Boy Elf



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Santa kidnaps a cute eleven year old - but why? 


This story was written as an adult fantasy. The author does not condone the described behavior in real life in anyway shape or form


Excuse the grammar and spelling mistakes. I do proof read these stories, but English is not that easy. Feel free to edit them and send them to me. .

Boy Elf

Christmas was no less boring when I was 11 then I was 3. But when I was 11, Christmas would turn my life around to where I am today. I am 150 years old. I know you don’t believe me, and I still look like an 11 year old. I will tell you my story. It will show you what the real Christmas spirit is.

I was born in an upper class family in London in the year 1854. London was a dark place, with a lot of despair and poverty. Christmas was a time when people could be optimistic. I never noticed the poor. I had everything that I wanted. Christmas was just a chance when I could get more. I am not saying I was a spoiled and selfish brat. I suppose I was no more and no less spoiled and selfish than the rest of the upper class. I just wanted more clothes, more toys, more books and a lot more than anyone else.

Like any other child, I couldn’t sleep. Father Christmas was coming. I could hear the hooves on the roof if I was quiet enough. I was 11 now. I could stay awake longer than last year. I lied on my back and made my self as uncomfortable as I could be. This year I would see Father Christmas.

It was just after midnight. Everything was so quiet. My eyes were getting very heavy as it was getting so late. Then I heard something that sounded like a crash? Was it Father Christmas? I closed one eye and pretended that I was asleep. Then I heard footsteps all over the place. It was like small children were walking around the floor, on the walls, and even on the ceiling. I waited and waited and then seen the door of my bedroom slowly open. It was my chance to see Father Christmas. Someone came in and it wasn’t an old man with a beard. It was little boys with funny ears. They were wearing tight leggings and red coats and funny long caps. At first I thought that it was because Father Christmas that was too busy to come in with my presents. I think I was a good boy last year. OK, I wasn’t the best boy.

“ Look at him. “ One elf said, “ He is so small and so cute. I am sure that the master would love him to bits.”

“ Yes,” the second one said. “Lets put him in the bag and lets do it quickly. I hate when the newbies fight and scream.”

Before I knew it, they pulled my bed sheets back and lifted me down in one of Father Christmas’ bags. I screamed and shouted after mum and dad, but nothing happened. I didn’t know that the bag was soundproof. I could feel that the bag was lifted through the house. After a bit it was thrown on something. I later learned that it was Father Christmas sleigh.

It seemed like I was in the bag for hours, and at last I feel asleep.

When I woke up, I was in a room. It was like an igloo. It had ice walls. But it wasn’t that cold.  I was tied to a bed. An elf came in. He introduced himself as Cunny. He called for some other elves to come in and take off my clothes. He said I needed the same clothes as the other elves. This mean I now had leggings on, which looked like red tights. I had red pointed boots on as well as a red coat.

Then he took this long thing. It looked like a dick to be honest. He told me to lie down on my stomach. I felt him rubbing my bum. I didn’t know why he was doing it, but it felt nice.  Then I felt something at the entrance of my butt. He said that it was medicine that I would need to live in the North Pole. He told me to spread my legs as far as possible. I did, and as I did this, I felt the strange dick thing go deeper and deeper in my hole. Tears were coming to my eyes because my hole was smaller than the thing that he was putting in me. The Elf just smiled and said I had a nice girlie bum. I spread my legs as far as possible, and could feel that the hard object was going in and out. Mum would be mad if she seen me now. Once she seen my scratch my balls, and she said gentlemen was not to do that in public. Now I was lying on a table letting this small elf fuck me with a thing that looked like a dick. Gentlemen would never be seen here. At the same time it wasn’t my fault. I was kidnapped and tied to a table where this elf was playing with my bum. He kept moving it in and out and I started groaning. Every time he moved it out, I felt like begging him not to stop. I didn’t care if this wasn’t supposed to be done by a gentleman. I didn’t want him to stop. My butt was becoming more and more ticklish. I felt ticklish in my stomach. I think I even had a stiffy at some stage. At the end I felt something squirting in me. It was the medicine. He took the thing out and put it on a table.

I was once again lying on my back. He said that there was only one more thing to do. He took another instrument. It looked like two small frying pans against each other. Then he held out my ear and put it between the two pans. He squeezed. If you ever had an earache, then the pain there was nothing to what I experienced. I could also see his face squinting when he was pressing the ears together. I screamed and cursed. I tried pushing his arm away. I tried getting off that bed. Nothing worked. I could feel my ears get squeezed.  After a few minutes, what seemed like an hour, he stopped.

After I stopped crying, he told me to look in the mirror. I stood on my feet and slowly walked towards the mirror.  I looked at my feet. The boots looked strange. They were ankle boots that were very skinny by my toes. A bit of them went up. Then I could see my legs, hidden behind the leggings that looked more like girl tights. They did nothing to hide the bulge where my cock was. I continued looking up when I seen the coat. It looked like a shiny read plastic coat. The only thoughts that went through my head was that it looked very Christmas like. At last I looked at my face. It was the same old face, but my ears. What have they done with my ears? I had elf ears! I could see that tears started coming to my eyes once again.

“ I think Santa will like you. He likes crybabies.” The elf said, “ Let me introduce myself. I am the doctor of the elves. My name is Cunny.  My job is to keep elves happy and healthy and replace elves. You see every time an elf dies, I have to replace them. When we replace an elf, we kidnap the cutest boy we can find and turn him into an elf. This was done with you. You have been kidnapped. This means you will never see your family again, don’t worry your family will soon forget you. When you came here, you were tied down because some boys think it hurts too much. Sometimes, Santa also likes bondage games with his elves. You were given a medicine up your ass. This medicine means that you will not grow older. You will keep the body of an 11-year-old for the rest of your life, which usually is about 400 years. You will also notice that your cock doesn’t work. You are a sub-elf. Sub-elves do not have a cock that works. When we kidnap older boys, we make them to the older-elves. Their cock’s works. You will have three jobs here. The first is to help make presents. The second is to keep the older-elves happy. They might want you to suck them or they might want to fuck you. The third job is if you are lucky. You will be the lucky cunt that Santa will use. He loves little elves, and you are one of the cutest I ever seen,”

The doctor left and let me stand there looking in the mirror. I looked like I had girl’s legs with the tights on. Look at my ears. This was not good news. I would be spending the next 400 years as Santa’s slave. On top of that, I was to make the older elves happy, and even Santa.

I was told to go to room 666; it was about time to get my training done. I walked quite slowly. When I found the room, I stood outside it. I was afraid to go in. What was the training? Why couldn’t I ho home to my parents? I just stood there and knew when I walked in; it would change my life forever.

The door opened slowly. Then I could see an older elf. It was true they were small but they had small beards and looked older. It was then I fully realized that I would never grow a beard. I would look like a little boy for the rest of my life. There was something about the old elf. He looked quite familiar. He looked like Sam that went missing before.

“ Come in her boy” He said, “ I know you and I know your family. You were a rich lad! Don’t worry. You will own nothing here. It is me and Santa Clause that owns you”

“ Are you Sam?”

“ I was Sam. Now I am an old elf. I do not want to go back as I have lots of fun here. Come and stand before me”

I sat. I wanted to go home. Sam could see a tear running down my face. He said usually the boy-elves wanted to go home. It was not as fun being a boy-elf, because our cocks didn’t work and our job was to service others. We were to make sure that Santa and the older elves were satisfied. It was one of Santa’s tricks to never have a strike in the North Pole.

As I stood there, Sam put his hand under my coat. He was feeling my stomach and breast. His hands were so warm and kind, it was like being massaged. I let out a nice groan. If this was servicing an older elf, then so be it. One of his hands pulled down my tights. He had a full view of my cock and bum. Sam wasted no time in rubbing my bum. He started on the outside and slowly worked his way in towards my hole. Then I felt his finger go in. I spread my legs as I was standing. I asked him also to stop. I was not gay. This was so gay what he was doing to me. Eventhough it was gay, it felt so good. It made my insides feel like ticklish and my legs started to shake. Then he told me to go on my knees. I could see that his cock was out. It was facing my eyes. I knelt there for a few minutes, as I did not know what to do. I could see a drop of something pushing its way out of the slit. It looked like a little bubble. I don’t know why I did it, but I licked it off with my tongue. I continued licking the top of his cock. I didn’t notice that more and more of his cock was gong in my mouth. Pretty soon, I realized that this was also gay, and I was now a cocksucker. I didn’t mind though. I figured if I did a good job he would say something good to Santa, and I might be normal again. The cock felt so stiff in my mouth. I had to be careful not to put it too deep in my mouth otherwise I would gag. After a while, he shouted that he was about to squirt. I pulled my head back, and his sperm flew into my face. Lucky enough, I closed my eyes. But my face was a right mess after he just squirted all over it.

I left Sam and went to the workshop; there were so many toys. There were so many parts that had to be put together as a toy: As I was making all these toys, I thought about the fact that I was making these for all the children across the world. Think how lucky I was, I am the only one that was cute enough to be kidnapped. I was no longer a child. I was an elf.

I think I made at least 400 toys when Sam called me again. This time he told me to take off my clothes. I slowly took off my clothes, once in a while looking at Sam that had bigger and bigger eyes. When my clothes were off, he got a wild look in his eyes and sprang on top of me. He started kissing me all over and saying how cute I was. When his tongue went in my mouth, I tried pulling back because I couldn’t breath, But I relaxed as I knew that his tongue was just exploring the inside of my mouth. His hands were all over my body. He wet his finger and circled my nipples. Then he kissed my bellybutton and moved his way down to my hole. I thought it was disgusting when he started licking my butt hole, but it felt so nice when he did. I whispered that he shouldn’t stop. I wanted him to lick me there for a long time. Then I realized what I was saying. I was telling another boy to continue, I was telling him that he could be gay with me. This was a sin. I was not gay. Sam didn’t think twice, he just lifted my legs over his shoulder and told me that this was the fun bit. He warned me that it would hurt the first time, but remember that he loved it and I soon would love it. I was wondering what he was talking about. Then I found out. He aimed his cock at my hole and slowly pushed it in. I screamed and cried in pain. Sam was right, it did hurt. It hurt as much as fuck, in fact that was what he was doing to me. Sam was fucking me! Slowly it went in. I could feel ever centimeter of his cock when it went in, and slowly it went out. It was a relief when he went out. However, the longer that he did it, the more I missed his cock in me when it went out. When he moved his cock out, I moved my ass towards him. I wanted it in me forever. I knew that this was gay, and I knew that I was nothing more than a faggot. It didn’t last forever, as he soon put his cum in me.

After I laid on the bed looking at the ice ceiling and thinking of what just has happened. I knew that Sam loved me and he would always protect me. But I was still getting used to being an elf. Making toys and having sex. I suppose there are millions of boys that would love to do this.

On my way back to the toy factory, I was called over to the big office. I recognized Santa inside the office. He told me to come over and sit on his knee.

“ I hope you don’t mind being kidnapped,” He said

“ No, it’s just that I will miss my parents”

“ I know. But let’s face it; you were a spoiled rich child that got everything you wanted. You most likely would have grown up to be a grumpy old man that just wanted money and more money”

“ Maybe”

“ You are liked here for who you are. Each elf has a nickname, and I hear that they are calling you cutie. The other elves thinks that you are the cutest elf that they ever seen. Do you know what this means?”

“ It means that I will get a lot of sex.”

“ Are you a faggot, cutie?”

I decided not to answer that. Instead I moved my mouth to Santa’s mouth. I started nibbling his bottom lip. The old man started groaning right there and I could feel a lump under me growing. I was now doing the same as what Sam taught me, I was sticking my tongue in his mouth. I could feel his hands venture under my clothes. He was feeling me all over while I kissed him. He whispered that he loved my smooth skin. I stood up. He looked like he was disappointed that I stopped.

But I didn’t. I started to dance in a seductive way, while I did this, I would take off some clothing until I was dancing in front of him totally naked. Every time he reached towards me, I would move back. I could see the lump in his trousers was now a big tent. I was proud of myself. I was making Santa, who was a true pedophile lust and want me. I moved towards him and pulled down his red trousers. His cock was not that big. It was about 14 cm. A pedo cock. I slowly started licking the top of it and then the sides. While I was doing this I looked at him with a smile in my eyes, so he thought that I liked it. Then slowly I started going deeper and deeper. The common feeling of a cock was once again in my mouth. But this time, the cock was an old man. I sucked him for a few minutes and then suddenly stopped.

He looked disappointed as I stopped. But I started kissing him as I lowered my boypussy to his cock. I had to stop kissing as I felt it enter me. I moaned and smiled at him. Then I started slowly riding him, and then started going quicker and quicker. I loved the idea of his cock going up and down and closed my eyes again thinking of Sam. I could look down and see the bulge in my stomach every time that it went in. Within no time he started squirting in me.


He was exhausted after the sex, and we laid in each other’s arms. I was now Santa’s slut. I promised myself that one day everyone would know that he was a pedophile, and his reputation would be ruined.  

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