
N e w s

  Update for 7|4|01
  Added a couple new stories today, A Successful 3 Way Relationship and the second installment of The Initiation, entitled Bound and Beaten.
  I must say that I have been pleased with the volume of traffic my site has been receiving, if the log reports are to be believed. And although I am receiving comments from some of you, I would like to hear from even more of you. Please take a few minutes to send a comment or two to me.

  Gave the site a quick redesign today, as I wasn't happy at all with the original...it seemed out of balance on longer pieces. The new site isn't much of a departure from the original, all code and no graphics in order to keep it as light as possible. I changed the directory structure a bit to accommodate the mountain of stories I hope to post here. The "Archives" will eventually contain older stories. Feel free to email me at my new email addy (hopefully this one will be more reliable than the last one).
  Posted several stories today, including Zoe, Automatic and The Initiation. I'm also working on creating text files to post at asstr for the FTP users. I hope to finish that project sometime next week.

  Returned home today from my little trip abroad. I'm beat, 20 hours on an airplane and jumping through several time zones will do that to you. I'm hoping to get my bearings back sometime this week. With any luck, I'll be posting again come Friday or Saturday.

  Discovered problems with my email sever today. I don't know if anyone is emailing me or not, and there isn't a lot I can do about it until I get home. All apologies.

  Ugly business has forced me to travel abroad, yet again. I will never go into detail publicly about such matters, suffice to say I am disappointed because I had hoped to update this site on a weekly or twice weekly basis and will be unable to do so for a couple of weeks.


© 1982-2001 Alexei Gish. All Rights Reserved.
Special thanks to asstr-mirror.org for the use of disk space and the opportunity to present these writings.