Charles Pratt

This is my website of erotic stories.

As erotic stories, they do contain descriptions of a sexual nature, and are written for adults only .

Needless to say, if:

you are offended by erotic stories, or
you are under the age of majority, as defined in your jurisdiction (usually 18 or 21 years of age)

you should visit a safer site, like this one...

And if you believe that an erotic story should contain extremely explicit descriptions of sex, may I suggest that you search the Alt.Sex.Stories Text Repository - there are bound to be many stories that will suit your tastes better than my stories will...

Here are some other links of interest, which I shall add to as I can...

A brief biography

Why and how do I write what I do?

But, since you may want to try my stories before reading what I have in mind (you like to live dangerously, you adventurer you!), the links to my stories are provided here:

Tale of the Destroyer 

Decision Limited

Work in progress:  Dark Orchids (working title)


Your feedback is welcome - please send it here...
