Welcome to the

I have been an author of erotic literature since my first story, Backgammon For Blood, was released in 1997. I've had some success, having been published on Ruthie's Club, and having recieved a few awards. Perhaps the most gratifying comment came from a fan who called me "quite readable."

My stories are consumed with heterosexual affairs between consenting adults. They have been referred to as "romantic." I realize most of them are rather lengthy, and should they stultify you, I apologize. Also I have been both complimented and villified for writing "cuckold" stories; if you feel it's terrible for a man to enjoy sharing his wife with others, perhaps I'm not the author for you.

Like most authors on ASSTR, my reward for posting this work is the emails of my readers. If you choose to read my stories, I would appreciate a comment, be it good, bad or indifferent. If I know you are perusing my work, I have a tendency to produce more stories. I promise that I will not share your email address with anyone else for any purpose.

Please email me with your comments

Please enjoy!

Consider visiting the free story site, Noveltrove .
It is where I am posting my new stores, some of which I will not include on this web site.
It is filled with wonderfully literate authors, blogs and a great forum!


I am a contributer to the blog on Noveltrove, writing on the subjects of swinging and hotwifing.
You can view the blog by clicking here.

Passion & Perspective
A Novel

Chapter 1

Chapter 8

Chapter 15

Chapter 22

Chapter 2

Chapter 9

Chapter 16

Chapter 23

Chapter 3

Chapter 10

Chapter 17

Chapter 24

Chapter 4

Chapter 11

Chapter 18

Chapter 25

Chapter 5

Chapter 12

Chapter 19

Chapter 6

Chapter 13

Chapter 20

Chapter 7

Chapter 14

Chapter 21

The Backgammon For Blood Series

Backgammon For Blood was the first piece of fiction I ever wrote. This guy I'd never met before by the name of Phil started whisphering in my ear, telling me to write up this story he was telling me. (If you think that makes me schizoprhenic, believe me, that's the least of my problems!)

I wrote most of the story over a couple of lunch hours in my car and at home in the evening. Looking at it now, I see it's somewhat naive, and I believe I've improved my skills.

Little did I know then that the protagonist's wife, who was barely mentioned in the first story would start telling me both of her stories!

The Yuletide Offering is a Christmas story, sort of. For maximum effect, you might want to leave off reading it until December 21st.

Backgammon For Blood

Kathy's Portrait

The Yuletide Offering

The Dueling Duets Series

I think, but I'm not perfectly sure, that Don The Professor, was either my second or third story. I was listening to Don, writing my little tail off and trying to keep up, when all of a sudden his wife, Lisa, started telling me, "No, that's not how it was. Don's wrong!" But Don insisted he was right. So I had no choice but to write Lisa's story after I got done with Don. Then to my dismay, two other people got inside my head and told me their side of the story.

I had a lot of fun with this, but it was a lot of work getting the stories synchronized. I remember sitting at an old 15 inch CRT monitor, the four stories side by side, and changing them one by one. While each story tells the same facts, I think the perspective is different in each.

Perhaps some of my inspiration for this came from Alan Ayckbourn and his Norman Conquests, a series of three plays that take place in a parlour, a kitchen and a garden. The same characters exist in each play, and the plot is the same, but the order in which the plot is revealed (and the jokes,) differ from play to play. If you get the chance to go to one or all three of the plays, it's quite worth it.

You'll do a little better, I think, if you read them in the order listed, but each one would work fine as a single short story.

By the way, just because these people temporarily inhabit my brain, it doesn't mean I like them all!

One - Don The Professor

Two - Lisa's Hobby

Three - Dave's Erudition

Four - Judy's Revenge

Some time later, Don and Lisa started telling me some of their other stories, and they are presented as add-ons. Neither has chatted with me in some years, but I keep wondering if they'll come back from wherever they went to.

Fortune Cookie


The Sailor's Wife Series

This series has gotten me more responses than anything else I've written. It seems to have touched a nerve with people who lived through the sixties, or who have been in the service or been a serviceman's wife.

Yes, parts of this story are biographical about my ex-wife. 'Stephanie' is a real person, and actually did some of these things at the times and in the places mentioned. Others are fictional, but could have happened, I think, had the situation been right.

The Sailor's Wife

Sailor's Wife II: The Shroud

Sailor's Wife III: Regression

Sailor's Wife IV: Folk Song

Sailor's Wife V: Extripation


Notes on the Sailor's Wife

Will & Terri

On the Literotica site, where I also post my stories, I got quite a few compliments about Full Caribbean Moon, and also a lot of flak. It seems there are some people over there, (and here too, perhaps,) who don't take kindly to a man like Will being a cuckold. Well, everyone's got their own problems, don't we? Anyway, I wondered what would happen to Will & Terri, and here's the answer.

Full Caribbean Moon

Il Valentine Italiano

The Bad Boy

The Bad Boy                                  The Bad Girl The Bad Girl 2

Other Stories

Sometimes, characters come into my life, and leave just as quickly.

I'm sad about that, I'd like to know them a little bit better. Alice, in Just Doing Her Part, is a particular favorite of mine. But, apparently, after the war she just disappeared.

A Woman's Work

The Tease

Community Property


Just Doing Her Part

The Specialist

Coming Home




Second Weekend In October

My Loving Husband



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