carlee: a thing of beauty
carlee in louisville part eleven
a little after midnight, found the dynamic duo of lissell and me on the sidewalk of st. james court. there was a heavy overcast left over from the day light and barring a few lights from the house, it was pitch black.

"i don't know bout this lissell." i sputtered.

"it'll be ok babe, believe me." she led me to the side of the house. "right there carlee, see the window's ajar." actually i couldn't see shit, i couldn't ever see my feet. i looked like a cat burgler, all in black, even my hands. lissell had rubbed some black cop stuff on my face. my legs were shaking and if i'd known the words to"mammy" i would have taken up singing, this minute. "it will be ok carlee, stop worrying." lissell assured me. car lights, heading up the street. "go carlee!" she whispered as she headed for the front door. i ducked down in some foul smelling bushes just a few feet from leroy's window. the car stopped next door; just some normal coming home from work, i thought. hell, there isn't anyone normal living on this street, everyone was either sexually challanged, or just fuckin' nuts.

when it was quiet again, i felt my way to the first window. it was enclosed by a whitish frame and was ajar. must be it. i pushed but it didn't budge, a bit harder and it lifted a little. damn, why didn't lissel lift it all the way, to unstick it. but, she didn't say she had tended to this, she said only that it was tended to. hmmm. i had managed to raise it a foot maybe, i screwed my head in, my neck and back were in, my feet were off the ground, now how in the hell was i going to get my skinny ass in. this would be great, leroy would come home with half a carlee sticking out of his window, i would surely be victim number four.

i grabbed the foot of his bed and pulled myself forward a little, god, his room was smaller than grays. with a magnanimous thrust of my butt, i was in, thank god. i scurried to my feet; his room smelt horrible, like something dead was in it. i pulled lissell's pen light out of my pocket, and looked around. i could hear her chatting outside with some of the residents, low key, not like she was busting anyone or anything. leroy's walls were covered with posters, kiss, the ramones, paula abdul and a naked man with a dick the size of texas. nothing really out of the ordinary for leroy, except paula. his furnishings were meek, a night stand beside his bed, one chair and a chest of drawers that looked like circa 1920. lissell had told me that men often hid secret things in their underwear drawer. i opened the top, socks, the second was underwear, but nothing suspicious, where was the decapitated head that i smelled? when i opened the last of the three, there was one of my old school books. i remembered it. english 101, my name was written inside the cover--carlee mccord, then, the future mrs. bryan crawford. it was circled in what looked like lip stick, and "how do i love thee, let me count the ways" and a kiss print, then "i shall love you always, leo. a picture of me fell out of the pages, he had cut it from the college annual and had written "carlee 1995" on the back. i searched the book for more stuff, but couldn't find any more. "he'll know you were here if you're messy, or if you take something" kept running through my mind, this wasn't worth taking, we already knew who leroy was.

i looked further around and found a blanket covering the opening to a small closet. there were many things inside, books, mostly paperback, the hardbounds were shakespeare 202 and other school books. i was careful not to disturb them too much, some i shook to see if there were hidden contents. a blue bound notebook revealed some pictures and newspapers clippings. now i was getting somewhere. several were articles about leo himself, a coastguard reserve article when leo joined up after highschool, his parents looked nice, leo was huge but his sister was petite. they looked like a well adjusted family. a story about the abduction of a twelve year old girl in 1992, a substantial reward was offered. odd memento to hang onto, unless the victim was family, or you were the aductor. a pair of pink panties..... they were torn and probably bloody. i laid them aside. i found clippings of hazel's death, eddie's and gloria wathan's. wathan didn't ring a bell. a clipping with a '98 date read of the murder or starlynne mcpeak. it was from a paper in new jersey, but i couldn't make out the name of the town. i well remembered the girl with the pretty name though, she was one of leo's gothic girls in college. my god, he'd been a busy boy. i really needed lissell at this point, i was sure the newspaper articles were significant enough to take with me, and probably the panties. there was no way that i could tell if they were hazel's or not, but dna analysis could; it probably made no difference if i took everything or just one thing, leroy would still miss them eventually and would be tipped off, maybe even leave town.

i had to take the chance though, i grabbed the entire book, stuffed what i had taken out back in it. i turned off the pen light and walked to the window, we had not talked about any kind of signal for when i was through with my search, i wished we had. there was nothing left to search except his bedding, i never found what was smelling so bad, maybe it was just the room. i wondered if he followed me to new jersey, this was bothering me, i tried to remember if i saw anyone there who reminded me of leo/leroy. i couldn't. i also couldn't hear a peep from outside leroy's door, i should leave though.

getting out was easier than getting in, my feet were on the ground when i heard someone say "what's that?"

"what's what elizabeth?"

"by the side of the house james!" oh, god, i completely froze.

"i don't see nothing elizabeth, you drank too much." both james and elizabeth had male voices, but that wasn't unusual for this neighborhood. my hands were straight up, still in leroy's window, and i didn't move.

"what the fuck's going on here!!" it was lissell's voice.

"oh, officer stacey, elizabeth is jumpy tonight, she thinks he sees something over there by leroy's side of the house."

"you all go on inside, i'll take care of this." she said.

"is anything wrong inside?" james asked.

"just the usual james, nothing special, a domestic."

"i hope huey and jenny aren't at it again." elizabeth stated.

"it's ok folks, now go inside and get to bed, it's late." lissell was doing very good. i was frozen to the building. lissell put her arms around my waist.

"are you ok carlee?"

"i think so." my heart was beating a thousand times a minute, i was just short of being petrified. lissell looked at the scrap book.

"evidence?" she asked.

"i think so lissell." she kissed my lips, how sweet, how tender, how much i wanted that.

we walked back to my place, she on one side of the street and me on the other, i knew that we shouldn't be seen together. she stopped and headed to central park. i followed. lissell sat down on a park bench.

"this is a beautiful park carlee, i've been coming here since i was three years old." she was smiling. i lay leroy's scrap book on the far side of me.

"you're mom and dad bring you?"

"my mom, never had a dad." she said, with a degree of sadness in her voice. "oh, what wonderful dreams, when we are very young."

she lay her face in her hands. i felt sorry for her, i didn't know what she was thinking, but i knew the feeling. lissell was becoming very special to me, her pretty red hair, with a long pony tail hanging out of her policeman's hat.

"i found some panties lissell, ripped and bloody, i suspect they're hazels."

" oh my god, that's great, anything else?"

"plenty." i said. lissell's demeanor changed suddenly, she perked up.

"let's go on to your place, i want to see."

oooo "yes, this is blood, old blood, it turns brownish after a while carlee." lissell took her shoes off just after she sat down in the mayflower chair, her socks were black and thick. she stretched her toes. "starlynne, what a pretty name."

"i knew her lissell." she looked up at me quickly. "she was one of the druggies who hung with big leo, she wasn't as pretty as her name, can you make out the name of the paper?"

"sure, camden sun-times." oh god, he did follow me. i explained to lissell.

"did you talk to starlynne much?" she asked.

"never did, that i remember." i answered.

"did hazel have panties on when you saw her that morning behind snell hall?"

"i can't remember lissell, i've been trying to, but i just can't."

"oh, carlee, you're really good though, this stuff is just what i needed. i could kiss you."

"you could stay the night lissell." i said. i knew that i was leading her, i didn't care though, she would either stay, or she wouldn't. she smiled.

"may i have a drink and use your phone?"

"is scotch alright?"

"yeah, that will do nicely."

i made our drinks and walked back into the living area. lissell had the phone to her ear. "margo, listen, i'm working on a very important case and won't be mame, staying over with a margo, not the girl you met at the track." i handed lissell her drink. "god, put brianna on margo...brianna, what's crawled up her ass tonight, is she sober?" lissell gulped about half her scotch and water. "shit, tell her we can play our games tomorrow night, try to reason with her brianna, i have more important things to do, i can't do anything with her tonight, that's for sure...then tell her that i will move out tomorrow goddamnit, i really don't care. i have a life too."

lissell hung up and finished her drink. "it's complicated carlee." she said, apologetically.

"i'm not asking questions lissell." i replied. she smiled and handed me her glass. she walked into the bathroom, and i heard the shower running; i took the liberty of making her drink with only one shot, since she had downed the first one so rapidly, then i thought, naaaa, one's enough.

"have anything for me to wear sweetie?"

"oh, hang on lissell." i answered. i wasn't a silk gown with lace type of girl, so my selection of nightwear wasn't very impressive, in fact, most of my stuff had animals on them. i found a short cotton nightie that was blue and rather new, lissell was a good four inches taller than me, this would do, i handed it to her through the door.

"thanks, you're an angel carlee." she looked perfect as she walked back to the living area. the nightie was very very short on her, and it accentuated her slim long legs, she looked years younger. her toenails were painted in a light shade of blue, i supposed policewomen weren't allowed to do their fingernails, her feet were long and pretty as was the rest of her. she sat on the floor with her legs crossed, i got a glimpse of reddish pubic hair before she adjusted her nightie, she made my legs weak. i drank my drink and went for a refill. lissell was examining the evidence from leroy's. how excellent she looked, reminded me of a song.

i needed a quick shower myself, i made my drink then went to my dresser and found a pink gown with a small purple cat on it, i took it with me. the mirror in the bathroom was all fogged up, lissell's uniform was neatly folded and laid on top of the laundry hamper, her underwear was on top of the pile. her bra was only a b, smaller than mine, her panties were white, rayon maybe, i picked them up. they were nice to my touch, i sniffed them, delightfully female, there were several loose pubic hairs in them, light red, and i always thought that red heads had black pubic hair. the shower was hasty, but nice. i had sweated so much at leroy's, some soap and water was well needed, i wondered if he was at home yet. lissell was deep in though.

"i'd be interested in knowing more about these abductions too carlee." she mused. then she looked up at me. she didn't say anything, just looked at me intently."why carlee, you look absolutely stunning." she smiled nervously.

"thanks" i said. "finding any more interesting stuff?"

"ole leroy certainly was hot for you babe. did you have time to read any of the entries in this book?" she asked.

"no, just grabbed what i thought was important and left as fast as i could."

"you did very well dear, very well." and i smiled.

"maybe leroy saw you in your night clothes." she teased. "'oh that i were a glove upon that hand' he writes. he thinks you're from another planet, too wonderful to be a mere earthling."

"i'm not impressed lissell, frankly i'm wondering where he's from."

"when i find out what to do with this evidence we'll know a lot more. do you have a hair dryer, the back of my hair is soaked?"

i found the one she needed in the bathroom, 3000 watts of power would take my hair out by the roots, but hers was so long it would probably work well. i motioned lissell to the kitchen area and had her sit in one of the straight backed chairs, i moved a chair in behind her and plugged the dryer in, sat down and put my hand on her shoulder. the hairs on her arm rose, i wasn't sure what that meant. the warm air blew over her dark red hair, causing it to lighten up in color. lissell's hair was so fine, i wished that mine was as fine. she said something that i couldn't hear so i stopped the dryer.

"too hot?" she took a drink.

"yeah, but the hair dryer feels great, i wish you had dried me off after my shower with it."

i giggled. "i would love to do that lissell." and i finished my drink. lissell's face was quite red, i wasn't sure if the air was too hot for her, or that both of our remarks had embarrassed her a little. she turned her chair around suddenly and hugged me. she felt so good, then she nibbled my ear and gently whispered something, she kissed me and it was quite magic. lissell's tongue darted between my lips and found mine. she tasted like scotch and hot, a nice sensation, a lovely combination. she kneeded my breast through my top, and i simply enjoyed it, and i felt the overwhelming need to come out of my clothes.

"carlee, if you don't take that gown off i'm going to tear it off you." she softly said, lissell, the cop. what other choice did i have? i walked over to the bed, she was right behind me; i slipped my nightie off and ran my hands through my hair.

"oh god, carlee, oh my god."

"candy is dandy, but likker is quicker"--direct quote from mr. leisure, but i wasn't sure if it were the scotch or not. she pushed me onto the bed and begin to lick me, everywhere. lissell was a frantic lover, or needed love more than anyone i ever knew. she stopped just long enough to take off her gown. she was beautiful. then back on top of me kissing my face and my ears. she sat up, lifted my knees up then my legs out, her long finger went in and out, in and out, i thought i was going to die. her tongue suddenly replaced her finger and she placed her wet pussy in my shin bone and rolled back and forth, then sideways with incredible speed. my orgasm came like a whirlwind, full of sound and fury, i could feel my juices dripping, i could feel stuff shooting out, like a guy, i'd never had an orgasm like this. and then she almost screamed, her beautiful face was contorted, she was biting her lower lip.

"oh my god!!" she cried as i could feel her orgasm, her stomach contracted and relaxed, contracted and relaxed. she fell on the bed beside me, she was winded, could barely get her breath.

"oh god, oh god."

"oh carlee!" then she fell beside me, i hugged her backside closely to my frontside, as the waves of after shock spread from my groin to the very tip of my toes. lissell pulled my hands up to her breasts. the world was secure, there was no one in it but lissell and me........her hair was beautiful, i felt so nice.

"i'll be ready for another round in a second babe, but i have to catch my breath first."

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