Believe the Little Girl



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A family moves in a new house. A girl is slowly introduced to the life as a whore for the ghosts that live there 


This story was written as an adult fantasy. The author does not condone the described behavior in real life in anyway shape or form.

Believe the Little Girl


Day one

The House was huge. It had so many bedrooms that I thought I would need a map to find my way around the house. I ran up and down the hallways, they were so long. You could also skate on them; the floors were wooden and shiny. I bet it took ages for them to be polished.

Mum told me that I could pick my own room from the West Wing. I looked at all the rooms and found one that was pink, and had these huge white curtains that went all the way to the floor. It had an old fashioned bed with 4 posts that nearly went to the ceiling. It looked exactly like a princess room. I shouted to Mum that I wanted this to be my room. Mum laughed and said that she won a bet with Dad that I would pick this room.


The next day was the first day in my new school. It was a posh school where all the others were rich. We all wore uniforms and the other children spoke with a posh accent. If it were my old school, they would have been teased.

“ Hello, what’s your name?” This girl asked me

“ Shannon” I said. Oops, I forgot to tell you all that my name is Shannon and I am 9 years old.

The others girls name was Hannah. She told me which teachers were nice and which ones were evil. I would soon enough find out. She also told me which girl in the class was a plastic girl and which girl was normal.

As you guessed, Hannah liked talking, and she talked a lot. She even told me that the house we lived in was haunted. I think she must be crazy.


At dinner time, I said, “Mum and Dad, did you know that people thinks that this is haunted. “ I said

“ How silly” said Dad

“ Did you see any ghosts?” Mum asked.

I said no. I explained that it was Hannah at school that said that the house is haunted. Then my Dad said that there is no such thing as a haunted house. He said the house is an old manor house from 1500. The richest man in town built it. In fact the man that built this house owned the whole town. It was said that he was a miser and treated everyone bad. He sounded a bit scary. His name was Sir Smudge. It is a good thing that he was dead now!


Later that night, I was in my new room getting undressed. I only had my panties on when suddenly I gasped. It was like something was rubbing them. I closed my eyes. I was both afraid and felt strange at the same time. It was like I had butterflies in my stomach and pussy. But what was doing it? It really felt like a hand rubbing up and down. I spread my legs. It felt like it was the natural thing to do. Then I opened my eyes. In the mirror I could see an old man with long hair. I rushed to my bed and put on my nightdress under the sheets. Was it an old man I seen in the mirror. What was that feeling on my pussy? Was it the man in the mirror that was doing it? As my own hand was shaking as it now felt my pussy, I peaked over the sheets and looked into the mirror.

There was no man.


Day two

Despite the fact that I thought I seen a man in the mirror, I slept well. I didn’t really think there was an old man in the mirror. It must have been my imagination.

When I came home from school. Mum was taking sheets off the furniture and paintings. Most of the furniture was nice, Eventhough it was old as anything. I mean there should have been signs on the chairs that said do not sit here. Just like there are in museums.

Mum took a sheet off of a picture. I screamed. It was the man I seen in the mirror.

“ I see that you think he is scary too.” Mum said a bit surprised that I screamed over a painting. “ That is a portrait of Sir Smudge, the man that built the house. He does look very scary. I think the town people that lived at his time were scared of him”


That night, I was changing again. I just managed to take off my clothes and was about to put on my nightdress. I looked in the mirror. There was no old man so it was just a dream.

Just when I touched my nightdress, I heard a voice, “Don’t put that on you whore!”

I looked around and went pale when I seen Sir Smudges. I tried to open my mouth to scream but I couldn’t say anything.

I was standing there with panties on. This was so embarrassing. Why didn’t he let me put my nightdress on? As I was shaking from fear and afraid, he sat on my bed. Then he ordered me over to where he sat.

“You look so sexy” He said, “Most of the ghosts that lives around here have wanted someone like you to be a whore and slut for them. I am sure that you will get many guests in the years to come.”

“ I- I am 9. I’m not allowed to speak with strangers”

“ Who said that you would be speaking”?


As he said that, he started touching my panties. It was the same feeling that I felt the night before. I knew it was him that was in the mirror. The only problem was that he was sitting on my bed, and if I looked down, I could see his hand rubbing my pussy. It felt so nice and strange at the same time. I knew it was rude and nasty. Mum told me over and over never to let anyone touch me under where my bathing suit does. This old man was touching my panties.

He pulled out my panties and his finger slid inside them. I could feel the warm hard finger moving up and down on my pussy lips. I let out a low sigh because it was like electricity was hitting my body. It was also because I wanted to say stop but he looked so mean.

Within a few minutes his finger started going in and out of my pussy.

“ You are a tramp” He started to say, “You like this old ghost don’t you? You like this old ghost fingering your little pussy! You like being a slut for me. I guarantee you, that you will be a whore for many ghosts that live here. After a while you will be begging for sex. “

I couldn’t say anything as I could just feel his finger. It hurt as he did it, but every time he pulled it out again, I felt like he should put it in.

Suddenly he disappeared. I was standing there with my panties down to my knees. The door opened. It was my father.

“ Shannon, its- m its- why are you standing there like that?”

“ There- He- I was…”

“ Don’t matter, I shouldn’t ask something private. I just never seen how pretty you are until now.”

My father thought I was pretty.


Day three

I woke up this morning and looked in the mirror. The ghost wasn’t there. I had to tell someone, but who would believe that I have seen a ghost in my room and felt my pussy. No one would believe me!

I couldn’t concentrate in school. I just thought about the ghost. He looked mean but his touch was so soft. He looked mean and my parents told me that he hated everyone. Maybe he just likes to feel girl’s panties. That is a sin. I knew it was wrong and a sin, but why did I spread my legs?


That night, I put on my nightdress in the bathroom after I took a shower. I figured then the old man could not see me. I went out to the sitting room. Mum was at a meeting in Church so it was just Dad watching something on TV

He took my hand and I sat on his knee. It has been ages since I did this. I didn’t know why he suddenly wanted me to sit on his lap.

“ Shannon, I am sorry I stared at you last night”

“ Its Ok.”

“ Its just that I seen you naked. It took me by surprise.”

“ Why, I don’t look like Mum. She has things,” I said blushing

“ Has what. Don’t feel embarrassed to tell me. What has your mother?”

“ She has hair down there and boobs.”

“ Darling. Your Mum is very pretty and sexy. After seeing you last night, I can also say that you are sexy just like your mother.”

“ You mean that I am sexy?”

“ Forget I said that. Now give me a kiss before you go to bed”

I leaned forward to kiss dad on the cheek, but then he put his hands on my cheeks and led my mouth to his mouth. I didn’t believe it; my dad was kissing my mouth. I thought only boyfriends (That I never had) done this. He must have spent 10 minutes kissing my bottom lip. I felt ticklish again, especially in my stomach and pussy. Then after the ten minutes, it seems like Dad suddenly was shocked what he was doing and then told me to go to bed.

“ Dad, thanks for the goodnight kiss”

“ And thank you. Dad. I believe in ghosts. I think that Sir Smudge is haunting us.”

“ You are so sweet Shannon. I told that there is no such things as ghosts.”

He didn’t believe me.


I opened my door. Sir Smudge was sitting on my bed. Oh my, he was naked.

“ And where have you been, you whore!” he yelled,

“ I usually go to bed this time.”

“ You usually are here 10 minutes ago.”

“ I was with my Dad.”

“ Oh yes, I seen, you were kissing your Dad. I see the little girl fancies her dad. Come here and I will teach what it means to fancy someone, you slut. Take off your clothes. I like my sexy girls naked”

I started taking off my clothes. OK, I admit that it was embarrassing taking off my clothes, Eventhough for a ghost. This was basically a striptease. I could see his eyes getting bigger and bigger as my nightdress went over my head. I was standing there touching my shoulders. Then he said everything had to go off. I slowly pulled down my panties. Then I stood forward him with nothing on. I was convinced that he would start haunting Mum because her body was better than mine,

He didn’t. He started feeling my pussy like he did the other days. Automatically I spread my legs, I don’t know why. I felt bad, because maybe I wanted him to stick a finger up my pussy. I started moaning and groaning, thinking about the kiss that dad gave me.

Suddenly I felt like as if my insides was torn apart. I screamed and cried as loud as I can. The old man told me to scream and cry as I want to, because no one would hear me. He said that I was no longer a virgin; his finger had broken my virginity. I stood there crying as he started wiping away some blood.

The he forced me on my knees. Before my eyes, I could just see his cock. It was huge and fat. Much bigger than I expected. Then again, Dads felt very big when he was kissing me today. He put his hands behind my head and bought it to his cock. My mind and my will tried to get me to pull away, but before I knew it, his cock was in my mouth. Just thinking about it makes me want to vomit. I could feel it inside my mouth, and then it started going back and forth. I could feel it going against my cheek. Sometimes it would touch the back of throat and that made me feel like gagging. While I was sucking him, he called me a cocksucker. I didn’t quite understand what this meant, but I guessed it was a cocksucker because I was sucking his cock. That makes since however it seemed like it was a bad name to call me. It ended when he squirted something salty in my mouth. I started choking because there was so much and it kept on hitting the back of my throat.

“ I really needed that. You are a good cocksucker; I will let you stay here. See you get something when you play with me.” He said

“ What do I get?” I said as I was spitting the cum out.

“ You get cum and you are allowed to sleep here. That makes you a whore. I tell you that you will be begging for it after a while. I can see the slut in you”


Day Four

No one would believe me if I told them that I sucked a cock. No one would definitely believe me if I sucked a ghosts Cock. I wanted to tell someone, because he made me do things that I did not want to do. I would never ask someone to suck a cock. That is totally gross.

I tried telling Dad again that night. I was sitting on his knee like the night before. This was obviously going to be a tradition now. I starting telling Dad that Sir Smudge was haunting the house, and I seen him. Dad smiled and then laughed like Santa does. He said I was sweet and had a great imagination. Then He kissed me like he did the night before. Mum just stared at TV


I went to my room and slowly opened the door. Mr. Smudge was not there. I smiled and Eventhough I kept looking at the mirror when I was changing, he was not there. He finished haunting me. I was so happy.

Something strange happened, when I was changing, I left my panties off. I usually had them on in bed. But tonight I kept them off. In the back of my head I was hearing voices that it would be better if they were kept off. If someone came, they would want to see my pussy. He did say I was a whore.

When I heard these voices, I heard another voice say “Shame on you”. Why was I thinking thoughts like this? I wonder did Dad want to see my pussy?


I laid in my bed, looking into the empty mirror for the last time. Tonight I was going to have good nights sleep.

“ I see you are waiting for me”. It was Sir Smudge. He was suddenly standing net to my bed. I turned my head and seen his cock. I closed my eyes and thought about Daddy. I kissed the head of his cock. It was already a bit wet and tasted a bit funny. I started licking the top of it. He didn’t even tell me to do this and I was doing it anyway. That meant that I was definitely a cocksucker.

“I see you’re an eager slut tonight” he said. “But I do not want you to suck me. With that he took sat on my bed and lifted my legs over his shoulder. Before I knew it his cock was touching my pussy. He gave me a look that was both evil and dominating. Then I felt his cock slowly enter my pussy. I complained and cried. I begged him to stop, but he didn’t. He just ploughed it in and out. In and out. Every time he pushed in, he grunted. Then he was calling me names like fuck slut, pussy, whore and the lot. The old man thought he was tough. He claimed that it shouldn’t hurt because he broke my thing with his finger. Maybe he should try having a huge log up his pussy. Tears were flying from my eyes; I looked at a Winnie the Pooh clock on the bed stand. Every second seemed like an hour as he kept on fucking me. At the end he came. I could feel him squirting in me.

A half an hour after he disappeared, I was not asleep. It hurt and his evil face was still in my head. At the same time, I felt empty


Day five

The next day, I was quiet at breakfast. Dad was gone to work. Mum noticed that I was quiet and asked me what the problem was.

“ There’s a ghost in the house. He is Sir Smudge”

“ Shannon, there is no such things as ghosts. I told you that before.”

“ Well there is. I saw him. He does things with me.”

“ What things?”

“ Rude and nasty things. Like he says I am a cocksucker and whore”

“ Shannon! You are 9 years old. You cannot use words like that. You shouldn’t even think of words like that. You probably got them at school. So if someone talks like that, then just ignore them”

“ But Mum, he did things. He-“

“ I don’t want to hear it, there is no such things as ghosts”

“ He makes me suck him and he fucked me last night”

“ That’s enough Shannon. First you are talking like you should have your mouth washed out with soap, and if someone had done those things to you, I would know about it. You would scream and cry for help. I can’t believe that I am hearing this from my daughter.”

“ I did scream,” I whispered.

The day didn’t go so well. I kept on thinking about the night before, with my legs over his shoulders. The memory of being fucked went through my head over and over again.

The only interesting thing was when Hannah told me that they used to live in the house and moved out of it last year. When she said this, I wanted to ask her so many questions. I wanted to ask her if she was a whore for the ghosts that lived there. I didn’t ask. Basically because it’s hard to get a word in edgeways and I didn’t want her to think I was a whore.


That night, I kissed my Dad as usual. He started licking the outside of my lips. It seemed like the kiss was becoming longer and longer every night. He started feeling my back; sometimes he felt my legs below my nightdress. He kept on whispering in my ear that my legs were very soft. I smiled. I liked when Dad thought I was pretty, Eventhough he was a bit strange when he did this.


When I went into my room, I looked in the mirror. There was nothing there. Maybe because he stole my innocence as people say, that He didn’t need me.

I pulled back my sheets and this younger man with a long nose and long hair was already lying there,

“ I see that Father (Sir Smudge) was right, you are a little whore of the best quality. Shame it was him that broke you into your fate, well my little slut, it is my turn to taste the fruits that you can offer me.”

He spoke funny too.

Without questioning, I laid on the bed beside him. I was expecting him to put my legs over his shoulder. But he just started kissing my flat nipples. It tickled when he did that. In fact I liked it. It didn’t hurt like fucking did. He then started kissing lower and lower until he came to my belly. Again he started kissing my belly deeply as his hands started caressing my nipples. Then I think I shrieked when he kissed my pussy. His tongue circled it was his playground. I felt it plunging in my pussy as far as possible. Without being told, I spread my legs as wide as possible to let him stick more and more of his tongue in my pussy. I know I should have stopped him, but it did really feel good and he did it until I was shaking.

He sat up in the bed and I weakly sat up. It was like he was waiting for me to pay back the favour. I looked at his cock that was standing up to attention. I looked into the son’s eyes, and lowered my head and put his cock in my mouth. I knew that he would squirt in my mouth and I had to swallow some of it.

Just as he done this, he disappeared.


Day six

The next day I wanted to tell Mum and Dad that another man was in my room and he licked me and I sucked his cock. But I looked at Mum, I tried telling her before, and the only thing she threatened me with was to wash my mouth with soap.

I knew what I had to do. At school I told Hannah that I wanted to speak with her. We went to a quiet part of the playground.

“ Hannah, When you lived in the house, err did you see any ghosts?”

“ Sure!”

“ Were they all men?”

“ Yes, and I don’t want to talk about them!”

“ But did they do things to you that you should only do when your older, you know like you have to give them a blowjob and the fuck you?”

“ I said I don’t want to talk about it. I am not a whore. At least I know what you are doing at night. You are a cheap bimbo that lets ghosts play with you”

Hannah was mad and stormed off. She didn’t speak with me for the rest of the day. I just wanted to speak with someone that will explain why ghosts visit me and say that I am a whore and slut. I think Hannah knew what I was talking about, or did she believe me. Why did no one believe me?


That night after my usual long long kiss by Dad, I felt tickly in my stomach and pussy. I thought it would go away when Sir Smudge or his son came along. I couldn’t believe my thoughts. I was becoming a slut. I really wanted some perv to feel me up and make the tickling sensation go away.

In my room, there was nothing in the mirror. I lifted my sheets; there was no man in my sheets. What was I to do? I walked around my room, while I was taking off my clothes. Hannah was right, I needed a man; I needed someone to fuck me. Not because I liked it, but because I wanted the feelings out of my body. I didn’t want to think about a cock every time that I closed my eyes. I walked around my room naked as the day I was born, and not that much developed since I was. I was feeling my pussy as I thought about cock.

Then this old man that was naked was sitting on the chair. He looked like Santa Clause, except that he was naked. I rushed to him giving him a kiss. It was like Dads kiss, except that this man put his tongue in my mouth. I stopped the kiss and begged him to fuck me.

“ Please sir, I need you to fuck me. I need your cock in me. I know I’m not like a woman, but I feel so ticklish that I need a cock. Would you do this for me?”

He didn’t say a word; he just lifted me on his lap. As he lowered me to his lap, his cock entered my pussy. I squinted my face and whispered thank you. I couldn’t believe it, Sir Smudge was right. Within no time, I would be begging someone to fuck me.

I knew it. I was now acting like a whore.

As he kissed me with his tongue, Santa or whoever he was let me ride his cock. It hurt still when it was inside me, but not as bad as the last time, and it seems that my body liked it.

Within no time, I could feel him squirting cum in my pussy.

He disappeared, and I slept, thinking about my pussy and cock.


Day Seven

It is now a week since we moved in this house. I have become a whore to other ghosts. Last night I actually begged one for my cock.


Tonight, I waited and waited for a ghost to come. I didn’t care who came, as long as it had a cock. But no one came. I even heard Mum go to bed, so I knew it was late. I did something that I could not believe that I have done. I cried. I wanted cock to make these feelings in me to go away.

I decided that Mum didn’t believe me. Hannah didn’t believe me. In fact no one did. I would go out and tell dad. I wanted to be normal again.


I quickly put a nightdress over me and went out to Dad. He was lying on his chair with boxer shorts on. He obviously thought I was in bed, so he just had them on. As I sat on his lap, I could feel his cock growing. I could feel it go inside my ass cheeks. I moved very slowly back and forth, and could feel it grow more and more.

“Dad I need help”

“ Hmm, what darling” By this time he was feeling my legs, and compared to a few days ago, his hands were higher and higher. So high that he knew that I was not wearing panties. Once in a while, his finger would rub against my pussylips. I pretended that I didn’t care.

“Dad there are ghosts in the house, and every night they come in to me. They want me to suck them and they fuck me. Please believe me. I am not lying and no one believes me and no one is helping me”

“ Darling, I am trying to believe you.”


I told him if I was lying, would I be able to do this.

I reached for his cock and took it out of his boxers. Then I started rubbing the top of his cock up and down on my pussylips. I could see that he was moaning. I smiled thinking that I was getting good at making men moan.

I saw that Dad was looking up at the ceiling as his cock was now going more and more in my cunt.

“Shannon, I am fucking my 9 year old daughter. You have seduced me you slut”

I could feel dads cock inside me, going in and out. It was big and it hurt a bit, but at the same time, I knew that he believed me now. If the ghosts came, I would never have done this.

At the end, he did like all other men and put his cum in me. I wondered could I get pregnant with dads baby. What would Mum say?


As I went back to my room, I was about to sleep when I heard voices. Oh No, the ghosts were coming, I hid under my bed. 

“ Whore, are you hiding?” It was Sir Smudge’s voice. “ I hear that you have seduced your own father, you cunt. You had your father fuck you. Not all girls experience that. How did it feel? Begging your own father to fuck you?”

With that he pulled me by my feet. He found me under the bed. He was standing there with the man that looked like Santa clause.

I was told to get on my hands and knees.

Then I felt his cock rip into my pussy, that was still a bit open after Dads cock in there. He started fucking back and forth, as I looked like a bitch being fucked.

At the other end of my body, the man that looked like Santa clause put his cock in my mouth. Being fucked and sucking at the same time is hard. But I learned that when his cock went out of my pussy, that I should suck a lot more. I was now a total slut and probably the only girl with two cocks in her at the same time.

I was rewarded with lots of come, both in my mouth and in my pussy.

I let two ghosts have their way with me and I seduced Dad. What does that make me?


Day Eight

This morning, there was a lot of commotion. I got up when I heard Mum crying and screaming.

The Social worker, a black man, explained to me, “ Sweetie, I am here to take you to the hospital. Some one will look up in your privates to see if they are ok (in other words see if fathers sperm is there). You Dad has been accused of doing awful things with you. If this is true, you will live in a home with other children for a while. Its not a scary place, just don’t believe the others when they say its haunted.”

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