December 16, 2015
First update in years, yes I know. Nothing dramatic happened really, just time kept passing and I either stopped writing for a bit, and the scope of the Mary Marvel story grew and grew. Regardless, the third and final part of this story is now on the stories page. Check it out, and feel free to send me some feedback. In case you're wondering, I haven't completely quit writing. I don't know how prolific I will be in the future. If I choose to hang it up completely I'll announce it here. I do appreciate everyone who reads my work, thank you all.
November 13, 2009
The latest part of the Mary Marvel story is now up on the stories page. So check it out and as always, vote for it on the poll and/or send me some messages. But there's also another poll I want you all to vmte on, and it's to let me know what you want me to write next. These are ideas I have and some of them even are in various stages of completion but I'd like to know which idea you'd want to see the most. More than one of these might end up being written eventually, so just pick the one you'd want to see first.
May 16, 2009
Thanks to everyone who sent messages and/or ranked the Starfire story. Now there's a new story up. Wow, two stories in a year. Yep. There's another story up. Again, this isn't an epic story, but it's a lot longer than a lot of the stories I've written, and it's certainly longer than the last several stories I've written. I hope you like it, and remember to send feedback either by using the poll or the formmail system.
There's another thing that I'd like everyone's help on. Right now, the fanart gallery is gone, and I don't have a lot of the pics. I would like to rebuild the gallery but I need two things. One, I need a place to host it. Are there any suggestions? Two, I need those missing pieces. Did anyone save the pics? I've lost my backups unfortunately. If you have any of them and you can send them, send me a message through the formmail system. Thanks in advance.
March 5, 2009
Yes, that's right. I've finally returned. Sorry for the inactivity for the past four years. Life got in the way, and then before I knew it, four years had passed. I've posted a new story, and it's not exactly a huge epic. It's just a little story that I hope you enjoy. I do plan on writing more this year. I'd liek to say thanks to everyone who wrote to me over the years I was inactive, it was very flattering to get so many emails from people who wanted more of my stories. Just like in the past, you can give me some quick feedback using the poll. But if you want to send a more detailed message, please use the formmail system.
August 13, 2005
Hi everyone. The poll on the right has been running for
a while and has gotten an insane number of votes. Unfortunately
the people at Lycos (who own HTMLgear, the company who powers the poll)
deleted my account. So now I can't go in to change the poll or
anything. It also means my email address has been wiped
out. Which is for the better really, the thing had become filled
with spam.
The poll indicates most of you want a Karyn story, though lots
of you also support a story with the cast of Demon Mother.
First thing I wanted to do first is set up a means for you to send feedback. Instead of
letting another email become a spamtrap, I'll use the formmail system provided by the good people here at asstr.
March 9, 2005
Sorry folks, there is no story update, just an update to
remind you all I'm still alive, and to update the poll. Well the
poll results for Daphne: Voodoo Slave are in, and it's clear majority
of you didn't care for it. Oh well. Strangely enough, it
was pretty heavily downloaded. I guess it's like one of those
movies the critics hate but did well at the box office.
There is a new poll up, this one is more of a general
question, but it will help me decide what to do next. There's a
lot of possible stories I could write, but I will let my readers have
some say. So, vote for what kind of story you want. I do
plan to write in the future, I apologize to all of you who have been
waiting for so long.
November 27
, 2004
very much to everyone who voted and left comments! That is
exactly why I put the poll up there, to get instant feedback and I have
to say I'm overwhelmed with how positive it was. However I will
point out that yes some of you didn't like it and that's fine.
There's a new story up, I hope you
like it. It's "Daphne: Voodoo Slave", now
available in the Stories section. It's short, but I do hope to do
multiple parts.
Oh, and the poll has been changed too so you can voice your
opinions on Voodo Slave. I still prefer getting emails as
feedback but the poll and comment is fine too. Just try to keep
it fairly on-topic, I found there were some comments that had nothing
to do with the last story.
I'm clearing the old news, but I figure I'll remind everyone
about, since
referrals will give me credits. If you visit and sign up using
this link: Reel
Celebs I
get 10MB of downloading. It costs nothing to sign up, but if you
sign up you'll be able to browse the site's extensive selection.
Thanks to all of you who joined! And now the advertisement is
September 25, 2004
Hi everyone. Thanks to everyone who has written to me
and voted in the poll. However I have a small request. I
ask only because feedback is useful, and while I am pleased to see
votes, I'd like it if more people left comments, it's anonymous and
very easy. I want to know why you people liked it or disliked
it. This is just so that I know what kinds of things to think
about in the next story I write.
August 30, 2004
I'm still around, and I've got a new story up featuring
She-Hulk. It's not exactly an epic tale, really it was written
relatively quickly. I do hope to do some more longer tales and
the next update will be sooner than eight months (sorry for the lack of
On another note, thanks to all who voted in the poll, it looks
like the majority of you loved "Resident Evil: Project Eden." So,
now I've changed the poll so you can send me feedback on She-Hulk:
Hard, now available in the stories section.