carlee - a thing of beauty

carlee and jayney part four

"road weary, dad?"

"jet lag, and really tired," he said. he looked absolutely wonderful.

"can i chill you a beer, colonel mccord?

"yeah, please do carlee, i need to get this uniform off, get into something comfortable."

i put a miller lite in the freezer and set the cow timer for fifteen minutes. dad returned, in a pair of shorts and a u.s. army green matching short sleeved tee shirt. he wore green mocassins and was propped up in his recliner.

"and what have you been up to, daughter-of-mine?"

"oh, nothing truly exciting dad, going to school, playing tennis, studying."

"apt, for a high school girl," he said.

"how was the gulf?" i asked.

"oh carlee, don't even ask. it's so different there, it would be impossible to even attempt to describe." mooooo. i got up and got his beer out. dad popped the top and took a huge slurp. "ahhhhhh," he said.

"good, the temp right?"

"perfect angel, just what i needed."

"please daddy, what do you mean by different?"

"well carlee, like tonight, i come in from a hard days work, my daughter puts me a beer in the freezer, i change my uniform for shorts and a tee shirt, there's a 36" television in our living room, and it's all routine, expected." i raised an eyebrow. "this situation would be impossible in the east, a family wouldn't know whether they would be alive or dead tomorrow, they would consider what we're doing at this moment a luxury, beyond their widest imaginings."

"don't they have the net?"

"no, nor tv, dvd nor peace of mind."

"gosh," i said. dad looked at me and put his hand on my jaw, caressed it.

"let's change the subject, baby."

"why did they call you, dad?"

"a massacre occurred honey, some of our troops were charged, if it hadn't been our troops, it wouldn't have been a big deal, but the lawyers were diligently working on it, and they needed some dna analyzed." dad was a biologist by trade, i always thought he invented dna, but i was probably wrong. he was on the ground floor in that technology though, he had his picture on the cover of newsweek in nineteen-eighty-four. i was very proud of him. he had been a sergeant in vietnam, studied molecular biology at m.i.t., when he got out, retrained, and worked with a crack naval team on dna stuff, got his phd in 92. he referred to himself as a dogface in drag. he didn't like the navy. he actually worked on the o.j. simpson team of "dream lawyers," the most disappointing experience of his life, he told me.

"how's jayney?" he asked.

"i didn't know you were interested in her sir."

he smiled. "be difficult for a man not to be interested in her, carlee."

"she's been teaching me stuff," i said.

"oh my. i don't know if that's good or bad." he laughed.

"jayney's my friend, dad, and she's a very nice girl," i kind of snapped.

"hey, all i asked is how she was, you're the one who made an issue of it, if i had asked 'how's frances' would that have been ok?"

i smiled. "frances is fine daddy, and jayney's no prettier than me, well, a little maybe."

dad hugged me and petted the back of my head. "no one's prettier than you angel."

the phone rang. "i'll get it," i said. "hello?"

"is dogface home, carlee?" jayney whispered.

"yeah babe, rared back in his recliner, drinking beer. hey, he was asking about you."

"oh, did he say something nice about me?"

"no, just asked if you were alright."

"did you tell him i was pefect?"

"he didn't seem in quite the mood for an affair with a sixteen year old tonight jayney."

"rats! i'll have to sleep alone again," she said.

i smiled. "he does think a lot of you jayney."

"the colonel thinks a lot of everyone, carlee."

"that's true, i guess, i think he's pretty nice myself."

"could i come over and see him?"

"sure. wait until he settles down a little, half and hour maybe?"

"great, see ya later."

i got the colonel his second chilled millers, handed it to him and smiled. "you'll never guess who that was on the phone dad."

"count dracula?"



"no dad, someone prettier."


"it was jayney, dad, she wanted to know if you were at home, and if she could come over."

dad smiled. "i hope you told her she could."

"i did, and she'll be over shortly."

now i would never do anything to corrupt my father, but i kind of enjoyed the way that jayney always lusted over him. i never knew jayney to get weak at the knees when she was around a guy, but dad was the exception, it made me kind of proud.


"hey girl," dad said, as he got out of his chair and ran to the door. he hugged her so tightly i thought she'd break. jayney was dressed in pink, shorts and a top that said "army first," her long brown hair shone, like it had been washed in the last fifteen minutes. it was tied back with a thin pink ribbon, her green eyes laughed.

"did you miss me, handsome?" she asked. i checked her knees for any weakening.

"you bet, jayney, like i always do."

"you look marvellous, dogface."

"thanks," he said, as he patted her behind, "and you just look beautiful, as usual. did you buy that top in honor of me?" he smiled.

"sure, you approve?"

"absolutely," he said, as he studied her chest.

"now, don't get too carried away, dad," i said.

"you girls are so lovely, i think it would be nice to show you off at the moonlite tomorrow, buffet."

jayney smiled. "god, i haven't been there in forever, carlee?"

"sure, that would be great. when dad?"

"uh, tomorrow at noon or so, if that's ok with you all."

"it's a date dogface!" jayney said. "now, i need to speak with carlee alone."


jayney led me back to my bedroom. "can't guess what i've got in my back pocket?" she said.

"the head of nathan's dick."

"guess again carlee."

"i have no idea, jayney."

"a condom. full too, found it on my lawn." jayney was the only girl i knew who would keep a used condom in her back pocket.

"well, can i see?" she pulled it out and showed me. gulp, half filled. "god, do you know who it belongs too?"

"sure, sherry and her newest." sherry was a beautiful girl who was a grade lower in school than us. she had long auburn hair, that she died blondish, and the deepest blue eyes.

"who was the guy?"

"older guy i suspect, from a load like this."

"sherry's pretty, could have turned a younger guy completely on though."

"this is a month's work for a younger guy, carlee"

"maybe i'll have dad do a dna test on it." i smiled.

"no need honey, i know who it was."

"oh?" i queried.

"mr. cranston." god, sylvia's dad, i hoped this wasn't true.

"you sure?"

"yeah, he's been messing with sherry for years, well, for a while anyway."

"he's mark, isn't he?"

"yeah, great looking guy, he could visit me, if he wanted."

"i'm glad you tied a knot in it anyway, jayney, hey, maybe they did it two or three times," i remarked.

"naa, i don't think so, just one very good time." i giggled. only jayney. "ya know," she said. "i think that condoms are the sexiest things in the world."


"well, the shape of them for one thing, then, when you're with a guy and he gets one out, you know damn well what will happen next."

"gosh, i never though about them like that."

"girls, i'm going out for a while, anything you want me to bring back, carlee?"

"nothing i can think of dad, but thanks, and be careful."

"when will he be back, carlee?" jayney asked.

"he's probably going to mikey's house. they'll go down town for drinks, midnight, i suppose."

"great, let's go spy on sherry and mark."

"do you know where they are?"

"sure, sherry's mom went on a date about an hour ago, i suspect mark is six inches inside of her at their house as we speak, come on."

"oh, i couldn't do that, jayney, what if we were to get caught?"

"do you think that mark would run and tell your dad?"

"i suppose not."

"then come on carlee, it'll be fun, don't you want to see a guy who can half fill a rubber?"

the idea was interesting, and sexy. "let me change clothes, jayney."

"only if you let me watch, carlee."

i removed my shorts and top and took off my mocassins. "god carlee, you're built."

this made me smile. "thanks jayney," i said, slightly embarrassed. 'she's built like a brick shit house,' i could hear mr. leisure say. i never knew what that meant, but by the smile on his face when he said that, i assumed it was good. i bent over, really bent over, and pulled a pair of black jeans from my lower drawer. jayney gasped. i smiled to myself again. turning jayney on, gosh, that was exciting, considering how pretty she was. i found a long sleeved tee shirt, black, with nothing written on it, one of the few. slipping my mocassins back on over bare feet i said: "let's go." jayney smiled.

no one saw us as we crept up the street. sherry's house was directly across the street from the fire department. it was dark, no signs of liveliness. suddenly a light came on. we were in sherry's back yard. "there," jayney said. "sherry's bedroom." we crept closer. i stepped on a stick, and it cracked. "shhhh, carlee."

"sorry, i didn't see that."

jayney arrived at sherry's window first. "oh my god," she murmered. "you've got to see this carlee." sherry lay across her bed. mr. cranston was standing beside it, his dick was in sherry's mouth. sherry looked absolutely beautiful naked. her long bleached hair hung half way down her back.

"i can't do this any more, mark, it hurts," sherry said.

"turn the fuckin' light back out sherry, you were doing fine before that, i was ready to cum," mr. cranston exclaimed. sherry took him out of her mouth, and adjusted herself center of the bed. mr. cranston's dick was huge, and beautiful, hard.

"do me," sherry said. mr. cranston climbed upon the bed between sherry's beautiful legs.

he kissed her things then said: "pull it a part love, help me." sherry put her hands down between her legs and parted her lips. mr. cranston licked her, sucked her.

"oh my god mark, that feels so good." her face was distorted. i suddenly wished that i were her. jayney pinched my butt.

"ouch," i muttered.

"do you think she's about to cum?" jayney whispered.

"yeah, big time, and so am i."

jayney fiddled around with the zipper of my jeans as i watched sherry wrap he long legs around mr. cranston. i hoped that jayney could get it down. she did. and i felt her warm hand go under my panties. god, this was good. "feel good sweetie?"

"great, jayney, just great," i answered, and meant it.

"oh god, mark, i'm going to cum!!" sherry hollared. she was a vision. her trim body and dark green eyes, shut tight, her feet dug into mark's back, she screamed, and mark sucked harder. "put it in me mark!! please do it hard!!" sherry begged. mark was on top of her in an instant. "all the way!" she shouted.

"there baby, don't move, please don't move."jayney's and my eyes were as big as saucers. god, what kind of sex was this? jayney had her finger deep inside of me, but i wasn't experiencing anything like what sherry was, she wasn't even in this world. "i can't go any longer, sherry," he whispered.

"we have half an hour," she murmered, holding him tight.

"i'm about to go off baby, and i'm not protected."

"you should have thought of that before, mark."

"dammit, sherry, i can't think of everything when you're this hot."

"cum in me then, mark!" she shouted.

"no!" he tried to pull out of her but sherry had him in a death lock. he struggled, trying to get free. "please sherry, i can't baby, i can't!" his butt buckled, and he shot a silver stream from her belly button to her tits, then another.

"damn you mark, god damn you!" mark quickly put his head between sherry's legs and began lapping her up. she scooped up a generous portion of his sperm and massaged her tits as she thrust forward, again and again.

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