carlee: a thing of beauty

carlee in louisville part two
i worried about my neighbor. i had rarely seen anyone that crazy. i worried about a lot of things, but i wanted to get some sleep and have little on my mind when i went to the zoo the next day. i had never been to a zoo by myself, there was always mom and dad, or dr. hampton, or bryan or somebody; i didn't really mind, but, this time i wanted to do it on my own.

i heard carie come home just about the time i was dozing off, then a knock at my door. "do you mind if i use your tub carlee, the shower isn't working down stairs?" she looked upset.

"sure carie, help yourself." i needed a night cap anyway. i slowly walked to the kitchen area and carie was running a bath, it was 11 o'clock. i filled my glass with my finest wine, and sat in the mayflower chair. it was quiet, nothing but the sound of carie splashing in the tub. i suddenly got the overwhelming urge to look at carie, so i got up, pushed open the ricepaper partition to the bath area, and beheld a thing of beauty. i really didn't want to fall in love with carie, but god, just seeing her wash her foot turned me on like crazy.

"can i do your back carie?"

"oh, would you love..." i kneeled down and rubbed soap all over her back, her waist was so small, her spine so straight, i splashed hot water on her and gently rubbed. she turned around and kissed me.

"you are so special carlee, so very special, please take your pajamas off a join me." she asked. i undressed and hopped in with her. we bathed each other with loving strokes, it felt good. "carlee, can i stay the night with you? there is something i want to do." i put my index finger on her lips, they looked like the pedals of a rose, and were as soft.

"shhhh, you can do anything you want to me carie." i kissed her.......

we dried each other and lay naked on the bed. the lights were dim, but illuminated enough for us to see each other well enough. she felt of me and cooed, then she got up and pulled the bedspread down exposing the pink sheets. she was so beautiful, her trim waist and long legs. "please carlee, please lay on your tummy for me." she sounded urgent, and i did what she asked. carie could have done anything she wanted to me, short of shoving a red hot poker up my ass. she placed her hands on my buttocks, and placed a hot tongue instead. the felling was different, nice, but different. she licked slowly and i became wetter and wetter. i finally got the impression that this could make me cum, different, but nice. as i lay there enjoying, she grabbed my hand and guided it behind me. she placed one of my fingers deep into her vagina then out and into where she had been licking. she pushed it gently. then i tried.

"it won't go in carie." i announced.

"please carlee, push harder, i have to see you like this." i tried, but it hurt. then i felt her own finger, it went in better, very deep, it felt good. then she replaced hers with mine, it didn't feel as good, but carie sighed. "oh, carlee, i love it, and i heard her moan as she came.

she turned me over and licked my feet, she placed her hands on my breasts and licked and kneaded. as she kissed my ankles and moved upward, i almost came in anticipation. when she found my clit, i did cum. we made love for well over an hour, the hopped under a sheet and a light blanket and fell in each others arms. we were spent, we woke up in the same position, feeling glorious.

carie could do something with coffee that no other living human being could, the aroma was orgasmic and the taste was ambrosia. we sat out on the small balcony and sipped and reflected. "are you and mr. carp going out today carie?" i asked.

"yes, but i don't want to." she answered. i hoped that i was not the reason for this change of habit, but i was afraid i was. my shorts were to big for carie, gosh, do i need to diet?

"who is this freako who lives next door? he seems dangerous to me."

"charlie says he's alright, his name is grey and he seems very mysterious and weird to me, he was in the service and moved in about a week before you did carlee. that's all i know about him carlee, i promise." her green eyes shone. my phone rang, it was dad.

"good morning child of mine."

"morning handsome, where are you?" i asked, knowing he wouldn't tell me.

"never never land today carlee, and actually it's evening here." a few quick calculations and i knew the vicinity, and didn't like it.

"and when will you be home?" i asked.

"oh, don't worry so much carlee, i'm doing some medical-legal work here, no big deal, i will be home in a week or so."

"did you ever know anyone in the service called grey?" i asked.

"several babe, does grey have a first name?" i couldn't believe that i had even brought up this subject, i certainly wasn't going to tell my father about mr. grey to plant a seed of worry within him, god, that's not my style.

"oh, it's not important dad."

"have you got a big day planned carlee? are you meeting lots of nice people?" actually i had met some, all nice (except grey)

"not as nice as you soldier, but i like them." i smiled. "and i'm going to the zoo today."

"who with?"

"by myself dad, i'm just going to have a by myself day today."

"we all need them carlee, i hope you enjoy, be careful and i'll call tomorrow evening."

i knew that he knew what i meant, both of us had needed a by ourself day every now and then,ever since mom died. sometimes we did them because we were sad, but other times we did them just because we wanted to, (as he said, to get away from people and the whips and scornes of everyday life, to be able to breath a little) i always like it when he explained it to me like that. it made me feel alive, and whole.

"what were you girls doin' in there last night!! i listened at your door! i know what you were doin'!!" grey cried urgently.

"it's none of your business mister, you have no right listening at my door either, i think that's against the law!" i shouted back. i snapped my head away from him so fast that my pony tail hit my ear. he grabbed my arm. "that's the second time you've touched me, there won't be a third, i going to tell my dad and charlie!!" i was angry.

"and i could kill you first too!" he snapped.

"look, i've done nothing to you, why the hell are you pulling my chimes, just leave me alone." i hurried down the stairs.

"you don't care if i live or die, do you missy, none of you care." his voice was softening, and i was upset. i chose not to answer him. the crazy bastard, i will talk with charlie, and the police, if necessary.

i couldn't get mr. grey out of my head as i bought my ticket to the zoo. he probably needed help, but there was nothing i could do. a bird whistled at me, a parrot of some kind, very colorful "well, thank you sir." and i smiled at him.

"he likes you lady, he thinks you look nice in shorts." a small boy exclaimed. he was cute too, eight or nine years maybe, dark hair, big brown eyes.

"what's your name o' observant one?" i asked.

"sidney" he dropped his head and said.

"wow! that's my favorite male name, very sexy." i smiled. so did he.

"you're funnin' me lady."

"no i'm not, i love it, may i call you sid?" i asked.

"sure, if you like." he answered. how adorable.

"some call me carlee, sid."

"what do others call you?"

"now you're funnin' me sid." we smiled at each other.

i guess sidney liked me, he followed me around. he told me that his dad worked here, feeding animals, his mom lived back east, they were divorced, a sign of the times i supposed. "what's your favorite animal, miss carlee?" he asked.

"oh, i don't know sid, i love them all, bears are nice, and i adore kangeroos. my mom hated elephants."


"i'm not sure, she never told me."

"is she dead miss carlee?"

"yes sidney, she is." my eyes teared, sidney saw it immediately.

"are you going to cry?" he asked.

"no sir, i'm not sid, i promise."

"hey, you can ride elephants here ya know, my dad will let us ride for free." he excitedly announced.

"i though your dad just fed animals?"

"no, he does all kinds of neat stuff, come on carlee!" he ran, and i followed. he was happy, and so was i. i saw his dad waving, looked in his late 30's, kind of cute.

"hey, sidney, who's you friend?"

"carlee dad, isn't she pretty?"he said.

"yes, very." he answered.

"may we ride an elephant dad, please?"

"you all got five bucks between you?" i knew sidney wanted his dad to let us ride free, what an ass, i offered him the money. "i was kidding carlee, you all just hop aboard, i'm terry, by the way." his smile was pleasant, maybe i was wrong about him, maybe i'm wrong about a lot of things.

sidney was very excited though, he held my hand and led to to this huge elephant. "don't they any that are smaller sid?" i asked.

"this one's my favorite carlee, please ride him with me, his name is jeffrey." it seemed so important to him.

"alright then, but you'll have to promise to take me to my favorite after the ride."

"where's that carlee?"

"the petting zoo." sidney smiled.

jeffery was no gentleman, i thought to myself that if i wanted to use that thing tonight- i may be in trouble. i had ridden smoother quarter horses, but sid was having a good time. when the ride was over, i thought that i might have learned why my mom disliked elephants. the petting zoo was at the far end of the park. i got a rock in my sandel along the way, and had to stop for a moment. i was sitting on the ground with one sandel off trying to fish out a small pebble when darkness surrounded me suddenly. i looked up, the stoic image of leroy hit me.

"good day miss carlee." he said. leroy was a sight, as pale as death, skinny red lips and long red nails, he even wore a dark coat in this heat. it would seem to me that the zoo would be the last place a guy like him would come to, a policeman would probably cuff him on sight and haul him away. i started to ask leroy if he was finding what he wanted here, but decided to be nice.

"hi leroy, fancy meeting you here."

"you don't remember snell hall, do you?" he asked.

"i remember snell hall very well leroy, but i don't remember you, i'm sorry."

"it doesn't matter, nice to see you carlee." and he disappeared.

"who was that man carlee?" sidney asked.

"oh sid, i'm trying to think, i really am, he scares me sometimes, and i know i've known him before."

the petting zoo was nice, children and myself were petting the little animals, they were so cute; a rabbit ran in front of me and i side stepped to avoid stepping on him, when i hit a rock, and down i went, in front of everyone. my head landed on a rock, and it knocked me out. there was a crowd around me when i came two. the first face that focused was terry, sid's dad. "are you alright carlee?" he asked.

"i'm not sure, but i think so." terry scooped me up in his arms like i was a feather.

"i'll take you home carlee."

"thank you terry, but i'm ok, really, just a little shaken, just walk me to my car." sidney was really worried.

"please take her home daddy!"

"you heard the master, carlee, and quite frankly i'd feel much better seeing you safe at home." he said.

"need some help terry?" an older man asked. they were all so friendly here.

"please, terry, ask him if he will follow us, i have to get my car home, i must go to work tomorrow, please...." i begged.

"well, alright. cassidy i'm taking this young lady to her home, will you follow us?" he asked.

"sure, terry." he jumped in a jeep and waited for terry to start my car.

"carlee, carlee, you will be ok, i promise you, you'll be just fine." sidney cried as he approached my car. he was really shaken, more even than i. i rolled my window down and kissed him on the forehead.

"i know i'll be sid, thats for sharing my day, i'll be fine and maybe i can meet you here again next sunday."

"that would be super."

terry handed sidney some money and told him to find something to eat, he said to meet him by the monkees, he wouldn't be long. he started the car and we headed out, mr. cassidy was close behind. "sidney liked you miss, he usually doesn't take to strangers." terry said.

"he's very sweet terry and he certainly thinks a lot of you." i responded.

"where to carlee?"

"fourth at magnolia."

"by the park?" he knew the way, i smiled.

"you know, this was the first time i've been to a zoo in over four years. the last time was in knoxville, it was rag time for me and a big tiger came after me at a hundred miles an hour. fortunately there was a strong fence. i don't know whether he would have raped me, or eaten me up." terry laughed at this.

"i'm glad the fence was strong too carlee." he said.

terry parked on the magnolia side of the street as i had instructed. i saw carie and mr. carp walking up the concrete steps. mr. cassidy pull in behind us. "thanks for everything terry, and tell sidney that i will be at the zoo next sunday." i smiled.

"if it's not rag time?" terry chided.

"if it's not rag time, yes." i waved good bye to mr. cassidy and blew a kiss to terry.

"we'll be waiting for you carlee." terry said while walking back to mr. cassidy's jeep.

i nodded at mr. carp as he passed me on the side walk; he didn't look very happy, but he nodded back to me, acknowledging my insignificant existence. what a butt hole, i thought. i wanted to make sure carie was alright so i knocked on her door. she was wearing a dark blue polka dot halter and a pair of cut offs, she was barefoot. god, her waist was small. "hey, good lookin', can you come up for a drink?" i asked.

she smiled, "if i can use your bath carlee."

"sure you can carie." she turned around, and picked up a change of clothes and a towel. "i haves towels baby." i jokingly said.

"i don't want to contaminate yours carlee." i could tell by carie's voice and demeanor that her day had been less that stearling, but i didn't ask her, she would tell me if she wanted. she flopped down in the mayflower chair, she was not herself. then she started to cry, as if her heart was broken. god, that made me feel bad, it really did. i ran to her and held her, i felt her tears on my neck. "oh, carie, i'm so sorry baby." even i didn't know what her problem was. she kissed me, and was very responsive. i put my hand on her bare leg.

"please don't touch me down there carlee." she said, almost apologeticly.

"i wasn't going to carie, i promise." she kissed me again.

"oh, carlee, life can sometimes be so unfair." her green eyes were so misty, so beautiful, and i wanted to say something very profound.

"how about a drink?" i asked. i should have been a counseler.........

"oh, carlee, it was so awful today, carlos and i go to the same motel every sunday; we take off our clothes and jump in the bed and make love from ten until two. actually, we used to make love, now it's just sex. we used to talk about our future and kids and things, but lately we barely talk at all." i knew she wanted to tell me about this, but i could be of little help, i'd been through that scene before.

"maybe you should talk more, carie?" i interjected. she wasn't interested in my interjections, carie was crying and it broke my heart.

"he insisted on oral sex a few months ago, and he knew nothing about it, all he was interested in was putting it in my mouth until he came, and that always made me sick, today he did the unpardonable though, he came inside of me." carie was bawling, her face in her hands, tears running from her fingers. i stroked her beautiful brown hair and kissed her neck.

"poor carie, i'm so sorry, but it will be ok, you are on the pill aren't you?"

"no carlee, and the bastard knows that!" she was almost violent. i rubbed her feet, very gently, and lay my head in her lap.

"is there anything on the face of this good earth that i can do to help you carie?" i meekly said.

"just love me carlee, bare with me and love me."

i hugged her. "of course i will baby, of course i will. now, you stop crying and i will run you a hot bath, we'll drink and talk afterwards." she smiled at me, and she looked like she was calming down....

on to next story: carlee in louisville part three



email carlee
