You’re only one click away from my themed erotic stories of female submission, but please only make that click if it is legal for you to do so! And, of course, if you really do want to see this sort of thing!
Welcome to
. This site is completely free and here for the express purpose of allowing the world to read and enjoy (hopefully) the stories I have written in conjunction with others. WARNING. This site contains writing and images of a sexual nature. You should not proceed if you are below legal age in your country/state or if such material is illegal or offensive to you, no matter what your age. If you go further and then find the stories or pictures offensive then please e-mail me to complain because I like saying "Told you so"!
This site contains pictures of a sexual nature. The stories in the site vary from erotic through to some fairly hard core stuff, and are mainly about the adventures of a submissive woman. Once again, please do not proceed if this is not what you are looking for!
I hope you enjoy our site! It is written entirely for our enjoyment, and that of others who like female submission in sex without the pain of sadomasochism, whipping or spanking, although a bit of that inevitably creeps in here and there. Particularly when Debs is writing!
The third story by Sassy is now being posted as it is written. We claim this is the true story of what happened when she put herself in the position of story heroine in real life! See if you believe it!