bobbi jo's corner

[click on the title to go to the story page]

Good Wife University (GWU) .

GWU is a book length story.   Start reading chapter 1.   If you can do so, wait to read the Introduction until the end of the story.   Some surprises will be spoiled if you start with the intro.

GWU Alumni I

Alumni I is the first of several planned sequels to Good Wife University.   In Part I, Darlene, Katy, and Maria deal with financial woes.

GWU Alumni II

Coming soon, Wendy goes to college.

Short Stories

I prefer writing longer stories. The few short stories that I have posted are here.

About bobbi jo

A short and incomplete biography

I also have an external web site if you prefer to read my stories as web pages with cute borders and a few graphics.   Stories appear here first.   It takes time to properly create good web pages so the site is always behind.

Last Update:
