fantasy. The author does not condone the described behavior in real life in anyway shape or form.

Back to Hell

Part I

Peters Verdict

I was a man that was respected in my life. I had a wife and children that have grown up to be very successful. I had a good marriage. I had a good job. I was financially secure. It was time to retire and enjoy the last years of my life.

I was just after celebrating my retirement at the hotel with some girl I paid to come and pleasure me

I was now going to my wife. There was no sex life left. It was just a friendship. She knew I had affairs, she just didn’t know how young my affairs were. Or if she did, she turned a blind eye towards my many young lovers. I smiled, as I thought no work to disturb me now. No pressures. I can just devote all my time to my secret lusts.

My mind was in a daydream, thinking about the future ahead of me. The suddenly I felt a pain that I never felt before and everything went black and so silent. There was no pain and there were no feelings. It was only blackness.

The next thing I knew was that was sitting on a huge cloud. I was on a chair and all I could see below were blue skies. Ahead of me was an old man with a white beard and a white robe. He was sitting behind his own desk. Behind him were two golden gates. OK, this is just too much. It is like you would see in a Hollywood film. I pinched myself and that hurt. I tried to get of the chair, but the man with the beard said in a loud voice:

Saint Peter (P): My name is Peter. I wouldn’t stand up if I were you. It’s a long way down. Let me explain what is happening. You are dead. It is my job to see if you are going to heaven or if you are going to hell. You will notice that there is a TV on the cloud over there. This is evidence and will show some events in your life.

Me (M): How did I die?

P: When you were thinking of little girls, a bus drove over you.

M: How unoriginal.

P: Yes. Well now your dead, and looking over your life, things do not look good.

M: I was a responsible human being. I went to Church, raised a family, paid my taxes and gave money to charity.

P: Do you think that Child molesters get into heaven?

M: I doubt it

P: But are you are a pedophile.

M: I wouldn’t say that

P: Then what are you?

M: I love children

P: You know what I think. I think you are a child molester and a pedophile. You should be burnt in hell.

M: No. I don’t think I am. I just love children

P: There is a difference between lust and love. You might as well admit that you are a pedophile. It will make your death much easier, at least easier for me.

M: I don’t want to go to hell. I will only admit that I loved children.

P: Then lets look at one of the last child you loved


The TV screen turned on. It showed me sitting in my office. I was a talent agent for children. You could say that this was heaven in itself. I could be together with children every day. I could manipulate them and their fame struck parents to do anything with and make the excuse that it is the price of fame.

The screen showed an 8-year-old girl with her mother. Her mother was some posh woman without the money to be posh. The daughter was a shy little girl with nothing special about her. She did not have that special factor that would make her noticed. This was a girl that I could love.

The TV screen showed that she was sitting in my office. I told the mother that we would have to take a photo shot, and this meant that she had to wait outside. The mother not being suspicious of anything told her daughter to do what ever I wanted. I loved when parents said that.

We went into the photo room. I told her to put some thongs on. You can see that she was very uncomfortable with these thongs on. Especially when it had the word slut in the front. I don’t know if she knew what it meant, she most likely heard it, and knew it was rude. But didn’t know what it meant. She would soon learn.

I had her sitting on the bed with her legs far apart. She had no top on, as she was flat as the day she was born. At the start she tried hiding them as the pictures were being taken. This was so cute. Afterwards, she noticed that the thongs were a bit baggy in the front and I could see her pussy. Without complaining, she tried to cover everything. But she only had two hands. She hardly knew where to put her hands.

I turned the video on and went to her bed where I started caressing her. The tears started coming to her eyes as she pleased in a small voice to stop. I ignored her and started feeling her all over. The more I did it, the more she started crying. The baby I thought, she had to learn how to be loved.

I quickly tore of her thongs, and she was naked as the day she was born. She just lied back on the bed and tried to cover her face in shame. I took out my dick, and looked over at the camera to see if it was one.

Then I just lifted her legs over my shoulder, and said being a model means lots of hard work. It started here. Many people would be happy for this video and she would be a famous lolita. But she was to keep this a secret otherwise she would never get famous and her mum would hate her. This usually worked.

Her legs were over my legs, and being eight, she had no clue what I was about to do. But when I plunged my dick in her baby cunt, she knew. It tore through her virginity and buried deep into her. She cried and screamed, saying that I should leave her alone, and it hurt so much. I just told her to shut up. She would learn to love it. She was so tight that it was unbelievable. I could feel her muscles surrounding my cock, and I could hear her cries. I was in my own world. Before I could cum, I pulled out of her. I opened her mouth and thrust my cock into her mouth so she can taste my cock mixed with her cunt juice and a bit of blood. This was too much. I spermed in her mouth and she looked like she would vomit. She started to spit it out. Tears and her face looked like she lost her soul.

I cleaned her up and said to remember not to tell anyone. Amazingly she did not bleed that much, but she would be in pain for days.

P: You remember that girl, don’t you?

M: Yes

P: What was her name?

M: I don’t remember.

P: Yes, there were so many children you had to show your love to. Her name was Molly. She didn’t love you. She didn’t enjoy being raped. On the way out she told her Mum that she didn’t want to be famous. Your rape will stick with her for the rest of her life. Is this what you call love?

M: Listen, maybe I did molest her. But my childhood was not that happy. That’s where I learnt that children could be loved.

P Yes, Is that what you remember, that some nice man loved you. Lets turn back the time and see what you really experienced:


The TV was on once again. I could see myself on a scout weekend. I was 7 years old- Wow, I looked very small. I forgot all about the innocence and joy I felt as a child. I remembered this day. I was in the forest looking at spider webs; they were so cool and so beautiful. I was thinking that humans couldn’t make them, and think they were so delicate, but could kill insects and everything.

Then Sam, who was a middle-aged scout leader came up and stood behind me. He was telling me about spiders and other insects. Suddenly I could feel his hand on the back of my shorts. He was rubbing up and down. It felt nice, but it also felt wrong. I wanted him to remove his hand and leave me alone. He couldn’t hear my thoughts and the next thing I knew was that his hand was in my shorts.

He found my ass, which he called boy pussy. I didn’t understand what this meant, but I knew that it hurt when he put his finger in my ass, I felt sick. He was sticking his finger there where my shit came out.

He kept on telling me how a nice faggot I was. What was a faggot? Why was he doing that with my butt? Did he not know that it hurt? Did he not care that I was asking him to stop and I was crying.

He told me turn around and all I could see was his long dick that looked like a big huge snake. I didn’t have that much time to look at it because he shoved it in my mouth. He told me not to bite and said to pretend it was a Lollypop. I was nearly choking to death and once again wondered did he see the humiliation and pain in my eyes. Did he not hear my muffles so he would stop? Obviously he didn’t because all he said was, that’s it. I knew you were gay….. You’re such a cocksucker… that’s it…. You like it…. If you don’t like it, I don’t care…. I’m cumming now.

He peed the white stuff in my mouth. It was so thick and salty. I felt like I was going to vomit. I spat and spat, trying to get it all out.

He just stood there smiling and said that if I ever told anyone. They would know I was gay.

P: Did he love you?

M: No you can see that. He was a perv. He was a molester.

P: In fact you sucked him many times and you became his fuck toy?

M: Yes

P: So what is the difference between you and him? You both molested children!

M: I do not molest boys. I do love girls. That makes me a child lover. Not a child molester.

P: I call a child lover a pedophile, and someone that rapes children is a molester. When children are in pain and do not want to have sex, then they are being raped. Do you remember the first girl that you “ loved”?

M: No

P: Well most people remember they were in love. Then again you have been in “love” with many. Lets remind you of your first love. In fact, there was just not one girl. There were two girls.


I was 19, and there were two twins that just moved next to me. I got a hard on every time I seen them. They looked like the Olsen twins. I spoke to them quite often and I would get an extra hard on when we spoke or when they smiled. I was sure that they liked me. They were both 7. I knew they weren’t my age, but I loved them.

I had a plan

Christmas eve, I waited until their parents were in bed. Then I snuck up to the parent’s room. I went in very slowly and then put a chloroform bottle I found at home under their noses. I was afraid the one would wake up while I did the first one, so I knocked out their father first, and then their mother. If the house fell, they would not wake up.

I was wearing a Santa uniform and found their room. They were delighted that I was there. They didn’t recognize me. They were asking for their presents.

“ I have a present for you, but it’s only something that I give to very special girls.”

“ What is it?”

“ Its some cream that I make. I put this cream into you and when you have this cream in you, it means that you are my girls and next year you get the best presents.”

“ Cream tastes good. But how does it come out of you.”

“ You have to take off your clothes.

“ No then you will see us naked”

“ I said take off your clothes or you will be on my naughty list forever”

They slowly took off their clothes and I could see why I loved them. They were so sexy. I told them that they could start by kissing each other. First they looked at each other as if they would say no way. Then they thought that Santa told me. They started kissing, I told them to use their tongues and explore each other’s mouths. This was so new for them. They thought it gave them nice feelings as well as forbidden feelings. I lay down and started licking one girl’s pussy while my other finger was fingering the other one. The first one laughed a bit and said my beard tickled. Then they both asked me to stop because they thought it was gross.

I as just starting. I took the first girl and told her to open her mouth. She was so stupid, she probably thought I was going to take a spoon and put the cream in her mouth. But she must have been shocked when my cock plunged into her mouth and I started fucking it. While I was doing this, I took the second girl by the back of her head and started kissing her. This was what I wanted to do for a long time.

The cockucking girl obviously did not want a cock in her mouth. You could see the tears flowing from her eyes. Her mouth felt good on my cock and the tears didn’t bother me at all. While kissing her slut sister that didn’t even notice the fake beard because she was so afraid and the little sister that was about to become a cum depot, I didn’t care. When my cock touched the back of her throat I knew that this plan was great. These girls would soon become my cum sluts. Within no time, I started cumming in her mouth. Her face looked like she just has tasted lemon. She hated it and started spitting out. I said my ho ho ho and told her that she now was Santa’s favourite girl and she should kiss her sister while I recovered.

You can obviously see that they did not like kissing, especially with the taste of cum in their mouths. This turned me on more and I started to feel my cock go hard once again.

Then I took the second sister and put her on her back. I told her that this might hurt, but it was the only way I could get my cream in her. She closed her mouth as much as she could, thinking I was about to do the same as her sister. Instead I pushed my cock in her pussy, past her virginity. She screamed high. It was good that her parents were out cold. She kept on pleading to me that I should stop, but her crying made these pleas nearly sound like Russian. I started fucking her despite the pain that she was in.

Her little sister had compassion. She started hitting me. I hardly noticed it, as she was still a small girl. Once again I was feeling the soft pussy surrounding my cock. It was so tight that I thought that it would squeeze my cock off. Within no time, I was starting to cum in her. She closed her eyes every time she felt me sperm in her.

P: Do you notice that you never remember the names of the girls?

M: So

P: That what you call love. Those two girls hated Christmas ever since you raped them. Is this love?

M: I thought they would learn to love

P: But they didn’t. In fact they have kept away from any sort of relationship since. They hate anything to do with sex.

M: Is that true

P: Can you tell me any girl that accepted your love for love and not rape?

M: I had a mistress once. She had a daughter that didn’t cry or anything.

P: Yes, you controlled yourself there. You didn’t make her suck you or you didn’t fuck her.

M: I just helped her in bed.

P: She was 11. I am sure that she could have go to bed by herself

M: OK she had nice tits that were just starting to grow, and she had a nice pussy. I bet it wouldn’t hurt if I did fuck her.

P: Listen to yourself. Look at the examples that we have given. Admit that you are a pedophile, a child molester, and a child rapist

M: Maybe

P: admit it, I no longer have patience

M: Ok. I am a pedophile. There have been pedophiles since the beginning of time. Sometimes it has been acceptable in society. You just have to look at the old Greece or some cultures, when it was acceptable. You didn’t hear these cultures complain and threaten with hell. You didn’t see anyone complain about heaven and hell. It was just accepted. Because people now disagree with it, and its unpopular, then it’s a sin!

P: I see you will continue to make excuses for being a pedophile. Let me tell you what you will experience. You will experience hell. Hell is not fire and brimstone. Hell is where you learn the pain that you have given to others. Where you realize the sins that you have done. Where you have to live with these

You will be sent back through history. You will see if being a child that was abused then was good or not. You will see what it feels to be a child. You will experience the hell that you put many children through

Enjoy your hell.

There was blackness once again. I could see shooting stars flash by me; it was like I was going through a huge tunnel. I was flying through this tunnel thinking of the trial. I didn’t understand what hell he was talking about. For the first time in my life, I was afraid. I was afraid of what was happening to me.

I hit the ground

When I woke up, I was lying on the ground. I blew at long hair that was covering my nose. I was freezing. The ground was so hard to lie on. I looked down. I was naked except this thin piece of deerskin around my pussy. What? My pussy? I looked over my body. My boobs were just large nipples and there was no hair on my pussy. I was a little girl.

Looking around again, I could see that I was sleeping in a cave. Not only was I a girl, I was a cave girl. Peter sent me back to the cave ages.

Go to part two (Click here)  

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