amanda |
god, it was hot on the outskirts of camden, nj. i was recently
divorced and after many problems, had finally gotten my first job. i
felt free at last--i had enough money to rent a small furnished
apartment closer in to the city. i didn't care much for it though, boys
would whistle at me, and hollar out the windows of their cheap cars--in
languages which i couldn't understand. this scared me very much, i
really didn't feel very safe.
apartment was small and hot, it had an airconditioner which worked part of the time, and was extremely noisy when it did. the noises from the streets were lessened though, the job at dink's day care center was a godsend though, the pay wasn't much but it was enough to pay rent and buy food and clothing, it was alright...... had lied to dink about having kids and knowing all about toddlers, fact is i had no children from my marriage, and was damn glad of it. i had a younger sister though, and it would take a pretty sorry brat to outdo her.took a bus to work the next morning, lots of funny looking people, some scarey, many just stared a lot, i felt uncomfortable, not threatened though. the bus stopped about three blocks from dink's day care center. i walked to hot and dusty roads until i got to the worksite. dink (i think his real name was david) and his wife ruth owned the center for kids ages 0-5. ruth was a rather nice lady who had given me the job, i had not met dink, but i was told by other workers that he rarely showed up except on fridays. i really didn't care to meet him, there had been enough hims in my life. i was starting over fresh. morning went slow, i guess they all did, i had 12 kids--most of them 3 and 4 year olds--inside they colored and played and were rather good. the class was required to go out doors four times in an eight hour day and i wasn't looking forward to the first outside period. they were very rowdy yesterday (my first day) and difficult to keep together. there were seven other classes that went out at the same time...nine o'clock was sticky hot, the grounds were dusty and fenced in. there were playgrounds for each sector (i was sector three), the kids played fairly well, just a few attempted to leave their sector and play with some kids from another. girl in charge of sector two was the closest to me. she had 11 or 12 and they seemed to be minding her very well. she was a pretty girl, maybe a year or so older than me, and a size or two larger than me. she was wearing jeans and a tee shirt with a schooly's mountain insignia on it, she had long brown hair tied back in a pony tail, and had kicked her sandles off sitting barefoot in the hot, steamy morning. one of her kids wandered off to a sector on her right, she got up, and ran him down. she certainly filled out those jeans nicely, and she had very pretty lips, i couldn't tell what color her eyes were, but i wondered......her campaign was successful and she returned with the little boy, hand in hand. "miss smith, i have to pee." a little girl said. a buzzer buzzed and back inside we all went., her last name was smith; everyone was call miss, so i couldn't discern whether she was married or not, she had rings on every finger, but none looked like engagement or wedding rings. she smiled at me as we were walking back, what a lovely smile, i returned it. didn't see miss smith on the next outing, ruth was with her group. i wondered if she had become ill. i worried that she had. she reappeared during the afternoon outing, i was glad to see her. she had small breasts (like mine) and i managed to get close enough to her this time to tell that she had beautiful blue eyes. day went on, i was tired, wanting the day to end. i had no big plans for after work, but i wanted to get the work day over with anyway. finally it did.was walking toward the bus stop when i felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. as i hoped, it was her------ "amamda smith." she said in a soft melodic voice. "carlee mccord." i answered. "was your day as hectic as mine?" "exactly as hectic"... "miss mccord, would you like to come over to my place for a beer and a shower?" she didn't have to ask me twice.smith had a car, it wasn't much of a car, but it got us where we wanted to go. we had to walk all the way back to dink's parking lot to get to it, which meant that she had gone out of her way to run me down, like i was one of her kids, one of her charges, i liked that :) we talked a lot on our way to her apartment, she was single, never married, she was 26 and had gone to college for two years, majoring in english and math. she was saving her money these days in order to return and finish her degree. i told her that i married right after high school, and had accomplished very little in my 24 years. "you're very pretty carlee" she said. i thought i was going to melt. apartment building was a very large complex, reminded me more of a motel. it was about 5 miles from dink's and in a neighborhood as crummy as mine. she stopped the old pinto in a parking place in front of the building with the numbers 447 written on the pavement. "executive parking" she chided, "only the best." we got out, and walked toward the front door. several boys in large old cars hollared at us. one hollared "hey baby, want to suck this!!" he was yelling from the shot gun window, a foreign accent-- "just like home." i said--neither of us looked..., the lobby was cool; i had never seen an apartment building with a lobby, but this had one. there was a small news stand and a row of vending machines. amanda bought a paper, and led me to an elevator where we ascended to the fourth floor. "part of this bulding used to be a hotel" she said. i believed her. we walked out and proceeded down a dreary, carpeted pathway, until we reached room 414. it was close to the end of the hall. there were three separate locks and a dead bolt in which she had to enter a password. "do you mind looking the other way, i trust you dear, but there's always a possibility that someone could get it out of you." i didn't mind, the walls behind me were drab, in need of painting, and somewhat depressing... clunk..the door finally opened. "apartment" contained two queen sized beds, there was a luggage rack on the left when you entered and a chrome rack to hang your coats on. a bathroom was immediately on the right and a large mirrored thing that you would only see in a motel was on the left wall, it had a lot of drawer space. a small table with a lamp set into the center and two chairs on either side of it. a recliner rested near the bed next to the front window. the scene from the window was the street. you couldn't hear any street sounds though, and the air conditioner was quiet and affective, in a way, the motel room was rather wonderful, especially with amanda smith in it. was a large coleman cooler setting next to the vinal recliner. amanda opened it, there was ice and beer and lunch meat, snack cakes, a bottle of gin and various and sundrey canned goods inside. "they promised me a refigerator a year ago, but it hasn't arrived yet; i thought maybe santa would deliver it christmas day, but even he let me down." a coffee pot and a box of corn flakes were on the mirrored thing and one bowl and a spoon, packs of sweet and low, and a phone. amanda's life wasn't that glamorous, she smiled so pretty though, i wanted to kiss her. she opened the cooler and drug out two cans of beer (there was plenty more) she handed me one. "you do like beer don'y you carlee?" "yes, especially after a day like today---" her alarm clock read 5:30 she opened her beer and took a long drink. "hmmmm, i can breath again." i did the same, and it did taste good, cold and good--she steped out of her sandles. "god, life is good." i smiled at her. took in a deep breath, i couldn't help watching her breasts as they swelled and she noticed. she downed her beer and reached for another. when she finished half of it she asked "can you stay here with me tonight, carlee?" "oh, gosh, amanda, i feel so sweaty, i don't think i could wear these cloths again tomorrow." she got up and came closer to me "oh, you're not much smaller than me, i probably have something you could wear." she sat down at my feet and began to untie my reboks. "you don't mind do you?" "of course not" i said. she took off my shoes and my socks, then she rubbed my feet. chills of desire ran up and down my spine. "do you like that sweetie?" "yes i do, very much." amanda smith played with my bare feet until i was about to have an orgasm. god, i knew i was vunerable these days, but to have an orgasm over this would be most embarrasing to me, i think i had rather have my father catch me naked. she was enjoying it though, and i knew that i needed to change the expression on my face. for what real reason i didn't know (or understand.) she was so pretty though, and so nice. her eyes appeared tired or sexy, as she looked up at me. i thought i was going to melt. "hey." she said softly, "i've got to hit the shower, please make yourself to home carlee." i smiled. she walked to the bathroom, and i heard the commode flush, then the water running from the shower. i could imagine myself in there with her. i opened another beer from the cooler. i generally didn't like beer too well, but this evening, it was cooling nectar. there was not television here, no computer. i looked around for something to read. if there was anything, it was hidden away, only the newspaper-i picked it up. nothing extremely interesting--i looked around for some pictures of amanda's family maybe, they were also hidden. the shower stopped, and so did my heart. i wondered what the schooley's mountain thing was, but didn't want to asked. amanda emerged from the shower, wearing a towel and a smile. her hair was beautiful, down, her legs still wet and perfect. she walked passed me and pulled a long night shirt from a drawer. it had cats on it--she turned toward the window, away from me, and dropped the towel-her backside was lovely. she quickly put on the night shirt, her soft brown hair was ever so wet, and hing down to her shoulders. she placed her hand on my leg and announced that i was next. barefoot and poneytailed, i headed toward the small bathroom. i had too pee also, and i didn't know if i could stop-once i got into it, what a relief. the shower was good, warm and relaxing, i soaped up real good, i knew i smelled bad, three days after rag time, i couldn't have smelled like a flower :) i put my finger deepinto my vagina, oh well, musky, but not bad. not offensive anyway, i used a little more soap, better. when i was dressed in a towel, i walked toward amanda. "gee, honey, you look great." i smiled. she was drinking something from a glass, i assumed it was the gin. i wanted some, she offered me hers, it was delightful. "here's your night gown." she said with a big smile. it had cats too, i liked it, it was pretty. i dropped my towel in front of her, stood there for a moment, then liften my arms and got into the cats. i shyly glanced at her, when i could see her again, and she was smiling. "you are very beautiful, carlee." i was somewhat embarassed, but i didn't blush (i was afraid that i was going to.) god, i can't believe that i took off my towel square in front of her. maybe it was the beer, or......maybe i wanted her to see me-in the buff. i sat down on the bed, and was admiring the cats, when she sat down beside me. amanda could tell i was uncomfortable, she offered me her glass. the gin and grapefruit was good, i sipped it slowly. "you're uptight carlee, and you're trembley." "it's alright amanda, first day on the job jitters, i guess." "relax baby, i'll make you a drink." her brown hair bounced at her shoulders as she walked across the room to make me a drink. i didn't have the first day jitters, i had the first time i was ever with a girl that i would like to kiss and feel blues, it didn't hurt, but it was so different. she returned with my drink, her bare feet looked good, her boobs bounced in tune to her hair. she was absolutely breathtaking. the gin was good, very good; i drank half the glass in no time. "lay on your tummy carlee, and i'll try to work some of the tension out of your back and neck." it was like i was commanded to do this. i quickly obeyed. next- soft fingers messaging my neck,it felt so good; then down my back on either side of my spine. i could feel a wet spot oozing from between my legs. suddenly it stopped, then the lights went out, then i felt her warm hands on my bare legs--down further, to my feet where they lingered-and felt so good. when amanda's hands ran up my legs and found my buttocks, i felt as if i were going to cum. naked hands on naked butt, then up under my cat night shirt-and on up to my shoulders again. i felt her moist lips on my buttocks, then a warm hand between my legs, a hot finger in my vagina, a hot kiss to my back. pulling her finger out, she rolled me over and i could feel her lips close to mine. i could feel her breath, and it excited me. i wanted her kiss more than any kiss i had wanted before; it happened, and it was passionate, and beautiful and i put my tongue into her mouth-and i relished it. she was naked, and i gently felt of her breasts. they were much larger than mine, but oh, so soft. i put my arms around her, and felt of her butt, it was so soft, up and down her spine was just as soft. she kissed my neck so gently--i kissed her's as well. she had such a pleasant smell, aroma, this amanda smith, wanted to touch her, and i did...... her breasts were soft until i felt her nipple, it was as hard as a bone. she felt very wet, her vagina was hot, and her clitoris was hard. i lost track, it was all so good--two human beings, behind closed doors--it really didn't matter to me that we were female and female (at this point) we could have been any two.
i may have drifted off to sleep for a moment, i couldn't tell, but when i felt amanda's tongue, i was wide awake. she lingered there for a moment, as if she were savoring me (maybe she was) the moved down to my thighs; he kisses were hot now, and suddenly i didn't feel her anymore. then, i felt her hands spreading the labia of my vagina apart, then i felt her hot tongue. once again i got that feeling--sort of like i had to pee, i can't define it; it's a feeling i always get when something sexually wonderful is about to happen--and it did. god, was it wonderful. she lapped and sucked until i thought i couldn't take it anymore, then i couldn't--an orgasm to end all orgasms, and i came and came. amanda knew it too, she licked my clitoris hard and long, i thought it was going to happen again, but it didn't. i had a head full of beautiful brown hair, and sweat was breaking out all over my body. then, we were pressed tight against each other side by side. we kisses, and i could taste me. "did you like it carlee?" "oh, god." she kissed my neck again, and i wanted to do her. i had never done this, thought about it a time or two, but i really wanted it. i went for it, her thighs were larger than mine but that was alright. i kissed them, and licked lazy circles, she moaned. i moved upward, she had a lot of pubic hair, i found her clitoris with my chin, the gently licked it. it was as hard as her nipples, i moved down a little. my chin was suddenly wet with her juices, and i licked, my tongue found her hot vagina and it went up. i could hear hear moan from above. "carlee, please, iv'e got to put my feet on your back!" she sounded frantic. i scooted myself off of her thighs, and she wiggled until her legs were over me and her feet warm on my back. then her orgasm began, i could feel it. i could feel her uterus in motion with my hands, i did it harder. "oh, god!!!" "now, carlee, now!" she shook, at first i thought she was having a seizure, her hips moved, and it hurt my front teeth, but i didn't back away, i wanted her to receive all the pleasure i could give her, and i suppose she did. she kissed me, then reached for her drink; she drank it then pulled the switch out on her alarm clock. "i may be in love with you miss carlee, that was fantastic." i smiled. i went to the bathroom and in the mirror i noticed my lip was bleeding. i put a small piece of tissue paper on it and sat down to pee. i felt good, maybe for the first time in a few years, and that felt damned good. i was on my own, had a job, and had met a new friend. maybe starting all over again was working, didn't know for sure, but everything sure felt good. amanda smith was sound asleep, her cat nightshirt lay in a wad on the floor. mine was right next to it as a matter of fact. i looked at her, so peaceful, so beautiful, lying there on her side. i got in beside her after i turned out the light. i didn't know much about amanda, other than she was single, had a job, and befriended me. i suppose that was enough for the moment, she was a very quiet sleeper...... on to next story: carlee and nathan
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