Ciana's Erotic Stories

That means explicit sexual content for consenting adults of legal age & in compliance with all laws pertaining to you.

Otherwise, go away!

Thanks for checking me out.

My stories are generally consensual & explore what I regard as the softer side of D/s (M/f to be exact).

Read, enjoy, & by all means, do cum again.





Not Enough -  8-10-04 (new copy)
-   8-10-04 (new copy)
-  8-10-04 (new copy)
17 Ways...
-   4-21-01                
-       8-10-04 (new copy)




To send me an email or to read more of my free stories, please visit cianarose.com



All contents of this site are a copyright of Ciana Rose 2002 & all rights are reserved