carlee at 13 |
when i was thirteen, i lived in a neighborhood with a lot of others
whom i had grown up with. i still had memories of grade school, and the
wonderful times we had there; although, we were much different no. some
of us had sprouted breasts, and some of us had grown breasts--most of us
were on the slim side, probably due to the fact that a tennis court
existed behind a firestation, about a block and a half from my house.
that's where we spent our summers, playing tennis and getting brown. school was barely a memory during those hot days of hanging out and growing up. of course, we had our groups and the boys had theirs, there probably wasn't four years different in any of our ages--sex was a big subject that year though. there was this one guy, for example, named philip. he was kind of cute, tall and slim, and obviously thought he was god's gift to girls--you know the type. he was new to the neighborhood, but became very popular to everyone, including the firemen. my best girlfriend was jayne skidmore, she was very pretty, and had grown breasts that jutted out so straight that everyone commented about them. suzy quinn was another good friend that lived only two doors from me; she had a brother name bernard that was older than us, and jayne frequently commented that he was a "hunk." suzy was to tell us a story about him one night that would blow us away. it was dusk at the tennis court, the air was thick and warm, and darline mcquire , corey adams, roberta finch and myself sat on a park bench after a hard day of tennis and at the far end of thhe court. the firemen were eating supper, noone else was around. "tell us suzy, tell all of us." darline asked. "about him jacking off." "oh, i don't know if i should darline." suzy replied. "oh, come on girlfriend." darline prodded. suzy looked around as if she were assuring herself that noone else was around, especially her older brother. "well, i was just coming home day before yesterday, when i saw bernard going to his room from the shower, he had a large red towel wrapped around him. he walked into his bedroom, and lay on his back on the bed. i knew he though he was alone in the house, so not to startle him, a walked softly past his room. he had his eyes closed, and suddenly i noticed a large lump in the middle of the towel. this made me curious, so i stood quietly in the background and watched." she certainly had everyone's attention, especially jayne's, and me, to a certain extent. "go on suzy" corey pleaded. "the lump got bigger and bigger and finally bernard grabbed the towel and threw it onto the center of the bed." "he was naked?" darline asked. "yes, and it was half way hard. boys dicks have a bunch of skin that completely cover the head" "my brother's doesn't" corey interjected. "how do you know corey?" "i used to change his diaper." she said--"yeah!" we said. "anyway, he pulled the skin back and forth over the head until it was completely hard." "how big did it get?" darline asked. "oh, five or six inches i guess, maybe more." jayne gasped...... "he kept on, and the more he did it, the harder it got, all of a sudden he began to moan, and this stuff started comeing out of it, the more he came the smaller his balls got, it was amazing. he lay there with all this cum on his tummy and a smile on his face." silence then, while all the girls imagined this scene with the extacy of puberty. "was the stuff gray?" "no, dope, it was white and sticky." "did you feel of it?" "god no, i was just observing."................ we were dumbfounded, totally dumbfounded. amazes and astonished. although we had all studied this in biology and sex education, i think we had mental blocks thinking that "cum" brought us onto the face of this earth, it was unimaginable......and suzy had seen it, god, from her own hunk, big brother's dick. was it gray, what a dumb question------ i went home, took my bath, went to bed after a couple of hours of television."carlee, you're awfully quiet tonight." my dad said. "oh, i'm just tired, too much tennis today." "i'm turning in." i went to my bedroom and craweled between the sheets. i turned my lamp off and lay there thinking how nice my bed felt, how nice my home was, how nice life was. and i thought of bernard, i imagined him lying naked on his bed, dick in hand, jacking off so sweetly, cumming, with his balls getting smaller as he came and came and came, finally i imagined, his balls as small as peanuts, cum spilling over to the floor. i laughed out loud.....then i masturbated, long and hard, it felt so good, but i couldn't cum, not tonight--maybe i was too tired.
part two carlee's story: three days had past since i heard suzy's story. i had chess at the ywca for two days after, and busied myself studying the third. that evening i did go to the tennis court though, i knew that i needed my exercise. my hair was longer in those days, and i wore it in a pony tail, i had on a tank top and a pair of pink tennis shorts. when i got there, i expected the usual crowd; but instead, there were two guys playing, and noone else. john craig i had known all my life, he was a couple of years older than myself. the boy with him was gorgeous, and john introduced him to me as randy owens. he was very elegant, taller than me, blonde and had the most piercing blue eyes i had ever seen. he shook my hand. "very nice to meet you carlee." he said. i had never had my hand shaken before, it was different, something was anyway, it was almost scary. we three sat around and talked for a while on the bench in back of the court. randy was not from kentucky, he was from los angeles and although he was my age, he appeared years older than john. his hands were fantastic, each fingernail was perfectly manecured, and i observed a lump in his pants......oh, god, i've got to forget suzy's stupid story about her stupid's devouring me. john was quite enchanting himself, i was sure he was putting on an act to impress someone, but he seemed to say the right things at the right time, and his crouch had a lump in it also. randy talked about la and is was fascinating, i soaked up every word. how awful it is to live in kentucky where the only exposure you get to the real world in through television. how dredful indeed. i could tell that john really enjoyed his conversation too. the firemen were eating, in a while randy excused himself; when he stood, john did also. "so very lovely to have met you miss mccord." he said, then he kissed my hand.... "see you around kid." john said, and they left. suddenly it was so quiet, so very quiet. i watched them walk away. i could smell honeysuckle in the air, the dense, humid midsummer air, with a hint of honeysuckle--all of a sudden my feet hurt. maybe it was my mind that hurt, i took my shoes off, the wet grass felt good. the dark was decending, i could clearly see jupiter, my chessmates at the Y had taught me a lot about astronomy. a breeze began to blow, ever so gently, and the bench became uncomfortable, so i sat down in the wet grass. i had to watch someone like bernard do that, or better than that, i could do it to him. as the sky darkened even more, i discerned that jupiter was in the constellation virgo.--that's me, virgo, the virgin of life, probably no one in this life even wants me, not even randy- with all of his charm.....wonder if....wonder if. there i sat, with my head on my knees, pony tail fluttering gently in the evening breeze, my panties were wet- and my mind was wet, and i was rapidly turning into a wanton slut like some of the other girls we laud about in school. then, i started to cry. i was so confused at this time, when i was fine when i walked to the tennis court. i cried and i cried, and didn't even know why. i had never been this sad in my entire life. "what's the matter honey?" it was joe, the fireman and formerlly my friend (when i used to have friends.) he sat down and put his arms around me. "carlee baby, what's wrong?" i couldn't answer him for the tears. "did someone hurt you honey?" he gently asked...."no, no joe" i said between tears "no one did anything to me--i'll be alright." "is there anything i can do carlee?" "can you still be my friend?" i asked. "sure baby, i've never stopped that sweetie, hey, come on, it's joe, your best buddy." "please carlee, snap out of it." i managed to muster a smile. "way to go girl, that's the smile that brings real happiness." i didn't understand him, i guess my expression said that. "oh, don't worry little one, that's an expression known way before your time." i didn't know what he meant, and i did know what he meant. i was glad he had his arms around me, maybe he did care about me. "iv'e got to go joe, and thanks for caring." "let me tell you this, before you go, carlee." "listen, you're a great kid, a wonderful and pretty girl, you will turn lots of heads when you get a little older, heck, you turn lots of heads now, don't you worry your pretty little head about anything, you'll be alright; you are smart, and you play a great game of chess, you will be a man killer when you get a little older." i looked up at him, straight into his eyes, he was blurred, and i knew he was trying to make me feel good. he was doing a pretty good job of it too. i smiled, and he smiled, and i left for my home--where i could make a little bit of sense about tonight. maybe i was wanton, or maybe puberty had kicked in, i didn't know--dad was complacent, reading his book, he acknowledged that i had come home. my bath was great, my pajamas felt good, as did my bed--my wonderful bed. i could work this out, i knew i could, and i had to get rid of this walt disney wallpaper. thanks for listening, i love you all. carlee on to next story: tammy
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