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Daddy Walker's stories Welcome! Stories are listed in order of writing, newest on top. Story codes are explained here. Unformatted versions of the stories can be found here. A Happy Ending - F~Fgg FF Fsolo Fdom ws ped inc rape tort scat anal snuff (63.0 KB) A lonely woman gets her hands on some child cunt. Immaculate - FF Fg FF~gg Fsolo Mg ped nc tort rape ws snuff (37.8 KB) Lesbian pedophile hunters think about the children. Mommy Means Business - Fb Fm Ff m1st preg toddler inc anal rape ws snuff (34.8 KB) It's survival of the sickest, and one mother plays to win. Slim and Sexy - MMM~FFF FF tort rape anal va ws snuff nec canib scat (47.7 KB) Also in a shorter version, with no scat (35.6 KB) Anorectic girls really only need to be loved just right. Guillotine Divorce - MF Msolo nc rape va anal tort ws snuff preg nec (20.5 KB) If you can't live with them... The Failed Lesbian - Mf Fsolo humil va nc tort rape f1st ws anal snuff nec (15.6 KB) There really isn't someone out there for all girls. Inside the Quiet House - FF ws hirs anal rim scat caution (45.5 KB) Two horny college girls fuck a house while the owners are gone. A Vacation Child - MF Mg Fg MF~g ws nc rape anal tort snuff nec (40.9 KB) By popular request, also in a happy ending version, with no snuff (34.5 KB) A couple goes camping, on the hunt for child cunt. Camp Cunt - FF Fb FF~b rape ped nc inc anal rim ws snuff (35.2 KB) Mother and daughter run a camping their own way. True Love - MF Mdom ds ped inc nc preg lac ws anal snuff canib toddler etc. (52.4 KB) Also in a special edition with more action and story codes (62.1 KB) A good old fashioned romance between a depressed woman and a very happy man. Snipe-A-Cunt - M+F+ FF Fg Msolo nc rape anal tort ws snuff nec (27.8 KB) Hitting the hole, using a rifle, with an excited audience. Their Ultimate Anal - MF~F anal nc rape tort ws scat snuff (36.6 KB) The other kind of double anal. Josie Got a Gun - FF nc rape tort ws Fsolo anal snuff (27.0 KB) She's a little frustrated, but she's just found a trigger to satisfaction. Dead For Daddy - Mg Fg gsolo inc ws rape anal viol snuff (33.4 KB) Little Jessa's wet dreams for Daddy come true. Fuck and Kill - Mg Fg MF~g ws nc rape anal tort snuff (46.0 KB) A psychiatrist knows the perfect way to help a horny patient. Eye Candy - FF Fg Mg ws nc rape tort scat anal snuff (54.3 KB) After a pedophile father is arrested, the curious neighbor woman comes moving in. Happiness in Marriage - MF cheat anal Msolo rape ws snuff nec (41.0 KB) An old house needs good plumbing, a fuck pool, and a furnace for the bodies. Penthouse Pussy - Fg ws nc rape tort scat canib snuff (23.1 KB) Jessica eats a little girl cunt for breakfast. She Loves It - m+~F anal ws m1st caution (22.1 KB) We all know she does. Falling Fruit - MM~FF nc rape anal ws snuff (11.0 KB) Two men want the ultimate thrill, and two women pay the price. Smoking Kills - Mg nc rape anal tort ws snuff (24.1 KB) But you can really enjoy the process. Plastic Fuck Holes - M~f MMMM~FFF bd nc rape anal ws tort snuff (22.1 KB) She's teenage girl-furniture that you can also rest your drink on. Baby Boom - M~f nc rape anal ws snuff (15.6 KB) The tale of a man, a girl, and a few sticks of dynamite. Gymnastic Cunt - MF Mg Fg MF~g ws nc rape anal tort snuff (33.5 KB) One girl gets to practice spreading at an early age. Soaking Girls - fffg fsolo ws nc rape anal snuff (29.5 KB) Three horny teenage girls decide to make a young rumored lesbian wet. Anything for Anne - Mf Mf~f inc ws scat nc rape anal snuff (37.6 KB) Also in a shorter version without scat (28.9 KB). And there is also a fan fiction sequel (33.2 KB) A kinky daughter seduces her kinky dad into more than just fucking. Belgian Blue Balls - MMM~f nc rape anal tort ws snuff (14.1 KB) A captured serial killer is interrogated, broadway-style. What a Woman Wants - M+~F wife interr nc viol anal ws (27.6 KB) A woman successfully endures a long and violent serial rape. The Long Cock of the Law - M~Ff nc rape anal ws snuff nec (19.2 KB) Also in a German translation (22.5 KB) A border guard in need for cunt finds himself in control over 3 fugitives. Gin and Cunt Juice - FF F~F+M+f+g+b+ snuff nc rape ws nec (25.5 KB) Two luxury women regularly include murder in their sex life. Teenage Crush - Mf rape bd anal tort ws snuff (14.6 KB) An old man has had enough of the younger generation. Don't Tell - M~FF anal nc rape ws snuff (4.6 KB) A reminder to a scared woman. Child Murder Orgasm - Mg nc rape tort ws snuff (10.0 KB) Also in a German translation (12.5 KB) A story of a little girl being murdered as an experiment. Body of Work - F~mmm M~mf Fsolo nc cbt tort rape anal ws scat snuff canib (26.3 KB) A female body builder in heat has the meal of her dreams. Never Trust a Daddy - Mg nc rape anal tort ws snuff (15.4 KB) A story of a little girl being fucked to death. Giving Him the Ass - MFF anal nc tort rape ws snuff (29.9 KB) A young couple finds a car wreck, and they decide to finish off a helplessly injured woman. Head - MF rape snuff ws rim bd (16.2 KB) A mind is a delicate thing to fuck. Fuck Break - M+F Fsolo (29.0 KB) Cathy tries to fuck an old man and gets a little bonus. Artistic Relevance - M~FFF snuff nc scat anal rape ws (37.3 KB) Deep in a basement, a man makes films of women being murdered. Syndrome - MF ws anal scat Msolo (36.1 KB) The story of a real woman. Midnight Murderesse - Fsolo ws FM nc rape scat anal snuff (40.5 KB) Also in a shorter version (24.9 KB) A young woman in love kills a tied up, helpless body builder. The Snatch - M~gg nc rape anal tort ws snuff (22.9 KB) A story of two little girls being murdered for pleasure. A Quickie for Suzie - Ff ws nc rape tort scat snuff (11.6 KB) A woman gets off on killing a young teenage girl.
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